Phoenix, AZ
52, joined Jun. 2014
help ! I got1992 buick lots of black smoketried sea foam and still smoking
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Oswego, IL
54, joined Jul. 2009
Black smoke means it's running too rich. Too much fuel. Which can be caused by a bad MAP / MAF sensor, dripping fuel injector(s), ruptured fuel pressure regulator, bad O2 sensor, etc.
[Edited 7/13/2014 9:24:55 PM ]


Hammond, IN
41, joined Apr. 2007
could be bad,or worn out rings in the motor too.

Park Forest, IL
41, joined May. 2014
need rings while you have it apart have the put in new rod and main bearings


Cedar Grove, WV
75, joined Mar. 2008
prob time to junk it.

Junction City, KS
35, joined Aug. 2013
need rings while you have it apart have the put in new rod and main bearings
The older buicks which had the 2.5/2.8/3.1s arent worth the rebuild. Because then you talk cylinder honing or boring. Crank polish and bearing resize. And thats saying the wrist pins and rods are in good shape. Itd be cheaper to get a different v6 and call it a day.


48, joined Mar. 2008
We used the buick 3.8 v6 in a local sedan model from 1988-2004, so we're pretty familiar with that motor here. Basically at around 130,000 miles they're a boat anchor. Piece of crap engine, it's only merit was good power in the early 90s for a shopping trolley sedan, but that was all cubic inches.
Being so many of these boat anchors laying around dismantlers yards we actually started an open wheeler class of racing using it, Formula-3800. You had to change out the bottom end for a race spec balanced one, all the pistons and everything, and even the race spec version for track work...the tolerances and balancing isn't as qualitive as the standard everyday specs for any model Mercedes roadcar on the market in the same year.
The stock engine, is just so lax in quality control, so badly slapped together at the factory, it's like an engineer built a motor then someone came along with a sledgehammer and just went to town on it.
Really, piece of crap engine.