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Thread Starter Replies Last Post
Thread is pinned Thread is locked New to this group? Introduce yourself here!  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page customersupport 3,195 5/22/2014 2:02:20 AM
by indecisive_4
Thread is pinned Thread is locked New to this group? Introduce yourself here!  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page dustin 4,857 4/6/2014 8:16:53 AM
by dustin
Thread is pinned Thread is locked New to this group? Introduce yourself here!  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page customersupport 4,393 4/5/2014 11:02:35 PM
by dustin
guess the movie  Page: 1   2 fastpony 83 6/24/2015 12:29:24 PM
by johnnythunders7
Random things about yourself nobody cares about  Page: 1   2 sweettlisa 84 6/23/2015 7:06:48 PM
by westy602
One thing you CANNOT do without mellotron50 53 6/23/2015 8:06:59 AM
by ootxlaw69
Do you expect your friends to jump in your conflicts?  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page 121gaonmymind 573 6/22/2015 10:03:12 PM
by 121gaonmymind
buy a beer,date or pass the person above you part just  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page cjsassy72 2,775 6/22/2015 4:17:03 PM
by myizrstillblue2
Test of love. nlkh2 39 6/21/2015 8:41:30 PM
by thebigugly0
Happy Father's Day!! sweettlisa 32 6/21/2015 6:49:39 PM
by westy602
Any unusual holiday plans? sbeardy1 9 6/21/2015 9:33:29 AM
by joey1331
Nothing shaking on Shake Down Street... blake6972 12 6/21/2015 1:03:41 AM
by blake6972
Thread is locked eat or trash  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page philliesfan72 5,000 6/20/2015 3:44:51 PM
by eric22t
Asking for money on here? mojojo2014 31 6/20/2015 2:11:06 PM
by truckinmofo
What's the best.. sharonjon 19 6/20/2015 11:09:56 AM
by johnnythunders7
songs that totally rock or move you in any order part Kris/convex  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page barryconvex70 240 6/20/2015 8:50:38 AM
by johnnythunders7
Something people will remember about u  Page: 1   2 sweettlisa 69 6/19/2015 9:07:20 PM
by irrehs4ever
Happy 50th Mofo!! grrlygrrl 46 6/19/2015 11:49:35 AM
by angelagir
mate vs child sharonjon 30 6/19/2015 1:09:55 AM
by devo40
What is the biggest stressor in your life? wonky_muffin 30 6/18/2015 7:10:34 PM
by westy602
The Best and Worst pick up lines ever! lol joey1331 33 6/18/2015 7:10:47 AM
by sbeardy1
Forget Hotties...Let's Lick and Eat Ice Cream mstessa527 39 6/17/2015 10:36:38 PM
by ivi_licious
Hillary Clinton, is she possessed?  Page: 1   2 blake6972 78 6/17/2015 6:18:22 PM
by westy602
2 year limit fireball650 29 6/17/2015 5:40:14 PM
by westy602
Which one would u choose?  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page sweettlisa 317 6/17/2015 10:46:12 AM
by sbeardy1
The person above you is...part ANGEL  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page angelagir 711 6/16/2015 10:33:54 PM
by tamster13
It's Pentopaper2 Birthday!! sweettlisa 29 6/16/2015 8:12:19 PM
by 121gaonmymind
The Random Thoughts Thread  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page joey1331 432 6/16/2015 6:49:47 PM
by joey1331
Eddie's "Red zone" esty1 45 6/16/2015 5:18:47 AM
by barryconvex70
**Post your FAORITE SONG of all time.** k_tothe_c 42 6/15/2015 9:41:26 PM
by k_tothe_c
I need a gun ! curmz45 32 6/15/2015 8:48:24 PM
by thebigugly0
Well lookee, lookee here... blake6972 31 6/15/2015 9:52:18 AM
by joey1331
Fight Club for 40's  Page: 1   2 angelagir 117 6/14/2015 6:28:47 PM
by lillady75
Poll How many posters can Kris see?  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page esty1 236 6/14/2015 12:42:35 PM
by truckinmofo
Here's A Clue sandiz350 15 6/13/2015 6:23:27 AM
by ronannlou
how many will you collect 5 grand from?  Page: 1   2 fastpony 80 6/12/2015 10:25:07 PM
by sc0uting4u
the State of the 40's vs Yellow  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page westy602 849 6/12/2015 10:23:46 PM
by sc0uting4u
**Help Wanted** eddies_back 28 6/12/2015 9:58:59 PM
by eddies_back
Godzilla vs King Kong fastpony 16 6/12/2015 9:45:20 PM
by sbeardy1
Retranslate Whatever the p.a.y. (get this)wild context sbeardy1 23 6/12/2015 8:53:57 PM
by joey1331
Profiling someone hushhhhup 31 6/12/2015 5:56:43 AM
by mr_1234m
Your voice and the way you speak?  Page: 1   2   3 wonky_muffin 135 6/11/2015 10:45:04 AM
by cjsassy72
how many rounds of 'hi' and 'hello' sushi24 29 6/11/2015 12:33:17 AM
by kissingbanditto
It's mstessa527 Birthday!! sweettlisa 57 6/10/2015 12:40:25 PM
by mstessa527
Why doesn't the purple banana dance? blake6972 36 6/10/2015 11:11:47 AM
by mr_1234m
guys vs girls anything goes edition part kris  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page barryconvex70 2,598 6/9/2015 7:22:30 PM
by silverchic2011
Calling all 40s to the First Annual Beer Mile  Page: 1   2 jakebearr 83 6/9/2015 7:12:26 PM
by jakebearr
Is it weird that? angelagir 49 6/9/2015 6:01:01 PM
by cjsassy72
Prayers please ktjubama 17 6/9/2015 12:38:56 PM
by sweettlisa
What NOT to say after sex.  Page: 1   2 esty1 105 6/8/2015 9:31:40 PM
by thebigugly0
Inquiring minds want to know...who do you have blocked  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page tamster13 417 6/8/2015 3:23:29 PM
by gooberguy
American Pharoah wins the Triple Crown herbieherbie 21 6/7/2015 7:50:11 AM
by jakebearr
Jokes, jokes, and more jokes. jaybee217 8 6/6/2015 3:34:08 PM
by illegalcog
Which do you prefer... Sticky sticky  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page lillady75 504 6/5/2015 5:31:38 PM
by benz550e
Things you might see on a road trip A-Z  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page rainydaze26 1,029 6/5/2015 10:03:42 AM
by barryconvex70
make up your own dictionary frecklefarmer 36 6/5/2015 9:55:33 AM
by barryconvex70
Poll Your last date ended with what?  Page: 1   2 joey1331 88 6/5/2015 9:53:17 AM
by 121gaonmymind
Words that start with B  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page sweettlisa 595 6/4/2015 9:06:28 PM
by joey1331
46 year old man looking for a girl friend arounf whitevillnc and wilmi whitevill 3 6/4/2015 8:46:25 PM
by joey1331
The Person Above You Is A Known What?  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page sandiz350 198 6/4/2015 2:50:13 PM
by frecklefarmer
Thread is locked The person above you is...Part TRK182  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page trk182 5,000 6/4/2015 2:14:07 PM
by angelagir
What is your town famous for? sweettlisa 53 6/4/2015 7:47:57 AM
by barryconvex70
its getting close to christmas, whats on your wish list ? justcruzin64 39 6/3/2015 8:50:21 PM
by daddiojm
Who does the pay have a crush on part PB**  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page cjsassy72 3,694 6/2/2015 9:06:37 PM
by joey1331
A question for those who love the block button lol joey1331 39 6/2/2015 7:04:02 PM
by kissingbanditto
How life treating u¿ countryman2536 22 6/1/2015 7:00:39 PM
by perfectt360
new to this group dewey007 21 6/1/2015 6:19:02 AM
by waki_1
Compliment the Pay!!  Page: 1   2 sweettlisa 62 5/31/2015 8:55:30 PM
by frecklefarmer
its gems birthday today justcruzin64 26 5/31/2015 8:50:03 PM
by truegemini66
I've never done that...  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page rainydaze26 375 5/31/2015 3:40:47 PM
by frecklefarmer
I Almost Peed My Pants When sandiz350 31 5/30/2015 2:27:57 PM
by cjsassy72
Sherri wants to tell my secrets to the world!  Page: 1   2 angelagir 77 5/29/2015 9:33:45 PM
by new_old_dude
Thread is locked A not so nice thread.  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page perfect360 5,000 5/28/2015 9:23:31 PM
by perfectt360
Take the 4th letter and make a new word  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page sweettlisa 424 5/26/2015 12:19:41 PM
by mr_1234m
It's rob_today's Birthday!! sweettlisa 8 5/25/2015 8:26:10 PM
by angelagir
Do you believe in afterlife? blake6972 22 5/25/2015 8:20:17 PM
by blake6972
songs that you know all the words to 121gaonmymind 21 5/25/2015 3:45:34 PM
by truckinmofo
Memorial Day this weekend  Page: 1   2 kisslunda 73 5/25/2015 1:47:30 PM
by new_old_dude
It's Graduation Week ,Post your pic u old timers!!lol  Page: 1   2   3 sweettlisa 151 5/22/2015 9:35:00 PM
by ronannlou
Name 2 Movies  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page irrehs4ever 246 5/22/2015 8:13:43 PM
by vwconvert71
And that's why they wouldn't let me back in! fireball650 30 5/22/2015 8:12:32 AM
by fireball650
The pink dungeon  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page mrsstarz 733 5/21/2015 10:45:59 PM
by lillady75
Did you know?  Page: 1   2 blake6972 65 5/21/2015 12:24:46 PM
by yellowriver
French fries and I are pregnant... vwconvert71 28 5/21/2015 12:21:54 PM
by eddies_back
What's your greatest fears?  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page herbieherbie 195 5/21/2015 4:09:03 AM
by vwconvert71
A get well thread for Sherry!  Page: 1   2   3 3n1wbgirl 178 5/18/2015 10:42:58 PM
by westy602
Thread is locked 4 letter word scrabble part 5150  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page 5150kris 5,000 5/17/2015 4:00:32 PM
by barryconvex70
Who is going to fill their shoes?... blake6972 16 5/17/2015 2:56:33 PM
by perfectt360
can you give up your cell phone for a week fireball650 30 5/17/2015 2:40:36 PM
by sbeardy1
Rest in Peace BB King... blake6972 7 5/15/2015 6:52:43 PM
by rainydaze26
Good By 40's Group.  Page: 1   2 cartoon69 79 5/14/2015 7:34:01 PM
by cartoon69
The 2015 GA meet has been cancelle.due to ?  Page: 1   2 justcruzin64 105 5/14/2015 5:30:59 PM
by eric22t
how to end a date pretty fast.  Page: 1   2 fastpony 75 5/14/2015 4:49:05 AM
by mr_1234m
lyrics-guess the song  Page: 1   2   3 fastpony 164 5/13/2015 12:19:17 PM
by barryconvex70
good places to have fun in killeen iambebe 19 5/13/2015 10:31:46 AM
by westy602
Women/Men Dictionary  Page: 1   2 jaybee217 72 5/13/2015 9:56:05 AM
by jaybee217
Happy Mother's Day !! sweettlisa 33 5/11/2015 4:33:13 PM
by eddies_back
where were you when the 40s room died ???  Page: 1   2 justcruzin64 60 5/9/2015 10:11:25 PM
by bigbinaz
Ya know, it sucks when... rob_today 22 5/9/2015 8:32:11 AM
by rob_today
Let's Talk About The Dame, The Gent, And Then the patouie/brogue, of e sbeardy1 2 5/9/2015 12:20:03 AM
by rivverratt1
Thread is locked Guys v/s Girls guys rule...  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page neoone72 5,000 5/8/2015 8:52:26 PM
by barryconvex70
You Can Learn a Lot From A Dummy sbeardy1 12 5/8/2015 7:48:15 AM
by mr_1234m
Poll Cats or dogs.  Page: 1   2 esty1 72 5/7/2015 7:40:15 AM
by barryconvex70
Taking a break from DH...  Page: 1   2 westy602 100 5/6/2015 5:08:06 PM
by sbeardy1
A Decline in the 40's?  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page westy602 483 5/6/2015 3:51:05 PM
by lillady75
Wild Western Stories joey1331 22 5/6/2015 12:05:37 AM
by joey1331
Tell us one of your habits that other people. 3n1wbgirl 35 5/5/2015 8:45:58 PM
by 3n1wbgirl
Why now? Why not before? blake6972 19 5/5/2015 4:59:27 PM
by blake6972
Another day...another dollar! joey1331 27 5/5/2015 7:29:18 AM
by 3n1wbgirl
It's Frecklefarmer's Birthday!! sweettlisa 40 5/5/2015 2:41:01 AM
by cjsassy72
Naked Dating... westy602 44 5/4/2015 4:38:39 PM
by joey1331
Hope everyone had a great weekend fallhammer 17 5/4/2015 12:05:00 PM
by joey1331
Make 2 different words from the 3rd letter from both words sweettlisa 9 5/4/2015 3:59:42 AM
by 3n1wbgirl
*What do you admise MOST about yourself?*  Page: 1   2 k_tothe_c 76 5/3/2015 2:56:56 PM
by k_tothe_c
what cd's are in your car? fastpony 27 5/3/2015 1:20:39 PM
by barryconvex70
*Blame the person above you for SOMETHING.*  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page k_tothe_c 1,258 4/30/2015 12:21:45 PM
by vwconvert71
Got plans for the Summer? sweettlisa 47 4/29/2015 5:01:16 PM
by kissingbanditto

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