6/13/2014 12:31:13 PM |
Back to Iraq? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Ive never been there but I do study the news and try to educate myself. As for as I can tell our invasion of Iraq and the subsequent establishment of a "democracy" is in the shitter! Malaki is a big part of why this exercise in democracy at the point of a gun has failed.Hes just another tyrant. This after we've spent 3 (or more trillion dollars) and 4 thousand American lives trying to change a way of life that is tribal (Sunni, Shiites and Kurd) and eradicate religious zealots who love killing Americans and our allies!
According to all reports a band (only about 8000 under arms) of Islamic radicals have taken Tikrit, Fallujah and are moving on Baghdad.Reports say that Iraqi soldiers are running ,taking off their uniforms, surrendering their weapons and that some are even changing sides!
Im listening to the same old voices in our House and Senate calling for U.S. military intervention and the President is supposedly considering it. Air strikes, drones, cmon? When was the last time that worked? Hey the only way to kill these bastards is to send infantry into battle (again) Can any body tell why ewe should or what we have to gain?
This war started for BS reasons.Its turned out as a total failure! We can stay there a thousand years and nothing will change and guess what? Nobody else is willing to come to the party.We will be alone...
Get our people out! Let them kill each other then go pick up the pieces but dont do a IOF2?
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6/16/2014 8:46:37 PM |
Back to Iraq? |
Irvine, CA
24, joined Mar. 2014
Personally I do not feel as though we should endanger our troops to aid a country who for centuries are familiar with civil war and unrest. Not to mention us just going in is infringing on their sovereignty and quite simply it's not our job!
Notice we did the same thing in Vietnam and look how that turned out 
6/17/2014 11:14:36 AM |
Back to Iraq? |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
It's a shame that we try to help losers. ARVNs and now the Iraqis. No one will stand and fight but they want us to do it for them. Americans by nature just won't back up from anyone or anything. Seems a lot of the world are cowards. Screw their sovereignty. That's just a false offense. When the sh!t hits the fan then "sovereignty" goes out the window and the Iraqis cry like a bunch of babies for us to come fight for them. I wouldn't give a life of an American for the whole bunch of ragheads.
6/17/2014 1:25:08 PM |
Back to Iraq? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Im with you gdaddy! We spent 10 years and nearly 2 billion dollars there. For what? 4500 Americans died there and I don't know how many others were wounded and suffer other results of multiple deployment. For what? Let them fight it out and then pull a carried group into range and tell them in no uncertain terms "WE DONT GIVE A RATS A** ABOUT YOU"...
6/17/2014 1:47:55 PM |
Back to Iraq? |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Americans or at least my America isn't scared of crap. Whoa, I take that back. We may be scared but we aren't backing up, That's called bravery
6/17/2014 3:09:36 PM |
Back to Iraq? |

Yuma, AZ
32, joined Apr. 2013
I was OEF, But both OEF and OIF can kiss my ass. They had it, they f**kedit up. I said this would happen 10 years ago. One of them is running THIS country into the ground. I think ill stay here and prepare for the day when i have to protect my daughter from local tyranny.
6/17/2014 4:15:39 PM |
Back to Iraq? |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Mistah, I sat and watched the TV news when the NVA rolled into Saigon and I remembered screaming and yelling and having a fit about it. After years of blood letting and 58K+ dead we gave it back to them. Now I'm watching it in Iraq. It hurts my soul for you guys and America. There aren't a group of ragheads in the world worth one American life. A brave American life. A beloved American life. Sumbiotching politicians. May hell be poured upon their heads.
6/17/2014 7:02:29 PM |
Back to Iraq? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Im with you gdaddy. WE had ARVNS...we called them "Marvin the ARVNS" those a**holes would run in a heart beat while GIs fought...same thing is happening now.
6/18/2014 7:42:39 AM |
Back to Iraq? |

Yuma, AZ
32, joined Apr. 2013
The US needs to get over their big brother complex, and stick to what works. Im not saying we should nuke Iraq, but look how effective it was with Japan. I say we put our boot up their a** once and for all. Level a dozen cities and these f**ks may reconsider their Jihad against THE worlds military superpower.
6/18/2014 11:21:32 AM |
Back to Iraq? |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
The US needs to get over their big brother complex, and stick to what works. .
by all means, please do enlighten us as to 'what works.' 
6/18/2014 12:33:26 PM |
Back to Iraq? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
jrbogie.What works is letting these tribes continue to kill each other. Its always been that way and we cant force democracy on them at the point of a gun. We went there on a lie, stayed for all sorts of reasons (mostly oil that we never got)and we got dumbasses in DC arguing that we need to get involved in what is clearly a civil war!
6/18/2014 1:26:19 PM |
Back to Iraq? |

Yuma, AZ
32, joined Apr. 2013
by all means, please do enlighten us as to 'what works.' 
What works is turning them to into beaded glass. You were smart enough to read AND quote the start of my post yet somehow managed to fall short of reading the rest. Put the humanitarian bullshit aside, and show them the US isnt f**king around. When they blow up a bus anywhere in the world, level a city. See how long before it comes to a halt.
6/18/2014 3:11:47 PM |
Back to Iraq? |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
i new better than to ask such a question here. what was i thinking.
6/18/2014 4:59:12 PM |
Back to Iraq? |

Yuma, AZ
32, joined Apr. 2013
You have a better solution? Lets send troops back, after use the same ROE, you cant fire on an enemy unless you've been killed. I bet youd make a good politician.
6/18/2014 5:37:13 PM |
Back to Iraq? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Boys relax! WE aren't putting troops on the ground (yeah right, believe that one). WE have never left Iraq and the "military trainers " we left there need to di-di mau before they get caught in a civil war that goes back to the days of the Persian empire (or longer). The entire region is aflame and unless other countries jump in we have no damn business playing referee to a bunch of religious zealots- let them kill each other. We now have US aircraft from the USS Bush flying "surveillance" missions over Iraq. Obama is "considering" sending GBs and Delta types in for intelligence gathering .....are we just nuts? We are being lied to (again). I guess it reminds me of the WHO song "Wont get Fooled Again"..."meet the new boss -same as the old boss"!
6/20/2014 1:24:29 PM |
Back to Iraq? |


Tehachapi, CA
60, joined Jan. 2013
No; bring troops home. Too many are committing suicide after their tours in Iraq; now these young men unable to "fit into society" and just basically worn out from all the trauma they've seen. Too many are committing suicide here at VA; does THAT send a message upon deaf ears in D.C.?
6/20/2014 2:51:10 PM |
Back to Iraq? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
it does! Lindsay Graham and John McCain especially. I love how Obama said "no boots on the ground" and then announced we will send in 300 Green Berets! Im a Vietnam Vet and I promise you "18s" are combat troops, best of the best....more lies from DC!
6/21/2014 7:13:55 AM |
Back to Iraq? |


Euless, TX
49, joined Oct. 2010
I have no problem with killing Al Qaeda wherever they are. I don't know why any American would.
6/21/2014 10:55:14 AM |
Back to Iraq? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I don't know abninf if we are killing Al Qaeda or not. Surely some are among this ISIS or whatever they are calling themselves.It just looks to me like we are trying to bail out a side that's brought Iraq to a state of civil war after all Americans, including you, did to establish a democratic government there.JMHO
6/21/2014 11:10:18 AM |
Back to Iraq? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I will tell you this much abninf. We have some Iraq vets in our VFW post. Everyone of them says the same thing---what did we accomplish? They are proud of each other and of their service same as we were in Vietnam. But in the end it didn't matter. As soon as we left things went to shit.Same story in Iraq and it will be repeated in Afghanistan Im sure. In Vietnam we killed many thousands of communists. Today its a communist country and a trading partner, just like China! The predictions that if we didn't go fight a war there that China or Russia would take over all of Asia were wrong.
I know you have seen this enemy up close and probably took your share down. But this is a civil war between Shiites and Sunnis and a land grab by the Kurds attempting to establish their own country. The Syrians are in the middle of this and for gods sake the Iranians want it all stopped! They should get the Arab countries together and fight this out among themselves.
AS for killing Al Qaeda.Im too old. But I'll buy your bullets.
6/21/2014 12:31:10 PM |
Back to Iraq? |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
I've been talking to some troops up here at Ft. Campbell. 101St. To say the least they are very disappointed in what's happening in Iraq. In Nam we lost 58k for nothing.
6/21/2014 2:34:31 PM |
Back to Iraq? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Every Iraq vet Ive talked to is telling me that these guys don't give a rats a** about America except to draw a paycheck. Sounds a lot like the ARVNs to me gdaddy.
6/21/2014 5:39:01 PM |
Back to Iraq? |


Clara City, MN
66, joined May. 2011
Yep a lot of countries around the world want our money and to help them, but hate us. I say F*ck them all, and take care of the USA.
6/22/2014 12:13:33 AM |
Back to Iraq? |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Yep a lot of countries around the world want our money and to help them, but hate us. I say F*ck them all, and take care of the USA.
Ain't it the dayum truth.
6/22/2014 10:32:27 AM |
Back to Iraq? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
6/23/2014 10:05:11 AM |
Back to Iraq? |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Some people are wanting US troops back on the ground. Saying ISIS has to be stopped there or they will for sure be on our shores soon. Some politicians are thinking oil will be $200.00 dollars per barrel. How about drilling and taking advantage of our own resources. The gubment hyper regulates our oil drilling but they allow others to drill off our shores. We could already have oil from our own country in the six years O has been in office. Let ISIS take over the oil fields over there and then we snub our noses at them. "Sorry boys we have all we need". If they want to attack our shores then we bomb them to hell.
6/23/2014 12:26:38 PM |
Back to Iraq? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
The truth is gdaddy that also think this is a purely religious conflict being played out by tribes. And it will never end.
I agree we should be energy independent. We have more natural gas reserves than anybody and most our oil comes from Canada! But fluctuation in world markets that supply our allies , mostly those in Europe cause inflation across the globe.
As for ISIS Im all for kicking their ass, but not if it means that we go back in. Having stated this I know for a fact that air strikes alone wont do it. Unless the Iraqis decide to stop running and start
fighting this is going to get worse...
[Edited 6/23/2014 12:27:29 PM ]
6/24/2014 12:17:21 PM |
Back to Iraq? |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Nape and strafe
6/24/2014 12:36:47 PM |
Back to Iraq? |


Clara City, MN
66, joined May. 2011
We pump 1,000,000 barrels of oil a day just out of the Dakota's. A lot of it is shipped through here on trains, most is sold over sea's.
6/24/2014 1:46:53 PM |
Back to Iraq? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I think in the end this shithole cant be saved. If the Arabs aren't willing to be involved all we should do is protect ourselves from any terrorist groups. I think killing them anytime and anywhere is our duty, but occupying their country and propping up their corrupt regimes shouldn't be part of the bargain.
I get a headache listening to our media and elected officials go on and on about diplomacy etc. This should be simple.Attack us, any of us, and we will destroy everything and everyone you love.
6/24/2014 2:37:58 PM |
Back to Iraq? |


Clara City, MN
66, joined May. 2011
I say tell all the Americans to get out of Iraq. Let the tribes there settle it. We have no business there to begin with. We threw out a corrupt government and put a corrupt government in. They have fought for generations and will continue to do so. If the Iraq Army is walking off then let them kill each other. What do we get a bunch of dead, wounded, maimed military people that the government gives a sh*t about. If our congress and president want this war then let them go fight. Maybe they would see things different then.
6/24/2014 4:41:57 PM |
Back to Iraq? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013

6/25/2014 5:01:44 AM |
Back to Iraq? |


Euless, TX
49, joined Oct. 2010
I will tell you this much abninf. We have some Iraq vets in our VFW post. Everyone of them says the same thing---what did we accomplish? They are proud of each other and of their service same as we were in Vietnam. But in the end it didn't matter. As soon as we left things went to shit.
Yes I know. My platoon was the first US unit to step foot in Falluja, which now has the Al Qaeda flag flying over it. Of course after we left the town in '04 the insurgents pushed the f**king idiot marines out who had relieved us then they got a lot of good men retaking the town a second time months later. That being said, I have no problem killing Al Qaeda wherever they are. The border they happen to be inside means nothing to me. We're killing people with drones everywhere else, I don't see why Iraq is any different.
6/25/2014 8:38:10 AM |
Back to Iraq? |


Clara City, MN
66, joined May. 2011
Yes I know. My platoon was the first US unit to step foot in Falluja, which now has the Al Qaeda flag flying over it. Of course after we left the town in '04 the insurgents pushed the f**king idiot marines out who had relieved us then they got a lot of good men retaking the town a second time months later.
One thing you have forgot. As a Marine 3 tours of Vietnam. I also could say we lost a lot of men because of the idiot Army. But things happen in war that you may not understand.
I don't get nasty like you, guess I should. Lost an older brother,(yes real brother) because of the Army ran off in a firefight with the NVR. They were out numbered and the Army turned and ran. 23 Marines were killed because of that action. But I don't blame the Army because I don't know all that happened that day. You have a lot of pent up anger and you need to loose it.
6/25/2014 10:00:00 AM |
Back to Iraq? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I understand your pride abninf but I was in the 101st in Vietnam. We had Marines right alongside us many times, especially at Hue during Tet The idea of 1 force- 1 fight makes sense to me.
7/1/2014 5:50:54 PM |
Back to Iraq? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Today it was announced that another 350US troops is being sent to Iraq for the purpose of security at our Embasssy and to protect some Americans there.It brings the number to 750. Plus we are flying drones over Baghdad. At the same time the Maliki government is buying Russian aircraft and Russia is providing pilots until Iraqis can fly them. Meanwhile Iran is offering military support to Iraq...is this what we spent billions of had 4500 killed and 30K wounded on?
7/5/2014 4:41:53 PM |
Back to Iraq? |
Ocala, FL
45, joined Jun. 2014
I have mixed emotions about it. The people we met in '91 were so happy to see us; then we sat there and did nothing while they tried to throw off Saddam's yoke, only to get gassed after we left. It's little wonder they don't trust us and hedge their bets. A few short years ago, Maliki didn't want a SOFA, so we left again. Now the country has declined into a clusterf**k, and he wants our help (again).
Add to this the service men and women who lost their lives because Donald Rumsfeld tried to do it on the "cheap" (as if!), instead of doing it right like the old man did back in the day, even if he didn't finish the job.
I hate the idea of sending our young men and women into harm's way in a chaotic situation, but no less so than allowing the Goddamned Russians to control even more of the oil supply, especially while we have a president who feels the need to punish the country and cripple the economy in order to pacify the enviro-left by strangling the energy sector.
I can't see any good options.
7/14/2014 7:16:17 AM |
Back to Iraq? |

Savannah, GA
44, joined Mar. 2011
Going back to Iraq would be a bad idea.
I think prior results proves that freedom can't be given.
It has to be fought for.
They are either unable, or unwilling to fix themselves.
7/19/2014 8:49:22 AM |
Back to Iraq? |
New York, NY
28, joined Jun. 2014
I say kill em all, end of story.. Personally and I know a lot of people call it ignorance blah blah blah, i have no problem redeploying. As for the Marine Corp army junk, both sides have lunk heads, meat heads, idiots, and people who should be swallowed at birth, and both have some of the finest men and woman who have ever walked upon this earth, but we are better 
7/21/2014 9:32:40 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
July 21
Confederate forces won victory at Bull Run in the first major battle of the Civil War.
7/22/2014 5:16:55 PM |
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Goldsboro, NC
80, joined Jun. 2014
And another beautiful day was had by many.
9/23/2014 6:53:33 PM |
Back to Iraq? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
So last night we bombed in Syria. Is there anybody gullible enough to think we aren't into another 10(or longer) year war?
9/24/2014 12:19:13 PM |
Back to Iraq? |


Larimore, ND
44, joined Apr. 2011
God, I hope not. But there doesn't seem to be a war we can say "no" to (except Ukraine!).
Honestly, I have mixed feelings on fighting the Islamic State. If Iraq was taken over by another tyrant, I'd have no problem saying, "We gave you a chance for freedom, it's your problem you couldn't make it work." But now that things are turning genocidal, it's hard to say we should just walk away.
9/24/2014 2:57:18 PM |
Back to Iraq? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
joe this is something different. Its been complicated by at least 20 years of terrible foreign policy. This is a terrorist army. That's really different than Saddam-hell he used to be our buddy.
I don't think Americans unless they have ever been in combat or at a minimum served understand this threat .We are in for another war. I also don't think our CIC gets it. He is doing the easy lifting - air strikes. But somebody is going to have to fight these guys on the ground. Turkey is on the sidelnes ,the Iraqi Army cut and run already and the Kurds will protect their turf, but they aren't going any further...this is a sh*t sandwich on a plate and somebody is going to have to swallow it.