5/18/2013 3:06:57 AM |
Would you give up your pet? |

Angel Fire, NM
30, joined Apr. 2013
No like the saying goes,
"Love me, love my dog (pet)"
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5/30/2013 4:48:45 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |


Melvindale, MI
38, joined Mar. 2012
No. My cat is here to stay. If a guy doesn't like cats, that's too bad.
6/3/2013 1:45:45 AM |
Would you give up your pet? |


24, joined Oct. 2011
Never. My puppy is like my child. We are a package. Only my death or his will separate us. Any man i talk to knows about him within hours of us meeting. I love my baby dearly  
6/3/2013 10:30:24 AM |
Would you give up your pet? |

Clifton Heights, PA
35, joined Dec. 2010
I would never give up my dog for any reason, that would be like getting rid of my children!
indeed I totally agree, the only thing that would force me to get rid of my dog is if there was a problem with one of my kids due to the dog (allergies and what-not) but I would also do everything possible to try and make both co-exist happily without having it come to that.
6/20/2013 5:44:02 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |

Stoughton, MA
65, joined May. 2011
My dog and i are a package deal. 
6/20/2013 11:31:12 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |


North Olmsted, OH
44, joined Apr. 2013
I'd never give up my Gold fish Jaws. My daughter won him a long time ago at a fair. Any other animal I would live in a camper before I would have to give one up. Pets are family fall in love with them so easy that's why I don't have any. plus I work to much it wouldn't be fair to it.
6/23/2013 3:28:43 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |

Stoughton, MA
65, joined May. 2011
No, i would dump the guy before my dog. My dog has protected, watched over me, never talked back, and always made me laugh. Maybe now you see why my dog is a keep er.  
6/23/2013 5:27:38 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |
Benicia, CA
28, joined May. 2013
DONT DO IT!!!! I have 3 pets they always come first. they were there first. she can come and go. pets stay forever.
7/13/2013 6:57:59 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |

Stoughton, MA
65, joined May. 2011
My dog and i are a package deal, i will be with her till the end. 
7/13/2013 7:15:00 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |
Houston, TX
31, joined Jun. 2013
Hell no! My dog is my child, my family. So I wudnt date any1 who wud have a problem wit him. I tak care him myself. So I wudnt even hav them o bother with him. Tell her(date) she got to go. Jmho
7/13/2013 7:18:04 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |

Debary, FL
63, joined Apr. 2012
NO my pet is my daughter lol i love her she is spoiled, she is my buddy, and pets love unconditionally, you guys have a great night
7/13/2013 7:40:40 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |

West Salem, WI
33, joined May. 2012
I could never give up my bullies, they are my kids!
7/27/2013 2:45:39 AM |
Would you give up your pet? |


Fort Worth, TX
37, joined Mar. 2013
7/27/2013 3:44:08 AM |
Would you give up your pet? |

Oklahoma City, OK
39, joined Jul. 2013
never im a package deal me and my 3 chihuahuas they have been bymyside for longer than any man so id say no way 
7/28/2013 2:00:56 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |
Conway, AR
39, joined Jul. 2013
No way, thats just wrong.they have known about the pets so no I would not give up my pets
7/30/2013 5:37:56 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |


Berlin, MD
63, joined Aug. 2012
Not for anything or anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8/7/2013 8:49:03 AM |
Would you give up your pet? |

Stoughton, MA
65, joined May. 2011
No i would not, we are going to be there for each other till the end. 
8/7/2013 2:46:31 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |

United Kingdom
35, joined Jan. 2011
No never    
All my Dogs are rescue Dogs. Ive made a life long commitment, a forever home something I take very seriously 
8/12/2013 10:56:16 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |
Binghamton, NY
46, joined Jul. 2013
No I will not get rid of my loyal friend!! You tell her to buy some allergy medicine! 
8/24/2013 8:03:43 AM |
Would you give up your pet? |


Walterboro, SC
64, joined Sep. 2011
Pets stay , people go,,,,after all my dogs let me stay with them 
8/24/2013 7:32:26 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |

Assumption, IL
65, joined May. 2010
8/26/2013 12:54:16 AM |
Would you give up your pet? |

Alexandria, VA
55, joined Mar. 2009
Really ? he cried ?....I'm sorry but I just laughed....what the fudge ? is he still around ? my dogs sleep on the bed....get over it !!
8/27/2013 1:24:19 AM |
Would you give up your pet? |
Tahaneh ye Ney BastehKaiserslautern
42, joined Aug. 2013
Who was first....you don't replace your best friend
8/27/2013 10:21:19 AM |
Would you give up your pet? |

Assumption, IL
65, joined May. 2010
A dog is a lifetime companion ... even in death of the animal ... it is hard to give up the memory of the pet ... I would say NO -- I would not give up my dog -- I am all that he has.
8/27/2013 2:41:05 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |
Tahaneh ye Ney BastehKaiserslautern
42, joined Aug. 2013
8/27/2013 3:37:56 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |

Assumption, IL
65, joined May. 2010
"you don't replace your best friend"

Then you and your best friend can be alone till you both die. 
As I have previously posted within these pages -- I worked with children with mental deficiencies -- one way of their "acting act" over a perceived jealousy was to scream, stomp their feet, throw full body temper tantrums, cause harm to themselves by pulling their hair, etc ---- but in some cases these children liked to "project" meanness in order to present an ultimatum ------- "you will or if you don't, I hope you die".
For someone to say "get rid of your pet if you want to have me in your life" is espousing a 'child's temper tantrum' when they say "Then you and your best friend can be alone till you both die."
Sorry, babe --- you aren't worth the effort for me to surrender my choices and decision-making resolve. Bully elsewhere --- 
8/27/2013 6:48:24 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |

Assumption, IL
65, joined May. 2010
tsk tsk tsk
Just insisting that the pet owner give up their pet in order to have the human companion is an act of greed. A mature person would understand that the pet held a special place in the heart of its owner. A pet's love is unconditional to the owner -- not always so with a partner.
As far as having a pet or a human companion in bed --- I would lean toward the human contact. This contact is something a pet cannot challenge.
One pet is enough for anyone -- being horders of animals is a mental illness. (proven fact)
I need not compromise on this issue -- I know the difference between a pet and a hug.
8/27/2013 9:01:18 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |

Assumption, IL
65, joined May. 2010
compromise ---- have an outside pet
8/28/2013 9:36:20 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |
New Milford, CT
42, joined Sep. 2010
No woman is more important than my kitties. When I get home at night they are always there to greet me.
Dogs are OK but... Not on the furniture. It was how I was raised. We had both when I was a kid and while the cats could go anywhere dogs were never allowed on the furniture.
9/1/2013 10:44:44 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |
Douglassville, PA
38, joined Sep. 2013
10/8/2013 5:31:31 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |


Bowling Green, KY
56, joined Feb. 2012
Nope, not in this life time!
10/12/2013 9:29:35 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |

Nashville, TN
26, joined Oct. 2013
I could not give up my pet. She and I come as a pack. As far as allergies, I would get the partner some Allegra and keep the place clean.
10/13/2013 3:08:45 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |
Biddeford, ME
29, joined Oct. 2013
I would never give up my cat george
10/13/2013 5:39:30 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |


Katy, TX
54, joined Dec. 2008
Never!! Ever!! Pets aren't expendable. They are life time commitments.
[Edited 10/13/2013 5:40:20 PM ]
10/16/2013 10:54:06 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |

Assumption, IL
65, joined May. 2010

10/18/2013 10:53:09 AM |
Would you give up your pet? |


Brooklyn, NY
23, joined Aug. 2012
11/8/2013 4:05:09 AM |
Would you give up your pet? |


Miami, FL
95, joined Jun. 2013
11/9/2013 3:57:25 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |
Miami, FL
35, joined Aug. 2013
Not A Chance
11/10/2013 6:56:46 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |

Assumption, IL
65, joined May. 2010
11/21/2013 11:00:55 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |
Charleston, SC
41, joined Oct. 2013
I could never do this, my potential partner should already know about my pets. Especially since he has already met them.
11/25/2013 5:52:58 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |

Los Angeles, CA
51, joined Jun. 2013
I would keep my dog and tell her its not going to work between us ...............  
11/28/2013 11:41:01 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |

Assumption, IL
65, joined May. 2010

12/8/2013 1:51:05 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |

Chicago, IL
38, joined Sep. 2013
12/11/2013 10:32:37 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |

Assumption, IL
65, joined May. 2010
1/26/2014 10:49:06 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |


Scranton, PA
57, joined Dec. 2007
online now!
not a snow balls chance in hell !!!!
2/2/2014 5:27:58 AM |
Would you give up your pet? |
Plantsville, CT
45, joined Nov. 2013
NEVER! My man would know I have a dog and would have to accept it. My dog is my child and if a man wanted me to get rid of him i would tell him to f@&* off. Or if a man ever hurt my boy that would be the last of him.
2/2/2014 9:05:15 AM |
Would you give up your pet? |


Counce, TN
50, joined May. 2009
Ain't no man on earth willing to give his life to protect me...my dogs wouldn't hesitate.I reward loyalty with loyalty.Dogs don't lie about love or furever,men do.
2/2/2014 10:01:18 AM |
Would you give up your pet? |


Counce, TN
50, joined May. 2009
Well,it true,is it not?A dog gives it's heart... it gives all of it ,FOREVERPeople lie about love.Hell,they lie about everything.They can't remain faithful to themselves ,let alone another.Hell,half of 'em can't even be trusted around their own children.Maybe God gave thumbs to the wrong species,lol!I dunno,the only time a dog ever broke my heart was when it DIED.I can't think of a single human who hasn't done it a million times over in as many ways.
Mornin' Reese...How's you and the fur folk?Raisin is doing better but still not herself.The foster dog is much better but has mastered the art of climbing out of the puppy play pen.Am hoping you or Phina or someone will know of some non toxic antibacterial/microbal floor cleaner that won't poison my babies if they manage to slurp some up?
Oh the cat factions are at war again...this time over the only small kitten"Marilyn"{aka "Booger"...and she is one,too,lol }She has become the darling of each little "click".They all take care of,play with,protect,wash,disipline...everything.They even nurse her!Yesturday I took her out of her cage and set her on the floor and she ran straight for the nearest cat,DIVING for a teat...lmao!The cat happened to be Lefty,a freshly neutered Tom!OMG!I swear his eyes bugged out of his head and his jaw dropped before he bolted straight up my entertainment center,up to the tapestry on my ceiling{Yes,I have some unuasual decorating ideas}where he just sorta stopped and hung there until I could drag my sewing table over to climb up and unhook his claws!Poor feller! ...anyway,her mother is Sophie{aka:B*tch kitty}who is antisocial and jelous.
Booger is the cutest little devil...always has her copius persian hair bottlebrushed out and hopping.She looks to be laughing when she's jumping on and harrassing the other cats,who are all so patient and loving with her.Seriously,the amusment just parles in her eyes and her little pink mouth always open in what looks to be a laughing expression.But...anyway,kinda getting a wee bit off topic here...She's gonna get adopted quick.She's simply gorgous.I mean this is one pretty little kitten.
2/2/2014 10:52:44 AM |
Would you give up your pet? |

Macungie, PA
41, joined Dec. 2013
Heck no. They can take meds for allergies. Would you get rid of your child for someone else as well??? Animals have feelings as well. Not ok to get rid of animals just because someone has issues.
2/2/2014 10:52:42 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |

Baker, WV
38, joined Aug. 2013
online now!
No way no how pets are loyal unlike most people.
2/3/2014 10:56:49 AM |
Would you give up your pet? |

Nevada, MO
27, joined Oct. 2012
I would never let my pits go . I would let them bite her on the a** while she hits the door
2/5/2014 12:52:12 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |


Counce, TN
50, joined May. 2009
Read the whole post before you get pissed.....You would,huh?Then you don't love your dogs responsibly and should not have them.Protection is one thing,vengence another.Allowing your dogs to bite her as she went out the door puts their lives in danger and is nothing more than one more strike against already persecuted breeds.The best way to handle suh a situation is to make her leave as peacibly as possible.Maybe a satisfying F-U as she leaves out the door.Don't use your dogs.They have their job and vengence is not in the discription.Keep your own self respect and and your dogs alive.
2/5/2014 6:37:00 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |


Murrysville, PA
53, joined Aug. 2011
NEVER!! when my ex left me, I was left will all the bills and all the pets!
Because of her I would never give up my pets!
2/5/2014 10:08:11 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |


Lenoir, NC
37, joined Aug. 2012
When I meet someone I automatically ask ' do u like animals? Can u be around animals? If he wants me to give up my dogs,what else will he want me to give up? My family,my friends,my hobbies? Nope! My son and our 2 dogs are a package deal. Love it or leave it. Simple as that.
2/7/2014 10:16:16 AM |
Would you give up your pet? |


Counce, TN
50, joined May. 2009
I would never let my pits go . I would let them bite her on the a** while she hits the door
Then you don't deserve them.You are part of the problem and a detriment to the breed you proposedly love so much.See ya in the news when your poor dogs become the next statistics.
3/5/2014 11:38:23 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |

Erie, PA
25, joined Feb. 2011
3/6/2014 8:36:21 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |


Merritt, NC
60, joined Jul. 2011
Hell no
3/10/2014 3:29:27 AM |
Would you give up your pet? |

Seffner, FL
44, joined Sep. 2013
Rich or poor.. My dog loves me.. And treats me like a celebrity erytime I come home!!
Whrs da Bad in that?
I'd Nvr give up my best most loyal friend.. My dog!!
[Edited 3/10/2014 3:29:53 AM ]
3/10/2014 9:35:30 AM |
Would you give up your pet? |

Boca Grande, FL
60, joined Apr. 2012
I'm more concerned for the continuing welfare of my two pups if something would happen to me............
3/12/2014 10:35:03 PM |
Would you give up your pet? |


Fort Worth, TX
37, joined Mar. 2013
Never........ no matter what..