9/6/2014 7:36:51 PM |
Rioting in Ferguson, Missouri is an excuse for looting & robbingstores |

Chantilly, VA
46, joined Jan. 2014
The rioting in Ferguson, Missouri is just an excuse for looting & robbing the stores. Do you agree or disagree?
I agreed. There is a way to protest in a calm & peaceful manner without having to loot and rob the stores. Imagine the hell all the stores's owners are going through. They need police protection from the rioters, robbers & looters.
Why can't they protest peacefully in a legal, calm & civilized manner without robbing & looting all the stores?
What is your advice on this issue? How should the police handle the rioting in Ferguson, Missouri?
Should we call in the national guards to keep peace? How about putting cameras & video on the rioters while they are robbing & looting all stores? Put camera on the streets. When people do bad things, they don't want to be caught on cameras.
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9/6/2014 11:37:54 PM |
Rioting in Ferguson, Missouri is an excuse for looting & robbingstores |


Onaway, MI
72, joined Dec. 2007
A thief is a thief they'll never change just to lazy to earn what they want .
9/10/2014 6:42:18 AM |
Rioting in Ferguson, Missouri is an excuse for looting & robbingstores |

Independence, OH
41, joined Aug. 2011
A tragedy for sure in Missouri. A kid lost his life and a cop fears for his. The media is responsible for this crap anymore. They reported what people wanted to hear and not the real story. Did rioting and looting and screwing up your neighborhood more help?
10/23/2014 5:09:02 PM |
Rioting in Ferguson, Missouri is an excuse for looting & robbingstores |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Looting during a riot situation has no racial boundaries. More's the shame.
11/30/2014 1:58:08 AM |
Rioting in Ferguson, Missouri is an excuse for looting & robbingstores |
Denham Springs, LA
38, joined Jun. 2014
The reason why most African Americans are upset in Ferguson Missouri is because a racist white policeman shot and killed an unarmed black teenager in more than self defense but retaliation because he's black and that the corrupt justice system didn't indict him for the crime.
11/30/2014 2:05:41 AM |
Rioting in Ferguson, Missouri is an excuse for looting & robbingstores |
Denham Springs, LA
38, joined Jun. 2014
Even if they reported that the teenager robbed a convient store and try to grab the officers gun,there is still no excuse for murder.Why did Darren Wilson not use non lethal force on him like a taser or bean bag bullets?
11/30/2014 2:12:30 AM |
Rioting in Ferguson, Missouri is an excuse for looting & robbingstores |
Denham Springs, LA
38, joined Jun. 2014
Racist White cop killing black teen? The jury finds him: Not Guilty But if a black cop kills white kid? The jury finds him: Guilty as sin +Racial Harassment +Death Penalty.
11/30/2014 3:46:12 AM |
Rioting in Ferguson, Missouri is an excuse for looting & robbingstores |


Onaway, MI
72, joined Dec. 2007
That's Bs and you know it , you sound like one of the out of town rable rousers.
11/30/2014 7:33:06 PM |
Rioting in Ferguson, Missouri is an excuse for looting & robbingstores |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
how can i let the looters know that i'm down for a sixty inch flat screen?
12/1/2014 2:56:08 AM |
Rioting in Ferguson, Missouri is an excuse for looting & robbingstores |
Boiling Springs, PA
53, joined Sep. 2012
The reason why most African Americans are upset in Ferguson Missouri is because a racist white policeman shot and killed an unarmed black teenager in more than self defense but retaliation because he's black and that the corrupt justice system didn't indict him for the crime.
You're right, it is racist! Nobody ever protests the collateral shootings of young black children caught in the middle of black gangs trying to get at each other.
I try not to be racist. But when I turn on the news every night all I see is black on black crimes that end in death. The realist in me says there are good and bad in every race. I must admit I'm torn between these two views.
I have a Nephew who is half black. His father was never around much. When he was it was nothing but trouble. My Nephew recently tried to count all the brothers and sisters He had on his father's side. He stopped at 14. He was raised by a white mother (and white family) with certain values. He graduated from Temple university last year on a track scholarship. Had his upbringing been left to his father...He would have been raised on the streets.
I try not to hate. Yet being bombarded by these images every day, can you blame me? Where do we even start with this conversation?
12/1/2014 3:28:49 AM |
Rioting in Ferguson, Missouri is an excuse for looting & robbingstores |
Boiling Springs, PA
53, joined Sep. 2012
You're right, it is racist! Nobody ever protests the collateral shootings of young black children caught in the middle of black gangs trying to get at each other.
I try not to be racist. But when I turn on the news every night all I see is black on black crimes that end in death. The realist in me says there are good and bad in every race. I must admit I'm torn between these two views.
I have a Nephew who is half black. His father was never around much. When he was it was nothing but trouble. My Nephew recently tried to count all the brothers and sisters He had on his father's side. He stopped at 14. He was raised by a white mother (and white family) with certain values. He graduated from Temple university last year on a track scholarship. Had his upbringing been left to his father...He would have been raised on the streets.
I try not to hate. Yet being bombarded by these images every day, can you blame me? Where do we even start with this conversation?
Here's your chance!
I'm sitting here at 4 AM watching a news report about a black father ileagly holding his own black son behind a fake wall above his garage. The boy was able to text his mother where he was. It was white officials who rescued him!
12/2/2014 11:39:54 AM |
Rioting in Ferguson, Missouri is an excuse for looting & robbingstores |

Rochester, MI
57, joined Apr. 2012
The rioting in Ferguson, Missouri is just an excuse for looting & robbing the stores. Do you agree or disagree?

What is there excuse? Lost or won a game?
12/2/2014 12:03:22 PM |
Rioting in Ferguson, Missouri is an excuse for looting & robbingstores |

Rochester, MI
57, joined Apr. 2012
The reason why most African Americans are upset in Ferguson Missouri is because a racist white policeman shot and killed an unarmed black teenager in more than self defense but retaliation because he's black and that the corrupt justice system didn't indict him for the crime.
Which still doesn't make 'rioting' and destruction any better. What did it solve? Did it change matters?
History has proven a great deal of stupid ignorance within any given white community at any given time, over-turning cars and rioting seems almost forgotten or some sort of a 'normal' statement one can make with very little news coverage.
Want to really make a statement?
Don't riot...Don't shop.
Take the community 'business' elsewhere, one town over, hit em in the pocketbook, that's real to most, now that's substantial!!!
12/2/2014 12:50:13 PM |
Rioting in Ferguson, Missouri is an excuse for looting & robbingstores |
Boiling Springs, PA
53, joined Sep. 2012
The reason why most African Americans are upset in Ferguson Missouri is because a racist white policeman shot and killed an unarmed black teenager in more than self defense but retaliation because he's black and that the corrupt justice system didn't indict him for the crime.
What makes this white cop racist? What is this shooting retaliation for?
12/2/2014 12:55:45 PM |
Rioting in Ferguson, Missouri is an excuse for looting & robbingstores |
Boiling Springs, PA
53, joined Sep. 2012
Even if they reported that the teenager robbed a convient store and try to grab the officers gun,there is still no excuse for murder.Why did Darren Wilson not use non lethal force on him like a taser or bean bag bullets?
I don't know what planet you're from but trying to grab a police officers gun will get you killed on this one! It doesn't matter what color you are. Even if you're a little green alien.
12/2/2014 1:12:35 PM |
Rioting in Ferguson, Missouri is an excuse for looting & robbingstores |
Boiling Springs, PA
53, joined Sep. 2012
Racist White cop killing black teen? The jury finds him: Not Guilty But if a black cop kills white kid? The jury finds him: Guilty as sin +Racial Harassment +Death Penalty.
What black cop was found guilty for shooting a white kid in a similar incident? "If" just doesn't cut it. I'm sure it happened, but was a black cop ever found guilty. Can anyone here please name one?
12/4/2014 11:42:36 PM |
Rioting in Ferguson, Missouri is an excuse for looting & robbingstores |

Winnipeg, MB
64, joined Sep. 2008
I don't know what planet you're from but trying to grab a police officers gun will get you killed on this one! It doesn't matter what color you are. Even if you're a little green alien.
The image of the policeman's face, obviously punched and bruised, as well as having some 'giant' kid reach into his car (fingerprints on the officer's gun) and gunpowder residue on the 'kids' hand are all ignored by people who WANT this issue to be about racism.
There is NO DOUBT that racism is rampant in America. The DH forums prove that.
The difficulty for members of minority groups to take part in the "American dream' is systemic and historically proven. It did not end with the passage of laws in the 1960s but continues today.
In the specific case of Ferguson, the media's handling of the reporting, the lack of transparency by the police department initially, and the image crated for public consumption of a sweet young boy served the purposes of stoking the fires of excitement. It was journalism at its worst and fed the frenzied mobs to reenforce their already existing prejudices. It alienated the black community and isolated it while putting the police in an imposible situation on the ground.
Here in Canada it isn't acceptable to punch a police officer and certainly not to try to take his gun. I suspect that those actions will get anyone shot.
The images of the young man's body lying face forward towards the police car does not square with accounts of him retreating or 'giving up'. To get hit with a high velosity round and land forward there had to be momentum of his body already going toward the policeman. If he was either still or retreating his body would have been feet forward and body stretched out away from the car.
The reporting was irresponsible. The reactions of people on the extremes of all sides was opportunistic and they used this death as an excuse to further their own causes for their own purposes.
You can trace all my posts back for years and you will find that I believe racism to be an evil and corroding thread in any community. I do know it exists and that there are historical contexts which have formed these twisted opinions but law requires that objective analyisis of facts be used to find justice. Otherwise we have lynchings which are rooted in the most vile of human actions - evil at the core.
12/5/2014 12:48:48 PM |
Rioting in Ferguson, Missouri is an excuse for looting & robbingstores |
Boiling Springs, PA
53, joined Sep. 2012
The image of the policeman's face, obviously punched and bruised, as well as having some 'giant' kid reach into his car (fingerprints on the officer's gun) and gunpowder residue on the 'kids' hand are all ignored by people who WANT this issue to be about racism.
There is NO DOUBT that racism is rampant in America. The DH forums prove that.
The difficulty for members of minority groups to take part in the "American dream' is systemic and historically proven. It did not end with the passage of laws in the 1960s but continues today.
In the specific case of Ferguson, the media's handling of the reporting, the lack of transparency by the police department initially, and the image crated for public consumption of a sweet young boy served the purposes of stoking the fires of excitement. It was journalism at its worst and fed the frenzied mobs to reenforce their already existing prejudices. It alienated the black community and isolated it while putting the police in an imposible situation on the ground.
Here in Canada it isn't acceptable to punch a police officer and certainly not to try to take his gun. I suspect that those actions will get anyone shot.
The images of the young man's body lying face forward towards the police car does not square with accounts of him retreating or 'giving up'. To get hit with a high velosity round and land forward there had to be momentum of his body already going toward the policeman. If he was either still or retreating his body would have been feet forward and body stretched out away from the car.
The reporting was irresponsible. The reactions of people on the extremes of all sides was opportunistic and they used this death as an excuse to further their own causes for their own purposes.
You can trace all my posts back for years and you will find that I believe racism to be an evil and corroding thread in any community. I do know it exists and that there are historical contexts which have formed these twisted opinions but law requires that objective analyisis of facts be used to find justice. Otherwise we have lynchings which are rooted in the most vile of human actions - evil at the core.
Where does that leave us? Why is this conversation so hard? How does this DH forum appear racist to you? Let's talk without burning the neighborhood down!
I'm a typical red neck. Yes, directions to my house include "turn off the paved road next to the Miller barn. If you get to the Swartz barn you went too far." I've bucked authority on ocasion, particularly in my youth. I remember my early 20's waking up in a jail cell and wondering why my neck hurt so bad. Apparently I was drunk and disorderly an resisting arrest. After being released, I went to the police station and apologise for my actions that night. At my hearing I pled guilty but received a lenient sentence when that officer testified on my behalf. I spent 3 days in jail and community service. I didn't burn down Papa John's or the local beauty salon. I took it as a sign to straighten my butt out! I know what is is to be young and stupid. I also know that police officer, in Ferguson, in the heat of the moment, wasn't thinking about color. It was at worst a bad decision that ended badly. A decision He will have to live with the rest of His life.
So let's have a conversation! Maybe I am just a white guy filtering the world through my white lenses? These protests look more like acts of terrorism. Stop them and we can talk. Continue them and things will only get worse. Blood doesn't have to follow blood!
1/2/2015 2:59:12 PM |
Rioting in Ferguson, Missouri is an excuse for looting & robbingstores |


Norfolk, VA
40, joined Sep. 2013
all I know is the blacks never went near the workboot aisle in Sears