actually,im not trying to jusify anything,nor do I give a shit.
and....slavery has been unfortunate in ALL cultures.
you don't see us belly aching 150 yrs later,on slavery in our race....and we certainly don't use it as a crutch,or an excuse,or better yet.....beating a dead horse" to give everyone the "poor me" syndrome.
its YOU that might wanna brush up on your history knowledge.
hell,our slaves got pulled apart by horses,beheaded,and thrown off ships blindfolded.
slavery never took place in the Midwest,but the monkey population around me still tries to use that as the answer to WHY they are,the way they are.
honestly,i think the world was better off when ya'll WERE in shackles.
theres still 2 out of 10 of you that are decent,hardworking,law abiding citizens,true.
the difference between our lives and yours?
we don't wake up with the attitude that the "government" owes us motto.
most of you have no self control.
you go out and buy your Chrysler 300's an caddies,or taking your fat asses out to eat 3 times a week instead of paying your bills.
hell,when it gets to be too much....i'll just file bankrupsy
Martin Luther would of been shocked by most of your pathetic ways today.
if you don't get hired for a job...yell discrimination.
if you don't agree with a court decision,you go and set a building on fire.
shit,why do you think we're running out of prison space?
you can take YOUR history,and quit feeling sorry for yourself....or you can keep pushing for socialism like you've been doing.
Toeshe pony tired of the poor me attitude. there pieces of shit looking for free hand outs.