11/23/2014 6:11:10 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |
Dayton, OH
28, joined Jun. 2011
Hello, I have been dating a guy for 5 months, we are from the same hometown. He is very sweet, hard working, I am very happy in the relationship and things were going great. He made plans for us to do things together and visit his family for the holidays. He calls me everyday and texts me good morning I love you and goodnight and things like that. Even when he works a 16 hour day he still makes time to text/call me everyday or Skype. However, the last time we spoke was a week ago. He texted me saying hey honey sorry I left my phone at my house I was out fishing and went downtown. I love you. I told him that's okay I hope you enjoyed fishing and had fun. I'm really tired. I was gonna head to bed and text you in the morning. I love you. Then he said okay I love you too goodnight. That was the last I heard from him. I texted him and called a few times and no response. I thought maybe he went to training for work and left his phone at home. But now I am not sure. My question is if you were me what would you do in this situation? At what point do you think hey maybe this person just doesn't want to speak to me or be with me? Its only been a week with no contact, so I am not sure what to do. I have never gone a day or two without us speaking, he always contacts me so I don't know what to think.
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11/23/2014 6:18:20 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |


Wickenburg, AZ
56, joined Nov. 2013
online now!
You are from the same hometown...do you live close enough to go by?
Honestly, I do talk to my man every morning and nite and due to his job, like to hear from him after at least four hours of silence if possible.
I would be in full blown panic. You seem very calm about this all. Is it really what's going on?
11/23/2014 6:19:33 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Bonaire, GA
40, joined Sep. 2014
...sounds like you never had a boyfriend ..but just a long distant companion..that needed to put his phone down and probably breath.
Sounds crappy ..I know.
But ..just seems like reality.
..but who knows,
Maybe a drug dealer knocked him in the head or he fell out of his boat...
11/23/2014 6:24:10 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Florence, SC
54, joined Jun. 2014
There are several things you could do. Do you know enough about him to call his home, his parents? his employment? Is he missing? Or has he moved on? Or playing the field and has dug himself into a corner? 
11/23/2014 6:24:58 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Gibson City, IL
22, joined Jun. 2014
Delusional insecurity u dont talk to your parants everyday and their not swingin in brothals or dead. or atleast i hope there not
11/23/2014 6:27:16 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |


Arlington, TX
55, joined Sep. 2012
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If I was dating someone for five months and talked to them regularly and suddenly didn't hear from them for a week, I'd be concerned about their well-being.
11/23/2014 6:31:35 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Sun City, CA
45, joined May. 2012
Sounds like he ckd himself out
11/23/2014 6:35:55 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Radford, VA
23, joined Apr. 2014
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Nigga probably forgot to pay his child support and got locked the fuuuuck up. It's tough in the streets
11/23/2014 6:40:07 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |


Springfield, VA
61, joined Sep. 2009
online now!
Obviously two possibilities.
You seem to assume he's okay and incommunicado on purpose. If that's true, I'd deduce yer dun as a couple.
I don't believe in assuming though. Find out, then act accordingly.
11/23/2014 7:05:01 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |


Lucerne, CA
61, joined Oct. 2010
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
11/23/2014 7:18:58 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Saint Paul, MN
62, joined Oct. 2009
He's been spoiling you. Check with mutual fiends, his Ma and find out what's going on. I assume you've been having sex but he may have fun a new main attraction.
[Edited 11/23/2014 7:19:26 PM ]
11/23/2014 7:32:47 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |
Dayton, OH
28, joined Jun. 2011
We are from the same home town correct. I have his mother's phone number, but I've only met her once. Last time we talked, she was going to try and help me get a job where she worked. She's really nice. I was thinking of calling her, but like some of you had said not speaking for a week maybe him just trying to breathe. I don't want to seem stalkerish. if he dumped me, he dumped me. But right now I am concerned about his well being. And to clarify I don't expect him to call and text me everyday, he just does it on his own.
11/23/2014 7:45:25 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Durand, WI
49, joined Nov. 2014
I'm going with abducted by aliens. His a** may hurt from the anal probes, so go easy on him upon his return.
11/23/2014 8:03:55 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |


Green Bay, WI
49, joined Jul. 2013
Call his mom, since u did meet her
and u have her number, she might
know cause I'm sure he keeps in touch with his mom and if the mom can't give u any answers, then there's nothing u can do but move on
11/23/2014 8:14:05 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |


Green Bay, WI
49, joined Jul. 2013
I also notice, some more female wrote threads about their men disappeared, hope it's not the same guy
11/23/2014 8:37:58 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Columbus, OH
62, joined Mar. 2008
If you have been dating him, assuming at some point it became exclusive, why not just go over to his house and knock on the door? Or do you have a key? Or have you never been to his house?
Sounds like he works out of town since you gize Skype.... being in the same town I would prefer face to face communication. Who does he work for and is it safe to call the company and check on him?
You may not wish to comment on this forum what issues he might have, but eliminate in whatever way you need to that those issues have not affected him.
You know his friends (if you dont know any of them thats a warning sign), call them.
11/24/2014 1:13:35 AM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

52, joined Apr. 2010

11/25/2014 8:33:02 AM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
I also notice, some more female wrote threads about their men disappeared, hope it's not the same guy
I could see this, if it was mostly in the same location.
otherwise, it would be hard to imagine.
I guess the other possibility is, if there is hanky panky going on....someone is a distraught person with issues and anymocity, writing all these threads to make men look bad.
or, its just a coincidence.
11/25/2014 8:34:58 AM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Houston, TX
27, joined Sep. 2014
Go around his house if he is your boyfriend and see what's up...he might be in hospital or something...jesus, dozy a** women.  
11/25/2014 8:39:18 AM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
^^^^^^that sounds just too easy.
nope....According to Dr. Phil, there has to be some drama involved....lol
11/25/2014 12:31:13 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Blue Diamond, NV
45, joined Jan. 2012
um...you've dated him for 5 months? Why wouldn't you go by his house or at the very least call his work place and see if he is at work? If you don't know where he works or lives then move on girl. He's playing with your head. I dated a guy for 6 months a few years ago that lied to me and would disappear for a few days to a week at a time sometimes and he ended up still being married when I thought he was separated.
Hello, I have been dating a guy for 5 months, we are from the same hometown. He is very sweet, hard working, I am very happy in the relationship and things were going great. He made plans for us to do things together and visit his family for the holidays. He calls me everyday and texts me good morning I love you and goodnight and things like that. Even when he works a 16 hour day he still makes time to text/call me everyday or Skype. However, the last time we spoke was a week ago. He texted me saying hey honey sorry I left my phone at my house I was out fishing and went downtown. I love you. I told him that's okay I hope you enjoyed fishing and had fun. I'm really tired. I was gonna head to bed and text you in the morning. I love you. Then he said okay I love you too goodnight. That was the last I heard from him. I texted him and called a few times and no response. I thought maybe he went to training for work and left his phone at home. But now I am not sure. My question is if you were me what would you do in this situation? At what point do you think hey maybe this person just doesn't want to speak to me or be with me? Its only been a week with no contact, so I am not sure what to do. I have never gone a day or two without us speaking, he always contacts me so I don't know what to think.
11/25/2014 12:32:56 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Blue Diamond, NV
45, joined Jan. 2012
After reading this post from you OP I think you KNOW what the problem is. I think you two are having issues and you just don't want to share on that part of the story. Otherwise, even a moron would know how to pick up the phone and call the man herself! or drive by his house, call his parents, call his work, etc etc freaking etc.

We are from the same home town correct. I have his mother's phone number, but I've only met her once. Last time we talked, she was going to try and help me get a job where she worked. She's really nice. I was thinking of calling her, but like some of you had said not speaking for a week maybe him just trying to breathe. I don't want to seem stalkerish. if he dumped me, he dumped me. But right now I am concerned about his well being. And to clarify I don't expect him to call and text me everyday, he just does it on his own.
[Edited 11/25/2014 12:33:17 PM ]
11/25/2014 2:34:18 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |


Waterford, CT
57, joined Jul. 2014
Why wouldn't you go by his house?
Plain and simple, I was worried something happened to you. If you just dumped my a** it would have been nice for you to tell me so I didn't hike it over here to find out. Now you're telling me face to face which we both could have avoided. ::sign help::
Unless he's dead I'd say you were dumped, sorry.
11/25/2014 3:16:20 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

San Benito, TX
42, joined Jul. 2014
soo wat happened???
11/25/2014 4:12:28 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

San Benito, TX
42, joined Jul. 2014
he was prolly sucking on a guys pecker n got vd 
11/25/2014 5:19:05 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Middletown, NY
47, joined Sep. 2014
online now!
Sounds like a future Jerry Springer episode.
11/25/2014 5:28:00 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Miami Beach, FL
40, joined Oct. 2013
Have u seen him round town?
Text em and say ur worried bout him...tell him u need to contact his mom about that job...if he doesn't respond to that. ..jus call his mom ask about the job...never ask her about him.
if hes alive and well u should know by her tone...then ull know where u stand.
11/25/2014 7:16:14 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |


Danville, AL
51, joined Mar. 2014
You know op, something about your thread does not add up here.
You live in same town, not heard from him and have not called his mom, gone by his house, etc?
So do tell us the whole story here.
The thing I do not like about our day of technology, folks have forgotten manners. It is just so easy to stop talking to someone and not let them know what is going on.
This leaves the other person hanging. Wondering what is going on? Is the person sick, etc?
Fix your picker op and find someone who is actually available and has the courstesy to let you know what is going on.
11/25/2014 7:49:07 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
This happened to me once too.
it turned out, she had gone to see a Magic Show and volunteered to be made to disappear.
The problem is....she really did.
and he had no way of getting her back...it wasn't supposed to happen like that.
11/25/2014 8:31:37 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |


Danville, AL
51, joined Mar. 2014
@Bee, I have red flags going off in my head when you have someone contact you and they say they are in town on business.
Someone like that you really do not have a way to know anything about them. More than likely they are married, etc.
11/25/2014 8:32:42 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |


Douglas, AZ
34, joined Aug. 2014
11/25/2014 8:37:58 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |


Danville, AL
51, joined Mar. 2014

11/25/2014 8:55:22 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
@Bee, I have red flags going off in my head when you have someone contact you and they say they are in town on business.
Someone like that you really do not have a way to know anything about them. More than likely they are married, etc.
I might think the same thing....plus if they are only in town and if they live far off....that's no good either.
plus they are only there in town a short while....so its obvious they are just seeking a short fling.
Is this how she met him?
everything was so great for that long....it does seem weird.
But if I were her and from the same town as she said....you'd think she knows where he lives and has been over there enough in this 5 months.
I'd go there and find out what the deal is.
[Edited 11/25/2014 8:55:49 PM ]
11/25/2014 9:02:41 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
Okay....here's a true....this happened to me too thing.
I was dating this woman for a while....just like the op's story....everything was going great.
Daily contact in one form or another.
Then suddenly....nothing for a several days.
It turned out, there was a death at where she worked in a nursing home with someone she was attached to kinda closely....and she went into this little shell.
You'd think she'd have the decency to at least call and say something.....but no....and this happened once later too, when something else hit her like that.
You only know someone so well after a few months....and she never gave any indication of being the type to just disappear like that.
Well...she was.
So who knows.
I still say, just go over and see what the deal is....all we can do is speculate and most do that by whats happened to them before....which isn't necessarily the answer.
11/25/2014 9:36:02 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Canton, MI
66, joined Sep. 2013
Hello, I have been dating a guy for 5 months, we are from the same hometown. He is very sweet, hard working, I am very happy in the relationship and things were going great. He made plans for us to do things together and visit his family for the holidays. He calls me everyday and texts me good morning I love you and goodnight and things like that. Even when he works a 16 hour day he still makes time to text/call me everyday or Skype. However, the last time we spoke was a week ago. He texted me saying hey honey sorry I left my phone at my house I was out fishing and went downtown. I love you. I told him that's okay I hope you enjoyed fishing and had fun. I'm really tired. I was gonna head to bed and text you in the morning. I love you. Then he said okay I love you too goodnight. That was the last I heard from him. I texted him and called a few times and no response. I thought maybe he went to training for work and left his phone at home. But now I am not sure. My question is if you were me what would you do in this situation? At what point do you think hey maybe this person just doesn't want to speak to me or be with me? Its only been a week with no contact, so I am not sure what to do. I have never gone a day or two without us speaking, he always contacts me so I don't know what to think.
Are you saying that he initiates the contact all of the time? If so, have you ever wondered if you were the only one in the picture? I hate to sound negative, could be nothing. It just sounded suspicious to me. If you called a few times with no response, don't call any more. Let it go! Wait for him to contact you. Now if he doesn't contact you until after the holidays, it's time for you to think. Just don't become a stalker.
11/26/2014 4:24:01 AM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Atlanta, GA
39, joined Jun. 2014
If you know him, you know if this is something that he would or wouldn't do ...and if something is wrong...you should know..
....I would contact him more directly and found out what is going on.
...if the guy is ok, all this story sounds really awkward to me.. in this case I would just consider him a nuts case and move on...
11/26/2014 7:18:13 AM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |
Osceola, AR
28, joined Jul. 2013
Have you even met the dude OP? Or was this some long distance relationship thing?
[Edited 11/26/2014 7:18:30 AM ]
11/26/2014 7:57:35 AM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |


San Diego, CA
59, joined Jan. 2008
Married guys do this.
11/26/2014 10:48:09 AM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

San Benito, TX
42, joined Jul. 2014
wat happened? mayby she killed him n don't remember yet 
11/26/2014 3:29:57 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |
Dayton, OH
28, joined Jun. 2011
My apologies for not clarifying. My boyfriend and I are from the same hometown. Right now he is stationed in the army, with a few more months to go and then he is out. You are correct - He could have met someone else or just dumped me. The thing is he complains about how bad he wants to get out of the army, how much he just wants to come home. I think I was dumped and I should move on because I called his phone and it just rings and rings. So if he was hurt I would think the phone would have died, he wouldn't be able to charge it. I don't feel comfortable calling his mom or going by his house because I have only been over twice. I think I should just move on. He could have also went to field training. In the field you can't have your phone, but my gut tells me I was dumped and I plan to move on. And no there was no drama prior to this.
11/26/2014 4:58:06 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |
Dayton, OH
28, joined Jun. 2011
and no my boyfriend is not married. He is divorced. he was only married for a year...married young, stupid mistake. I've seen the divorce papers. It cost him a lot of money.
11/26/2014 7:48:58 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Atlanta, GA
39, joined Jun. 2014
Sorry to tell you that but this guy is not your bf, if he wanted to be your bf he wouldn't have behaved like that.
Block his number and date other men.
11/26/2014 8:06:40 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Orlando, FL
53, joined Dec. 2013
Something is up and it's rotten...find out if he's alive...seriously...
And when you do...kick to the curb...sounds like he ditched and didn't have the balls to be honest about it..sorry...
11/26/2014 8:18:55 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |
Dayton, OH
28, joined Jun. 2011
I blocked his number. Feel so disrespected. Getting dumped sucks, it is never a good feeling. But the way I was dumped I honestly don't wish this upon anyone. its horrible. I spent time worrying about this person's wellbeing, then figured out I got dumped - double whammy
11/26/2014 8:52:36 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Middletown, NY
47, joined Sep. 2014
online now!
Kick him in his balls and f**k his best friend in front of him.
Then move on.   
11/26/2014 9:22:35 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Leland, NC
57, joined Apr. 2010
Kick him in his balls and f**k his best friend in front of him.
Then move on.   
Good one stud. 
But OP, much better to find out sooner than much later!!! 
Than much later, with more time and emotions involved!!!
11/27/2014 12:23:52 AM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |


Douglas, AZ
34, joined Aug. 2014
He's probably buried with Jimmy Hoffa 
11/27/2014 12:29:12 AM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Oshkosh, WI
22, joined Oct. 2014
online now!
Hello, I have been dating a guy for 5 months, we are from the same hometown. He is very sweet, hard working, I am very happy in the relationship and things were going great. He made plans for us to do things together and visit his family for the holidays. He calls me everyday and texts me good morning I love you and goodnight and things like that. Even when he works a 16 hour day he still makes time to text/call me everyday or Skype. However, the last time we spoke was a week ago. He texted me saying hey honey sorry I left my phone at my house I was out fishing and went downtown. I love you. I told him that's okay I hope you enjoyed fishing and had fun. I'm really tired. I was gonna head to bed and text you in the morning. I love you. Then he said okay I love you too goodnight. That was the last I heard from him. I texted him and called a few times and no response. I thought maybe he went to training for work and left his phone at home. But now I am not sure. My question is if you were me what would you do in this situation? At what point do you think hey maybe this person just doesn't want to speak to me or be with me? Its only been a week with no contact, so I am not sure what to do. I have never gone a day or two without us speaking, he always contacts me so I don't know what to think.
11/27/2014 1:45:50 AM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Bonaire, GA
40, joined Sep. 2014
...maybe the fish smelt funny.
11/27/2014 6:59:39 AM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |


Galveston, TX
48, joined Oct. 2014
online now!
OP miss cant show her face:
"At what point do you think hey maybe this person just doesn't want to speak to me or be with me? Its only been a week with no contact, so I am not sure what to do. I have never gone a day or two without us speaking, he always contacts me so I don't know what to think."
You said have never gone a day or two with out some sort of contact and its been a week? Have you called the local morgue? Do you know where he works or lives?
"we are from the same hometown."
How could you not?
11/27/2014 10:52:07 AM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Beverly Hills, CA
34, joined Nov. 2014
There are several things you could do. Do you know enough about him to call his home, his parents? his employment? Is he missing? Or has he moved on? Or playing the field and has dug himself into a corner? 
You will hear from him after his week long holiday vacation with the wife and kiddies and visits with the in laws.
11/27/2014 11:45:53 AM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |
Flint, MI
30, joined Mar. 2014
he is cheating on you
11/27/2014 12:06:55 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Middletown, NY
47, joined Sep. 2014
online now!
OPie, do you swallow?
11/27/2014 1:21:12 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Westminster, SC
51, joined Nov. 2014
You will hear from him after his week long holiday vacation with the wife and kiddies and visits with the in laws.
yup. I concur.
11/27/2014 2:09:38 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Atlanta, GA
39, joined Jun. 2014
You will hear from him after his week long holiday vacation with the wife and kiddies and visits with the in laws.
Oh yeah possible....
All games-players "go out of town for the weekend" 
Isn't that one of the common BS that they say??
[Edited 11/27/2014 2:11:29 PM ]
11/27/2014 7:23:00 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Saint Paul, MN
62, joined Oct. 2009
I just disappeared on somebody in here today. I thought she was nice, but I guess she was just a mean tease. Nice smile though.
11/28/2014 11:18:34 AM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Pittsburgh, PA
61, joined Feb. 2014
online now!
I blocked his number. Feel so disrespected. Getting dumped sucks, it is never a good feeling. But the way I was dumped I honestly don't wish this upon anyone. its horrible. I spent time worrying about this person's wellbeing, then figured out I got dumped - double whammy
Actually this is the best way to dump someone. That is both block the phones. Although, I prefer someone call my SO and just say I am cheating. Then nine times out of ten, she blocks my phone and I go on my merry way. No muss or fuss.
11/28/2014 11:51:39 AM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Atlanta, GA
39, joined Jun. 2014
Actually this is the best way to dump someone. That is both block the phones. Although, I prefer someone call my SO and just say I am cheating. Then nine times out of ten, she blocks my phone and I go on my merry way. No muss or fuss.
If someone didn't do anything wrong to you it would be more civil to explain to the person why the relationship is not working for you.
Just a question of respect. 
11/28/2014 12:18:19 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Pittsburgh, PA
61, joined Feb. 2014
online now!
If someone didn't do anything wrong to you it would be more civil to explain to the person why the relationship is not working for you.
Just a question of respect. 
What about if you THINK they did something wrong?? I believe if you think someone did something wrong then nine times out of ten they really did. Cut them off without a word is always the best way.
11/28/2014 12:29:06 PM |
My Boyfriend Disappeared on Me |

Blue Diamond, NV
45, joined Jan. 2012
I blocked his number. Feel so disrespected. Getting dumped sucks, it is never a good feeling. But the way I was dumped I honestly don't wish this upon anyone. its horrible. I spent time worrying about this person's wellbeing, then figured out I got dumped - double whammy
It happens and it can happen at any age. I dated a guy for 6 months that even proposed to me and I found out two days after the proposal he was still living in the same house as his wife he was separated from and sleeping in the same bed. He would go out of town with his wife during the time we dated and I wouldn't hear from him for anywhere from 5-10 days at a time and then later say he lost his phone or had to work, etc. etc. All lies. In the end I found out he was still with his wife, dating me, and dating several other girls.
And why would your guy have shown you divorce papers from his short marriage and divorce? That seems odd. But yet he just disappears on you? Sounds like you threw that in just to make yourself look 'less' stupid than you obviously are.