6/6/2015 5:43:22 AM |
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Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
no...but some years ago..the man up at the store told me that this man was bragging about the big alybno buck he killled...well he had said where he killed it ...and it was on the back side of my property..kinda made me mad...cause i thought what a rarety and i never got to see it..
hye done somethhing just because it was something new??
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6/6/2015 7:41:22 AM |
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Wake Forest, NC
62, joined Dec. 2014
No - albino deer are very rare but I did see a albino Wild Hog in GA.
HYE wind surfed on the Outer Banks of NC?
6/6/2015 11:32:17 AM |
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Huntsville, AL
64, joined Apr. 2015
Never wind surfed. Never surfed at all.
HYE experienced a supernatural event?
6/6/2015 12:05:25 PM |
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Green Bay, WI
52, joined Jul. 2013
Hye told someone it's over
6/6/2015 6:21:11 PM |
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Kalamazoo, MI
59, joined Nov. 2014
Yes and walked away in tears
But it was best for both
HYE been oil and water with
someone you care for?
6/7/2015 4:22:23 AM |
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Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
yes doesn't mix well..sometimes opposites atract..
hye...been mistaken for someone else??
6/7/2015 5:47:01 AM |
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Greensboro, NC
61, joined Jul. 2014
HYE been told by someone he/she saw your twin in another state and you don't have a twin?
6/7/2015 6:03:01 AM |
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Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
all the time..strangers walk up to me thinking im someone else..or i totally remind them of some one..this has been going on for years....i meet a lot of people that way cause it opens a conversation...and i am a friendly person..this happened 3x yesterday..
sorry this is so long but it is really becoming taxing yes its that bad
hye..met someone that never believes anything that anyone says??
6/7/2015 2:43:11 PM |
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Kalamazoo, MI
59, joined Nov. 2014
HYE Met someone that knows all,done it all, survived it all?
6/7/2015 8:17:47 PM |
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Wake Forest, NC
62, joined Dec. 2014
Yes and I run away from anyone that claims to have done it all. Only My Lord Has Done It All and I pay attention ...
HYE regretted something you said to the opposite gender in hast and would like to make it better now?
6/7/2015 8:20:50 PM |
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Kalamazoo, MI
59, joined Nov. 2014
No because I already would have admitted to it and tried to make it amends.
HYE just turned and walked away?
6/7/2015 8:23:56 PM |
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Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
very few times...i believe in at least giving an explanation..
hye run away for a day??
6/7/2015 9:00:45 PM |
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Greensboro, NC
61, joined Jul. 2014
I have taken lots of walks just to get away and try to feel better about a situation. Lots of times it was reciting the Serenity Prayer. I didn't consider it running away for a day at the time but I guess that's what I did when I went to the beach by myself for 24 hours over Memorial Day weekend.
HYE wondered what might go wrong next before the current issue gets resolved?
6/7/2015 9:32:58 PM |
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Huntsville, AL
64, joined Apr. 2015
I really don't worry about what's next, I may worry about what happens at the time it happens. Seem to not worry that much period. My faith in God helps me in not worrying. I believe whatever happens he will help me.
Do you know the difference in being religious and being spiritual?
6/7/2015 10:02:25 PM |
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West Palm Beach, FL
61, joined Aug. 2011
Of course.
Religion is a bunch of tasks you do on the outside to make you feel better on the inside.
Spirituality on the other hand, is one's inner personal relationship with their own personal higher source/being. I tend to think of it as "the check up from the neck up."
HYE wondered what it would be like to be deaf or blind?
[Edited 6/7/2015 10:03:43 PM ]
6/8/2015 12:20:15 AM |
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Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
yes....i have some hearing loss...but as i'm saying that i'm listening to some good music.
in my nursing clas we had a day when we were blindfolded..and be fed...and to learn to feed ourselves...also close our ears of do task's more 2 it than that but tried to keep it short.
hye.....just waisted a whole day..
6/8/2015 7:39:28 AM |
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Wake Forest, NC
62, joined Dec. 2014
Yes. And I'am thankful for my sight and hearing which the Good Lord gave me at birth.
(Note to self: Invite Ms gems to the beach sometime in the future .. )
HYE Bought anything from Adam And Eve?
6/8/2015 10:59:10 AM |
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Huntsville, AL
64, joined Apr. 2015
No, I wasn't around during the Genesis period.
Hye collected anything?
6/8/2015 4:35:03 PM |
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Kalamazoo, MI
59, joined Nov. 2014
Yes. I collect bells, wind chimes and St. Nicks
HYE Lost everything to a disaster?
6/8/2015 6:21:33 PM |
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Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
yes ...important stuff...but no not everything..
hye.. went to a music festival??
6/8/2015 7:35:03 PM |
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Huntsville, AL
64, joined Apr. 2015
Yes, mostly in the 70's.
Hye hitchhiked anywhere long distance. Back in the day. When it was safer?
6/8/2015 8:37:01 PM |
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Wake Forest, NC
62, joined Dec. 2014
Yes. I hitched-hiked to FL to see a Lady that in met in Daytona a long time ago. She was shocked but very happy to see me. And sometimes we still chat...
HYE Met someone of the opposite gender one time and wished that meeting would have been more positive?
6/8/2015 9:04:00 PM |
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Kalamazoo, MI
59, joined Nov. 2014
No, thats like living in the land of woulda coulda shoulda and that's past.
HYE Had to remind yourself "Yesterdays Gone, Yesterdays gone"..... can't remember who sang it......
6/8/2015 9:54:50 PM |
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Wake Forest, NC
62, joined Dec. 2014
No. I learn from the Yesterday's but never relive them .. . That's history and nobody can change that...
HYE got caught masturbating by someone of either gender and they joined in for the Fun?..
6/8/2015 10:05:24 PM |
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Bent Mountain, VA
66, joined Jul. 2012

6/8/2015 11:38:39 PM |
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Huntsville, AL
64, joined Apr. 2015
Have you ever wanted to strangle the gardener 
6/9/2015 12:10:31 AM |
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Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
hye wanted to sleep and can't??
6/9/2015 8:32:13 AM |
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Wood River, NE
55, joined Jan. 2014
HYE why some people just can't seem to think?
6/9/2015 8:00:25 PM |
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Wake Forest, NC
62, joined Dec. 2014
DAILY! There seems to be no shortage of 'Mentally Challenged' folks in this world.... .....
HYE rode a bicycle backwards?
6/12/2015 12:06:44 AM |
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Greensboro, NC
61, joined Jul. 2014
hye wanted to sleep and can't??
Yep like now!
HYE lost your AC in the heat of summer?
6/12/2015 12:24:43 AM |
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Kalamazoo, MI
59, joined Nov. 2014
Yes and being asthmatic it gets bad
HYE lost electric and heat in the winter?
6/12/2015 3:01:49 AM |
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Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
not much at all this last winter thank goodness..cause it was a bad 1..
hye...been in total darkness alone??
6/12/2015 5:31:50 AM |
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Wake Forest, NC
62, joined Dec. 2014
No. I have both a stand-by electric generator and a wood stove. *This Southern Gentleman knows how to stay warm* ..... .......
HYE Steamed fresh Shrimp NC style?
6/12/2015 10:23:16 AM |
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Huntsville, AL
64, joined Apr. 2015
No. Rather have them Cajun style.
HYE Had a near death experience?
6/12/2015 3:42:48 PM |
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West Palm Beach, FL
61, joined Aug. 2011
same question
6/12/2015 7:28:51 PM |
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Henderson, NC
54, joined Nov. 2014
HYE wondered why purplesky56 blocks people for no reason? ..  
6/12/2015 7:35:15 PM |
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West Palm Beach, FL
61, joined Aug. 2011
She must have reason. It may not be obvious to those looking at it from the outside in. I think we all do things others may not understand.
I have blocked people when I am online via my cell phone, for no other reason than accidentally hitting the wrong spot on the screen.
HYE blocked someone by accident? I know I have.
6/12/2015 8:01:32 PM |
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Marshalltown, IA
60, joined Jul. 2011
No, when I block it is always done intentionally.
HYE..... made excuses for someone and later came to regret it?
6/12/2015 9:31:51 PM |
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Wake Forest, NC
62, joined Dec. 2014
I have blocked people when I am online via my cell phone, for no other reason than accidentally hitting the wrong spot on the screen.
Sorry - Lame excuse.....
Get a REAL COMPUTER!......

6/13/2015 12:36:55 PM |
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Ocala, FL
54, joined Mar. 2014
^^^^ *SIGH*....gardenguy - the class clown....
HYE known a Class Clown?
6/13/2015 6:06:36 PM |
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Kalamazoo, MI
59, joined Nov. 2014
Yup turned out to be an a** hole.
HYE been to the circus?
6/13/2015 6:13:43 PM |
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Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
hye..been to a live comedy show??
6/13/2015 6:15:31 PM |
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West Palm Beach, FL
61, joined Aug. 2011
Have you ever heckled a bad comedien?
6/13/2015 6:17:23 PM |
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Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
no not my deal lol..
hye..danced a heel off your shoe lol??
6/13/2015 8:50:44 PM |
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Huntsville, AL
64, joined Apr. 2015
In a way, but it actually got shot off. It was a perfectly good combat boot too.
Have you ever been bitter by a snake of any kind?
[Edited 6/13/2015 8:52:45 PM ]
6/13/2015 9:02:52 PM |
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Stephens City, VA
74, joined May. 2014
No but I was bitten by someone's pet spider monkey once
HYE met anyone famous?
6/14/2015 1:23:14 AM |
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Wake Forest, NC
62, joined Dec. 2014
Yes. James Taylor at a small Pub in NC before he got famous. We both bought each other a Beer .. Kool Guy ..
HYE Ignored A Stupid, Phatass, Ignorant, Low Life such as mary in Kzoo, MI?
[Edited 6/14/2015 1:25:09 AM ]
6/14/2015 1:44:30 AM |
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Kalamazoo, MI
59, joined Nov. 2014
Yes. James Taylor at a small Pub in NC before he got famous. We both bought each other a Beer ..  Kool Guy ..
HYE Ignored A Stupid, Phatass, Ignorant, Low Life such as mary in Kzoo, MI?
Excuse me?
If you have an issue with me bring it to me jack ass
6/14/2015 2:10:15 AM |
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Kalamazoo, MI
59, joined Nov. 2014
Yes. James Taylor at a small Pub in NC before he got famous. We both bought each other a Beer ..  Kool Guy ..
HYE Ignored A Stupid, Phatass, Ignorant, Low Life such as mary in Kzoo, MI?
Class clown..... was in reference to my ex husband.
so WHO is ignorant and low life? Now you fit in with him. Except he was better looking and thats not saying much.
6/14/2015 2:42:59 AM |
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Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
hye...had a good friend you could tell anything to?
6/14/2015 2:58:08 AM |
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Kalamazoo, MI
59, joined Nov. 2014
True but learning to trust anyone even less
HYE same question
6/14/2015 3:00:53 AM |
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Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
true...a couple...they don't tell anyone what i say...i also have them confide in me..cause they trust me..
hye...seen something that touched your heart so much it brought tears?
6/14/2015 1:15:22 PM |
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Kalamazoo, MI
59, joined Nov. 2014
True the birth of my children
HYE been so mad you want to rip someones face off and bury it?
6/14/2015 1:44:14 PM |
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Wood River, NE
55, joined Jan. 2014
HYE learned stupid doesn't discriminate?
6/14/2015 4:14:47 PM |
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Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
hye learned stupid is as stupid does??
6/14/2015 4:37:45 PM |
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West Palm Beach, FL
61, joined Aug. 2011
Yes and there is no cure for stupid either. Most everything else can be at least made better, if not cured. Not stupid. That is permaneent and through and through.
HYE visited another country?
[Edited 6/14/2015 4:38:11 PM ]
6/14/2015 5:44:36 PM |
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Wake Forest, NC
62, joined Dec. 2014
Yes - Many....:thumbsup::
HYE Liked someone that did not like you in return?
6/14/2015 8:56:19 PM |
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Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
Have you ever drove or been in a convertible?
6/14/2015 9:00:02 PM |
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West Palm Beach, FL
61, joined Aug. 2011
I drove a convertable from February 2010 through late February of this year. It seemed like whenever I put the top down, even it the sky was blindingly bright, it rained.
Hye ever learned to tap dance?
6/14/2015 11:08:24 PM |
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Huntsville, AL
64, joined Apr. 2015
No, but I tried buck dancing still don't know why everyone was laughing at the song I was dancing to.
Hye. Gone frog gigging?