9/18/2013 7:32:21 PM |
What religion should i be? |

Florence, SC
29, joined Aug. 2013
Christians and Catholics hate me buhdist and Hindu come of a lil to pacifist but close and satanism is jus a lil to negative to me. I like the yin and yang concept. look to the stars and believe heaven and hell is a perception right here on earth. ras is nice but has roots in Christianity and is a fairly new religion. open to different perspectives.
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9/21/2013 4:12:11 PM |
What religion should i be? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
From the center , you can see everything . 
9/24/2013 12:22:52 PM |
What religion should i be? |

Bellevue, WA
68, joined Dec. 2010
It depends what you're interests are .
If you are a psychopath, try Islam.
9/24/2013 2:23:18 PM |
What religion should i be? |

Florence, SC
29, joined Aug. 2013
A man of theology. or at least the muslim religion haha.Read through a few of your posts and great work on explaing and studying this subject for such an extended period of time.
My observations though, engage all of humanity as having evil amonst them practically every religion has a battle for the "soul" of the religious influence just as most religions condone war or use war as an excuse to be religious. There also seems to be a subserviant attitude that comes with a lot of glorified religions. Satanism is one of the few that comes to mind that embodys full use of all human abilities. whilst some hindu and wican scripts provide freedom of will. as long as used for good.. But lets face it "alls fair in love and war correct? So what sets muslims apart from other religions other than they accept the human nature rather than hide it? (The only other organism on the planet that consumes everything (finite or not) & gives back nothing is a virus correct?) I don't want to be a mental slave by any means. Hinduism and Buddhism seem to be some of the more logical choices for a man in my position but at the same time. I haven't had time to go threw everything in there scrpipts.. so still to early to judge. but I do believe life must have a balance between good and evil positive and negative however you want to view i. but I don't see much of a difference between what's "on the surface" in the Muslim culture to the blasphemys that go on behind the scenes in America.. seems to me like 2sides of the same coin. sorry for grammatical errors or anything sleep deprived. Thoughts?
9/24/2013 2:24:49 PM |
What religion should i be? |

Florence, SC
29, joined Aug. 2013
 From the center , you can see everything . 
true but lonely at times.
9/24/2013 11:34:59 PM |
What religion should i be? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Be whichever religion you agree with and which suits your personal needs.
9/25/2013 2:07:52 AM |
What religion should i be? |
Terrebonne, OR
50, joined Sep. 2013
You sound Taoist, look into the writtings of Lao-Tzu. Taoist aren't exactly pacifist, the writting known as the Art of War came from its tenets.
9/25/2013 3:52:28 PM |
What religion should i be? |

Bellevue, WA
68, joined Dec. 2010
A man of theology. or at least the muslim religion haha.Read through a few of your posts and great work on explaing and studying this subject for such an extended period of time.
My observations though, engage all of humanity as having evil amonst them practically every religion has a battle for the "soul" of the religious influence just as most religions condone war or use war as an excuse to be religious. There also seems to be a subserviant attitude that comes with a lot of glorified religions. Satanism is one of the few that comes to mind that embodys full use of all human abilities. whilst some hindu and wican scripts provide freedom of will. as long as used for good.. But lets face it "alls fair in love and war correct? So what sets muslims apart from other religions other than they accept the human nature rather than hide it? (The only other organism on the planet that consumes everything (finite or not) & gives back nothing is a virus correct?) I don't want to be a mental slave by any means. Hinduism and Buddhism seem to be some of the more logical choices for a man in my position but at the same time. I haven't had time to go threw everything in there scrpipts.. so still to early to judge. but I do believe life must have a balance between good and evil positive and negative however you want to view i. but I don't see much of a difference between what's "on the surface" in the Muslim culture to the blasphemys that go on behind the scenes in America.. seems to me like 2sides of the same coin. sorry for grammatical errors or anything sleep deprived. Thoughts?
Religion is a common ground for all societies, be it good or bad.
It sets the standard of life and the rules to live by, and offers controll of the people.
Religion is also a common denominater for a "Call to arms' and has been used as such since the beginning of time.
Some are good,
Some are agressive,
some are passive
The passive ones usually die off from the agression of others.
some are just plain evil.
Islam falls into this catagory.
Islam in the west had to change outwardly, and I have noticed here, that few muslims know much about it.
They learn what they are told to learn, and that steers clear of the most important works of Taburi, and Ishaq. The Biography of the main charactor.
The writings of Islam were fine for 1000 years, but now as we enter the 21st century, Islam is fighting to hide them. They are sick beyond immagination.
The problem here is that people are brainwashed into what they think is Islam, and when called upon as muslims to unite, they will.
If you pray to your car 5 times a day, you will brainwash yourself.
9/25/2013 3:53:26 PM |
What religion should i be? |

Bellevue, WA
68, joined Dec. 2010
Be whichever religion you agree with and which suits your personal needs. 
Islam is great if you are a psycopath.
9/25/2013 5:01:35 PM |
What religion should i be? |

Florence, SC
29, joined Aug. 2013
Religion is a common ground for all societies, be it good or bad.
It sets the standard of life and the rules to live by, and [/boffers controll of the people.]
Wanted to stop their Spirituality witch is the bases for religion, should NEVER be about control of anyone.
Religion is also a common denominater for a "Call to arms' and has been used as such since the beginning of time.
Like the false flag 9/11 patriots that went and died for nothing. Yea I got friends that didn't come back either.
Some are good,
Some are agressive,
some are passive
The passive ones usually die off from the agression of others.
B/c the world doesn't want war normal people understand that people can co-exist with different beliefs and not have to go to war but people like yourself imopse the idea that certain people are evil...
some are just plain evil.
Islam falls into this catagory.
What do you suggest we do about the evil of the world??? Blog about it? Kill them? Better question cancers killing people why not a vendetta against it?
Islam in the west had to change outwardly, and I have noticed here, that few muslims know much about it.
They learn what they are told to learn, and that steers clear of the most important works of Taburi, and Ishaq. The Biography of the main charactor.
How many people know St. Pauls history?
The writings of Islam were fine for 1000 years, but now as we enter the 21st century, Islam is fighting to hide them. They are sick beyond immagination.
There are many books taken out of the bible I believe Mary. mandalins testament was one of those I do believe. Hidden scripture goes on throughput time as well.
The problem here is that people are brainwashed into what they think is Islam, and when called upon as muslims to unite, they will.
Much like any other religious influences or even sexism racism hell you can unite and start a riot over a football team.
If you pray to your car 5 times a day, you will brainwash yourself.
much like hatred will enclose your life.
9/25/2013 8:36:58 PM |
What religion should i be? |

Bellevue, WA
68, joined Dec. 2010
You are trying to sidestep everything.
If you have a point, make it, one at a time, and we can analize it.
9/25/2013 9:31:16 PM |
What religion should i be? |

Florence, SC
29, joined Aug. 2013
1 What makes 1 religion better than another?
2Why isn't Everyone of that specific religion?
9/25/2013 9:44:06 PM |
What religion should i be? |

Bellevue, WA
68, joined Dec. 2010
1 What makes 1 religion better than another?
2Why isn't Everyone of that specific religion?
To answer the first one, probably the morals.
But here again what are they.
Islam says to kill the jews today, and if done under the orders of the clergy, in the form of a fatwa, guarentees your passage to heaven.
That is just plain sick, but who am I to say it is wrong.
Some religions eat the flash of dead relatives to regain some of their soul.
Who am I to say that is wrong
Some religions eat their opponents in battle so their soul will not come back to get them, because now the soul, is part of theirs.
Who am I to say that is wrong.
right and wrong is a condition set within the boundaries of the culture, and some advance, some never do.
And all are not the same religion because all are wrong, and used for political control.
If there was a real religion, the proof would have been made public a long time ago.
9/25/2013 11:27:51 PM |
What religion should i be? |

Florence, SC
29, joined Aug. 2013
To answer the first one, probably the morals.
But here again what are they.
Islam says to kill the jews today, and if done under the orders of the clergy, in the form of a fatwa, guarentees your passage to heaven.
That is just plain sick, but who am I to say it is wrong.
Some religions eat the flash of dead relatives to regain some of their soul.
Who am I to say that is wrong
Some religions eat their opponents in battle so their soul will not come back to get them, because now the soul, is part of theirs.
Who am I to say that is wrong.
right and wrong is a condition set within the boundaries of the culture, and some advance, some never do.
And all are not the same religion because all are wrong, and used for political control.
If there was a real religion, the proof would have been made public a long time ago.
I realize your sarcasm but still valid argument.
As far as the jews That's one religion I skimmed through not taking much note to.. should go back and study that one. But their was Hitler.. and his writing of the myan cumf (from what I read) didn't sound like the rantings of a psyco.. it was educating in a sense. but again I'm more of a humanitarian. although I could slightly see his perspective. as for eating of the flesh, this has some basis in mysticism.Whereas the times have changed.. the celestial realm is still relivant. a mock tradition of eating the flesh and drinking the blood still manifests in almost all denominations of Christianity. just because one doesn't understand doesn't make it untrue. I'm sure the myans had there doubters when mapping out the cosmos. but their calender is still spot on. Things that can't be defined doesn't mean they arnt understood.
9/26/2013 12:24:59 AM |
What religion should i be? |

Bellevue, WA
68, joined Dec. 2010
Somthing little known by muslims in the west is that Hitler and Muhammed has almost identical lives,
Hitler, re-writes many Quranic quotes in Mein Kamph.
It was the tech. of the times that allowed Hitler to kill more.
The only main difference I can think of, is that Hitler was not a sexual pervert.
9/26/2013 2:56:30 AM |
What religion should i be? |

Florence, SC
29, joined Aug. 2013
That makes sense. He was always taking from other cultures to create a super power. 
9/26/2013 8:12:21 AM |
What religion should i be? |

Bellevue, WA
68, joined Dec. 2010
Another thing about the exposure of Islam by private interests mainly, is that virtually everything these supposed anti-Islam groups say is absolutly true.
Yes there are many offences, mainly in minor dialogue, and I see a lot of bending the words, mainly from Christian origins to convey a point.
However there is so much about islam, from the creation to the present, that is so off the wall, so abusive, so completly insane, there is no need to make anything up.
In my early years of speaking with muslims, they were full of excuses, and blatant lies, that are not even used anymore.
As i said, I welcome, and encourage all muslims with valid points about Islam to please bring them up.
However there is not one decent thing, within the entire religion.
2/18/2014 7:24:03 PM |
What religion should i be? |

28, joined Jan. 2014
religion is not save you but your good and loyal attitude for God but religion is your guide and the bible is your manual it like the example .you have a new car after you buy it and you don't know how to drive it so you study the manual then you try to drive after you learn the manual in our life bible is our manual in life and religion is our car that lead us to our good christian life it clear that religion is base in the bible not the bible base in the religion      
2/18/2014 10:52:49 PM |
What religion should i be? |


Bellevue, WA
48, joined Jul. 2010
You sound Taoist, look into the writtings of Lao-Tzu. Taoist aren't exactly pacifist, the writting known as the Art of War came from its tenets.
agreed. I was thinking the same thing.
2/19/2014 2:05:19 PM |
What religion should i be? |


Chandler, AZ
42, joined Jan. 2014
Somthing little known by muslims in the west is that Hitler and Muhammed has almost identical lives,
Hitler, re-writes many Quranic quotes in Mein Kamph.
It was the tech. of the times that allowed Hitler to kill more.
The only main difference I can think of, is that Hitler was not a sexual pervert.
That is so not true... If it were how is it that he's got syphillis in his brain?
And Mohammad was just trying to survive in a difficult time and he remembered Alexander's philosophy , join us or die !!!!
The Muslims teachings are taboo to us because we don't like the idea of suddenly being drafted. But their hierarchy is solid. Every Muslim elder has at his disposal the obedience of anyone younger than him, anyone!!!!
How does that measure up to your Christian teaching? Lol
And yes all religion are geared towards mass control, so thank your stars Taoism is not a religion but a way of life.