9/4/2013 9:51:50 AM |
1724 Norridgewock Massacre: Father Rasle and 100 Abenaki killed! |
Newport, VT
44, joined Aug. 2013
In August 1724, the English settlers went up the Kennebec River to the Abenaki village and mission of Norridgewock. The English killed the French priest Father Sebastien Rasle and 100 Abenaki Indians! It was a massacre done in cold blood! An innocent French Catholic priest and 100 Abenaki elderly, men, women, and children were brutally murdered by the English!
Please honor the memories of Father Rasle and the 100 murdered Abenaki and pray for them.
I plan to visit Norridgewock and pray there for the victims.
This was a very sad episode from Maine history.

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9/4/2013 12:15:30 PM |
1724 Norridgewock Massacre: Father Rasle and 100 Abenaki killed! |
Newport, VT
44, joined Aug. 2013
There is no punchline. This is one of the saddest moments in Maine's history!

9/5/2013 5:15:07 AM |
1724 Norridgewock Massacre: Father Rasle and 100 Abenaki killed! |
Newport, VT
44, joined Aug. 2013
Indians aren't savages. The original Virginia colony was attacked because those English settlers dug up Indian graves and were eating the remains of Indians. So of course, Viriginia Indians were angry and attacked...they had a right to do so!
9/5/2013 10:56:19 AM |
1724 Norridgewock Massacre: Father Rasle and 100 Abenaki killed! |
Newport, VT
44, joined Aug. 2013
And anyhow those English in Virginia were invaders of the Powhatan Confederacy's lands.
Didn't the Powhatan Confederacy have the right to defend their lands and way of life from the threat of English invaders?
9/5/2013 2:17:24 PM |
1724 Norridgewock Massacre: Father Rasle and 100 Abenaki killed! |
Newport, VT
44, joined Aug. 2013
Father Rasle only did so because the English were stealing the Abenaki lands.
9/6/2013 4:55:39 AM |
1724 Norridgewock Massacre: Father Rasle and 100 Abenaki killed! |
Newport, VT
44, joined Aug. 2013
Yes, the Abenaki attacked Wells, Maine and killed English settlers. But look before that....Wells was built on Abenaki land. Also, look at what the English did to the Abenaki that motivated them to attack Wells and other Maine towns in the late 1600s and early 1700s.
9/6/2013 1:55:12 PM |
1724 Norridgewock Massacre: Father Rasle and 100 Abenaki killed! |
Newport, VT
44, joined Aug. 2013
In the time period when the Anglo-Saxons were invading England and pushing the original Celtic inhabitants into Wales, Scotland, and Cornwall: yes, the Celts had every right at that time to attack Anglo-Saxon settlements.
The Abenaki were only trying to defend their lands in Maine which had been stolen by the English settlers. Father Rasle cared for his Abenaki friends and didn't like seeing them get hurt.
9/7/2013 9:37:42 AM |
1724 Norridgewock Massacre: Father Rasle and 100 Abenaki killed! |
Newport, VT
44, joined Aug. 2013
The French were friends of the Abenaki and many other tribes. It would have been better if the French had taken over New England and incorporated these lands into New France. There was less racism in New France compared to New England.
9/8/2013 3:04:54 AM |
1724 Norridgewock Massacre: Father Rasle and 100 Abenaki killed! |
Newport, VT
44, joined Aug. 2013
I'm not advocating genocide against English settlers of the 1700s. What I felt would have been good would have been if France won the French and Indian War, and then New England would have become part of the New France colony, including the English and other settlers of New England. They all would have become French citizens. And New England Indians would have had better lives under French rule.
9/14/2013 12:50:47 AM |
1724 Norridgewock Massacre: Father Rasle and 100 Abenaki killed! |
Newport, VT
44, joined Sep. 2013
And Verat, it was the English who were practicing genocide on the Abenaki!
Don't get it twisted!
9/15/2013 7:03:42 PM |
1724 Norridgewock Massacre: Father Rasle and 100 Abenaki killed! |
Newport, VT
44, joined Sep. 2013
Actually the English also did genocide on French settlers in Canada during the various French and Indian Wars. And when the English killed Father Rasle, a French priest, that was genocide. The English were against the French and their Indian friends like the Abenaki, Micmac, etc.
9/22/2013 5:20:43 AM |
1724 Norridgewock Massacre: Father Rasle and 100 Abenaki killed! |
Newport, VT
44, joined Sep. 2013
After the massacare, many Abenaki of the Kennebec River area moved to Odanak, an Abenaki village on the St. Lawrence River in Canada. My grandmother was an Odanak Abeanki so I have ancestry from these Kennebec River Abenaki. So glad my ancestors weren't killed in the Norridgewock Massacre.

9/23/2013 6:21:38 AM |
1724 Norridgewock Massacre: Father Rasle and 100 Abenaki killed! |
Newport, VT
44, joined Sep. 2013
Verat, you've become very hostile lately! What's going on with you? It's pretty disturbing that you're implying you would go back in a time machine and kill some of my ancestors so that I wouldn't exist. I"m in utter shock right now!

11/17/2013 6:35:49 PM |
1724 Norridgewock Massacre: Father Rasle and 100 Abenaki killed! |


West Haven, CT
60, joined Aug. 2011
Everyone knows you have a problem but YOU please open your eyes.