1/2/2014 8:31:19 PM |
What is a name ? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
Our names and lables are nothing more than artificial intelligence . They allow us reduce life into tiny bits of data , that in turn , allows us to easily collect , store , and utilize information . The PC will see everything as 1's and 0's , but this does'nt mean that life is just a bunch of 1's and 0's , its just a system of management .
When we name something , no matter how broad and expansive our description may be , we lose sight of it , and we replace it with something we can manage , judge , and manipulate .
Only activity and behavior can provide the identity we lose sight of , but we ignore it , because identity is an individual affair that cant be managed or controlled without force . This lack of identity allows us to use our force without regret or conscious , and in many cases , we can even perceive our force as something positive , and even rightous .
Every word is a result of life's influence on our senses . Why do we fool ourselves into believing that words , or any combination or words , could ever match or exceed the life that has inspired each and every one of them ?
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1/3/2014 1:11:40 AM |
What is a name ? |


Bellevue, WA
48, joined Jul. 2010
that's just anchoring and part of our representational system. it takes a different kind of mindset to not be fooled that our re-presentations of reality are supposedly reality.
1/3/2014 11:21:41 AM |
What is a name ? |

Hudson, FL
45, joined Nov. 2013
uuuuummmmnnnnn...... ok???......
it would be kinda hard to describe anything without names....
I mean try to describe something as simple as a tree, without using any names...
Tall?? That's the descriptive we (humans) use to describe a tall object.**hence NAME**
Green,, Brown,, Both are names given to those colors.
leafs..... again, a name.
Without the "names" we (humans) couldn't even begin to try to comprehend the world around us.
Let alone try to understand it.
1/4/2014 10:47:54 AM |
What is a name ? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
uuuuummmmnnnnn...... ok???......
it would be kinda hard to describe anything without names....
I mean try to describe something as simple as a tree, without using any names...
Tall?? That's the descriptive we (humans) use to describe a tall object.**hence NAME**
Green,, Brown,, Both are names given to those colors.
leafs..... again, a name.
Without the "names" we (humans) couldn't even begin to try to comprehend the world around us.
Let alone try to understand it.
Whats the difference between the leaf that is named , and the leaf that is held in the palm ?
How does a tree know to reach below to find water , and to reach above to find the sun ?
How do animals understand or comprehend the world around them ?
Why do humans think that intelligence belongs to them ?
1/4/2014 11:43:12 AM |
What is a name ? |

Hudson, FL
45, joined Nov. 2013
Whats the difference between the leaf that is named , and the leaf that is held in the palm ?
How does a tree know to reach below to find water , and to reach above to find the sun ?
How do animals understand or comprehend the world around them ?
Why do humans think that intelligence belongs to them ?
As to the first 3, It's called "The natural order", Or "Nature".
And for the last....
"Intelligence" implies learning/educating, The tree can not learn to avoid the Ax, nor the lightning bolt, nor the forest fire.
Intelligence does belong to us (humans)
1/4/2014 12:45:23 PM |
What is a name ? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
I dont agree . I believe that everything needs intelligence to control its activity and behavior . In function and purpose intelligence is the same , it gives everything the ability to survive . Its the amount of intelligence that creates more abilities .
Animals can learn , create , overcome obstacles , and even dream . We can easily observe different levels of intelligence , and ability , in different animals , including differences within our own species .
1/5/2014 10:50:12 PM |
What is a name ? |

Hudson, FL
45, joined Nov. 2013
That is YOUR belief.... Who would I be to question it ???
Even if I do disagree with it.
It's yours to believe....
1/10/2014 8:31:07 AM |
What is a name ? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
Animals that must nurture and care for their offspring will gain an additional ability to care for something other than itself , and this is also the greatest ability of human intelligence .
Human intelligence creates countless abilities , but nearly all human abilities are used for the same self-fulfillment that is used by any other form of life , even the simplest forms of life must care about itself in order to survive .
Humans have the intelligence and ability to care , not just about itself or its offspring , but other people , other forms of life , and even every form of life .
Along with being the most intelligent species , we should also be the most satisfied and fulfilled species on the planet . Instead of counting our blessings , we count how many ways to be dissappointed and unfulfilled , with ourselves , our offspring , other people , other forms of life , and every form of life that crosses our path .
If we beleive that life is , "what we want it to be" , it will never be .
If we beleive that life is , "something other than what we want it to be" , it will be .
1/10/2014 8:33:50 PM |
What is a name ? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
Fact is , we honestly dont know what intelligence is , its invisable with no shape or form . We know it exist , because we use it to control our own activity and behavior . The only way to measure it , in ourselves , or any other form of life , is to observe the activity and patterns of behavior that occur both outside , and inside , of each independent brain . Every "smart machine" we create is nothing more than a programed pattern of behavior and activity .
We've spent century after century convincing ourselves that we are superior , we are better than everything else . To be better or superior of anything , would'nt we need to have been less than superior to begin with ? Every fragment of our knowledge begins with the ability to observe activity and behavior . Even life's smallest elements can act and behave . Hell , science is even beginning to study things by activity and behavior alone , things that cant be physically observed , even with the most advanced equiptment .
Mostly every human will readily accept that every form is made up of countless smaller forms . If smaller forms can combine to create larger and more complex forms , including the brain housed in a form , then why cant the activity and behavior of these smaller forms , create the activity and behavior that we call intelligence ?
Everything alive will adore being so , and nothing in life would ever want to die , unless it was somehow corrupted . We are no different , we adore ourselves so much , that we will concoct a plan to sever the bond that we share with everything around us , so we can pretend to keep the intelligence that has made us what we are .
Death is an extreemly simple oservation that can be deduced with a very small amount of intelligence , it is feared by anything with a sufficient amount of intelligence to recognize it . More intelligence is nessecary to discover that every tiny fragment of life is never wasted , they change , they dissassemble , and they reassemble , creating new forms of life .
2/19/2014 1:13:26 PM |
What is a name ? |

Clarksburg, WV
60, joined Jan. 2013
Our names and lables are nothing more than artificial intelligence
Op there is plenty in names and what they mean and why they are given to some and some just go ridiculous on certain names ...why have no idea...
all depends on the generations... which some follow the family traditions of brothers and sister and giving names for family sake ...to keep the name going of possibly one they love... we are names after people ... but there are exceptions ...
labels are nothing more than artificial
intelligence some take great pride in their labels and possibly a achievement they have worked for or earned ... I would not say they are all artificial and agree some may take them totally raciest against one another ... but its cool for you to think that... not arguing just my opinion...
2/19/2014 1:42:04 PM |
What is a name ? |


Chandler, AZ
42, joined Jan. 2014
In the old days they give you names that's suppose to define you.
If your name is Harrison, you should or are expected to follow in the footsteps of Harris , your father. And seeing how poorly we mimicked the original, we, as individuals cannot come close to honoring the name given to us, hence we deviate to a more doable scenarios in names.
So we name our kids sunshine or something, easier for the person to live up to that.
But I suppose in the last 300 years the Western Hemisphere was subjected to religious bigotry and so we ended up with gazillions of johns, Mary's and such.
2/19/2014 1:54:04 PM |
What is a name ? |

Clarksburg, WV
60, joined Jan. 2013
In the old days they give you names that's suppose to define you.
If your name is Harrison, you should or are expected to follow in the footsteps of Harris , your father. And seeing how poorly we mimicked the original, we, as individuals cannot come close to honoring the name given to us, hence we deviate to a more doable scenarios in names.
So we name our kids sunshine or something, easier for the person to live up to that.
But I suppose in the last 300 years the Western Hemisphere was subjected to religious bigotry and so we ended up with gazillions of johns, Mary's and such.
forgot Frances do you really believe we where suppose to live up to those in which we have their name? some try becouse it is somewhat subjected to religious but what if you really never new the person very much ...how where u suppose to try to be like them or live up to them ... it kinda makes me feel ok why i was names after my fathers sister and he had 2 others ...so my guess is he like that one more I may have ask a long time ago but have forgotten by now ...
2/19/2014 2:13:16 PM |
What is a name ? |


Chandler, AZ
42, joined Jan. 2014
forgot Frances  do you really believe we where suppose to live up to those in which we have their name? some try becouse it is somewhat subjected to religious but what if you really never new the person very much ...how where u suppose to try to be like them or live up to them ... it kinda makes me feel ok why i was names after my fathers sister and he had 2 others ...so my guess is he like that one more  I may have ask a long time ago but have forgotten by now ...
The premise is, you didn't have to know who they were in life. The convention is. If you were given this name it is believed that you will personify that person in one form or another And in your case, since you already have the DNA in you then the rest is as we say winging it and hope to hit the mark lol
2/19/2014 2:22:34 PM |
What is a name ? |

Clarksburg, WV
60, joined Jan. 2013
The premise is, you didn't have to know who they were in life. The convention is. If you were given this name it is believed that you will personify that person in one form or another And in your case, since you already have the DNA in you then the rest is as we say winging it and hope to hit the mark lol
as i remember she was a giving person ...
funny how looking or remembering all of my aunts and uncles and then seeing my grandmother and grandfather ...some don't even look like they came from the same family... you really have to notice an be aware and point it out of each of them as to how they look like their mother and father...
2/19/2014 2:26:35 PM |
What is a name ? |


Chandler, AZ
42, joined Jan. 2014
as i remember she was a giving person ...
funny how looking or remembering all of my aunts and uncles and then seeing my grandmother and grandfather ...some don't even look like they came from the same family... you really have to notice an be aware and point it out of each of them as to how they look like their mother and father...
Yeah I know what you mean. Do you remember anyone saying , you're just like your dad to your son? Or noticing something like, you swagger just like your grandpa.little idiosyncrasies are sometimes a window into their heritage.
2/19/2014 3:02:17 PM |
What is a name ? |

Clarksburg, WV
60, joined Jan. 2013
Yeah I know what you mean. Do you remember anyone saying , you're just like your dad to your son? Or noticing something like, you swagger just like your grandpa.little idiosyncrasies are sometimes a window into their heritage.
oh yea here is a good one my grandfather raised dogs and sold them ... or gave to family now my father did not like animals at all ... maybe becouse my mom did not clean the shit up in the house somebody didn't... so thats why he did not like them or maybe he had to clean it up all the time  
[Edited 2/19/2014 3:04:11 PM ]
2/19/2014 3:15:53 PM |
What is a name ? |


Chandler, AZ
42, joined Jan. 2014
oh yea here is a good one my grandfather raised dogs and sold them ... or gave to family now my father did not like animals at all ... maybe becouse my mom did not clean the sheet up in the house somebody didn't... so thats why he did not like them  or maybe he had to clean it up all the time  
Haha that's funny.... It reminds me of a time when I saw my father after 25 years and we talked and stuff and he said I can't believe you're just like me in many ways. I didn't realize this at the time but now I know what he means ... I am the son of Harris
[Edited 2/19/2014 3:16:25 PM ]
2/19/2014 3:27:43 PM |
What is a name ? |


Chandler, AZ
42, joined Jan. 2014
Take the name Alexander for instance.
Did you think he lived up to his name? As in Alexander the Great ?
His name in Greek says defender of men but he conquered most of the known world, is that his way of defending men?
4/16/2014 3:11:02 PM |
What is a name ? |

Chicago, IL
47, joined Jul. 2013
A Name can be a Big Blessing Can be a Gift Can be a Code Think bout ya Name and find out what a Name is
5/2/2014 6:43:41 PM |
What is a name ? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
Everything was identifiable , before we identified it . Everything was defined , before we defined it . Words are a generalized simplification , we use to minimalize conscious effort .
They reduce experienced data to tiny package that can be easily , stored , sorted , referenced , and manipulated , ...
but hell , they're great for parties !!!   