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6/30/2015 6:07:54 PM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |
Schenectady, NY
30, joined Jan. 2015
C55 H104 O6(fat molecule)
78O2 (Oxygen)
Converts to
55CO2(Carbon Dioxide)
There you go fat chicks , this is the formula for losing weight.
Each one of your fat molecules(C55 H104 O6) are composed 55 carbon atoms , 104 hydrogen atoms and 6 oxygen atoms
Your body is constantly using and burning calories. The body turns your stored fat into glucose(energy) that then turns into water and carbon dioxide
Inducing movement (exercise) causes the breakdown of those molecules (losing the fat ) at a faster rate.
If you're wondering where all those twinkies and cheesburgers it gets turned into fat stores stored in your chins , your asses , guts etc.
Now when you lose weight you don't sweat it out or poop it out. It is released through your breath. Yes broken down fat is breathed out through your breath
The carbon dioxide (co2 )and water (h2o) are a byproduct when you breathe. This means that you're constantly breaking down and losing fat molecules. 84 percent of is realeased as carbon dioxide and 16 as water. You're fat is broken down to those two byproducts
Like I've been telling you all along
Less calories you intake and more exercise you do will decrease the amount of fat you got stored up in those thighs , mcdouble chins , asses etc
There is a physicist on the link below explains this formula in a Ted talk video.
If you're a fat chick YOU MUST watch this video.
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

6/30/2015 7:20:58 PM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |


Saint Paul, MN
64, joined Oct. 2009
Someone went through an awful lot of work to post something that few will read and even fewer will care about.
6/30/2015 7:27:00 PM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |


Baton Rouge, LA
33, joined May. 2013
Your really don't know what the f**k you talking about???
Carbon human DNA gases ...
6/30/2015 7:29:33 PM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |

Greensboro, NC
32, joined Feb. 2013
Your really don't know what the f**k you talking about???
Carbon human DNA gases ...
Mr. Weber's on point again. You're correct sir, DNA gases...
6/30/2015 7:37:14 PM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |


Palatine, IL
28, joined Sep. 2014

6/30/2015 7:49:19 PM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |


Baton Rouge, LA
33, joined May. 2013
Your really don't know what the f**k you talking about???
Carbon human DNA gases ...
The Beast | The Awakening WordPress.com › hiddenlighthouse › the... Mobile-friendly - Nov 1, 2014 - Carbon is necessary to form all DNA and RNA, the chemical code of life as it currently exists. And the ...
[PDF] Global Population and the Nitrogen Cycle - Vaclav Smil www.vaclavsmil.com › uploads by V Smil - 1997 - Cited by 215 - Related articles But human society has one key chemical industry to thank for ... that the distribution of nitrogen on the earth has been ...
[PDF] Genomics and Its Impact on Science and Society: The Human ... Oak Ridge National Laboratory (.gov) › ... Human Genome Initiative, convinced that its missions ... genomes of model organisms to interpret human DNA, .... also can pose risks for population groups if ... Page 6 ..... contaminants, and sequestering atmospheric carbon. ... rial on earth.
mutation Facts, information, pictures | Encyclopedia.com articles ... www.encyclopedia.com › topic › mutation Mobile-friendly - Deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, is a molecule in the cells of all life-forms that ... into the multitude of species—including Homo sapiens —that exist on Earth today . ... while harmful in one regard, proved to be a useful one for that population.
6/30/2015 7:50:57 PM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |


La Follette, TN
32, joined May. 2013
You and Fu_Gazi would get along great - both here on the forums and another place that involves "threads" lol.
6/30/2015 7:57:21 PM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |
Aguadilla, PR
28, joined Apr. 2015
Uh oh , shots fired...
6/30/2015 7:58:40 PM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |


Bryan, TX
32, joined Apr. 2013
Uh oh , shots fired...
Weber will win if its a crazy-off.
6/30/2015 7:59:49 PM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |

Elk Grove Village, IL
36, joined Mar. 2014
I'm fat I know
6/30/2015 8:04:24 PM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |

Norfolk, VA
45, joined Jan. 2014
You should keep making fun of fat people like the 300 lbs. Mizzangeleye. She will get so embarrass & she will lose weight. Put up pictures of fat women, then put Mizzangeleye's name under it. It will make her so embarrass about her obesity & she will lose weight. Shame her into losing weight. Keep teasing her about how fat she looks. That 300 pounds Mexican lard has a very bad eating habit. Why is she so fat? She is 300 lbs. of Mexican lard. She feels no shame about being fat. She keeps on getting fatter every single day.
Don't u care about how u look, Mizzangeleye? You are too fat, like 300 lbs. fat. You like being a Fattie? Men find u very repulsive & disgusting, Mizzangeleye.
6/30/2015 8:11:03 PM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |

Norfolk, VA
45, joined Jan. 2014
How to spot a real profile?
The pictures in the profile will look like the 300 lbs. Mizzangeleye. The women will look fat & ugly. They will look like the 300 lbs. Mizzangeleye.
How to spot a fake profile?
The girl in the picture will be skinny & pretty. It will be too good to be true that she is that skinny & pretty.
6/30/2015 8:12:20 PM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |


Bryan, TX
32, joined Apr. 2013
How to spot a real profile?
The pictures in the profile will look like the 300 lbs. Mizzangeleye. The women will look fat & ugly. They will look like the 300 lbs. Mizzangeleye.
How to spot a fake profile?
The girl in the picture will be skinny & pretty. It will be too good to be true that she is that skinny & pretty.
How to spot a fake profile? Look at yours.
6/30/2015 8:13:14 PM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |


Baton Rouge, LA
33, joined May. 2013
The Beast | The Awakening WordPress.com › hiddenlighthouse › the... Mobile-friendly - Nov 1, 2014 - Carbon is necessary to form all DNA and RNA, the chemical code of life as it currently exists. And the ...
[PDF] Global Population and the Nitrogen Cycle - Vaclav Smil www.vaclavsmil.com › uploads by V Smil - 1997 - Cited by 215 - Related articles But human society has one key chemical industry to thank for ... that the distribution of nitrogen on the earth has been ...
[PDF] Genomics and Its Impact on Science and Society: The Human ... Oak Ridge National Laboratory (.gov) › ... Human Genome Initiative, convinced that its missions ... genomes of model organisms to interpret human DNA, .... also can pose risks for population groups if ... Page 6 ..... contaminants, and sequestering atmospheric carbon. ... rial on earth.
mutation Facts, information, pictures | Encyclopedia.com articles ... www.encyclopedia.com › topic › mutation Mobile-friendly - Deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, is a molecule in the cells of all life-forms that ... into the multitude of species—including Homo sapiens —that exist on Earth today . ... while harmful in one regard, proved to be a useful one for that population.
NOVA | Are Neanderthals Human? www.pbs.org › nova › evolution - PBS Do Neanderthals belong within Homo sapiens ? .... the question of whether Neanderthals are part of our own species—call them Homo sapiens neanderthalensis—or a separate Homo ...
The Great Human Migration www.smithsonianmag.com › ... - Smithsonian When the migration was complete, Homo sapiens was the last—and only—man standing. Even today researchers argue about what separates modern humans from other, extinct hominids. Generally ...
Evolution: Humans: Origins of Humankind - PBS PBS › wgbh › humans › humankind Homo sapiens (100,000 years ago to present). Species Description: The modern form of Homo sapiens first appeared ...
Ancient DNA and Neanderthals - | The Smithsonian Institution's ... Smithsonian Institution › humanorigins › ... What was the relationship between Neanderthals and anatomically modern Homo sapiens? Did Neanderthals and ... Neanderthal Mitochondrial DNA - Interbreeding
Ancient DNA and Neanderthals -Human Origins Program Smithsonian Institution › humanorigins Fossil and genetic evidence supports an African origin for Homo sapiens. Mitochondrial DNA shows differences between Neanderthals and modern humans. Neanderthal mtDNA also differed from that ...
Neanderthal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Wikipedia › wiki › Neanderthal Mobile-friendly - Homo sapiens neanderthalensis.jpg ... This difference in brain size can be attributed to the cold climate adaptations .... Comparison of the DNA of Neanderthals and Homo sapiens suggests that they ... Encephalization - Steinheim skull
Were Neanderthals a different species? | Genetic Literacy Project www.geneticliteracyproject.org › were-n... Feb 4, 2014 - Hence these “deserts” may help define the most important genetic differences between us and them.
*Epigenetics shows differences between Homo sapiens and ... Jerusalem Post › Health-and-Science › E... Mobile-friendly - May 10, 2014 - What was it in our genetic makeup that gave us the advantage?
Account Options Google › plus › posts Mobile-friendly - Nov 10, 2013 - Black people are the original "Civilized" people of all the .... of the African Sahara Black Homo Sapiens (Modern Human), we ..... I would never want to be part sub human Neanderthal, ...
[PDF] Race - Emil OW Kirkegaard emilkirkegaard.dk › wp-content › uploads and scientific thought on human races, with special ..... 12 Physical differences between the ethnic taxa of man; In ...... reality of genetic differences between ethnic taxa. ...... sider that Neanderthal man belonged to Homo sapiens (cf. p. 11).
Full text of "Story of man: from the first human to primitive culture and ... Internet Archive › stream Mobile-friendly - Homo erectus forms an anatomical link between^a still uniden- tifieH^ ALstraTopithecmelancesiOLandHorno-sapiens ...
Full text of "Anthropology: race, language, culture, psychology, pre ... Internet Archive › stream Mobile-friendly - CONTINENTS AND OCEANS 67. ..... Society without culture exists on the subhuman level. ...... The most fundamental difference is that human societies, beyond the ...... HS, Homo sapiens, living man: Au, Ng, Ca, Mo, Bu, Australian, Negro, ...
Evolution - SlideShare SlideShare › mobile › RabiiaIkram Mobile-friendly - Mar 8, 2015 - Genetic Factors in the Origin of Diversity 375 18. ..... through hybridization (cross- mating) between the original species. ...... differentiated as either Neanderthal or Homo sapiens are ...
[PDF] Creation Facts of Life - Nccg.org www.nccg.org › CreationFacts simply no limit to what human beings can do. For me ...... structures and properties like the original. .... creationists also point out that the differences between “chemical ...... now classify Neanderthals as Homo sapiens, the same scientific.
[PDF] UNIV.OI booksnow1.scholarsportal.info › oca1 large body of original material to anthropological journals of high ...... peoples outside of this continent. ...... or that he may not have represented an early race of Homo sapiens from ..... The problem of the Piltdown jaw: human or sub-human?
6/30/2015 8:26:26 PM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |


Baton Rouge, LA
33, joined May. 2013
ep·i·ge·net·ics definition/?ep?j?'nediks/
noun BIOLOGY noun: epigenetics the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself. "epigenetics has transformed the way we think about genomes"
Epigenetics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Wikipedia › wiki › Epigenetics Mobile-friendly - In genetics, epigenetics is the study of cellular and physiological trait variations that are not caused by changes in the DNA sequence; in layman's terms, epigenetics is essentially the study of external or environmental factors that turn genes on and off and affect how cells read genes. DNA methylation - Histone -
why mix mutation caucasians negro's are self racist lunatic terrorist and why original melanin negro's are self racist lunatic terroristic?
The Latin word sed leprosus in the old testament..
When she touch her negro melanin pigment became zaraath and when ate,,her eyes became open,,meaning,,open to past,present and future of meaning she an evil omen.....
A Eve/Hawwa/hawa

Caucasian - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster ... www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ca... Mobile-friendly - of or relating to the white race as defined by law specifically as composed of persons of European, North African, ...
Cau·ca·sian /kô'kaZH?n/
NORTHAMERICAN white-skinned; of European origin. "twenty of the therapists were Caucasian, two were African American, and two were Hispanic" dated of or relating to one of the traditional divisions of humankind, covering a broad group of peoples from Europe, western Asia, and parts of India and North Africa. adjective: Caucasian relating to the Caucasus.
relating to a group of languages spoken in the region of the Caucasus, of which thirty-eight are known, many not committed to writing. The most widely spoken is Georgian, of the small South Caucasian family, not related to the three North Caucasian families.
noun noun: Caucasian; plural noun: Caucasians
NORTHAMERICAN a white person; a person of European origin. "the man is described as being a 50-year-old Caucasian with a full head of graying hair"
a person from the Caucasus. "the Caucasians of Southern Russia"
caucasus definition
caucasus mountains
race definition
african american definition
Caucasian | Define Caucasian at Dictionary.com dictionary.reference.com/browse/caucasian Mobile-friendly -Caucasian definition, Anthropology. (no longer in technical use) of, relating to, or characteristic of one of the traditional ... North caucasian - South caucasian - Caucasian lily
Urban Dictionary: caucasian www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?... Mobile-friendly - "The term Caucasian race or Caucasian is used to refer to people whose ancestry can be traced back to Europe, North Africa, West Asia, South Asia and parts of Central Asia. It was once considered a useful taxonomical categorization of human racial groups based on a presumed common geographic and/or linguistic origin.
Caucasian - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster ... www.merriam-webster.com/.../Caucasian Mobile-friendly - Medical Definition of CAUCASIAN. 1 : of or relating to the white race of humankind as classified according to physical features. 2 : of or relating to the white race as defined by law specifically as composed of persons of European, North African, or southwest Asian ancestry.
Caucasian - definition of Caucasian by The Free Dictionary www.thefreedictionary.com/_/dict.aspx?... Mobile-friendly -Definition of Caucasian in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of Caucasian. Pronunciation of Caucasian. Translations of ...
Caucasian race - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caucasian_race Mobile-friendly -In various editions of On the Natural Variety of Mankind, Blumenbach expanded on Meiners' popular idea and defined ... White people - Peoples of the Caucasus - Hamitic
Caucasian definition:relating to the old original Hebrew word accurse/alah/Allah ZARAATH,meaning,,A original melanin negro pigment became White..


EXODUS CHAPTER 4:6-GOD demonstrating it..

GOD DEMONSTRATED HIS HAND in the scripture picture..

Numbers 12:10-14 King James Version (KJV)
And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle; and, behold, (Miriam) became ((leprous,)) white )as snow :
and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and, behold, ((she was leprous.)))
And Aaron said unto Moses, Alas, my lord, I beseech thee, lay not the sin upon us, wherein we have done foolishly, and wherein we have sinned.
Let her not be as(( one dead, of whom the flesh is half consumed)) when he cometh out of his(( mother's womb.))

Me : meaning not fully develop of the negro's melanin pigment by being

And Moses cried unto the LORD, saying, Heal her now, O God, I beseech thee.
And the LORD said unto Moses, If her father had but spit in her face, should she not be ashamed seven days? let her be shut out from the camp seven days, and after that let her be received in again.
Ezekiel 3:20-21 New International Version (NIV)
“Again, when a righteous person turns from their righteousness and does evil, and I put a(( stumbling block ))before them, they will die. Since you did not warn them, they will die for their sin. The righteous things that person did will not be remembered, and I ll hold you accountable for their blood. But if you do warn the righteous person not to sin and they do not sin, they will surly live because they took warning, and you will have saved yourself.”
Do you understand now???
6/30/2015 8:37:41 PM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |


Bryan, TX
32, joined Apr. 2013
^^ no one understands what you mean f**k face.
6/30/2015 10:45:10 PM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |


La Follette, TN
32, joined May. 2013
How to spot a real profile?
The pictures in the profile will look like the 300 lbs. Mizzangeleye. The women will look fat & ugly. They will look like the 300 lbs. Mizzangeleye.
How to spot a fake profile?
The girl in the picture will be skinny & pretty. It will be too good to be true that she is that skinny & pretty.
Dude, what the f**k is up with your perpetual fixation on MizzAngelEye, seriously? A typical woman wouldn't normally go through such subterfuge to undermine another woman's appearance - unless she's envious of her physical traits and features.
You're obviously jealous of MizzAngel's looks. So, she's better looking than you - f**king get over it. There's a ton of women on here much better looking than myself - but I don't obsessively pursue them without provocation on the forums.
MizzAngelEye is NOT fat - you obviously can't afford glasses or contact lenses (probably because you sacrificed that money for internet and chips instead) so you can sit on your own fat a** harassing a woman who is more aesthetically blessed than yourself. If you had anything proud to show for yourself - you'd post your own photo up. But you're terrified of that particular reality, aren't you?
Get a f**king life - STEAL one if you have to... maybe steal a wallet for new glasses while you're at it.
Actually, forget the glasses - I'd hate for you to see MizzAngel in HD (might make you even more envious) lol.
6/30/2015 10:51:29 PM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |
Aguadilla, PR
28, joined Apr. 2015

6/30/2015 10:53:38 PM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |

Greensboro, NC
32, joined Feb. 2013
Dude, what the f**k is up with your perpetual fixation on MizzAngelEye, seriously? A typical woman wouldn't normally go through such subterfuge to undermine another woman's appearance - unless she's envious of her physical traits and features.
You're obviously jealous of MizzAngel's looks. So, she's better looking than you - f**king get over it. There's a ton of women on here much better looking than myself - but I don't obsessively pursue them without provocation on the forums.
MizzAngelEye is NOT fat - you obviously can't afford glasses or contact lenses (probably because you sacrificed that money for internet and chips instead) so you can sit on your own fat a** harassing a woman who is more aesthetically blessed than yourself. If you had anything proud to show for yourself - you'd post your own photo up. But you're terrified of that particular reality, aren't you?
Get a f**king life - STEAL one if you have to... maybe steal a wallet for new glasses while you're at it.
Actually, forget the glasses - I'd hate for you to see MizzAngel in HD (might make you even more envious) lol.
Maybe it's the same person and they're just putting on a puppet show?
6/30/2015 11:06:40 PM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |

Norfolk, VA
45, joined Jan. 2014
The woman with two creatures living on her eyebrows. You are right, I am jealous of the 300 lbs. Mizzangeleye. I wish I was 300 lbs.
Lare, your face look like a man. You look like a man with thick thick eye brows on his face. Lare, you look very much like a man. You are lucky to have breasts, if u have small breasts people would think u are a man. And those two eyebrows on your face, they look alive. They look like two creatures living on your face.
Those eyebrows make u look demented. Your personality matched the way you look.
@ lare
You don't understand psychology, since your eyebrows made u look so demented and all.
Fugazi & I are trying to make the 300 lbs. Mizzangeleye lose weight. If u keep making fun of fat people like Mizzangeleye, she will lose weight. We are trying to make her feel ashamed of her lardy body, but she is just not. She is proud of her lardy body. She keeps putting on more weight instead. 
Mizzangeleye must be 450 lbs. by now.
Fugazi & I are helping Mizzangeleye lose weight by making fun of her fat body. She is 300 lbs. of fat lard. Do u want her to put on even more weight to become 450 lbs.? She is gross to look at. Her looks offended fugazi & I.
Lare, she was stalking me & harassing me. She wanted my attention so I am giving her my attention. She will deny harassing. She will stalk people, make up stories about people. If u ask her about it, she will deny it. She is like a 3 year old child that like to lie a lot. Mizz is a compulsive liar. She needs to lose weight. All that lard on her body is disgusting. It's very offensive to look at.
6/30/2015 11:16:38 PM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |

Norfolk, VA
45, joined Jan. 2014
Maybe it's the same person and they're just putting on a puppet show?
Wpbj, the1finallynx & Mizzangeleye are the same person. They are Mizzangeleye's fake profiles. She has tons of profiles.
Lare, u are accusing people of being jealous of the 300 lbs. Mizzangeleye. Even Mizzangeleye wouldn't dare say anyone is jealous of her 300 lbs. body. She is afraid that people will make fun of her if she would dare make such a statement.
I like fugazi because the 300 lbs. Mizzangeleye is afraid of him. She hates it when he makes fun of her posts. She can't take it. Mizzangeleye is not afraid of me. She was stalking me for 6 months in these forums. I asked her many times to stop stalking me. She won't stop.
I told the room that I have blocked her. Two weeks after that she was still copy & paste my posts to show people that I didn't block her. Then she puts this next to my posts when I said I blocked her.
300 lbs. Mizzangeleye: "Look, Sarah didn't blocked me. Look I can still see Sarah's posts. "Sarah's posts."

6/30/2015 11:31:10 PM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |
Aguadilla, PR
28, joined Apr. 2015
Don't u ever shut the f**k up sarah, nucca please your shit is getting old..go find a hobby...your a big f**kin nuance...
6/30/2015 11:42:39 PM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |

Norfolk, VA
45, joined Jan. 2014
Beauty tips for lare
Lare, pluck your eyebrows, make is really really thin. They are too thick. They make u look like a demented woman. Don't shave, shaving will make hair thicker & darker.
Don't arch your eyebrows too much. Keep it on the natural lining according to your eyes. You arched your eyebrows too much. They are too far away from your eyes.
So two things for u to do, lare:
1. Pluck your eyebrows, make it really thin.
2. Don't arch your eyebrows away from your eyes too much. They are too far away from your eyes. Keep your eyebrows close to your eyes to make it look more natural.
3. Don't shave your eyebrows. It will come back thicker & darker. Use a tweezer only.
Those two eyebrows on your face look alive, like two creatures living on your forehead. They also make u look demented. You are welcome for the free beauty advice. I guess no one ever tell u that u are weird looking, lare. They are too nice to tell u. Your face look like a man, lare.
6/30/2015 11:54:07 PM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |


La Follette, TN
32, joined May. 2013
The woman with two creatures living on her eyebrows. You are right, I am jealous of the 300 lbs. Mizzangeleye. I wish I was 300 lbs.
Lare, your face look like a man. You look like a man with thick thick eye brows on his face. Lare, you look very much like a man. You are lucky to have breasts, if u have small breasts people would think u are a man. And those two eyebrows on your face, they look alive. They look like two creatures living on your face.
Those eyebrows make u look demented. Your personality matched the way you look.
@ lare
You don't understand psychology, since your eyebrows made u look so demented and all.
Fugazi & I are trying to make the 300 lbs. Mizzangeleye lose weight. If u keep making fun of fat people like Mizzangeleye, she will lose weight. We are trying to make her feel ashamed of her lardy body, but she is just not. She is proud of her lardy body. She keeps putting on more weight instead. 
Mizzangeleye must be 450 lbs. by now.
Fugazi & I are helping Mizzangeleye lose weight by making fun of her fat body. She is 300 lbs. of fat lard. Do u want her to put on even more weight to become 450 lbs.? She is gross to look at. Her looks offended fugazi & I.
Lare, she was stalking me & harassing me. She wanted my attention so I am giving her my attention. She will deny harassing. She will stalk people, make up stories about people. If u ask her about it, she will deny it. She is like a 3 year old child that like to lie a lot. Mizz is a compulsive liar. She needs to lose weight. All that lard on her body is disgusting. It's very offensive to look at.
lol So, I got thick a** brows. You insult my physical features as if I had ANYTHING to do with how I genetically turned out lol. Thanks, I also sprinkled my shoes with Miracle Gro since I was 6 - to attain my tall 6'2 height lol.
"You don't understand psychology, since your eyebrows made u look so demented and all."
^ Shitty eyebrows = bad psychology. That makes sooo much sense. I guess Dr. Phil is a fraud for sporting a mustache. Even by troll standards - you don't seem shackled by a need to make any sense at all lol. Great connection, what other "brilliant insights" do you have for me today lol?
"Her looks offended fugazi & I" <-- Now, you're probably going to try to connect MizzAngel with your inability to pay your own damn bills (because you spent all that rent money) on trying to stalk MizzAngel lol.
"Lare, she was stalking me & harassing me. She wanted my attention so I am giving her my attention."
^ Okay.. Let's be generous, and assume everything you said was "true." You're not denying the fact that you rather enjoy giving in to her demands for your attention, now are you?
That would make you a "pawn" by definition... or you would (at the very least) be MizzAngel's b*tch. MizzAngel beckoned - and you fell for it (as planned). So, you admit to being a pawned, enslaved, bitter, vindictive b*tch. So glad you finally decided to come clean on the issue - now please wipe the Cheetos powder off your keyboard (replace your *Evian* water bottle with *Smart Water*) <-- and if you caught on to that sarcastically hidden reference, you should be good to go lol.

[Edited 6/30/2015 11:56:01 PM ]
7/1/2015 12:02:36 AM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |


Tupelo, MS
35, joined Aug. 2013
Ohh F**K... MEDIC!

7/1/2015 9:25:06 AM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |


Little Rock, AR
49, joined Feb. 2011
^^ no one understands what you mean f**k face.
I mean WTF does all that have to do with the price of tea in China??
7/1/2015 9:32:42 AM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |


Waldron, AR
69, joined Jul. 2014
Dude, what the f**k is up with your perpetual fixation on MizzAngelEye, seriously? A typical woman wouldn't normally go through such subterfuge to undermine another woman's appearance - unless she's envious of her physical traits and features.
You're obviously jealous of MizzAngel's looks. So, she's better looking than you - f**king get over it. There's a ton of women on here much better looking than myself - but I don't obsessively pursue them without provocation on the forums.
MizzAngelEye is NOT fat - you obviously can't afford glasses or contact lenses (probably because you sacrificed that money for internet and chips instead) so you can sit on your own fat a** harassing a woman who is more aesthetically blessed than yourself. If you had anything proud to show for yourself - you'd post your own photo up. But you're terrified of that particular reality, aren't you?
Get a f**king life - STEAL one if you have to... maybe steal a wallet for new glasses while you're at it.
Actually, forget the glasses - I'd hate for you to see MizzAngel in HD (might make you even more envious) lol.
It could be that sarah has a lesbian crush on mizz .
I don't know but I don't think mizz swings that way 
Unrequited love.
7/1/2015 9:35:19 AM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |


Waldron, AR
69, joined Jul. 2014
SCORE zhou 1 weber 4
Let's see how the second quarter goes.
7/1/2015 9:35:21 AM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |

Beverly Hills, CA
36, joined Sep. 2014
Mr. Weber's on point again. You're correct sir, DNA gases...

7/1/2015 9:38:34 AM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |


Waldron, AR
69, joined Jul. 2014
I will take pseudo chemistry for $1000 Alex
7/1/2015 3:24:06 PM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |


Gainesville, FL
54, joined May. 2011
Which rat would you rather have sex with?

7/1/2015 5:22:03 PM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |


Baton Rouge, LA
33, joined May. 2013
The answer is,,carbon orgasm gases of divine nature laments law of sex chemistry..
Carbon 6 chemistry gases populated earth society through one atom entity element and five electrons entity elements..
One man and five women populated earth DNA society of atoms and electrons...
[Edited 7/1/2015 5:22:50 PM ]
7/1/2015 5:36:21 PM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |


Baton Rouge, LA
33, joined May. 2013
en·ti·ty definition /'en(t)?de/
noun noun: entity; plural noun: entities a thing with distinct and independent existence. "church and empire were fused in a single entity" synonyms: being, creature, individual, organism, life form; More person; body, object, article, thing "a single entity" existence; being. "entity and nonentity" synonyms: existence, being; More life, living, animation; substance, essence, reality, actuality "the distinction between entity and nonentity"
el·e·ment definition /'el?m?nt/
noun noun: element; plural noun: elements; noun: chemical element; plural noun: chemical elements
a part or aspect of something abstract, especially one that is essential or characteristic. "the death had all the elements of a great tabloid story" synonyms: component, constituent, part,
a small but significant presence of a feeling or abstract quality. "it was the element of danger he loved in flying" synonyms: trace, touch, hint, smattering,
the rudiments of a branch of knowledge. "legal training may include the elements of economics and political science" synonyms: basics, essentials, principles,
a group of people of a particular kind within a larger group or organization. "extreme right-wing elements in the army"
an entity that is a single member of a set. each of more than one hundred substances
that cannot be chemically interconverted or broken down into simpler substances and are primary constituents of matter. Each element is distinguished by its atomic number, i.e., the number of protons in the nuclei of its atoms. any of the four substances (earth, water, air, and fire) regarded as the fundamental constituents of the world in ancient and medieval philosophy. one of the four substances (earth, water, air, or fire) considered as a person's or animal's natural environment. "for the islanders, the sea is their kingdom, water their element" the weather, especially strong winds, heavy rain, and other kinds of bad weather. plural noun: the elements "there was no barrier against the elements" synonyms: weather, climate, meteorological
(in church use) the bread and wine of the Eucharist. a part in an electric teapot, heater, or stove
that contains a wire through which an electric current is passed to provide heat. on some electric typewriters, a ball with raised letters that print when the keys are pressed.
at·om definition/'ad?m/
noun noun: atom; plural noun: atoms the basic unit of a chemical element. synonyms: grain, iota, jot, whit, mite, scrap, shred, ounce, scintilla, trace, smidgen, modicum "there wasn't an atom of truth in the allegations" atoms as a source of nuclear energy. noun: the atom "the power of the atom" an extremely small amount of a thing or quality. "I shall not have one atom of strength left" synonyms: grain, iota, jot, whit, mite, scrap, shred, ounce, scintilla, trace, smidgen, modicum "there wasn't an atom of truth in the allegations"
e-lec-tron definition [ih-lek-tron]
noun 1.Also called ((negatron)). Physic Chemistry. an elementary particle that is a fundamental constituent of matter, having a negative
charge of 1.602 × 10
of 9.108 × 10 kilograms, and spin of ½, and existing independently or as the component outside the nucleus of an atom.
Electricity. a unit of charge equal to the charge on one electron.
Negatron | Define Negatron at Dictionary.com dictionary.reference.com › browse › neg... Mobile-friendly - Most branches of particle physics construe each particle along with its antiparticle to be two different forms of one underlying phenomenon, and the term electron is sometimes used as a precisely such a general term, with positron and negatron referring to the forms of the electron as they are manifested in nature.
7/1/2015 5:39:57 PM |
C55 h104 o6 + 78 o2 ---> 55 co2 + 52h2o |


Houston, TX
35, joined Sep. 2011
en·ti·ty definition /'en(t)?de/
noun noun: entity; plural noun: entities a thing with distinct and independent existence. "church and empire were fused in a single entity" synonyms: being, creature, individual, organism, life form; More person; body, object, article, thing "a single entity" existence; being. "entity and nonentity" synonyms: existence, being; More life, living, animation; substance, essence, reality, actuality "the distinction between entity and nonentity"
el·e·ment definition /'el?m?nt/
noun noun: element; plural noun: elements; noun: chemical element; plural noun: chemical elements
a part or aspect of something abstract, especially one that is essential or characteristic. "the death had all the elements of a great tabloid story" synonyms: component, constituent, part,
a small but significant presence of a feeling or abstract quality. "it was the element of danger he loved in flying" synonyms: trace, touch, hint, smattering,
the rudiments of a branch of knowledge. "legal training may include the elements of economics and political science" synonyms: basics, essentials, principles,
a group of people of a particular kind within a larger group or organization. "extreme right-wing elements in the army"
an entity that is a single member of a set. each of more than one hundred substances
that cannot be chemically interconverted or broken down into simpler substances and are primary constituents of matter. Each element is distinguished by its atomic number, i.e., the number of protons in the nuclei of its atoms. any of the four substances (earth, water, air, and fire) regarded as the fundamental constituents of the world in ancient and medieval philosophy. one of the four substances (earth, water, air, or fire) considered as a person's or animal's natural environment. "for the islanders, the sea is their kingdom, water their element" the weather, especially strong winds, heavy rain, and other kinds of bad weather. plural noun: the elements "there was no barrier against the elements" synonyms: weather, climate, meteorological
(in church use) the bread and wine of the Eucharist. a part in an electric teapot, heater, or stove
that contains a wire through which an electric current is passed to provide heat. on some electric typewriters, a ball with raised letters that print when the keys are pressed.
at·om definition/'ad?m/
noun noun: atom; plural noun: atoms the basic unit of a chemical element. synonyms: grain, iota, jot, whit, mite, scrap, shred, ounce, scintilla, trace, smidgen, modicum "there wasn't an atom of truth in the allegations" atoms as a source of nuclear energy. noun: the atom "the power of the atom" an extremely small amount of a thing or quality. "I shall not have one atom of strength left" synonyms: grain, iota, jot, whit, mite, scrap, shred, ounce, scintilla, trace, smidgen, modicum "there wasn't an atom of truth in the allegations"
e-lec-tron definition [ih-lek-tron]
noun 1.Also called ((negatron)). Physic Chemistry. an elementary particle that is a fundamental constituent of matter, having a negative
charge of 1.602 × 10
of 9.108 × 10 kilograms, and spin of ½, and existing independently or as the component outside the nucleus of an atom.
Electricity. a unit of charge equal to the charge on one electron.
Negatron | Define Negatron at Dictionary.com dictionary.reference.com › browse › neg... Mobile-friendly - Most branches of particle physics construe each particle along with its antiparticle to be two different forms of one underlying phenomenon, and the term electron is sometimes used as a precisely such a general term, with positron and negatron referring to the forms of the electron as they are manifested in nature.
Translates to...
The rat on the right.