11/29/2014 3:52:41 PM |
Have You Ever? |


Muncie, IN
51, joined Oct. 2011
Answer the question then ask one!!
Great way to find out a little more about each other...
Have you ever been out of the country?
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11/29/2014 5:31:04 PM |
Have You Ever? |

Conyers, GA
56, joined Jun. 2012
Yes three times. Canada. Costa Rica and Great Britain
Hye seen the grand canyon
11/29/2014 5:31:18 PM |
Have You Ever? |

Ochopee, FL
59, joined Nov. 2013
Been to The Kentucky Derby.?
[Edited 11/29/2014 5:31:32 PM ]
11/29/2014 5:43:55 PM |
Have You Ever? |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
No too far..been to Belmont a few times
Have you ever been to Yankees Stadium
11/29/2014 5:58:43 PM |
Have You Ever? |


Muncie, IN
51, joined Oct. 2011
No, but would love to go.
Have you ever been to jail?
11/29/2014 6:28:16 PM |
Have You Ever? |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
Only playing Monopoly...
Have you ever smacked your date on a date???
11/29/2014 6:30:23 PM |
Have You Ever? |


Muncie, IN
51, joined Oct. 2011
No but I cut one with a steak knife..true story
Have you ever been in love?
11/29/2014 6:49:59 PM |
Have You Ever? |

Conyers, GA
56, joined Jun. 2012
Hye waxed anything? (Besides the car or a mustache)
11/29/2014 6:53:10 PM |
Have You Ever? |


Hansen, ID
61, joined May. 2014
No but if you need help......
HYE........had to shave with a dull razor?
11/29/2014 7:50:14 PM |
Have You Ever? |

Ocala, FL
59, joined Jul. 2013
I didn't HAVE to, but did by accident before. Ouch...
Have you ever touched a tumbleweed?
11/29/2014 7:53:40 PM |
Have You Ever? |

Conyers, GA
56, joined Jun. 2012
Is that some urban dictionary word?
But yes if you mean a plant!
HYE skydived?
11/29/2014 8:17:48 PM |
Have You Ever? |


Hansen, ID
61, joined May. 2014
I didn't HAVE to, but did by accident before. Ouch...
Have you ever touched a tumbleweed?
We have Billions & Billions of Tumbleweeds around here. Can't help but have the damn things in the way!
Hell no! Why would anyone want to jump out of a perfectly good plane???
HYE.....held your breath for more than 3 minutes?
11/29/2014 8:23:17 PM |
Have You Ever? |

Bridgewater, NJ
59, joined Nov. 2007
I highly doubt it and don't even know if I can. Let me try now. If I don't come back, you'll know why. 
I better ask my question first, just in case.... 
HYE saved a life?
11/29/2014 8:30:51 PM |
Have You Ever? |

Conyers, GA
56, joined Jun. 2012
No. I don't think so
Hye dated a dher?
11/29/2014 8:33:19 PM |
Have You Ever? |


Hansen, ID
61, joined May. 2014
I mean 1 date & it didn't go well!
HYE......been on TV?
11/29/2014 8:51:24 PM |
Have You Ever? |


Nampa, ID
70, joined Jun. 2008
yes, twice. one to advertise our small town 4th of July doins, us girls were bucking hay to help pay for it. and the second time to advertise our sand drags at Black's Creek. I got to drive the dragster and surprise the camera man.. he thought a guy was driving.. after all, it was a fuel injected hemi engine!!
have you ever driven a drag racing car on the 1/4 mile track??
11/29/2014 9:03:11 PM |
Have You Ever? |


Hansen, ID
61, joined May. 2014
I used to race out at Firebird Raceway back in the mid & late 70's. Street stock. I grew up in Boise.
HYE.......been to the NFR in Las Vegas?
11/29/2014 9:43:23 PM |
Have You Ever? |


Nampa, ID
70, joined Jun. 2008
we lived at Firebird, practically. had a fuel injected funny car, 74 Dodge Colt..
one thing my second hubby would have liked to do was go to the NFR in Vegas. never got the chance, and now my oldest son has a home in Vegas..
have you ever ?? not sure if I would want to
have you ever been swimming in the ocean?
[Edited 11/29/2014 9:45:50 PM ]
11/29/2014 9:59:10 PM |
Have You Ever? |

Bridgewater, NJ
59, joined Nov. 2007
Yep..several times and several oceans.. : )
HYE Forgotten the birthday of someone close to you?
11/29/2014 10:24:18 PM |
Have You Ever? |


Muncie, IN
51, joined Oct. 2011
Yes, just recently. I felt really bad.
HYE brought flowers on the first date?
11/29/2014 10:28:48 PM |
Have You Ever? |

Bridgewater, NJ
59, joined Nov. 2007
No, but a few guys I met did. lol
HYE paid in full for a drink/meal/anything, on a first date?
11/29/2014 11:57:40 PM |
Have You Ever? |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
Fuhgeddaboudit of course zippy
HYE kiss under mistletoe
11/30/2014 12:57:20 AM |
Have You Ever? |


Wood River, NE
56, joined Jan. 2014
Yes (married at the time, my wife)
Have you ever been too toasted to drive??
11/30/2014 2:00:10 AM |
Have You Ever? |


Nampa, ID
70, joined Jun. 2008
once, when I was 19 and never since. that is all it took.
have you ever been in a car accident?
11/30/2014 4:57:43 AM |
Have You Ever? |

Albion, IN
67, joined Jul. 2013
yes Wed night to be exact
Have you ever become lost in a woods
11/30/2014 7:05:17 AM |
Have You Ever? |


Muncie, IN
51, joined Oct. 2011
^^^I hope you are ok.
No I have not.
HYE been bullied by someone?
11/30/2014 8:11:08 AM |
Have You Ever? |

Conyers, GA
56, joined Jun. 2012
Yes. Bullied Into a sex act in college
Hye had pancakes out of those pancake makers at holiday inn express? I love that machine!
11/30/2014 10:44:48 AM |
Have You Ever? |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
No but i eat pancakes from IHOP many times
HYE eatten cocoa pebbles ..lol
11/30/2014 11:37:15 AM |
Have You Ever? |

Conyers, GA
52, joined Jul. 2014
cool,mopar or no car,i raced my mopars from commerce to covington,ancovington closed down an we went to etonton,a otta fun,i beata lotta punks in shivvies,an ppfords ,they only there to screw arund, i cut 3 perfect 500. litesat eatonton, a 50 lites at commerce,drag racin ismostly won at the christmas tree, got too pricy,an now my wife has died,so sad,  have you ever caughta 7 pound brown trout,i did thatto in pa.
11/30/2014 11:43:09 AM |
Have You Ever? |

Conyers, GA
52, joined Jul. 2014
have you ever had both legs coated with hatching caddis,tricoptera on hiwasse river, ,,,,have you ever waked on water as they letboth generaters go at once on same said alledged river,i did barely escapin with my life, ,,im doin this wrong, all in the sperm of the moment,
11/30/2014 1:02:44 PM |
Have You Ever? |
Boise, ID
61, joined May. 2010
Drove a Motorcycle downtown standing on the seat; drinking a beer?
11/30/2014 1:06:24 PM |
Have You Ever? |
Boise, ID
61, joined May. 2010
I would always bring flowers to you!
11/30/2014 5:09:58 PM |
Have You Ever? |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
HYE played drunk Twister
11/30/2014 5:47:55 PM |
Have You Ever? |

Ochopee, FL
59, joined Nov. 2013
Been in DH Jail..
11/30/2014 6:31:06 PM |
Have You Ever? |

Bridgewater, NJ
59, joined Nov. 2007
HYE...Called out sick and gotten caught out somewhere?
11/30/2014 6:36:45 PM |
Have You Ever? |


Rome, GA
58, joined Sep. 2012
No but I called in dead once and they figured out I was fibbing.
Did you ever fart and lock out the windows so noone can get mercy.
11/30/2014 8:37:50 PM |
Have You Ever? |


Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
noooooooooo lol
have you zip lined??
11/30/2014 8:47:52 PM |
Have You Ever? |


Rome, GA
58, joined Sep. 2012
have you zip lined??
heeheeheeheeheehee in more ways than one.
have you ever slid down stairs on your butt?
11/30/2014 8:49:26 PM |
Have You Ever? |

Bridgewater, NJ
59, joined Nov. 2007
Yes, butttt not intentionally!! 
HYE Wished on a star annnnddddd what was your wish?
11/30/2014 8:54:09 PM |
Have You Ever? |


Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
yes....that i would find true love..
have you ever hit your boyfriend?
11/30/2014 8:54:53 PM |
Have You Ever? |

Bridgewater, NJ
59, joined Nov. 2007
only if they deserved it..
OoOPs, I mean NO

HYE gotten pulled over and couldn't find your license/insurance card?
[Edited 11/30/2014 8:55:38 PM ]
11/30/2014 8:55:51 PM |
Have You Ever? |


Rome, GA
58, joined Sep. 2012
LIAR !!!!!!!!
Calling BS on that one.
11/30/2014 8:57:28 PM |
Have You Ever? |

Bridgewater, NJ
59, joined Nov. 2007
Those were love taps.. 
Now where's your question?
11/30/2014 8:57:33 PM |
Have You Ever? |


Hansen, ID
61, joined May. 2014
No but i eat pancakes from IHOP many times
HYE eatten cocoa pebbles ..lol
No....I don't eat cold cereal very often.
HYE.......used Ranch Dressing on a baked potato?
11/30/2014 8:58:11 PM |
Have You Ever? |


Rome, GA
58, joined Sep. 2012
Now where's your question?
She's sitting in the chair three feet away.
[Edited 11/30/2014 8:59:07 PM ]
11/30/2014 8:59:35 PM |
Have You Ever? |

Bridgewater, NJ
59, joined Nov. 2007
No....I don't eat cold cereal very often.
HYE.......used Ranch Dressing on a baked potato?
Huh? You didn't like any of our questions? LOL
Yes, I have used ranch dressing on a baked potato.
HYE gotten pulled over and not had your license or insurance card?
11/30/2014 9:02:33 PM |
Have You Ever? |


Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
yes//..and by the time i found my insurance card they said never mind lol...it was a road block guess they thought i was old ..lol
have you ever fallin on ice??
11/30/2014 9:04:50 PM |
Have You Ever? |

Bridgewater, NJ
59, joined Nov. 2007
Yes, every time I tried to ice skate so I decided to stick to roller skating with 4 wheels.
HYE....won the lottery? (Over 500.00)
11/30/2014 9:05:21 PM |
Have You Ever? |


Rome, GA
58, joined Sep. 2012
have you ever fallin on ice??
yes but by the time i got up he'd changed his name again so it was all good.
have you ever eaten hot sawce by mistake.
11/30/2014 9:10:46 PM |
Have You Ever? |


Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
no cause i can read dummy....
have you ever ate hot sauce and wished you hadn't?
11/30/2014 9:12:50 PM |
Have You Ever? |

Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
Yes!!! Spit, spit, cough.
Have you ever got caught doing something you shouldn't?
11/30/2014 9:16:25 PM |
Have You Ever? |


Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
noooo im sly didn't get caught
have you drove over 100 miles an hour before?
11/30/2014 9:16:58 PM |
Have You Ever? |


Rome, GA
58, joined Sep. 2012
NEVER. I is an angel.
has you ever met an angel.
11/30/2014 9:17:43 PM |
Have You Ever? |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
HYE been on a plane you thought was going to crash
11/30/2014 9:19:27 PM |
Have You Ever? |

Bridgewater, NJ
59, joined Nov. 2007
Yes, and I got so scared and sick that I threw up..ughhhh
HYE...been out of this country?
11/30/2014 9:23:29 PM |
Have You Ever? |


Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
nooooooooo but i did kiss my bass goodbye on a plane once lol..
have you ate escargo?
11/30/2014 9:34:55 PM |
Have You Ever? |

Conyers, GA
56, joined Jun. 2012
Yes. I like it
Hye gone spelunking in a cave that wasn't a tourist trap?
11/30/2014 9:39:54 PM |
Have You Ever? |


Hansen, ID
61, joined May. 2014
Huh? You didn't like any of our questions? LOL
Yes, I have used ranch dressing on a baked potato.
HYE gotten pulled over and not had your license or insurance card?
Oops...I skipped a page! Sorry. I meant to skip over fly & screwed up.
Carry on! 
11/30/2014 9:44:05 PM |
Have You Ever? |


Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
yes i have spalunked in private cave
have you ever snorkled?
11/30/2014 9:49:23 PM |
Have You Ever? |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
HYE tried to eat something so foul you had to spit it out?