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12/14/2013 5:14:54 AM |
Capitalism, Communism, Tribes, math?? |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

1/13/2014 6:10:41 AM |
Capitalism, Communism, Tribes, math?? |


Columbia, SC
61, joined Jun. 2013
Paul R. Ehrlich: Gemini water Monkey, yang air & yang air plus water. Stanford Univ. biologist: The Population Bomb (1968). @PaulREhrlich
An 81 year old insect biologist @ Stanford University, who raised an early flag about human overpopulation. Now he has created
MAHB: Millennium Alliance for Humanity & Biosphere
MAHB hosts a blog from global thought leaders on issues associated with the complexity and gravity of the human predicament caused by the threats to sustainability.
1/13/2014 10:21:47 AM |
Capitalism, Communism, Tribes, math?? |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
I keep getting this visual of a painter, covered in paint head to toe working on some pristine masterpiece, and realizing just how ironic it is that someone who appears such a mess could create such works of art...
In the beginning there were simple people with big dreams shaping this country, now we have selfish people with twisted dreams. We've gone from one extreme to another in terms of the perception of our leaders, our "Artist." One from the inside looking out, the other from the outside looking in.
I don't think either is fully aware of how their enfluences effect humanity as a whole for they are both single minded and superficial, unconcerned with the complexities of life itself.
What is truth? Some will say it is this, or that, clinging to their culture, their history, their language, their system of measurement, burning any book that provides an alternate perspective.
The truth is like water taking the true shape of the vessel it fills, depending on where you're standing you may see a handle, or just the curvature. If you're blind then all you can do is feel the weight, and shape and texture.
Broaden your knowledge and you gain a wider perspective, you see in height, width, and depth, giving the world substance and volume.
Astrology can give us a forth dimension, our history could be considered a fifth. So now we all have mass, volume, character, and memory / base knowledge.
Without acknowledging our astrological character, we're all just seen as fresh meat for the grinder.
Acknowledging this extra perspective creates another world of possibilities, another plane to bring harmony and balance to the collective. Ignoring this perception leaves us in a world where we all march to the beat of our own drumb, and commonly clash and create undesirable situations for each other.
I haven't studied "alchemy," I'm not sure what it is about, but I feel it's connected to astrology, the study of groups and mixtures of different materials, different characters, and knowing how to maximize your experience without clashing with others consistently.
1/19/2014 6:32:32 PM |
Capitalism, Communism, Tribes, math?? |


Mount Pleasant, MI
53, joined Jun. 2007
Timothy Leary started out with a crisp brilliant mind and ended up an incoherent babbling waste. What a shame.
1/20/2014 6:14:10 AM |
Capitalism, Communism, Tribes, math?? |


Columbia, SC
61, joined Jun. 2013
Timothy Leary started out with a crisp brilliant mind and ended up an incoherent babbling waste. What a shame.
Timothy Leary †: Libra air Monkey, yang air & yang air plus air. Triple yang air: psychologist who researched LSD & Psilocybin @ Harvard. 10/22/1920
1/21/2014 10:08:31 AM |
Capitalism, Communism, Tribes, math?? |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
It's always good to remember where you came from, or so they say. Your roots, stay connected to your roots.
Well...where do we begin? Do we start with our birth place in this advanced society? Do we begin with our families, submissive servants to the country? Do we look back to our native soil and distant lands?
How about we focus on a common denominator, the earth and life. We all live off the land and are a part of some family. For millions of years, to just scratch the surface in human history, we lived in groups, tribes, villages, as one people.
Like the rings on a tree centered upon one point, we evolved spiritually and mentally with our family, friends, and mentors, one day at a time.
Imagine if you could extract an entire ring from within a tree, a full years worth of growth and development, leaving a gap between the core and outer shell, and you will see what's left of a family when a parent is away on business.
Nothing on this earth is more precious than life, than the time we have upon this earth, yet it's implied in our daily routines to be so expendable. We toss around days, weeks, years of our lives as if they didn't matter. Every life, and every moment matters.
We can't advance as a society, as a species, if we deny our natural state of being. We will only continue to work ourselves into a box, until one day we run out of air to breath.
A highly evolved society would be in balance with all it's components. Our minds, bodies, and spirits are just small pieces of something greater, they are the building blocks of the fabric of our existence, the very material out of which our reality is birthed.
Our government wasn't designed to compensate for the natural state of life, it was designed so a few could be in control of many, despite the nature of their hearts.
Being aware of this makes one feel like they are shaking their fists at some giant, distant threat to our very existence, but to an open mind and willing heart there are steps one can take. Just look within your own life, your own community, and create opportunities to strengthen each other, to make the most of each other's potential. Not every moment has to be about shear entertainment or shear labor and profit, some can be a friendly exchange of time as we help enhance each other's lives close to home.
I know there are cops and firefighters a phone call away, but nothing feels better than having neighbors I can connect with and trust. Our communities are extensions of our beings, as our families.
Base rationale from reflecting on various studies and teachings.
“Newborns and mothers wired for heart- and brain-wave recordings (via EKGs and EEGs) show coherency and entrainment (matching of the wave frequencies) when infant and mother are together. If prolonged separation takes place, both systems become incoherent (chaotic), causing general stress and the release of cortisol by both the mother's and child's systems. Excessive cortisol is quite toxic to neural systems, particularly new ones; thus any society interfering with natural bonding at birth will have a corresponding increase of heart trouble in their adult population.”
“New research on the brain shows its plasticity - its flexibility and ability to repair itself, even to create new neurons to replace lost ones - and also its fragility, it's subject to disruptions in growth or function, particularly at certain critical stages. Neuroscientist Marian Diamond said our higher functions of brain will continue to shine brightly as long as they are challenged and used, but the higher newest brain in our system is the "laziest muscle in the body" and wants to go on the shelf early. Our ancient instinctive brains require far less energy and maintenance than the later evolutionary systems.
Our brain evolved in a low-intensity sensory environment, but today at birth and in the early years it is overwhelmed by our new electronic, high-density virtual reality overloads. The gating mechanism of our RAS selectively narrows in nature's attempt to screen out high-intensity stimuli that is inappropriate and can easily overload the young system. Milder forms of this closing up or shutting down take place in adults. As an example, workers in high-noise-density jobs tend to lose normal hearing. Different forms of desensitization take place in different technological situations.
Such effects in young people, as at Tübingen, have been written off as "positive evolutionary advances" that move us into brave new electronic worlds, but on examination, this rationale breaks down. Rather than some glorious evolving toward the stars or higher states, research shows specific devolutionary deterioration in brain growth and mental function from these changes. Those in charge of the study at Tübingen, for instance, observed that these young people tended to create an environment of high-density stimuli because, without it, they were subject to boredom bordering on anxiety. Their sensory gates screened so rigorously that ordinary or natural stimuli made little impression. The young people suffered a form of sensory isolation and anxiety when in quiet, nontechnological settings. Thus we hear boom-box thuds in passing automobiles and see ubiquitous earphones and headphones. Thus the nature of movies, computer games, popular music, media in general grows in intensity to compensate for the growing insensitivity of the populace as a result of the higher gating of the RAS, which, in an ongoing cultural loop, is itself brought about by that high-intensity sensory level.”
– Joseph Chilton Pearce

1/21/2014 11:15:42 AM |
Capitalism, Communism, Tribes, math?? |


Tehachapi, CA
61, joined Jan. 2013
What math was that? Calculus? I've never used any math algebra or geometry in my day to day life or for subbing grades K-12. sad but true. i admire that you use math and show us how it can be used in day-to-day life. awesome. When they tell me about balance in my art classes, I don't see math or a scale of weight. Thinking that music is math just sucks the life outta the tune. As far as LOVE being the center of your diagram, maybe that is what you desire. I don't see love in our government. The rule by the few is what is see and they definitely don't love me. "Buy my art, oligarchy, show me some love" ~artist~ we haven't advanced with all the new tech toys. I see groups of teenagers texting as they walk through the mall. They don't interact with one another. I'm just as bad. I text my kids to tell them dinner is ready. 
1/23/2014 3:43:45 AM |
Capitalism, Communism, Tribes, math?? |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
1/25/2014 11:30:16 AM |
Capitalism, Communism, Tribes, math?? |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
Kept feeling I was leaving something out, that I could push this a little further, so instead of applying it to the outer world, I took it to the inner world.
