4/25/2014 4:41:53 PM |
What scared ya the most? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Im sitting here with two buddies waiting for the gals to arrive before we head to Richmond for the race this weekend.
Anyway one is a Vietnam vet, both are ex-cops (one a State trooper) and we got talking about it.
So the question came up about what scared you the most?
For me I was scared all the time. Thats not a bad thing as long as you still do your job. For me I was very afraid of being blinded or losing my limbs and winding up so disabled I couldn't take care of myself.I figured if I go snuffed it would not matter and I wouldn't care-I just didn't want to sh*t in a bag for the rest of my life.
I was wounded twice, one of those times I was burned badly...but I watched guys react and do the right thing over and over when I know that it was automatic and they didn't even give it a second thought..and were scared.Its a great motivation.
So Im not fishing for war stories here but with all the PTSD crap and troops who have a hard time letting it out.. so heres a topic...
Choppers coming in..you are on the skid..hot LZ..scared? Bet your a** you are!
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4/25/2014 5:31:08 PM |
What scared ya the most? |


Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
Black hawk crashing
4/25/2014 9:03:44 PM |
What scared ya the most? |


Clara City, MN
66, joined May. 2011
Scared HELL YES, being a door gunner was always scared in any LZ.
4/25/2014 9:04:57 PM |
What scared ya the most? |


Larimore, ND
44, joined Apr. 2011
I was in a RC-135 (four engine reconnaissance jet, not known for acrobatics) that stalled at 3000 feet. I was in the back when I get thrown out of my seat as the pilot puts it into a nose dive to regain the speed necessary to recover. People are tossed all over the place and the only guy in the back that can actually see out a window is screaming hysterically. I thought we were going to be dead before we knew it, but then I felt the plane pulling out of the dive with G-forces you should never feel in that kind of plane.
That may not make the most hard core war story (especially since it happened over Nebraska), but that was the only time in my life where I really thought I was going to die.
4/26/2014 9:35:55 AM |
What scared ya the most? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
delta...I don't like to get on my roof to clean gutters! But I completed jump school.Truthfully the towers scared me more than the jumps.All I know is I wasn't going to fail and I sure didn't want "Sgt. Airborne" up my ass! For me by the time we got to "jump week" I was psychologically ready to get it over, and when I stood in the door and felt that wind I thought I could fly!
4/26/2014 1:10:20 PM |
What scared ya the most? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
exactly delta.Once I left Benning I never made another jump in the Army. I did make some civilian jumps but it was much different, especially the equipment, and I haven't done it for probably 40 or more years.I never did "skydiving"...static line only.
4/26/2014 4:20:47 PM |
What scared ya the most? |
Mount Holly, NJ
86, joined Aug. 2011
In coming mortar rounds......Korea 1951, 187th Airborne Regimental Combat Team.
[Edited 4/26/2014 4:23:18 PM ]
4/26/2014 5:51:30 PM |
What scared ya the most? |


Storden, MN
70, joined Mar. 2009
Leaving the Tonkin Gulf and river operations for another time -
first storm at sea - brand new hull, still in the hands of the yard crew, running almost ten feet 'light' on draft, having twenty feet of green water wash the flight deck. One huge 'rogue' guessing 65 feet, three others 40 or better. All but a small handful on board green for days. 
Second storm, once I had 'sea legs', trying to highline parts to Alamo (LSD 33) and seeing a hundred feet of keel out of the water. Another 35 - 40 foot sea. At least that time we were bow into it, instead of quartering! ! 
4/26/2014 6:12:02 PM |
What scared ya the most? |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Shell that would've scared me to death right there.
The most scared I got was when we were on a combat air assault and we closed in on the LZ. The pilots of all the choppers had to make a steep bank to get in and I thought I was going to slide out of the dang thing. I was definitely doing the back stroke.
[Edited 4/26/2014 6:12:30 PM ]
4/26/2014 7:19:07 PM |
What scared ya the most? |


Storden, MN
70, joined Mar. 2009
Until you get accustomed to the motion, heavy weather offshore sucks. After wanting to die on Hatteras, but knowing I had to get better to do so, I was ok in everything after that. Thinking that centrifugal force would have kept you in the bird, but you are not thinking about that at the time for damn sure! ! 
4/26/2014 7:42:23 PM |
What scared ya the most? |


Storden, MN
70, joined Mar. 2009
For everyone/anyone that hasn't had the 'pleasure' of being seasick - take your worst hangover - and extend it for five or seven days. 
4/27/2014 10:12:39 AM |
What scared ya the most? |
Omaha, NE
31, joined Jan. 2014
What scared me the most was failing making the wrong call. And someone getting hurt for my failure. I know I have missed stuff on the road but when I heard about someone else getting atacked or hit from a place we just went through it made me wonder how did I miss that and why did I miss it.
4/28/2014 1:01:05 PM |
What scared ya the most? |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Reg, you can't hold on to stuff like that. It's called survivor guilt. Don't get caught up in it. Take it from someone who's been there and done that. It's all silly azz drama that does no one any good. Sh!t happens and it don't mean nothing. Sh!t happens.
4/28/2014 3:15:57 PM |
What scared ya the most? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
gdaddy The things that happen haunt us as long as we let them.Ive had my demons, no doubt you have! But when all is said and done soldiering is about showing up and doing your best under extreme conditions and great dangers. Being scared is either a motivation or it cripples you for years. But nothing heals you better than coming home, remembering your brothers (and sisters) and honoring them whenever and in every way you can! JMHO
4/30/2014 1:06:08 AM |
What scared ya the most? |


Entwistle, AB
46, joined Aug. 2013
Your MK ULTRA NARCO mind control is total insanity but I don't think you know what that is because it's been used on you's.   Then I'll get simple immature retorts back grade 3 level not 1 of you has said anything half intelligent.
4/30/2014 12:19:37 PM |
What scared ya the most? |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Chillin, your full of off the wall psycho babble. Did you do any combat time? You have an agenda about hating Jews. Go get a freaking job and get one where you are a groundhog inspector. That way you'll never come in contact with humans.
4/30/2014 5:33:21 PM |
What scared ya the most? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Hes blocked gdaddy..f*ck him
5/1/2014 5:51:34 PM |
What scared ya the most? |


Goldsboro, NC
78, joined Apr. 2008
About time Ricky *LOL Seriously-- thanks..
5/1/2014 6:02:54 PM |
What scared ya the most? |


Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
Cum sa hom ni da.
5/2/2014 5:12:27 AM |
What scared ya the most? |
Traverse City, MI
68, joined Nov. 2013
Crossing a rain swollen river when the a**hole holding the far end of the rope let it go slack when I was in the middle of crossing. Couldn't hold on anymore as I was underwater. Found myself about a 100 yards down stream without a friggen American in sight. Three Arvns came to my rescue reaching me about the time I reached the shore. All I could think of was thank god I'd taught myself how to swim in my freshman year of college. I'd spent that year drinking beer, swimming in the Gym pool and flirting with all the hot freshman women. Little did I realize that it would save my life a year later. I thanked the Arvns and wanted to kill that incompetent American piece of shit that was suppose to be holding the rope taut. By the time I got back to the company, I found my gear in tact on the raft and I'd cooled down. Can't say I was ever more scared then that time. Didn't much like being shelled either or watching the tracers going by coming into a hot LZ; but, nothing scared me more than that river incident.
[Edited 5/2/2014 5:14:12 AM ]
5/2/2014 7:41:38 AM |
What scared ya the most? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
pandiest..great post.I remember us (platoon) being caught out in the open during a mortar attack, we were crossing some paddies. I remember shit flying through the air, water, mud and shrapnel hitting us and the closest cover was maybe 40 yards away in a tree line, but if you jumped up and ran the LT said they were waiting for us over there and he was telling everybody to stay down... it only lasted a few minutes, but it seemed like a lot longer!
5/2/2014 8:08:05 AM |
What scared ya the most? |
Traverse City, MI
68, joined Nov. 2013
BTW Whiskey; My name is Richard. Everyone called me D*ckie till I was about 30 years old. My mom and dad never stopped and my brothers and sisters still do. I always smile when I hear someone else called "D*ckie". 
5/2/2014 6:30:39 PM |
What scared ya the most? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Yeah pandi...I was D*ckie for a long time,,,,then some of my buddies back in high school changed it to "LIttle D*ck "....LOL
5/3/2014 5:11:52 AM |
What scared ya the most? |
Traverse City, MI
68, joined Nov. 2013
A mamasan in Nam asked me what my name was? I said "D*ck". I think she's probably still laughing four and a half decades later. I decided that I'd be known as "Richard" from that point forward. 
[Edited 5/3/2014 5:12:33 AM ]
5/4/2014 8:16:24 AM |
What scared ya the most? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I have a nickname my friends use.I dont usually go by Richard and I think I "outgrew" D*ckie or as mom used to call me "Little D*ckie" Back to what scared us the most.....
I hated mortar attacks,laying there listening for the one that was going to land next to me and blow me away.When I got hit the first time it was because a mortar round that hit a fuel truck on Hwy 1 as we were trying to move into Hue to reinforce Marines, I was treating some wounded a few yards away...I got knocked down, was unconscious, burned on my legs and had a few pieces of shrapnel and other crap sticking out of me...the shrapnel healed pretty fast but in that climate my burns were a big problem, especially trying to keep them clean and avoid infection given the lack of hygiene...I was kept back in Phu Bai a week or so and then right back in the field.
[Edited 5/4/2014 8:19:15 AM ]
6/13/2014 6:58:53 AM |
What scared ya the most? |
Ocala, FL
45, joined May. 2014
I would have to say the waiting. Before the ground war started, there was way too much time to think about some of the things WR mentioned in the original post. The thought of being paralyzed or blinded scared the living Hell outta me.
[Edited 6/13/2014 6:59:32 AM ]
6/13/2014 12:45:39 PM |
What scared ya the most? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
As a medic I saw a lot of guys in bad shape and dying.But for me the thing I feared most was being blinded or paralyzed. I would have preferred death. I always knew I could be killed and I was wounded twice and just luckier than others. For me the worst was on HWY1 going into Hue during Tet. I was knocked out by concussion, "on fire" and full of shrapnel. But I wasn't taken out of country and treated and within weeks I was back to my platoon.My second wounds weren't that bad. Mostly shrapnel ,rocks and dirt and a lot of bleeding.Our blood was very thing because were in the tropics and that's common. I'm a lucky guy that's all I know.
6/13/2014 12:49:45 PM |
What scared ya the most? |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
The realization that America wasn't in it to win it. Take a hill and then walk off of it. Later you do it again. Insanity.
6/27/2014 9:47:13 AM |
What scared ya the most? |

Mukilteo, WA
66, joined Mar. 2011
I was an Assistant Crew Chief , Airman First, at the time before I got my own airplane.
B-52's at U-Tapao Thailand.71 - 73.
The Crew Chief was a buck Sargent a real dork.
I was servicing a Hydraulic Accumulator preload of 1000 psi. The Dork had changed all the fittings in the flap wells so he didn't have to get a stand and get up to see the Gage reading. I'd put in 1000psi and closed off the service valve,then at the cart I released the hose pressure. Went back up to disconnect the hose and the WHOLE fitting moved. Shit ! What should I do now? Then the accumulator blew the fitting out. I got hydraulic Fluid shot into one eye and almost lost it. The fitting flew by my head & went thru the flap and into the revetment wall. Had I been standing in front of it directly it would have gone thur my head.
Sgt Dork got sent off to Support to work maintenance stands and was busted down a rank.
6/27/2014 10:39:15 AM |
What scared ya the most? |

Mukilteo, WA
66, joined Mar. 2011
Hey Joe Grapper was that EC-135 tail # 1474 ?
6/27/2014 11:02:20 AM |
What scared ya the most? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
~~OP~~ and all the other wonderful vets -- you all will always be my heroes -- 
Thank you all for your service in protecting our great country and especially, from the heart, for making America a safe place for my family and I, and all my generations to follow.
That said -- you all know I have not seen military service ... but every generation of my male lineage has.
My beloved late brother served in VietNam and he rarely -- and I do mean rarely -- ever spoke of his 2 year tour of duty in "Nam" ... he did however relate the most frightening experience of his life in VietNam.
My brother enlisted on the buddy plan with another young man (his best friend through school) -- they both took basic together; tech school together; and were sent to VietNam together.
One day, in a stinking rice paddy, while on patrol, the 'platoon'(?) was fired upon by 'cong' snipers.
My brother's friend, standing by my brother's side, took a round to the head -- killing him instantly.
The fear my brother felt left him numb and uncomprehending of his surroundings. All he said he could remember was looking around, frantically, to try to find his friend's brain.
My brother came home from VietNam in one piece -- but he never ate rice the rest of his life. (absolutely no pun intended)
God Bless You All and those currently serving.
[Edited 6/27/2014 11:04:44 AM ]
7/9/2014 6:32:02 PM |
What scared ya the most? |


Larimore, ND
44, joined Apr. 2011
Hey Joe Grapper was that EC-135 tail # 1474 ?
Different variation, RC-135 Cobra Ball. It's distinct feature is that it has it's right wing painted black. As far as the tail number, my best guess would be 4663.