8/13/2014 12:16:07 PM |
Gaining weight? |

Taylorville, IL
34, joined Jul. 2014
I'm having a serious issue keeping weight on and in the last 6 months its getting worse. I've tried everything I can think of. Someone suggested whey protein and it was working for a bit, I was holding at 124. I went on vacation last week and ate junk and drank a lot, I lost 6 lbs. My calorie intake is over 3500 a day.
Any suggestions?
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8/13/2014 1:31:02 PM |
Gaining weight? |

San Jose, CA
36, joined Sep. 2009
When's the last time you had a physical? Weight loss can be a medical symptom, and since it's somewhat recent I'd get checked out just to be safe. After all, someone your size doesn't usually lose on 3500 a day.
If you're medically fine, then I'd start by increasing to 4K a day and decreasing your exercise time. How many days/hours per week are you working out? Also, what are you doing?
8/13/2014 3:56:22 PM |
Gaining weight? |

Taylorville, IL
34, joined Jul. 2014
My last physical was 3 months ago, for this very reason. Everything checked out ok, I'm very healthy. All the Dr said was up my intake.
As for workouts, it varies. The one constant is I run about 5 miles 3x a week. If I don't do some sort of exercise daily my sleep gets lousy and appetite drops.
8/13/2014 8:43:12 PM |
Gaining weight? |

San Jose, CA
36, joined Sep. 2009
Wow..I'm usually pretty good at solving mysteries but consider me stumped. You're medically fine, and it's also a surprise that you can get away with 3500 calories a day at your size being only moderately active (3x a week). I would've guessed that you were one of those people who worked out way too much like 2-3hrs a day 5-7 days a week.
There has to be something physically strenuous you're doing to account for being able to maintain and even lose on 3500 cals a day at your size. What do you do for work?
8/14/2014 4:35:05 AM |
Gaining weight? |


Union, NH
45, joined May. 2009
Do you notice more peeing and exhaustion or just the inexplicable weight loss?
8/14/2014 7:52:39 AM |
Gaining weight? |

Taylorville, IL
34, joined Jul. 2014
I'm a home healthcare aid (CNA). I haven't noticed change in urination and I have a large amount of energy, always have. I don't really have stress in my life, I guess you could says I'm passive. Takes a lot to rattle me. My weight has always fluctuated by a couple lbs, but nothing like this.
Something I didn't think about till last night was hormones. I have been on different types of HRT the last 5 yrs (hysterectomy). Its worth a Dr visit. Being underweight can be as bad as overweight.
There has to be something I can do that doesn't require shoving more food on my mouth.
8/14/2014 8:11:17 AM |
Gaining weight? |


Union, NH
45, joined May. 2009
Oh yes HRT may be a culprit in this. Go see your gyn asap. That was a large portion of the puzzle missing. They may just have to tweak your dosing.
8/14/2014 9:05:09 AM |
Gaining weight? |


Kansas City, KS
29, joined Feb. 2013
When is the last time you've had a THOROUGH blood analysis too. There's two ways to test for thyroid and I don't care if your prelim test looks within 'normal' it could still be an underlying issue. Also, early onset diabetes. Type 1 can be real tricky sometimes to diagnose. Some days your pancreas will function normally and then some times it just takes a nap. My sister's diagnosis took three different tries to finally catch it
8/14/2014 11:11:46 AM |
Gaining weight? |


Union, NH
45, joined May. 2009
^^That's where my thoughts went also but didn't want to scare her. She should maybe get an A1c or borrow a glucose meter if a relative has one and do a fasting blood sugar first thing in the morning after waking before any food or drink just to see where it is.
8/14/2014 2:12:00 PM |
Gaining weight? |

Taylorville, IL
34, joined Jul. 2014
I did have a complete workup 3 months ago. I did however make an appointment to start with the HRT. A light went off in my brain when hormones were mentioned. I've never had a problem with it. Not knowing scares me more than possible causes. As women we fluctuate, its nature of the beast, but 6 lbs kinda bugged me.Especially after being lazy all week, by my standards. I feel great though! There isn't anyone around me that engages in a healthy lifestyle so I figured someone here might be able to relate. Thank you! I'm going to follow up with everything mentioned.
8/14/2014 4:17:53 PM |
Gaining weight? |


Union, NH
45, joined May. 2009
An a1c isn't standard however and needs to be ordered by an endocrinologist as far as I'm aware so they wouldn't have been looking for that. If you do have access to a glucose meter, test yourself first thing in the morning but make certain you have not had food or drinks prior for at least an eight hour stretch. You should be between like 70 and 99 but 99 would be higher end for a fasting. Anything over that, get in to see someone right away. At least you can rule that out but it would explain the high caloric intake while still losing weight.
8/16/2014 10:36:35 AM |
Gaining weight? |

South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
59, joined Oct. 2008
I'm having a serious issue keeping weight on and in the last 6 months its getting worse. I've tried everything I can think of. Someone suggested whey protein and it was working for a bit, I was holding at 124. I went on vacation last week and ate junk and drank a lot, I lost 6 lbs. My calorie intake is over 3500 a day.
Any suggestions?
Is there a possibility that you are overestimating your calorific intake? Do you weigh all your food and keep a food diary to arrive at the estimate of 3500 cals a day?
A video here tests two women, one of whom attributed her carrying a few extra pounds to a fast metabolism, and her slimmer friend who believed herself to be a big eater who just couldn't keep weight on. The relevant passage begins at 07:30.
HOW TO BE SLIM - Discovery/Nutrition/Health (documentary)
8/16/2014 10:50:27 AM |
Gaining weight? |

South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
59, joined Oct. 2008
A video here tests two women, one of whom attributed her carrying a few extra pounds to a fast metabolism
That should read a "slow" metabolism.
[Edited 8/16/2014 10:50:49 AM ]
8/16/2014 10:16:54 PM |
Gaining weight? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

rapid digestion burns calories quickly-- weight loss
slow digestion burns calories slowly-- weight increase
XashaX is correct --- that it needs to be treated by an endocrinologist
I have a very rapid digestive system and have a major problem sustaining weight. (I am not diabetic-- I do have hypoglycemia, however.)
OP~~ see an endocrinologist
8/26/2014 7:34:28 PM |
Gaining weight? |

Taylorville, IL
34, joined Jul. 2014
Update, I'm perfectly healthy. Its just something I have to live with. I'm currently up to 125.
When the lose became a factor months ago I did start measuring my intake and logging it, of course it will vary.
Thank you all for your time and input. Great group of people.
8/26/2014 11:35:17 PM |
Gaining weight? |


Kansas City, KS
29, joined Feb. 2013
good to hear, OP
care to share your secret??? i kid, i kid, the need to gain weight.
i can vaguely remember the last time i weighed 125, i was in 8th grade and i had the stomach flu for a week.
8/27/2014 4:18:47 AM |
Gaining weight? |


Union, NH
45, joined May. 2009
Update, I'm perfectly healthy. Its just something I have to live with. I'm currently up to 125.
When the lose became a factor months ago I did start measuring my intake and logging it, of course it will vary.
Thank you all for your time and input. Great group of people.
Did you ever investigate the blood sugar?