4/25/2014 12:39:41 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
See the thread: "MYTHS" that people think are true" and post your comments there.
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

4/25/2014 12:44:23 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


South Prairie, WA
65, joined Nov. 2007
First time I've seen a redirect thread
4/25/2014 1:01:05 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |

Mauston, WI
50, joined Jan. 2012
Anybody who trusts science doesn't care about Jesus. Most don't have a clue about reading the Bible. It is a book of lessons and morals and has nothing to do with facts so when you read it as realality, you have a problem.. Stop looking into things for more than what they are meant to be.
There, I fixed a few of the things. Try praying that your grammar catches up with your limited understanding.
4/25/2014 1:05:06 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |

Mauston, WI
50, joined Jan. 2012
You would think that a person trying to debunk the Bible would make sure that they would spell better and be more intelligent about it.
4/25/2014 1:07:32 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |

Oklahoma City, OK
42, joined Feb. 2011
All I know is Jesus went out with his buddies on good Friday,got hammered and he didn't come back til Easter.
4/25/2014 1:16:05 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
Anybody who trusts science doesn't care about Jesus.. most don't have a clue about reading the Bible.. it is a book of lessons and morals.. has nothing to do with facts.. when you read it as realality, you have a problem.. stop looking into things for more than what they are ment to be.
So are all the other "holy comic books" related to good and disgusting moral lessons. Everything in the bible is a total crock and scientifically ridiculous. There's abosulutely no historicity regarding any person mentioned in the Wholly Babble, including the existence of gospel writers. And, no, there's no historical evidence of a snake who spoke fluent Hebrew.
Put your future nonsensical comments in the thread entitled "MYTHS that many people think are true."
Religion is a philosophy of abysmal ignorance and make-believe. Science is a philosophy of discovery: things that are real, whole and provable.
4/25/2014 1:20:56 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |

Mauston, WI
50, joined Jan. 2012
So are all the other "holy comic books" related to good and disgusting moral lessons. Everything in the bible is a total crock and scientifically ridiculous. There's abosulutely no historicity regarding any person mentioned in the Wholly Babble, including the existence of gospel writers. And, no, there's no historical evidence of a snake who spoke fluent Hebrew.
Put your future nonsensical comments in the thread entitled "MYTHS that many people think are true."
Religion is a philosophy of abysmal ignorance and make-believe. Science is a philosophy of discovery: things that are real, whole and provable.
Then how come science has yet to find the missing link between man and ape, unless you are saying that you are it.
4/25/2014 1:29:57 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
You would think that a person trying to debunk the Bible would make sure that they would spell better and be more intelligent about it.
Good, I'm glad that you cleaned up the Japanese guy's grammar, spelling and non-thinking thinking regarding a book of absolute fiction.
4/25/2014 1:48:26 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Houston, TX
37, joined Sep. 2011
Go to the religion forum. This stuff gets old.
We get it! You don't believe in a biblical god. Everything you post is anti-religious.
4/25/2014 1:49:14 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |

Mauston, WI
50, joined Jan. 2012
Every time you sign the date you are admitting the fact that Jesus walked the earth and died 2014 years ago.
4/25/2014 1:52:03 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Houston, TX
37, joined Sep. 2011
This guy is as bad as a mormon shoving pamphlets in your face and door frame.
4/25/2014 1:57:07 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


South Prairie, WA
65, joined Nov. 2007
4/25/2014 1:58:06 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Picher, OK
46, joined Sep. 2011
I already made a comment in there.
4/25/2014 2:07:37 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
Then how come science has yet to find the missing link between man and ape, unless you are saying that you are it. 
If you don't accept the theory of non-random natural selection then you can't accept the theory of gravity, which is not as sound as the theory of non-random natural selection. Every principle and practice in medicine is based on evolution. Ever wonder who the first person was? The first person was a fish. Every intermediate step in the fossil record is complete. We wouldn't need one fossil to prove it is truth. We've proved it to be true in dozens of other ways (check "Evolution in Action" at Michigan State University as one example). Ask any physician in the world and they will tell you the obvious. Medical dictionary definition of an "ANIMAL": any form of life other than a plant or a bacterium. Check out "Lucy" and you'll see one of your relatives in a chain of hominids that goes back about 100 million years. Prior to the fish your distant relatives are Type 1a stars. Why don't you start a thread for Luddites?!

4/25/2014 2:16:52 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
Go to the religion forum. This stuff gets old.
We get it! You don't believe in a biblical god. Everything you post is anti-religious.
Wrong, no gods exist (and I don't have any beliefs or belief systems), not just the biblical god of the talking snake. You keep referring to "we" and all that I see is a picture of you.
4/25/2014 2:19:39 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |

Marshalltown, IA
60, joined Jul. 2011
4/25/2014 2:27:03 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
Go to the religion forum. This stuff gets old.
We get it! You don't believe in a biblical god. Everything you post is anti-religious.
Hey, if you don't like these antitheist threads in "general discussion" then why do you read them and post your nonsense? That's known as hypocrisy, man.
4/25/2014 3:20:56 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |

Mauston, WI
50, joined Jan. 2012
People always say to me, " What if your wrong and you die and nothing happens? You will have wasted years believing in something that was not true."
I always tell them, " True, it would be a disappointment but then I will be dead with no knowelage of if it was or not, I will just cease to exist. But then again, what if I am right? I will not be cast into the lake of fire for the rest of eternity." You certainly have the right to your opinion and I respect your right to it.
4/25/2014 3:38:08 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Gainesville, FL
55, joined May. 2011
People always say to me, " What if your wrong and you die and nothing happens? You will have wasted years believing in something that was not true."
I always tell them, " True, it would be a disappointment but then I will be dead with no knowelage of if it was or not, I will just cease to exist. But then again, what if I am right? I will not be cast into the lake of fire for the rest of eternity." You certainly have the right to your opinion and I respect your right to it.
So if given the choice, you would rather believe in something irrational than rational,
as long as the irrational offers a better prize?
Can't you see how gullible that makes you?
4/25/2014 7:23:37 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
A: Apollonius: thought to be born in year 3 of the common era (c.e.) in Turkey and died at the end of the first century after escaping from a Roman prison. He healed the sick, had ESP, raised the dead, walked through doors with ease (many more "miracles" too) and cast out "demons." After his death he blasted off to "heaven" in a rocket ship but came back to talk to his desciples before blasting off again.
B: Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha): born of the virgin Maya (another word for Mary) after she was visted by the "holy ghost" about 2,600 hundred years ago. Buddha was born with a halo and told his virgin mom, "I will put to an end the suffering and sorrow in this world." He pulled off many "miracles" in his life before being crucified. Naturally, on the 3rd day he decided that being dead wasn't much fun so he blasted off to "heaven."
C: Mithra: thought to have been born about 2,600 years ago and his birthday was celebrated on Dec. 25th. Magi brought gifts to Mithra at the time of his birth. His first followers were shepherds and he traveled Persia with his 12 desciples until he was crucified to take away the "sins" of humankind. Mithra had a "Last Supper" with his desciples prior to being slain and taking his spacecraft to "heaven" on the following day. Obviously Mithra pulled off many "miracles" and his followers had a weekly sabbath where they would eat wafers that had a sign of the cross and they also celebrated Easter.
D: Attis: born of the virgin Nana in Phrygia more than 2,200 years ago. Hanged on a tree in the spring, resurrected and became known as "Father God" to his followers before his rocket ship-trip to "heaven."
E: Krishna (Hinduism): born of the virgin Devaki more than 3,200 years ago. A voice from "heaven" announced to Devaki, "In thy delivery, O favored among women, all nations shall have cause to rejoice." Krishna's birth was heralded by a star and "wise men" brought him gifts. Krishna pulled off numerous "miracles" in his life, was crucified and then blasted off to "heaven." Oh, yeah, Krishna began speaking to his virgin mommy (just like the myths of Buddha and Jesus) shortly after his birth.
F: Quexalcote: thought to have been born more than 2,600 years ago in Mexico by his virgin mommy, Chimalman (she was born by a virgin too, just like mother Mary). Quexalcote had 40 days of temptation and fasting, he liked to ride on an ass, forgave "sinners" and baptized people. Right, you guessed it, crucified beside 2 theives and resurrected on the 3rd day and then blasted off to "heaven."
G: Horus: thought to be born around 3,500 years ago in Egypt to his virgin mommy, Isis. Received gifts from 3 kings as a baby, was crucified and then a spacecraft-ride to "heaven." There are 200 close parallels of the "mythical careers" of Horus and Jesus.
H: the god Adonis was born about 4,000 years ago to his virgin mom, Ishtar (another word for Easter). Little divine Adonis was held in the arms of his mom as she was hailed as the "Queen of Heaven" -- just as in Jesus/Mary myth. Adonis was thought to be both the son and husband of his mother, "God the Father and God the Son" -- kind of like the Jesus myth, huh?
I: Quirinus was a Roman "savior" who was born 2,520 years ago to, of course, a virgin mom. When he was crucified by King Amulius the entire planet shook and was enveloped in darkness, just like you know who's myth.
J: Indra: born in Thibet 2,739 years ago to his virgin mommy. Indra descended from "heaven" on a mission of benevolence and could walk on water and walk in the sky. He led a life of strict celibacy and devout contemplation and also could fortell future events. He was a kind man (Jesus was not a kind man, he was a hate-filled maniac), just like most "sin-atoning saviors." Regardless, Indra was nailed to a cross, died and returned to his "heavenly mansion."
There are several dozen more of these "savior" myths that were created by people that were being oppressed but these are the ones that are the closest to the myth and legend of Jesus, of southwest Asia, who is thought to have been born 2,018 years ago. The last "savior" myth was about Wovoka of the Paiute American Indians in 1890.
4/25/2014 7:40:36 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Syracuse, NY
40, joined Nov. 2011
Nazareth story is false.. Yesuha was a man with Christ level of consciousness we all must reach that level in at some point in time.. The Christ energy is flooding the planet love is awaking ppl up to the fact that they are god.. Yesuha is a brother of ours one of many.
Now some ppl u can run into will say that he was not sacrificed
And some will say he was.. The truth is they are both "RIGHT"..
One timeline he did..one timeline he did not.. Since 12/21/12.. All timelines have been merged into one.. So u will find all kinds of stories that conflict but if u don't understand how time and space relativity continuum works u can be in beefs with ppl all day bc we all have some truth and there is no ONE truth except LOVE.
4/25/2014 8:10:46 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
People always say to me, " What if your wrong and you die and nothing happens? You will have wasted years believing in something that was not true."
I always tell them, " True, it would be a disappointment but then I will be dead with no knowelage of if it was or not, I will just cease to exist. But then again, what if I am right? I will not be cast into the lake of fire for the rest of eternity." You certainly have the right to your opinion and I respect your right to it.
I'm sick of references to Blaise Pascal, a theologian and an intellectual dweeb on matters of a connection between the existence of the biblical god (created by primitive ignoramuses, and who wasn't aware of the gods of the other religions) and a postmortem existence of any kind. Pascal's position, and yours, can best be summed up by the following equation: 3 + me + 3 = 7 x because I want it to.
This stuff is not a matter of opinion, it's a matter of reason, history and science.
4/25/2014 9:03:32 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
Nazareth story is false.. Yesuha was a man with Christ level of consciousness we all must reach that level in at some point in time.. The Christ energy is flooding the planet love is awaking ppl up to the fact that they are god.. Yesuha is a brother of ours one of many.
Now some ppl u can run into will say that he was not sacrificed
And some will say he was.. The truth is they are both "RIGHT"..
One timeline he did..one timeline he did not.. Since 12/21/12.. All timelines have been merged into one.. So u will find all kinds of stories that conflict but if u don't understand how time and space relativity continuum works u can be in beefs with ppl all day bc we all have some truth and there is no ONE truth except LOVE.
4/25/2014 9:41:53 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
Every time you sign the date you are admitting the fact that Jesus walked the earth and died 2014 years ago.
I don't sign any date in the common era (CE) or before the common era (BCE) because the Internet uses the Gregorian calendar and UTC for the time of day. The Internet doesn't buy any religion or gods, it just uses times that are convenient for business. Your logic is both circular and severely twisted. You may want to change your 2,014 years ago to 2,018 years ago if you want to be in line with your own scholars. By the way, some think he was born in a cave (like his brother said in your Wholly Babble) and scholars don't know if your brown-skinned, hook-nosed mythical rabbi was born in the spring or at the time of the winter solstice.
4/25/2014 1:18:30 PM |
Origins of Jesus myth |
Mansfield, OH
53, joined Oct. 2010
What irritates me with the Funda-MENTAL-ists in any religion is the belief that their way is the only way. Xians have this false idea that their religion is the one true way and yet they have not one single shred of evidence to prove it is. They point to their conversion at the altar & how 'god touched my heart'. Gee Beav, that's swell but it's not proof that will convince a jury of your peers beyond a reasonable doubt.
There is no proof to support Yeshua (i.e. Jesus) outside of the Xian bible. If this man supposedly had THE most important message in the world, one would think that there would be supporting evidence outside of the holy book that speaks of him. Nada with the sole exception of Josephus but then he was speaking of Yeshua in the plural as three men who were a laborer, a rabbi and a politician.
If you want me to believe in Yeshua, be my guest; but if you want to proselytize and have ME believe in him, then SHOW ME THE PROOF. Stop with the whole "by faith ye will know him" bullshit, show me the supporting evidence that proves he existed. You cannot because there is none.
4/25/2014 1:45:26 PM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
I am the god of the of talking snake.
Good for you, man, you speak fluent Hebrew when your snake-tongue darts out of your mammalian mouth. Do you eat rodents and birds, too?
4/25/2014 1:54:04 PM |
Origins of Jesus myth |

Greensboro, NC
33, joined Feb. 2013
Cern, why do you keep posting the same picture over and over? Once is good funny, but after that it gets old.
I like to believe the Bible was written by man in order to convey stories and help manipulate other men. The idea of God, is just an idea. Everyone has their own. A faith in the unseen and unexplained. The only evidence of intelligent design is the existence of life itself. Most people don't like to think that we're just a fluke, a byproduct of some strange chemical reaction. "There must be a beginning !!!"
It is amazing that a cell is able to manipulate the environment and replicate itself.
If anything is worthy of worship, it is the energy of life.
4/25/2014 8:47:13 PM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
Cern, why do you keep posting the same picture over and over? Once is good funny, but after that it gets old.
I like to believe the Bible was written by man in order to convey stories and help manipulate other men. The idea of God, is just an idea. Everyone has their own. A faith in the unseen and unexplained. The only evidence of intelligent design is the existence of life itself. Most people don't like to think that we're just a fluke, a byproduct of some strange chemical reaction. "There must be a beginning !!!"
It is amazing that a cell is able to manipulate the environment and replicate itself.
If anything is worthy of worship, it is the energy of life.
Your question about the TLJ picture is almost as meaningless as the implied question: why are we here and why does anything exist? In science the only question worth asking is HOW anything exists? It doesn't matter, as you arrogantly posit, that most people don't like to think that life on this insignificant little planet near a humdrum star (the sun) is a "fluke." Non-random natural selection is how we came to experience our surroundings and Type 1a supernovae made it possible and I find that to be exciting because it is true. In the last 5 centuries humankind has been able to figure out a full 5% of how the entire universe works through astronomy, astrophysics and science-based cosmology. Why would I "worship" this "energy of life" that you speak about? I'm a part of it and so are you. The Bang is a fact, not a theory, and that was the beginning of our massive universe containing hundreds of billions of galaxies and the Bang required no cause at all. Learn about CMBR, the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland, BICEP2 and WFIRST and you'll discover the thrill of science and of experiencing life.
Go Elon University Phoenix!
4/25/2014 9:34:57 PM |
Origins of Jesus myth |

Mauston, WI
50, joined Jan. 2012
So if given the choice, you would rather believe in something irrational than rational,
as long as the irrational offers a better prize?
Can't you see how gullible that makes you?
That is why it is called FAITH, you believe in something that something you feel and not see.
4/25/2014 10:19:36 PM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


High Point, NC
57, joined Jan. 2013
The evolution theory.
4/25/2014 10:21:57 PM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
That is why it is called FAITH, you believe in something that something you feel and not see.
A "REASONABLE" faith is an obvious contradiction in terms. Just because you experience something, a feeling, does not mean that it's true. Wanting and wishing something to be real and provable is irrelevant. Do you think that physicists required "faith" or Zen meditation or talking to the sky (prayer) to discover that the Higgs boson is real, whole and provable? No, of course not. We find what we find in science without resorting to superstition and the lack of reason.
4/25/2014 10:35:35 PM |
Origins of Jesus myth |

Mauston, WI
50, joined Jan. 2012
A "REASONABLE" faith is an obvious contradiction in terms. Just because you experience something, a feeling, does not mean that it's true. Wanting and wishing something to be real and provable is irrelevant. Do you think that physicists required "faith" or Zen meditation or talking to the sky (prayer) to discover that the Higgs boson is real, whole and provable? No, of course not. We find what we find in science without resorting to superstition and the lack of reason.
Then you must not believe in love either.
4/25/2014 11:36:34 PM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
Then you must not believe in love either.
Now you're just being silly. The neurotransmitters in brains of human mammals are responsible for love and every other emotion because of its amygdala.
Summon up your power of Reason: if there is a God, what created it? Another God? -- think about it.
Nothing comes from Nothing so if you consider God to be Something then God cannot exist -- think about it.
In the story of the Christian God you've got this Trinity business, right? 3 in 1, 1 in 3 -- so God sacrifices Himself to Himself to save us from Himself. Why did God kill himself? -- think about it.
4/26/2014 3:03:14 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Gainesville, FL
55, joined May. 2011
Then you must not believe in love either.
Love is a concept, if you are saying that God like love is a concept, I agree with you.
But they exist in the mind only. If you remove the mind you remove the concept.
Neither of them are tangible entities.
4/26/2014 3:40:14 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |

Chesterfield, MO
29, joined Sep. 2013
if jesus was a jew where did all this christian shit come from
4/26/2014 11:45:48 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
if jesus was a jew where did all this christian shit come from
Right you are, if there ever was such a Jewish lunatic. It all came from stupid stories based on almost a century of hearsay, myths, things that never happened! People can't keep a story straight for one flippin' day so imagine 7 to 10 decades of rumors.

4/26/2014 12:05:32 PM |
Origins of Jesus myth |

Cadott, WI
50, joined Jul. 2010
Then how come science has yet to find the missing link between man and ape, unless you are saying that you are it. 

Did you know that YOU are a percentage of Neanderthal? Yup. We bred them out. That is where O negative blood comes from.
and how can you say love is faith? That's not so.
Eons ago, political leaders decided that people needed "hope" to keep on being maintained in a sheeple way. Thus, religions became a form of easy control. Faith. Love is a chemical & electrical reactions and maintained from habitual contact. Kinda like dysfunction. 
[Edited 4/26/2014 12:07:11 PM ]
4/26/2014 12:58:54 PM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014

Did you know that YOU are a percentage of Neanderthal? Yup. We bred them out. That is where O negative blood comes from.
and how can you say love is faith? That's not so.
Eons ago, political leaders decided that people needed "hope" to keep on being maintained in a sheeple way. Thus, religions became a form of easy control. Faith.  Love is a chemical & electrical reactions and maintained from habitual contact. Kinda like dysfunction. 
No, of course he doesn't recognize that which is obvious in science, history or thought based on REASON. Religionists find those things to be disturbing to their world of make-believe.
4/26/2014 7:25:14 PM |
Origins of Jesus myth |

Gibsonia, PA
30, joined Dec. 2013
OP, you have too much of a one-track mind that it is ridiculous. I don't believe in the bible, or religion for that matter, myself. But it's not the only thing I post about.
4/26/2014 7:42:14 PM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Memphis, TN
39, joined Jan. 2014
See the thread: "MYTHS" that people think are true" and post your comments there.
Promoting another thread of yours? That is so sad! 
4/26/2014 9:00:46 PM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
OP, you have too much of a one-track mind that it is ridiculous. I don't believe in the bible, or religion for that matter, myself. But it's not the only thing I post about.
Religion's foulness is far from the only thing that I post about because it's too disgusting to deal with on a routine basis. My mind is primarily, but not exclusively, focused on science -- you may want to give it a go. You also may want to write your first sentence all over again so that it makes more sense, don't you think?
4/26/2014 9:07:18 PM |
Origins of Jesus myth |

Babbitt, MN
64, joined Feb. 2009
Just curious what prevents you from posting these threads in other religions group?
Or General Religions forum?
4/26/2014 9:11:16 PM |
Origins of Jesus myth |

Gibsonia, PA
30, joined Dec. 2013
Religion's foulness is far from the only thing that I post about because it's too disgusting to deal with on a routine basis. My mind is primarily, but not exclusively, focused on science -- you may want to give it a go. You also may want to write your first sentence all over again so that it makes more sense, don't you think?
What doesn't make sense about it, according to you? It's well within the bounds of English grammar. Maybe you read it wrong. Try reading it all over again.
Edit: F**king autocorrect.
[Edited 4/26/2014 9:12:04 PM ]
4/26/2014 9:12:02 PM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
Promoting another thread of yours? That is so sad! 
It brought you, another defender of mythical skeleton worship, didn't it?! Say, do you think that that might have been the point?

4/26/2014 10:16:47 PM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
Just curious what prevents you from posting these threads in other religions group?
Or General Religions forum? 
If I had wanted to put it somewhere else obviously that's what I would have done. This is serious business, man, and the only place it belongs is in "General Discussion," out in the open and not locked away where few people bother to go.
4/26/2014 10:25:37 PM |
Origins of Jesus myth |

Babbitt, MN
64, joined Feb. 2009
What's the defensive stance ?
I asked a question nicely, you answered me defensively, and in a condescending manner.
So you can put it wherever you want,
I could care less,I do care how you speak to me when I adress you.
4/27/2014 12:34:24 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
What's the defensive stance ?
I asked a question nicely, you answered me defensively, and in a condescending manner.
So you can put it wherever you want,
I could care less,I do care how you speak to me when I adress you. 
I have no idea what you mean by a "defensive stance." You just chose to infer incorrectly that which wasn't even implied. Maybe that's because you are a worshipper of a mythical skeleton, I don't know. And where do you get this addressing you in a condescending manner nonsense from? I just answered your question.
4/27/2014 12:52:53 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |

Mauston, WI
50, joined Jan. 2012
Promoting another thread of yours? That is so sad! 
It is all about pushing HIS beliefs on everyone else. He takes something and twists it to fit what he believes and then expects everyone else to agree. Whe we do not agree with him, he tries to make an "example" of them.
I have yet to see anyone that can post anything proving that there is no God, they throw the comment out that science has proven that it has debunked the Bible completely and yet with all the talking he and his followers have done, they show anything but posting the comment that science is the victor.
4/27/2014 12:54:59 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |

Mauston, WI
50, joined Jan. 2012
A "REASONABLE" faith is an obvious contradiction in terms. Just because you experience something, a feeling, does not mean that it's true. Wanting and wishing something to be real and provable is irrelevant. Do you think that physicists required "faith" or Zen meditation or talking to the sky (prayer) to discover that the Higgs boson is real, whole and provable? No, of course not. We find what we find in science without resorting to superstition and the lack of reason.
I do not know what the Reasonable faith thing you speak of is. Is there a church of reason in your town?
4/27/2014 12:58:52 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |

Gibsonia, PA
30, joined Dec. 2013
He gives us peaceful atheists a bad reputation. I respect others beliefs as long as they don't push theirs on me. It's a matter of being a decent person.
4/27/2014 1:00:57 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |

Mauston, WI
50, joined Jan. 2012
Now you're just being silly. The neurotransmitters in brains of human mammals are responsible for love and every other emotion because of its amygdala.
Summon up your power of Reason: if there is a God, what created it? Another God? -- think about it.
Nothing comes from Nothing so if you consider God to be Something then God cannot exist -- think about it.
In the story of the Christian God you've got this Trinity business, right? 3 in 1, 1 in 3 -- so God sacrifices Himself to Himself to save us from Himself. Why did God kill himself? -- think about it.
Wait, according to science, the earth came from dust and gasses pooling and condensing into a ball and over 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years or so - give or take a day and 3 minutes the earth was formed. Then over a couple billion more years man evolved from living organisms that came from nothing.
4/27/2014 1:08:26 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |

Mauston, WI
50, joined Jan. 2012

Did you know that YOU are a percentage of Neanderthal? Yup. We bred them out. That is where O negative blood comes from.
and how can you say love is faith? That's not so.
Eons ago, political leaders decided that people needed "hope" to keep on being maintained in a sheeple way. Thus, religions became a form of easy control. Faith.  Love is a chemical & electrical reactions and maintained from habitual contact. Kinda like dysfunction. 
Love IS faith, you are taking it on faith that someone loves you. You cannot walk up to someone and physically place a pound of love in their hand. How do you know when someone loves you? You cannot see love, it does not flash like a neon sign above their head.
I know many of you women feel it comes in the form of a penis and that when a guy allows you to touch it it means that he "really" loves you. Keep thinking that ....
4/27/2014 1:42:57 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |

Crossville, TN
37, joined Aug. 2013
shit. a myth is real enough to get your a** locked up behind bars
4/27/2014 8:51:02 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
Wait, according to science, the earth came from dust and gasses pooling and condensing into a ball and over 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years or so - give or take a day and 3 minutes the earth was formed. Then over a couple billion more years man evolved from living organisms that came from nothing.
I see, according to your calculations planet Earth and the other planets orbiting an ordinary star (the sun) was formed prior to the Bang which created an entire Universe for your viewing pleasure by Yahweh, the talking snake god, right? You didn't come from nothing, you came from organisms in pockets of water and those fish came from the guts of the exploding, massive stars (Type 1a supernovae) and we've already been over this, man. Just because you don't want something to be true doesn't mean that it isn't true. Why don't you check out the 1987a supernova. Everything that I've stated is documented FACT. Then again, you reject gravity because you're afraid of science because science eviscerates your puerile world of make-believe. You do realize that there was absolutely NOTHING prior to the Bang, right? So what created the realm of NOTHINGNESS?
4/27/2014 9:01:57 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |

Babbitt, MN
64, joined Feb. 2009
I have no idea what you mean by a "defensive stance." You just chose to infer incorrectly that which wasn't even implied. Maybe that's because you are a worshipper of a mythical skeleton, I don't know. And where do you get this addressing you in a condescending manner nonsense from? I just answered your question.
As you mistaken my spirituality as well.
Oh on my profile , they just didn't have a category for shamanic priestess of universal love spirituality and wisdom.
4/27/2014 9:45:19 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
As you mistaken my spirituality as well.
Oh on my profile , they just didn't have a category for shamanic priestess of universal love spirituality and wisdom. 
What TF are you babbling about now? "As you mistaken my spirituality as well." -- what does that even mean? Would you mind translating that into coherent English? And what does the word 'spirituality' even mean? What created this "spiritual" realm that you are so certain about? Are you implying that I wasted my time looking at your profile or are you being sarcastic -- beats me.
4/27/2014 9:51:00 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |

Babbitt, MN
64, joined Feb. 2009
Never mind then,....... carry on ,you might be rude, but I am enjoying the thread,anyways!! 
4/27/2014 10:38:49 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |

Cadott, WI
50, joined Jul. 2010

Did you know that YOU are a percentage of Neanderthal? Yup. We bred them out. That is where O negative blood comes from.
and how can you say love is faith? That's not so.
Eons ago, political leaders decided that people needed "hope" to keep on being maintained in a sheeple way. Thus, religions became a form of easy control. Faith.  Love is a chemical & electrical reactions and maintained from habitual contact. Kinda like dysfunction. 
Love IS faith, you are taking it on faith that someone loves you. You cannot walk up to someone and physically place a pound of love in their hand. How do you know when someone loves you? You cannot see love, it does not flash like a neon sign above their head.
I know many of you women feel it comes in the form of a penis and that when a guy allows you to touch it it means that he "really" loves you. Keep thinking that .... 
Yeah, nothing about missing links comeback.
You are describing TRUST? You trust that you have faith? You TRUST that you have FAITH in someone LOVING you back?
You really think with your penis? And think that we just let you stick it in there without TRUST? 
Prove that their is a god, besides the god inside of all of us.
4/27/2014 10:42:45 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |

Mauston, WI
50, joined Jan. 2012
I see, according to your calculations planet Earth and the other planets orbiting an ordinary star (the sun) was formed prior to the Bang which created an entire Universe for your viewing pleasure by Yahweh, the talking snake god, right? You didn't come from nothing, you came from organisms in pockets of water and those fish came from the guts of the exploding, massive stars (Type 1a supernovae) and we've already been over this, man. Just because you don't want something to be true doesn't mean that it isn't true. Why don't you check out the 1987a supernova. Everything that I've stated is documented FACT. Then again, you reject gravity because you're afraid of science because science eviscerates your puerile world of make-believe. You do realize that there was absolutely NOTHING prior to the Bang, right? So what created the realm of NOTHINGNESS?
How can living organisms come from a star ( a sun) if it is so hot that all living things could not possibly survive? Just because you want something to be true will not make it so. The last time I read about stars and suns, they are way too hot to retain any type of moisture. Or is there some other type of "cosmic" water that floats around on stars and suns? The theory of evolution has been theory after theory and when something is hard to explain they just throw a few million years at it.
4/27/2014 10:45:33 AM |
Origins of Jesus myth |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
Never mind then,....... carry on ,you might be rude, but I am enjoying the thread,anyways!!  
What is it that you thought was "rude" in my last post? I merely asked you a few questions because I had no idea what you were talking about. And, yes, that's why I referred to your post as babble. I mean, what's the big deal about asking a few simple questions?!?! Why didn't you answer those questions?