
New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
1. Yes, I know every detail. |
2. No? What are you talking about? |
3. It's complicated... |
4. They use fear to manipulate public opinion. |
I recall hearing of a lone vessel making contact nearly an hour before they made it to the bases and struck. The sailors sent a message to warn of eminent attack but it wasn't passed on to the people in harms way.
Is this true, was it intentional to scare islanders into accepting the presence of foreigners?
How about 9/11, New Yorkers seem to believe it was done by our own government. So do thousands of architects and engineers, and the firefighters of New York who saw the molten steel in all three piles of rubble.
Three, as in three towers fell. The rest of the world isn't accepting the official report, why should we?
ENHANCED VERSION: News Reports WTC7 Fell Before It Happens!
I've been roaming through the states, getting peoples opinions upon this. I'd love to hear yours Hawaii.
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New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013

Dr. Bob Bowman (Aeronautical and Nuclear Engineer) - 9/11 Explosive Evidence - Experts speak out
AE911Truth Delivers the Evidence to the Media: Press Conference - National Press Club – Washington DC
As a group, we now have more than 1,270 architect and engineer petition signers. Collectively, we have more than 25,000 years of building and technical experience.
Today, we’re here to inform you that we have uncovered evidence that the official investigations into what happened to the World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11 were deeply flawed, or worse. The scientific forensic facts we have discovered have very troubling implications.
For example, a technologically advanced, highly energetic material has been discovered in World Trade Center dust from the 9/11 catastrophe.

This follows the discovery, by the United States Geological Survey and others, of high concentrations of unusual previously molten iron-rich microspheres in the WTC dust. These microspheres can only have been formed during the destruction of the World Trade Center at temperatures far higher than can be explained by the jet fuel and office fires. Those fires, we are told by engineers employed by NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, were allegedly the cause of the World Trade Center’s destruction. The discovery of this advanced energetic material, in the form of red/gray chips distributed throughout the dust, both explains the iron-rich microspheres and confirms the inadequacy of the official account of what happened that tragic day.
Even before the microspheres and red/gray chips had been identified and brought to our attention, we were deeply concerned about other aspects of the destruction of these iconic buildings, and how they were investigated. More than two dozen firefighters, engineers, and other witnesses reported seeing substantial quantities of molten iron or steel, flowing like lava in the debris under all three World Trade Center high-rises. Office fires and jet fuel cannot possibly reach the temperatures necessary to liquefy iron or steel. A mixture called thermite, consisting of pulverized iron oxide and aluminum, CAN generate temperatures above 4000°F -- far more than is needed to melt iron or steel, which melts at about 2750°F.