8/23/2013 5:46:50 PM |
Having sex with dead wife is allowed in islam ( necrophilia ) ! |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
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8/24/2013 1:37:31 AM |
Having sex with dead wife is allowed in islam ( necrophilia ) ! |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
jim u have a severe mental problem. to put it plainly you're obsessed with bashing muslims.
it wouldn't surprise me at all if u missed meals n sleep just to find and spread propaganda about muslims.
you're getting to be worse then bugbrain with constant troll threads that almost everyone ignores.
get a grip before u take your bigotry outside and get killed over it.
8/24/2013 3:04:38 AM |
Having sex with dead wife is allowed in islam ( necrophilia ) ! |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
Says the guy who constantly bashes Christians.
8/24/2013 8:09:50 AM |
Having sex with dead wife is allowed in islam ( necrophilia ) ! |

Mendocino, CA
36, joined Jul. 2013
holy damn, friggin Muslims! Weirdos 
8/24/2013 8:29:16 AM |
Having sex with dead wife is allowed in islam ( necrophilia ) ! |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
Islamic ‘Death-Sex’ in Context
By Raymond Ibrahim on May 1, 2012 in Islam, Other Matters
Aside from provoking shock, disgust, and denial, last week’s news of Egyptian parliamentarians trying to pass a “farewell intercourse” law legalizing sex with one’s wife up to six hours after she dies has yet to be fully appreciated.
Islamic "Death-Sex"
An Egyptian cartoon pokes fun at the proposed “farewell intercourse” law. As the spirit of the deceased woman ascends, and as her husband sexually eyes her corpse, she remarks: “O please, man—where were you when I was alive!”
To start, consider the ultimate source of this practice: it’s neither the Muslim Brotherhood nor the Salafis; rather, as with most of Islam’s perversities—fromadult breastfeeding to pedophiliamarriage—Islamic necrophilia is traced to the fount of Islam, its prophet Muhammad, as found in a hadith (or tradition) that exists in no less than six of Islam’s classical reference texts (including Kanz al-’Umal by Mutaqi al-Hindi and Al-Hujja fi Biyan al-Mahujja, an authoritative text on Sunni Doctrine, by Abu Qassim al-Asbahani).
According to this hadith, Muhammad took off his shirt and placed it on a dead woman and “lay with her” in her grave. The gravediggers proceeded to hurl dirt atop the corpse and the prophet, exclaiming, “O Prophet, we see you doing a thing you never did with anyone else,” to which Muhammad responded: “I have dressed her in my shirt so that she may be dressed in heavenly robes, and I have laid with her in her grave so that the pressures of the grave [also known as Islam's "torments of the grave"] may be alleviated from her.”
What was Muhammad saying and doing? Perhaps his magical shirt would transport the dead woman to heaven, and his blessed body would protect her from the “pressures of the grave”? A more cynical—a more human—reading is that he stripped his shirt as a natural step before copulating; that he precisely, if not sardonically, meant the act of sex would “alleviate” the pressures of death from the corpse; and that the observers covered them with dirt for privacy and/or for shame.
This interpretation is given much more weight when one considers that the secondary meaning for the word I translated above as “lay with” is “intercourse,” further demonstrating that the proposed Egyptian law is, in fact, based on this hadith: after all, the Arabic root-word used for “intercourse” in the phrase “farewell intercourse” is derived from the same root-word that Muhammad used to explain what he did with the dead woman (d-j-’). As if this was not enough, necrophilia finds more validation in Islam’s legal texts. For example, according to al-Sharwani’s Hawashi, “there is no punishment for having intercourse with a dead woman” and “it is not necessary to rewash the dead after penetration.”
Incidentally, this issue of “death-sex” far precedes Egyptian parliamentarians. In fact, I first wrote about this macabre topic back in 2009, based on an episode of Father Zakaria Botros, where he explored the perverse sexual habits of Islam’s prophet Muhammad (see here). Interestingly, when that episode first aired, many Muslims were livid, denying the existence of the hadith, and renewing calls to assassinate the priest for trying to “defame” Islam: yet here it is, once again—only this time, the hadith is being passed into a “law,” further documenting the existence, if not legitimacy, of necrophilia in Islam.
Which leads to another eye-opener: it is no longer this or that “radical” cleric, but parliament members who are, not merely acknowledging bizarre Islamic practices, but trying to implement them as “laws.” (Perhaps this should be unsurprising, considering weeks earlier in Egypt, suit-and-tie wearing Muslim court lawyersattacked with knives a Christian defendant for supposedly “blaspheming” Muhammad.)
What else do such “parliamentarians” and “lawyers” have in store for Egypt and its neighbors? If this little known, ghoulish practice is being endorsed simply because of one arcane hadith, how much more support must Egypt’s Islamist-dominated parliament be giving to those other ironclad teachings of Islam—for instance, Muhammad’s unequivocal commands, recorded in hundreds of canonical hadiths, to fight, deceive, and subjugate all non-Muslim infidels?
When it comes to Islam, it is high time for the West to learn to connect the dots.
8/24/2013 10:59:26 AM |
Having sex with dead wife is allowed in islam ( necrophilia ) ! |


Lithonia, GA
37, joined Jul. 2013
Lmao this story was a hoax. No such law passed. No such law even proposed to the parliament.. That story went viral last yr. Where is the law? Lol Some people believe anything
8/24/2013 11:18:11 AM |
Having sex with dead wife is allowed in islam ( necrophilia ) ! |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
The law was supposedly proposed by the MB, but promoted by Mubark to defame them.
However it does fall in line with muhammeds accusations of having sex with the dead.
He did some pretty strange things.
8/24/2013 11:36:15 AM |
Having sex with dead wife is allowed in islam ( necrophilia ) ! |


Lithonia, GA
37, joined Jul. 2013
Supposedly , accusations all very good words to use when people are making things up. I'm glad you made that crystal clear.
8/24/2013 12:01:27 PM |
Having sex with dead wife is allowed in islam ( necrophilia ) ! |


Lithonia, GA
37, joined Jul. 2013
I bet. he seems to have a never ending supply of nonsense about Islam. But I guess it has to double up sometimes. He is Obsessed and really needs help!
8/24/2013 12:04:59 PM |
Having sex with dead wife is allowed in islam ( necrophilia ) ! |


Union, NH
45, joined May. 2009
Jim necrophilia is a sort of strange sexual fetish that is rare but does occur. If someone actually had these tendencies, do you think it would really matter if they were a Christian, Muslim or atheist? They would just do it or suppress it.
8/24/2013 1:01:05 PM |
Having sex with dead wife is allowed in islam ( necrophilia ) ! |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
Says the guy who constantly bashes Christians.
your mental illness is far worse then I thought.
the christians I confront make claims they can't back up and most of them don't know shit about christianity, or their bible.
I don't go after every christian who posts on forum
The ones I go after are the mostly the same small group.
u on the other hand, attack not only the entire muslim religion, u attack anybody who tries to claim.
That's what's known as a bigoted, piece of shit and u claim that title.
8/24/2013 1:22:37 PM |
Having sex with dead wife is allowed in islam ( necrophilia ) ! |


Lithonia, GA
37, joined Jul. 2013
Between hating blacks and hating Muslims, I just don't know where one finds the time.. It seems rather exhausting. All the time and energy spent probably leaves Jim sleep deprived and delusional lol
8/24/2013 1:36:25 PM |
Having sex with dead wife is allowed in islam ( necrophilia ) ! |
Atlanta, GA
44, joined Aug. 2013
I am a Christian, but I cannot say that muslims practice this evil.
In fact, when one looks at non-muslim countries, we see that muslims ACTUALLY follow the tenants of their religion in a far more orthodox fashion than professed Christians.
Furthermore, it is primarily people with great "freedom and power" who you will find indulging themselves in all manner of sexual depravity, beastiality, and so on....in my opinion, and according to statistics.
Doesn't matter the religion, if you are depraved, you are just depraved.
Christians smoke, get drunk, fornicate, and kill and committ crimes far more than muslims.
Look, were I to criticize Islam, I would address their theological philosophy, not point out their adherence to their religion, or isolated inflammatoty half-truths....especially if they follow their Holy Book better than we are.
8/25/2013 10:48:23 AM |
Having sex with dead wife is allowed in islam ( necrophilia ) ! |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
If you followed the story, it was brought up, and quickly hushed up, and never went into law.
This is a practice that comes from Muhammed who was accused of having sex with a dead woman.
However there are many comments by clerics who discuss this practice.
Would you like to see some.
8/25/2013 10:50:46 AM |
Having sex with dead wife is allowed in islam ( necrophilia ) ! |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
In fact, when one looks at non-muslim countries, we see that muslims ACTUALLY follow the tenants of their religion in a far more orthodox fashion than professed Christians.
Unfortunatly the tenants of the religion, include the abuse of women, the murder of Christians and jews, and thievery of all.
8/25/2013 12:45:16 PM |
Having sex with dead wife is allowed in islam ( necrophilia ) ! |
Cameron, OK
98, joined Aug. 2013
Crowley is a Muslim satanist.
8/25/2013 5:37:18 PM |
Having sex with dead wife is allowed in islam ( necrophilia ) ! |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
like there's such a thing.
every pro that bobthebastards dumb a** makes shows him to be far less intelligent then the priors
the stupid f**k is regressing into downs syndrome 
8/25/2013 7:26:53 PM |
Having sex with dead wife is allowed in islam ( necrophilia ) ! |


Saint Petersburg, FL
69, joined Apr. 2010
having sex with dead wife is allowed in islam
What about having sex with another man's dead wife?
8/25/2013 7:36:37 PM |
Having sex with dead wife is allowed in islam ( necrophilia ) ! |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
Hard to say, if she was taken in war, or booty, her old marriage is voided.
8/25/2013 7:41:02 PM |
Having sex with dead wife is allowed in islam ( necrophilia ) ! |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
Narrated by Ibn Abbas:
"I (Muhammad) put on her my shirt that she may wear the clothes of heaven, and I SLEPT with her in her coffin (grave) that I may lessen the pressure of the grave. She was the best of Allah’s creatures to me after Abu Talib"… The prophet was referring to Fatima , the mother of Ali.
The Arabic scholar Demetrius explains : "The Arabic word used here for "slept" is "Id'tajat," and literally means "lay down" with her. It is used to mean, "lay down to have sex." Muhammad is understood as saying that because he slept with her she has become like a wife to him so she will be considered like a "mother of the believers." This will supposedly prevent her from being tormented in the grave, since Muslims believed that as people wait for the Judgment Day they will be tormented in the grave. "Reduce the pressure" here means that the torment won't be as much because she is now a "mother of the believers" after Muhammad slept with her and "consummated" the union." ]
8/25/2013 11:33:03 PM |
Having sex with dead wife is allowed in islam ( necrophilia ) ! |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
What about having sex with another man's dead wife?
well having sex with your dead wife is certainly insane!, but having sex with someone elses dead wife is completely logical.
nobody could possibly dispute that.
8/26/2013 10:11:47 PM |
Having sex with dead wife is allowed in islam ( necrophilia ) ! |
Cameron, OK
98, joined Aug. 2013
They also have sex with donkies and goats.
In Africa there is a tribe of black people that suck on a cows twat to bring it into season so she can be mated with and...to enlarge their own testicles....its true.
And black people are mad because whites brought them here over two hundred years ago? No good deed goes unpunished!
[Edited 8/26/2013 10:13:58 PM ]
8/29/2013 6:30:31 PM |
Having sex with dead wife is allowed in islam ( necrophilia ) ! |

Wilmette, IL
42, joined May. 2011
They also have sex with donkies and goats.
In Africa there is a tribe of black people that suck on a cows twat to bring it into season so she can be mated with and...to enlarge their own testicles....its true.
And black people are mad because whites brought them here over two hundred years ago? No good deed goes unpunished!
STFU you bigoted sack of
Your dumbass is blocked 
8/30/2013 12:54:07 AM |
Having sex with dead wife is allowed in islam ( necrophilia ) ! |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
They also have sex with donkies and goats.
In Africa there is a tribe of black people that suck on a cows twat to bring it into season so she can be mated with and...to enlarge their own testicles....its true.
And black people are mad because whites brought them here over two hundred years ago? No good deed goes unpunished!
STFU you bigoted sack of
Your dumbass is blocked 

9/1/2013 9:40:27 AM |
Having sex with dead wife is allowed in islam ( necrophilia ) ! |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
@ Jim ---------------------- what an outrageous thread ..... 
9/1/2013 9:42:31 AM |
Having sex with dead wife is allowed in islam ( necrophilia ) ! |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
@ Jim ---------------------- what an outrageous thread ..... 
Islam is an outrageous cult.
There is no way to sugarcoat it, and stay within the truth.