7/4/2014 10:26:03 PM |
Memories of Europe |
Ocala, FL
45, joined Jun. 2014
What do you remember or miss? When and where were you stationed?
Aschaffenburg, FRG, 90-92
I miss the imbiss by the bahnhof; gyros, wurst, pommes frittes. And the beer.
Your thoughts?
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7/8/2014 1:06:01 PM |
Memories of Europe |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Do you miss getting snockered with your buddies and throwing VWs into the Rhine? Or perhaps going out on an upper story balcony and hurling yourself off knowing you couldn't fly?
7/8/2014 3:28:34 PM |
Memories of Europe |
Ocala, FL
45, joined Jun. 2014
Do you miss getting snockered with your buddies and throwing VWs into the Rhine? Or perhaps going out on an upper story balcony and hurling yourself off knowing you couldn't fly?  What's your problem?
I said nothing about anyone making an a** of themselves.
7/8/2014 7:11:30 PM |
Memories of Europe |


Pfafftown, NC
62, joined Mar. 2008
Cup -- Come on, that's not right even if you think
you're trying to be funny.  
I know I've seen your respect for soldiers so
please show some respect in someone's thread
in the Military forum.
7/8/2014 9:04:53 PM |
Memories of Europe |

Mukilteo, WA
66, joined Mar. 2011
I was at RAF Mildenhall UK, and as I worked black birds lots of TDY's to other places in Europe.
Remember with Fondness:
Walking the streets of Zaragoza Spain with a Bota Bag full of Sangria. Sangria made in a HUGE Oak Barrel 'bout 6 feet in diameter. Castillian Girls with their golden tan , green eyes and brunette hair. 
Being in Amsterdam before AIDS & the beaches where nudity is common.
Being in Limassol,Cyprus drinking Saint Panteleimon wine for $13.00 a bottle which in the states goes for $150.00
Driving my 77 Celica around London, Birmingham and Edinburgh all night long with a hot chick as my guide. Hittin the Clubs which open at midnight.
London the Marquis Club on Wordor St.& seeing the Sex Pistols. Then another time the Stranglers
Pup crawling in the UK.
Bodo Norway in January where lots of local chicks showed up when the word got around that Americans were at the hotel's disco. Wonton harlots 
7/8/2014 10:10:11 PM |
Memories of Europe |
Ocala, FL
45, joined Jun. 2014
Did Amsterdam twice. Unfortunately, I never made it to Spain. Sounds like you enjoyed yourself.
7/9/2014 1:21:28 PM |
Memories of Europe |

Indianapolis, IN
57, joined Dec. 2013
Come on cup, be nice. We've chatted before. You just be having a bad day.
I was in Bamberg with the 504th maintenance co. Muna kasern.
I liked it. It took a little getting used to but since I already spoke the language it wasn't much problem.
I was single then. Life was simple. Go to morning formation. Take a break. Go out the gate for some currywurst.
Weekends were mostly spent sight seeing from nurnberg to heidelberg and everything in between.
In defense of Cupofcheer. Some guys made idiots out of themselves. Walking into a gasthaus acting like they own it is stupid. Statements like "when I get back to the world........" is idiotic. They were not there because of the draft. They volunteered and should hhhave known what they were getting into.
So Deutschland ist prime. Ja, ich habe bier getruken aber Oktober fest ist wonderbar.
7/9/2014 2:04:31 PM |
Memories of Europe |

Mukilteo, WA
66, joined Mar. 2011
Cupofcheer is a cool lady. She was most likely referring to stuff GI's did in Germany after WW2.
7/9/2014 3:36:45 PM |
Memories of Europe |
Ocala, FL
45, joined Jun. 2014
Hell, I requested Germany when I signed up DEP.
I don't give a shit to what she was referring. Let her start a "Bad-mouth guys who were stationed there" thread. Is she German, a vet herself, or just a veteran-by-association-for-spreading-her-legs-for-one? That seems to be all that's required in this group.
7/9/2014 4:06:20 PM |
Memories of Europe |
Ocala, FL
45, joined Jun. 2014
And yeah, what I said was mean-spirited, but hey, she runs into all the forums baiting people and hiding behind invisibility. Whatever she knows is probably gleaned from drunken war story exaggerations at the VFW or Legion.
Bottom line is I didn't have a problem with her, and didn't know she had a problem with me. I do now. There's enough bullshit in here, people causing trouble with anti-military/American threads and posts, one who runs down others' service while making himself out to be Audie f**kin Murphy, people who never served in any capacity who spout off about what they know not (I'm specifically referring to the "gays" threads from two or three years ago with that.) I stayed away for a while. Almost sorry I came back.
7/9/2014 6:25:33 PM |
Memories of Europe |


Larimore, ND
44, joined Apr. 2011
I ran afoul of cupocheer too, but I'm not sure how.
Anyway, I never got to spend much time in Europe, but did a few short TDY's. I loved hanging out in English pubs, but nothing too noteworthy happened. Probably the funniest thing was when we were in Greece, we went to a topless beach. We didn't see anything too shocking, but there was a Captain with us that was a strict Mormon and I thought he was going to have a nervous breakdown. He didn't know what to do. It could have been a scene from that movie Eurotrip.
7/9/2014 7:16:47 PM |
Memories of Europe |
Ocala, FL
45, joined Jun. 2014

7/12/2014 7:14:14 AM |
Memories of Europe |
Columbus, GA
40, joined Apr. 2014
Spent 3 years in Germany. Miss how close everything was, the food and the relaxed atmosphere. America can be so uptight.
7/12/2014 7:32:57 AM |
Memories of Europe |
Ocala, FL
45, joined Jun. 2014
And how you can get just about anywhere by train. Wish more of the U.S. was like that.
7/12/2014 1:05:42 PM |
Memories of Europe |
Goldsboro, NC
80, joined Jun. 2014
My memories are very different to any above in same thread.. Our home had windows painted black, black curtains and dark light bulbs-- for kids its a terryfying thing to adjust to...
Then the noise .. Horrible noises.. I didnt know what it was -- didnt understand it anyway until a few years later..A friends house -just three houses down was bombed!!!
My mother stood in line a whole day for some eggs- they allowed her just one that she gave to me..
People who lived and raised animals on farms weren't quite so hungry-but they also sold what they didnt want ..Oh must say this was in a suburb of Liverpool.. The whole war was Definatley NOT down south..
7/12/2014 7:53:48 PM |
Memories of Europe |
Ocala, FL
45, joined Jun. 2014
Helluva way to grow up. Probably made you tougher, I bet. 
7/16/2014 1:48:22 PM |
Memories of Europe |
88, joined May. 2010
Cupofcheer is a cool lady. She was most likely referring to stuff GI's did in Germany after WW2.
You sure don't know cup... The OP pegged her, spot on..
My service was all stateside but spent 4 years Red Horse RAF Wethersfield,UK
7/17/2014 7:59:45 AM |
Memories of Europe |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
i missed europe in the military but after vietnam they sent me to schofield barracks in hawaii and i'm proud to say that not one viet cong got past waikiki beach after my deployment there. 
i did fly to just about every european country, west and east, during my civilian career. found the peoples and customs quite diverse and for the most part pleasant but always happy to get back to the good old usa.
7/17/2014 1:00:13 PM |
Memories of Europe |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Im with you jrbogie! Aside from Vietnam and R&R I had not travelled much outside the country (unless ya count Canada when I was a kid).Later I did and everywhere I went was interesting but I cant think of a place I would rather live than right here on the river in Kentucky (although Aruba is a close second). Been there 4 times. Love it .Hated the trip I took to Great Britain and Ireland BTW, were big disappointments. I guess I could blame the travel agent!!
[Edited 7/17/2014 1:01:56 PM ]
7/18/2014 10:41:46 AM |
Memories of Europe |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
i really enjoyed ireland and the uk, especially scottland. tons of history there but the weather doesn't come close to aruba. i've been to many, many islands all over the planet but nothing compares to hawaii.
[Edited 7/18/2014 10:43:06 AM ]
7/19/2014 6:40:42 AM |
Memories of Europe |
Dublin, PA
69, joined Feb. 2010
Hell, I requested Germany when I signed up DEP.
I don't give a shit to what she was referring. Let her start a "Bad-mouth guys who were stationed there" thread. Is she German, a vet herself, or just a veteran-by-association-for-spreading-her-legs-for-one? That seems to be all that's required in this group.
Man I don't want to read stuff like that while I'm drinking a glass of milk. What a f@#$ing mess. Be cool.
7/21/2014 9:33:33 PM |
Memories of Europe |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
July 21
Confederate forces won victory at Bull Run in the first major battle of the Civil War.
8/13/2014 9:12:23 PM |
Memories of Europe |
Birmingham, AL
49, joined Jun. 2013
Hope you dont mind me chiming in... I didnt serve but I was married to an Air Force man. He spent 7 years in. 2 1/2 of those we spent in Frankfurt, Germany at Rhein Mein Air Base. I miss the local markets, the traveling, the castles and the restaurants. There is so much about Europe that I miss! My daughter was born at Weisbaden in 92 before they closed it down. He didnt like being in the military but I liked being a military wife! I missed it when he got out. 
[Edited 8/13/2014 9:13:58 PM ]
10/15/2014 12:04:56 AM |
Memories of Europe |

Phoenix, AZ
55, joined May. 2014
I'm a little late to this, but I guess I'll post anyway.
I spent 13 months at Keflavik NAS, Iceland. That was back in 1989-1990. Then from there I went to Bitburg AB, Germany, and I was there from Jan. 1991 until Dec. 1992. Now, both Keflavik and Bitburg are closed!
I visited Belgium, Luxembourg, Lichtenstein, Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands while I was there. I regret that I didn't make it to Berlin. Also, I had scheduled a week-long train trip to Moscow just prior to Christmas 1991, but it got canceled...because not enough people signed up! Boy, did that tick me off!
10/15/2014 12:14:45 PM |
Memories of Europe |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I guess we need a Memories of Southeast Asia thread! LOL!!! Mine are Phu Bai, Camp Evans, Hue, A Shau Valley..got to make a trip to Nha Trang and Vung Tau though....its fun to read about the places other vets were stationed!
10/19/2014 1:22:23 PM |
Memories of Europe |
Omaha, NE
57, joined Jul. 2014
I miss going to other countries like switzerland or camping in a town with a wine fest going on. Being able to leave ur camp gear in the camp site and come back hours later and everything is still there. AND I miss the food and wine of Germany. Nothing beats that!
10/20/2014 8:01:46 PM |
Memories of Europe |


Mineral Wells, TX
39, joined Dec. 2012
Ramstein, 2002-2004. The women and the wine festivals. The attitudes of the women f**king great. None of the pretentious bullshit.
I guess we need a Memories of Southeast Asia thread! ...
Osan, South Korea. I don't miss much, really. Had a blast when I was there, but I'm not much of a drinker any more. I do retain some of the skill at pool that I learned over there, though.
[Edited 10/20/2014 8:03:53 PM ]
10/25/2014 4:48:16 PM |
Memories of Europe |

Warrensburg, MO
58, joined Dec. 2008
81-85 Ramstein AB
88-92 RAF Woodbridge
96-99 RAF Mildenhall
Had a blast visiting all of Europe even East Germany.
1/1/2015 2:56:58 PM |
Memories of Europe |

O Fallon, IL
49, joined Nov. 2014
Rhein main ab germany. 91-94
1/2/2015 3:50:49 AM |
Memories of Europe |

Ocala, FL
45, joined Oct. 2014
I think the only things still open, Army-wise, are all in SE Bavaria; to keep an eye out for trouble in the Balkans.
1/2/2015 9:32:32 PM |
Memories of Europe |
Portland, MI
47, joined Nov. 2013
I was stationed in Heilbronn 89 & 90 with C 2/4th INF attached to 56th FA guarding Pershing II nukes. Got to go to France, England, Italy, Austria and even a trip to East Berlin before the wall came down but was literally there when the wall came down, oh what a wild time that was.
1/4/2015 10:06:44 AM |
Memories of Europe |

O Fallon, IL
49, joined Nov. 2014
We were at Rhein main at the same time. My daughter was born in frankfurt in 93
1/27/2015 11:46:50 PM |
Memories of Europe |
Locust Grove, OK
49, joined Jan. 2015
I loved it there. Castles, driving along country side ( don't hit a chicken), coffee shops. Even fed my child ice cream that had liquor in it. Thank god someone informed me before he ate very much.
1/28/2015 10:39:01 PM |
Memories of Europe |

Ocoee, FL
61, joined Jun. 2010
A'burg 78 / 83 A co 9th engr. then turned right around and reup for germany 84/87 bad kissingen, 10th engr....love the place
4/2/2015 12:31:40 PM |
Memories of Europe |

Ocala, FL
45, joined Oct. 2014
A'burg 78 / 83 A co 9th engr. then turned right around and reup for germany 84/87 bad kissingen, 10th engr....love the place
9th were still there (A-burg) 90-92.