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12/1/2013 1:58:51 PM |
Gnostic Archons |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013
Hello all,
I'm back: AKA - "Prelude2love"
Does anyone happen to have any good sources or your own information pertaining to Gnostic Archons and/or Carlos Castaneda Alien Inorganic Beings... what book(s) they might be located in???
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12/2/2013 11:34:09 AM |
Gnostic Archons |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013
hmmm... it appears that Castaneda talks about these beings across many books... however, in the "The Active Side of Infinity (1998)", he discusses the topic is predation.
Gnostics: call them "Archons"
Castaneda: calls the "The Flyer"
We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don’t do so...
Sorcerers believe that the predators have given us our systems of beliefs, our ideas of good and evil, our social mores. They are the ones who set up our hopes and expectations and dreams of success or failure. They have given us covetousness, greed and cowardice. It is the predators who make us complacent, routinary and egomaniacal.
Gnostic writings contain descriptions of alien predators called Archons, Arkontai in Greek. The texts from Nag Hammadi describe them as heavy, elusive, shadowy creatures. The most common name for them is “beings of the likeness, shadow-creatures.” Could the Archons be compared to the “mud shadows” described by don Juan? This question raises the general issue of parallels between don Juan’s Central American Toltec shamanism and the shamanism of the Mystery Schools of ancient Europe.
“the predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind.”
This alarming statement suggests an immediate parallel to Gnostic teachings. Gnostics, who directed the Mystery Schools of the Near East in antiquity, taught that the true mind of human beings, nous authenticos, is part of the cosmic intelligence that pervades nature, but due to the intrusion of the Archons, this “native mind” or "native genius" can be subverted and even occupied by another mind. They warned that the Archons invade the human psyche, they intrude mentally and psychologically, although they may also confront us physically as well. Their main impact, however, is in our mental syntax, in our paradigms and beliefs, exactly as don Juan says of the flyers.
Don Juan tells Castaneda that the predator’s mind is “a cheap model: economy strength, one size fits all.” This description fits the hive-mentality of the Archons. Sorcerers call this uniform alien mind “the foreign installation, which exists in you and in every other human being.” The foreign installation (italicized by Castaneda) pulls us out of our syntax. It deranges our indigenous abilities to organize the world according to the language proper to our species. The role of correct syntax in the sorcerer’s mastery of intent is one of the central factors in the later teachings of Don Juan. The sorcerer's concern for deviation of syntax, and consequent derouting of intent, parallels the importance of language and correct definition emphasized in Gnostic teaching.
Source: Gnostic Parallels in the Writings of Carlos Castaneda
12/26/2013 12:57:19 AM |
Gnostic Archons |

San Antonio, TX
43, joined Nov. 2011
I read Jim DeKorne’s Psychedelic Shamanism. I recommend it seriously. I remember at one point he describes whale-like creatures fleeing an enemy across the universe. Concealing themselves in our dna, they are able to remain hidden. These whale-like creatures created us for that purpose. Their gift to us apparently is that this revealing explanation for our existence is imparted to us upon our death. Archons are discussed.
12/27/2013 10:03:00 AM |
Gnostic Archons |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013
I read Jim DeKorne’s Psychedelic Shamanism. I recommend it seriously. I remember at one point he describes whale-like creatures fleeing an enemy across the universe. Concealing themselves in our dna, they are able to remain hidden. These whale-like creatures created us for that purpose. Their gift to us apparently is that this revealing explanation for our existence is imparted to us upon our death. Archons are discussed.
These whale-like creatures you describe seem like nice kind beings... not so much the case with Archons...
JMO: These Archons are what the Schizophrenic calls voices... I believe the Schizophrenic is broken some how and there fore able to hear the Archons... which for the normal person only resides in there subconscious...
These Archons are very real individuals and each very unique with there own personalities... they are very smart and can be quite curl and relentless at times... not always the case though as experience and research suggest... after long prolong time with these Archons one can and usually does develop some sorta repore... The Archons become much nicer and interactive with each passing year... and in some cases can even become an asset to the Schizophrenic...
I also don't believe that hearing these Archons is limited to the Schizophrenic... I believe anyone hearing voices, angels, demons, channeling, higher self, ascended masters, etc... are all hearing only the Archons... these entities are intelligent beyond believe... it's like they reside where time does not exist... like they can see all of everything past, present and future all at once... they truly know all... though I do think they hold much truths, they are in fact malevolent by nature.... and should not to be believe nor trusted.. at the very least be suspect and taken with a gain of salt...
2/25/2014 1:56:43 AM |
Gnostic Archons |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013
Yes, it true, I am schizophrenic... however, as many a delusion that I have had, and there have been many over the years... this talk of Archons is not one of them... as a matter of fact the one and only thing that has been consistent while in psychosis and not has been these Archon Entities...
I'm not really sure what these Archons are... I call them entities but who know for sure... Gnostic talk a lot about Reptilians and the Grey aliens... I personally do not believe Archons are either of these two... when in psychosis I tend to see a lot of orbs and what is call shadow people... I really do not think Archons are orbs... I truly feel orbs are a good thing... the shadows on the other hand very well might just be these Archons... one does not need to be in psychosis to see either of these entities... you just have to pay very close attention to what is truly all around you... both of these are everywhere... you can photograph the orbs... I've taken and have seen many photos of these guys... good luck getting these shadows on film for they are very fast and blend in with the walls... though I have seen others that have video taped them...
below is a video that explains about them somewhat, however, I do not agree with everything they talk about... and nowhere on the net have I found that shows the true extent over which they control us... mentally & psychically.... you control the mind you control the body... and they do just that...
I think Castaneda had it most right.... he suggest that these aliens having given us there mind... and we do not use our own we use theres.... and I got to tell ya, I not so certain we even have a mind of our own... I believe we are only that of consciousness and as such don't require a mind to think with...
consciousness automatically know what to do... if you mediate you can watch your thoughts go by with you or without you.... when you mediate you are using only consciousness and not the mind...
If you watch your thoughts sometime, just pay close attention... example: if you have your eyes closed and are thinking of something and all of a sudden you get imagery that doesn't line up with your thinking... that would be Archons inserting an image... or you might be thinking along and next thing you know you are thinking about something totally different and can't or almost can't remember what you were just thinking about.... this would be the Archons changing your thoughts...
They know all your thoughts before you think them... and they are very good at inserting there own thoughts within us... sometimes you have thoughts that are just not at all who you are as a person... you can bet that was not your own thought...
They not only control our thoughts but also our feeling and emotions... ever feel like you want to cry for no reason at all... yep, Archons... or how about some overwhelming anxiety for no reason... that too would be the Archons... they are also very good at emphasizing your emotions... like maybe your watching a movie and want to cry but then no decided not to... and you find it almost impossible not too even though you no long wish too... that would be them... or how about just laying there and all of a sudden you heart starts racing for no reason... you know that infactualization love you get... they can even make this happen out of the blue... not that they normally do so... but they have... they can even go as far as controlling you horniness & orgasms... they are very good at making one addicted to pron... they can give you a false urning or desire... these are just a few examples of how there entities mess with us and just how much control they truly do have...
I'm not saying you don't have thoughts or feelings of your own... it's just they are there influencing you every step of the way... you still have your own will... you must just pay close attention to what is yours and what is not...
Science Fact:
It takes 6 seconds from the time you form a thought before your brain acknowledges you had that thought.... I believe this delay was put in place by there Archons so they have total control over what we think...
When I discovered this fact it then made perfect scene to me why early on for months I would hear my thoughts before I would think them... this does not happen any longer, but wow... what a trip that was...
When we dream we are not actually doing the dreaming ourselves... they gives us the illusion of us dreaming... they in fact give us the thoughts and feelings we experience... you can watch this happen only if you are in between awake and asleep... cuz if your awake in your dream you have control over the dream and if your sound asleep then your just asleep and can't notice what they are doing...
...and you know that mini seizure you experience once in a while when just dosing off to sleep... you know that knee jerk reaction you get that makes you jump... that actually the archons shocking your energy body...
I can go on and on about little subtleties that show the Archons are in fact actually there... but think about all the people who are not schizophrenic and what they are hearing or think they are hearing... spirit guides, ascended masters.... angels & demons, and even aliens speaking to these people as voices in there minds... I say none of these exist, they are all Archons pretending to be one of these others...
These Archons are smart, very smart... and they have always been with us... they know your every thought from past present and even your future... they can easily portray themselves as whatever you best would be receptive of... be it an angel, demon, alien or otherwise.... the whole bible was written this way... they were just portraying to be God...
I have come to police every single thought that goes through my mind... I don't suggest you do the same cuz it sucks... but I have had to do this to save my sanity.... but having done so has taught me so very very much about myself and about these controlling Archons...
The doorway to real change and the doorway to your own inner Gnosis is by perfecting your own Presence, being present, being in your body where you are, every moment of every day. Someone who is perfected that ability does not dream. Can you imagine that? They never dream, they are continually awake and everything they perceive is real no longer a projection of the mind.
LINK: gnosticteachings.org/courses/gnostic-meditation/75-vigilance.html"
These Archons even have the ability to take you completely over... you might have to be in psychosis for this to happen but unsure... I just know they did this to me one time... if interest I will share the story but think I will leave it right here for now... =)
3/17/2014 4:14:44 PM |
Gnostic Archons |
Lincoln, IL
97, joined Jul. 2007
These whale-like creatures you describe seem like nice kind beings... not so much the case with Archons...
JMO: These Archons are what the Schizophrenic calls voices... I believe the Schizophrenic is broken some how and there fore able to hear the Archons... which for the normal person only resides in there subconscious...
These Archons are very real individuals and each very unique with there own personalities... they are very smart and can be quite curl and relentless at times... not always the case though as experience and research suggest... after long prolong time with these Archons one can and usually does develop some sorta repore... The Archons become much nicer and interactive with each passing year... and in some cases can even become an asset to the Schizophrenic...
I also don't believe that hearing these Archons is limited to the Schizophrenic... I believe anyone hearing voices, angels, demons, channeling, higher self, ascended masters, etc... are all hearing only the Archons... these entities are intelligent beyond believe... it's like they reside where time does not exist... like they can see all of everything past, present and future all at once... they truly know all... though I do think they hold much truths, they are in fact malevolent by nature.... and should not to be believe nor trusted.. at the very least be suspect and taken with a gain of salt...
My the Mother and Father bless your soul
3/18/2014 11:23:41 AM |
Gnostic Archons |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013
I don't agree with all in this text, but it does make for a informative short read...