12/9/2014 2:08:55 AM |
Spaceship design construction |
Denver, CO
34, joined Jun. 2014
What will it take to go to the red planet with a better ship
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12/9/2014 8:18:04 PM |
Spaceship design construction |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013
In my opinion... we already have the technology to get from here to there... we can literally take ET home...
Just take your ultra zoom camera and snap some photos around the sun... not at the sun, just around the sun... I think you will be surprised at what you find...
Remember just how large the sun is when looking at those ships you are taking pictures of... those ships are huge, like earth size huge...
Don't take my word for it... get you own zoom camera... I used a Olympus SP-590 UZ Camera with a Zoom Lens attached to it...
I can only assume that's our technology up there, though who knows for sure??? but all those trillions of dollars went somewhere???
Why would there be ships up there and we don't know about it??? quite simply because of the technology used in these ships could/would power the world... taking profits away from the few simple minded f**ks that run this world... 
12/11/2014 1:27:41 AM |
Spaceship design construction |

Redding, CA
46, joined Sep. 2012
Its not a matter of tech or being able to get there. True it would have to be assembled in space. We can do that easy. Its politics and money.
12/15/2014 10:37:29 PM |
Spaceship design construction |


San Diego, CA
49, joined Jan. 2014
Considering the amount of time that would be involved, I do not think taking a human there is really a wise decision. Bringing a human is really a type of pride mission more than anything else.
I really believe we need to perfect robotics that can handle that kind of environment using the data we already obtained. The water that was found really opens up some options even though it appears to be frozen and super old. If we are able to determine that there is a large mass of it, then we can use it as a fuel.
There has been discoveries of water on our moon. The escape velocity required to leave the moon is barely negligible compared to that of Earth. We could start by building units on the moon that in turn use the lack of gravity, the source of energy and lack of danger to humans to create precision equipment and tooling that will be used to take our mission to the next stage. Then from there send equipment to Mars that will be used once the other equipment is ready. During this time we can also be progressing our instrumentation, navigation, coordination, biological, etc. analysis and acquisition to come up with worthwhile data on Mars while being able to power our units.
We need to come up with a better method of storing energy. Our batteries are not that good and the amount of space and weight they require are ridiculous. If we can come up with optimized batteries then I'd say we should get those up there as soon as possible with a solar array, computer systems, communication equipment, etc.. Maybe do something similar to what ESA did with Rosetta having a mother ship that is in orbit which is able to collect data and re-transmit signals to earth. Kind of a relay.
We have the technology to send people up today but not really bring them back and their purpose would be very limited. Most of the equipment would be used to keep them alive and very little science.
12/22/2014 8:38:32 AM |
Spaceship design construction |
Denver, CO
34, joined Jun. 2014
But this is what gets me they say we have been visited and they crashed into the ground, Egypt has the tech that was taken out by us. An I'm pretty sure that the "visitors" come all this way to what turn there engines off and smash into the ground. Cause we didn't shoot them are tech is not advanced enough to even get a million miles close enough to do so. But hey we are supposed to be the dumb one right
12/22/2014 3:59:00 PM |
Spaceship design construction |


San Diego, CA
49, joined Jan. 2014
I want to believe so badly that aliens have visited us but there are too many reasons for them not to give a f about us. Even if they could travel at the speed of light, you are talking about at least 4.5 light years to get here and we are pretty certain that our nearest neighboring star (4.5 light years away) does not have any habitable planets in its solar system.
Our resources are abundant but we are discovering a lot of our resources in other places as well. Also, if they have the technology to get here, they may have the ability to harness the power of supernova to generate their own elements. That little hydrogen molecule really can go far.
In my opinion, we need to be looking there, where a supernova is taking placing and the colliding atoms are being molded into new elements. Make a giant proverbial welcome mat. Perhaps they are consumers and these creatures are able to travel in space without anything but their own body. They might not be intelligent at all and that welcome mat but spell doom because those suckers have a voracious appetite. Like giant blue whales that travel through outer space.
The only other reason I could see aliens going through so much effort to visit us is because of our genetic diversity. Perhaps they are created through a much more formulaic linear approach and everyone is the same. After so many millennium, with the lack of diversity, they will end up not being able to reproduce. The anomalies that would mutate would most likely barely live and wouldn't be able to be reintroduced into their birth chain. It would take more than just a quick F or extracting & combing sperm / eggs. We are talking different species and crossing species does not work. There has to be more.
12/22/2014 9:45:03 PM |
Spaceship design construction |


Chandler, AZ
42, joined Jan. 2014
I seriously doubt we'll get there ...we will blow ourselves up first before then ...we can't even agree on global warming. ..now if there's money to be mined there that would be a different scenario ...
12/24/2014 4:56:55 PM |
Spaceship design construction |

Austin, TX
57, joined Nov. 2014
IF it is desirable to keep pestering the red planet, AND the distance is the main problem, THEN it would make more sense to bring Mars closer to Earth, as the first step. Once it is close by, any old spaceship will do.
12/25/2014 8:37:06 AM |
Spaceship design construction |


Arlington, TN
52, joined Oct. 2014
Capture an asteroid. Best defense against solar rads and cheapest why to procure a shell. Send robots to hollow it out with solar powerd lasers. Then launch the needed engines and internal living spaces. Have the bots attach and assemble the components in space. Test vehicle then send atsronuts.. You could also reuse this craft attach a reentry vehicle. It could be modified endlessly!
NASA lacks imagination or ingenuity we will never go to MARS or any where for that matter they are stuck in stupid!
[Edited 12/25/2014 8:38:06 AM ]
12/25/2014 8:40:20 AM |
Spaceship design construction |


Arlington, TN
52, joined Oct. 2014
Quote from numbersor_only: "IF it is desirable to keep pestering the red planet, AND the distance is the main problem, THEN it would make more sense to bring Mars closer to Earth, as the first step. Once it is close by, any old spaceship will do.

What a fuctard! Do you know what moving 'any' planet would do to the orbits of the others you nimrod? We would commit to our own destruction!
12/25/2014 8:46:41 AM |
Spaceship design construction |


Arlington, TN
52, joined Oct. 2014
Quote from iamdriftwood: "Its not a matter of tech or being able to get there. True it would have to be assembled in space. We can do that easy. Its politics and money."
Yes we can construct a piece of shit 60's era tin can fill it with fuel and astronuts and lob it at Mars now. Do you know what that would cost? Do you know what solar radiation is and what it would do to that thing and the atronuts on a long range journey away from earth? IF we want to ever reach the outer planets or stars you don't make something on earth and lob it into space.
You make as much of it as possible in space out of whats there now! And an asteroid is the best material you could use because it would give you the best defense against solar radiation and strikes from small objects. A BB traveling through space would blow any space craft we have now to bits! Would you want to ride in a tin can to Mars? NASA is a bunch of 60's era throw backs with no imagination!
2/5/2015 7:29:45 PM |
Spaceship design construction |
Denver, CO
34, joined Jun. 2014
So who came up with we come in peace talk we are not even peaceful with our own world. Let alone a alien species they look at us like ha ha ha NOT, but when I see the retarded President seeking more to spend on NASA all is lost every time. No not just In there mass dildo with eight seamen In it just what they said its better and we never done a rocket before. 
2/10/2015 7:08:24 PM |
Spaceship design construction |


Tehachapi, CA
60, joined Jan. 2013
Its not a matter of tech or being able to get there. True it would have to be assembled in space. We can do that easy. Its politics and money.
Astronauts would have to practice assembling on land first. Sometimes the diagrams are impossible to figure out without the added pressure of your oxygen hose getting squashed. For example: you are given an "x" shaped component to be screwed (bolted) into a circuit board or enormous space board. The screws (bolts) are already on the "x", however they don't match up to the nuts on the circuit board. The instructions read:
b <<<< | | >>>>>> b
There is a spring coiled around the | |
What does that mean? The astronaut should find out NOW in a safe environment, instead of out there in space.
btw what are those "x" cross bars called. I appreciate that the screws are attached, but it takes a genius to figure out how to match them to the corresponding holes on the circuit board. DaRn puzzles 
2/15/2015 9:03:13 PM |
Spaceship design construction |
Denver, CO
34, joined Jun. 2014
Well they did a prelanch with an unmand rocket but that was a wasted effort, time and money to determine if it works. Maybe they should of keep the shuttle an redesigned it for just that reason but what do I know
2/15/2015 9:12:14 PM |
Spaceship design construction |
Denver, CO
34, joined Jun. 2014
Well they did a prelanch with an unmand rocket but that was a wasted effort, time and money to determine if it works. Maybe they should of keep the shuttle an redesigned it for just that reason but what do I know
4/1/2015 8:19:14 PM |
Spaceship design construction |


Chesapeake, VA
52, joined Apr. 2012
If a certain decision had not been made by President Nixon, we could have been on Mars by the mid/late 1980's.
Look up the Apollo Applications Project, and there is mention of the original Space Transportation System, not what eventually became the Space Shuttle.
Part of this is what Elon Musk is planning to do with the first stage of the Falcon 9...reusing it. It was planned as part of the AAP that enough launches of the Saturn V would make it feasible to recover the first stage at sea.
4/5/2015 2:19:19 PM |
Spaceship design construction |


Austin, TX
34, joined May. 2012
Considering the amount of time that would be involved, I do not think taking a human there is really a wise decision. Bringing a human is really a type of pride mission more than anything else.
Yeah, you are right. I am sure we can live on earth forever. Forget travel. 
7/16/2015 10:56:18 PM |
Spaceship design construction |
Denver, CO
34, joined Jun. 2014
Well in any case this is what NASA as well as the let's keep looking out there and say we where there ahh no not even close. And now the radiation is a new factor which has been around for I don't know longer then we have as NASA says it will harm the astronaut's brains but never thought of shielding them from it in a sleep chamber protected by this "new" never before seen radiation but iss has no one on board for a year in space right. I'll take the chance. Exploration is the will drive force of us but we can't get past the all mighty dollar war terror and don't forget the best saying one day one day we will go to mars. When???? 