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9/16/2014 5:50:52 AM Anyelse Grow Tobacco  
Wake Forest, NC
62, joined Jun. 2014

Like I do in my veggie garden?

I use it to hand-roll cigars, a hobby of mine...

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9/16/2014 6:12:59 PM Anyelse Grow Tobacco  
Wake Forest, NC
62, joined Jun. 2014

Sorry about the typo in the title line - my bad!

I'am somewhat surprised nobody has commented on growing tobacco for personal use. Considering 'Bacca built N. Carolina I thought NC chat would be a good forum to discuss growing it.

Some think it is illegal to grow but that's NOT The Case... It is 100% legal to grow in ALL 50 states. And some think it's difficult to grow which is a myth. In fact it is as easy to cultivate as tomatoes & peppers.

So C'mon NC chat let's discuss this....