7/30/2014 7:26:55 AM |
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Altavista, VA
54, joined Feb. 2012
a cattle ranchers life is not that compelling for most folks to wanna be associated with ? seems like to me the more dirty and hard work ,the less folks care about it..
your thoughts ?
thanks ole cattle
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7/30/2014 9:23:29 AM |
Do you believe that |


Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
a cattle ranchers life is not that compelling for most folks to wanna be associated with ? seems like to me the more dirty and hard work ,the less folks care about it..
your thoughts ?
thanks ole cattle
A cattle ranchers life is more than a job, more than being out in the cold of winter or the heat of summer. It's more than having to put up with cattle getting sick or running through a fence. It's a life style! It's a life style that most people couldn't handle if their life depended on it. You have to be tough and be able to adapt to changes on the run. The reward............A life where you don't have to answer to the MAN! A life where freedom still lives. It's the kind of life many live every day here in Montana.
Semper Fi !!!
7/30/2014 10:37:04 AM |
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Altavista, VA
54, joined Feb. 2012
awesome tileman, its nice to meet you.. you said that right well.
7/30/2014 10:18:25 PM |
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Altavista, VA
54, joined Feb. 2012
not alot of traffic here i see.. hehe
7/31/2014 3:14:43 AM |
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Santa Clara, CA
55, joined Apr. 2011
I think that way of thinking...devaluing ranch work only comes from those with no connection to the life.
It's been a life time ago when I had my horses but it get never got tiring getting work done at the ranch. Mending fences in pouring rain or mucking out stalls or bucking hay. Of course the lifestyle I led back then contributed to the arthritis I have now.
My grandparents had an Apricot orchard when I was growing up. I was very blessed to know a life that most of my friends didn't know.
7/31/2014 10:51:34 AM |
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Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
awesome tileman, its nice to meet you.. you said that right well.
I was raised on a 500 acre hay farm in Calif. In 1970 after I got out of the Marine Corps I moved to Wash State and worked for a farmer who had cattle. I loved to work and loved being out in the clean air. I loved riding horses and spending a few days camping and eating at a chuck wagon. In 1979 I spent late fall and through the winter in eastern Montana doing pretty much the same thing. I got a first hand lesson of how cold the eastern Montana winters can be. The herd had to be fed every day so we'd ride out and roll strips of hay for them to eat. I remember one day it was 20 below and a 35MPH breeze to add to the cold. It was a tough road to hoe but I loved every minuet of it, the only reason I moved back the Wash state was that's where the money was at the time.
Semper Fi !!!
7/31/2014 11:06:42 AM |
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Altavista, VA
54, joined Feb. 2012
yes angel you really were blessed in my opinion... and ole arthur does like to show up in them that have worked outside most their lives.. its nice to meet you as well..
tileman , wow, i could almost see it all as you was tellin it.. quite a life youve had there man.. i believe you gotta really love it to do it.. its good to know more likeminded people.. thanks yawl
7/31/2014 4:30:28 PM |
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Cedar Grove, WV
74, joined Mar. 2008
a cattle ranchers life is not that compelling for most folks to wanna be associated with ? seems like to me the more dirty and hard work ,the less folks care about it..
your thoughts ?
thanks ole cattle
don't tell me about dirty hard work, I was a coal miner for 41 yrs.
7/31/2014 5:00:05 PM |
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Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
A cattle ranchers way of life is not compelling to city folk, who just want to b*tch about the price of beef and put down people they think are low level when compared to their city way. They think were all just a bunch of back woods, dumb, dirt farmer but what would they eat, without us.
They want to talk about their net worth and how much they paid for an 800 square foot apartment but never stop to think what 50 momma cows and 45 calves are worth.
7/31/2014 8:39:57 PM |
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Altavista, VA
54, joined Feb. 2012
louie, yep id say you know what hard dirty works all about too.. dangerous too.. glad you made it out alive ...
sureshot, hey man , you make some really good points.. though i have nuttin against city folks myself.. theyre just way different than me .. hehe
but there is a strong perception as you spoke of about us and our way of life...
thanks and nice to meet you both..
8/1/2014 9:29:18 PM |
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Yakima, WA
55, joined Dec. 2012
Howdy cattle...good to see you again.....been there but as a hired hand when younger,,,,do miss it just didnt realy pay the bills in these parts back then
8/1/2014 9:58:43 PM |
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Altavista, VA
54, joined Feb. 2012
hey bear , hows my friend doin these days ? good to see you again too man..
yep it can be tough sometimes .. but you also have a hard workload yourself.. but a nice way to make a livin though.. 
8/4/2014 1:58:45 PM |
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Cedar Grove, WV
74, joined Mar. 2008
louie, yep id say you know what hard dirty works all about too.. dangerous too.. glad you made it out alive ..
glad I made it out alive, lol ? for people who never worked in a big coal mine, it is not how you think it is .
8/4/2014 5:07:02 PM |
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Provo, UT
61, joined Feb. 2014
I believe Ranching might be the only honorable profession left!
8/4/2014 10:13:45 PM |
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Altavista, VA
54, joined Feb. 2012
tator nice to meet ya..
why dont you tell us louie how it is.. ? i dont know much bout it and would be curious to know. are you sayin its not hard dirty and dangerous work ?
8/5/2014 7:28:12 AM |
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Cedar Grove, WV
74, joined Mar. 2008
yes it is dirty, and dangerous, but not as hard as it used to be, no more pick and shovel mining like the old days, most miners working underground now run various types of machinery, like shuttle cars, and continuous mining machines. but you always have that mountain over your head, which occasionally falls.
8/5/2014 8:32:49 AM |
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Cedar Grove, WV
74, joined Mar. 2008
I said coal mining was dirty, what gets on you in a coal mine, is ground up coal dust, which does not contain the bacteria, and parasites, and disease, that a rancher is exposed to in cow, and other animal manure, and urine. so your job is dirtier, and could actually be more dangerous to your health. 
8/5/2014 12:10:26 PM |
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Altavista, VA
54, joined Feb. 2012
dang louie, i hadnt looked at it that way.. thanks.. were you involved back when it was mainly manual labor mining ? i cant imagine bein under that mountain .. to me it took alot of guts to go in there ..
8/5/2014 2:12:41 PM |
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Cedar Grove, WV
74, joined Mar. 2008
it is all mind over matter, cattleman, if you don't mind, it don't matter, believe it or not a few women work in underground mines.
8/5/2014 10:26:10 PM |
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Altavista, VA
54, joined Feb. 2012
i hear ya ..its been nice meetin you louie.. youre alright feller.
8/6/2014 10:11:18 AM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Hey yo, cattleboy...longtime...no parlay ... see ya still wearing that too tight hatband squeezing your head too tight. Stetson son. Stetson. 
8/6/2014 12:50:05 PM |
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Altavista, VA
54, joined Feb. 2012
hehe hello cup.. how ya been ?
8/6/2014 5:14:07 PM |
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Olympia, WA
52, joined Jun. 2014
My uncle was a sheep farmer in New Zealand. He would get up at 4AM every day to tend to his sheep.
His best helpers/workers/farmhands were 6 Australian Blue Heelers (cattle dogs). It is a lot of hard work.
Much respect to you.
8/6/2014 7:17:57 PM |
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Altavista, VA
54, joined Feb. 2012
hey dia , thanks lady.. and much right back at you for what you do.. its a really good thing you do..
8/6/2014 10:05:55 PM |
Do you believe that |

Olympia, WA
52, joined Jun. 2014
Cattle, have you ever been tempted to keep a calf as a pet if its mothers passed away?
[Edited 8/6/2014 10:06:36 PM ]
8/6/2014 11:32:54 PM |
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Altavista, VA
54, joined Feb. 2012
hi ya dia, no i havent.. not as a pet.. the thing with that is they get too big and wind up hurtin you ,not meanin to..
the first one i ever raised off the bottle...i didnt wanna sell him.. so i kept him a long time.. and was raising a bunch more then and while i were rubbin the others heads he got jealous i recon.. next thing i knew a leg and hoove was over both my shoulders.. he had stood up and put both legs over my shoulders and knocked me to the ground.. i was very lucky i wasnt hurt too bad that day.. just bruised up... i forgot rule number 1 , never turn your back on them and always pay attention to whats goin on around you .. front and back hehe so had to sell him shortly after...
another feller, an older man, the next county over, had a bull that was like a pet to him.. wound up one day it killed him.. it just went to roughhousin him.. and it got a lil out of hand ..
so to me not a safe thing to do..
8/19/2014 8:03:26 PM |
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Lapeer, MI
49, joined Dec. 2011
Farming (& ranching) is not a job. Its a way of life. Either ya live it & love it or ya don't. It sure isn't for everyone, not even many of em. Ya don't get weekends off. Ya don't get vacation/ holiday pay. Ya don't get overtime. & ya don't get company provided health insurance. What ya do get is piece of mind. Making your own decisions (good or bad) & living with the consequences. Being more self reliant. Running a 'business' & being an employee of the 'business'. It isn't for everyone, but for some, there's no other way!! My stetson (& stormy kromer) is off to em!
Also, its ALWAYS a bad idea to be petting them critters when they're small. Especially on the head!! When they get bigger, they wanna play & ya don't stand a chance once they get to be a couple hundred pounds! 
8/25/2014 4:47:19 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
How many cats do you house in your milking barns?
9/18/2014 1:32:42 PM |
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Altavista, VA
54, joined Feb. 2012
only raise beef cattles cup...