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12/28/2015 10:57:42 AM |
What about Trump? | Page 3 |


Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
Elevator shafts work even better.
Fun Loving Hodag
Yeah and a rope. Rember saddam?
Semper Fi !!!
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

12/28/2015 7:56:51 PM |
What about Trump? | Page 3 |


Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
Yeah and a rope. Rember saddam?
Semper Fi !!!
Rope works too. It's cheap, reusable, and effective. As far as I know, rope doesn't even cause "global warming", although I might be wrong about that.
12/29/2015 3:43:24 PM |
What about Trump? | Page 3 |


Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Have you read her book. "how to talk to a liberal if you really must"? Good book.
i have not read that one...i must get it!
she reminds me alot of a female trump. she can be bombastic as well. but she knows
her stuff intricately.
12/29/2015 7:28:58 PM |
What about Trump? | Page 3 |


Edmonton, KY
62, joined Apr. 2010
i have not read that one...i must get it!
she reminds me alot of a female trump. she can be bombastic as well. but she knows
her stuff intricately.
She's right on, sharp and quick. Like her alot. 
1/24/2016 1:15:07 PM |
What about Trump? | Page 3 |


Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
BREAKING: National Black Republican Association Endorses Candidate… This Is MASSIVE
In a statement released on its website Friday, the National Black Republican Association officially endorsed billionaire businessman Donald Trump in his run for the GOP presidential nomination.
“We, the grassroots activists of the National Black Republican Association, are pleased to announce our endorsement of Donald J. Trump for President of the United States of America,” the statement read.
The organization, which was founded in 2005 and “is committed to returning African-Americans to their Republican Party roots,” said that Donald Trump would be the best candidate to do that.
“As citizens who happen to be black, we support Mr. Trump because he shares our values,” the statement read. “We, like Mr. Trump, are fiscally conservative, steadfastly pro-life and believers in a small government that fosters freedom for individuals and businesses, so they can grow and become prosperous.”
The statement also praised Trump for his attention to an issue often overlooked by politicians looking to help the African-American community: stopping illegal immigration.
“We are deeply concerned about illegal immigration, a major cause of high black unemployment, especially among black youth,” the statement read.
“Black Americans across America are beginning to wake up and see clearly the reality of what is happening in black neighborhoods. Democrats have run black communities for the past 60 years and the socialist policies of the Democrats have turned those communities into economic and social wastelands, witness Detroit, Baltimore and South Chicago.
“We believe that Mr. Trump has demonstrated that he can push back against the mainstream media, end political correctness and free black communities from the destructive grip of socialist Democrats.”
The endorsement closed with a plea to black voters to reject their pattern of voting for Democrats:
“We urge our fellow black Americans to seize control over their own destiny and leverage their vote the way other groups do. It is way past time black Americans stop having their vote taken for granted by Democrats, hold politicians accountable for the content of their policies and not vote merely based on the label of their party.”
We’ve already chronicled Trump’s success with black voters relative to other Republican candidates and the fact that Trump predicted that he would win the black vote. Could this be a demographic turning point for the 2016 election? Only time will tell.
One thing’s for certain, though: Donald Trump continues to make waves.
1/27/2016 12:42:38 PM |
What about Trump? | Page 3 |


Parrott, GA
67, joined Apr. 2011
It is time for a businessman and a not politically correct man to run this country and bring back some of the best things and values to America!
1/27/2016 12:51:54 PM |
What about Trump? | Page 3 |


Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
Some are calling the Trump movement a hostile takeover of the republican party. I call it a hostile take back of the republican party.
1/27/2016 6:25:07 PM |
What about Trump? | Page 3 |


Edmonton, KY
62, joined Apr. 2010
Some are calling the Trump movement a hostile takeover of the republican party. I call it a hostile take back of the republican party.
It needs to be taken back. And CLEANED out.
1/27/2016 7:57:14 PM |
What about Trump? | Page 3 |


Saint Paul, MN
65, joined Oct. 2009
The universe isn't big enough to contain his ego and everyone knows he's always been a bleeping bleeping SOB but he may well be your next President if he can beat Bernie.
1/27/2016 7:59:41 PM |
What about Trump? | Page 3 |


Saint Paul, MN
65, joined Oct. 2009
It needs to be taken back. And CLEANED out.
The clowns they have in there now don't have the balls of a baby girl and not a damn one has a spine. They need to stop trying to be liked and start leading and the sheep will follow. They really don't believe in conservatism, but they campaign on that platform, but once they get into office they're just a bunch of liberal Democrats.
1/28/2016 12:34:48 PM |
What about Trump? | Page 3 |


Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
Has anyone really taken the time to see just exactly where Trump stands of the important issues confronting our country?Trump claims to be a deal maker,OK,big deal but what is his
plan to deal with the issues?I have not heard him come up with even one clear plan to deal with issues.He says he will build a wall at the border,really?Who is going to pay for it?He states he can work with reid,pelosi,shummer and the rest of the liberal jerk offs.OK, How?What about the media fiasco?Trump has turned the debates into a circus and he is quickly becoming the head clown.
Trump says he is all for government support of the corn farmers that sell their corn for auto fuel.The problem with that is that "we",the tax payers are paying them to grow corn and then paying road taxes on top of more road taxes again to use the crap.Trump thinks it's ok to take and keep land across the country that by right should belong to the people of the states the land is in.The government doesn't own anything,it ALL belongs to the people of the united states citizens and they are the people who should decide where,when and why land should be used by the us government.
I'm looking at Trump like a school yard bully.He uses his money to bull his way through everything.He still hasn't laid out any solid plans to deal with the issues we face as a country.
Think about what I've said here.Take another long look at Trump and see whether or not I'm wrong.
Semper Fi !!!
1/28/2016 2:47:20 PM |
What about Trump? | Page 3 |


Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
Even Ronald Reagan had to work with the dems a little and he still made very good deals.
Build the damn wall and close the border even if we have to pay for it. It will save jobs, money and lives.
I'm against him on subsidies for ethanol .
Endorsed by Sarah Palin and Sheriff Joe.
Not endorsed by benedict Beck, the back stabbing tea party traitor.
1/29/2016 3:37:56 PM |
What about Trump? | Page 3 |


Edmonton, KY
62, joined Apr. 2010
This was funny adverizing.
2/1/2016 9:17:56 AM |
What about Trump? | Page 3 |


Panama City, FL
64, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
I want to vote for Trump because only he sees the Muslim threat for what it is. A Muslim fifth column is building in this country. And it is true that Trump is an s.o.b. but maybe that's what the times need ("When the going gets tough, they send for the sons of b*tches." --Adm. Earnest King, WW2 CNO). But what about the abortion issue, obviously the most important issue (58 million dead babies since 1973, almost ten times the number of Jews the Nazis killed)? Trump says he is now pro-life, but is he really? Did he change just to please the Republican primary voter? Will he get in office and appoint pro-murder judges? I'm leaning to Huckabee at this point myself.
2/2/2016 5:44:40 PM |
What about Trump? | Page 3 |


Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
this is the best news ive heard all season!

i may truly cast my vote the trumpster yet..........
2/2/2016 5:47:02 PM |
What about Trump? | Page 3 |


Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
this is the best news ive heard all season!
i may truly cast my vote the trumpster yet..........
Hell, if he promises to fire the other 75%, I'm in!
2/14/2016 11:31:38 AM |
What about Trump? | Page 3 |


Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
A Moment of Silence Was Held at the GOP Debate. Then People Noticed Something About Donald Trump.
By Kyle Becker (11 hours ago)
A moment of silence was held for the late conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.
It was a beautiful moment. All the Republican candidates stood with their heads bowed.

Eyes closed.

Except for one candidate.

Donald Trump.
Rest in peace, Justice Scalia.
2/14/2016 3:29:00 PM |
What about Trump? | Page 3 |


Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
Big deal, two did not fold their hands 
2/16/2016 9:29:59 AM |
What about Trump? | Page 3 |


Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

2/16/2016 3:44:02 PM |
What about Trump? | Page 3 |


Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
I told you guys Trump was a punk and nothing much more than a schoolyard bully.I also said I don't trust him.Here is the article you read it and decide if this is the guy you want running our country.Isn't Trump the guy that stood in front of God and the entire country saying he "WOULD NOT RUN AS A THIRD PARTY CANDIDATE".
Semper Fi !!!
Donald Trump said Monday he will launch a third-party run for the White House and file a birther lawsuit against Ted Cruz if the Texas senator doesn’t remove “false ads and retract his lies.”
Trump also called on the Republican National Committee to intervene and force Cruz to revise his campaign tactics. And he accused the RNC of giving too many GOP debates tickets to donors.
Trump said the pledge he signed to support the GOP nominee was “a double-edged pledge,” and the RNC isn’t honoring its end.
“The RNC is in default,” Trump said at a news conference Monday in Charleston, South Carolina.
“The RNC is controlled by the establishment, and the special interests and the donors.”
The threat came the same day he warned he’d file a birther lawsuit against Cruz after he released an attack ad targeting Trump’s past liberal positions on hot-button issues.
“Ted Cruz is a totally unstable individual,” Trump said in a news release posted on his website and also posted on Facebook:
Ted Cruz is a totally unstable individual. He is the single biggest liar I’ve ever come across, in politics or otherwise, and I have seen some of the best of them. His statements are totally untrue and completely outrageous. It is hard to believe a person who proclaims to be a Christian could be so dishonest and lie so much.
Cruz said I would be appointing a liberal judge when in fact I will appoint a great conservative and I am the only candidate who has gone so far, at the debate, as to suggest two individuals I feel would best represent the conservative values we need to protect: William “Bill” Pryor Jr. and Diane Sykes.
Cruz says I am pro-choice, when in fact I am staunchly pro-life and have been for a long time. Like Ronald Reagan, on many issues, I have evolved.
Cruz says I am in favor of ObamaCare, when in fact I have spoken about repealing and replacing this disaster of a system at every speech throughout my campaign and since it’s inception. Meanwhile, Cruz was responsible for getting Bush to put in the judge that failed to vote against ObamaCare twice.
Cruz says I will try to take away your second amendment rights, when I am one of the strongest proponents of the right to bear arms and I say so in every speech that I have made for years. I am a proud member of the NRA and so are my sons.
Cruz has become unhinged and is lying with the hopes that his statements will go unchecked until after the election and he will save his failing campaign.
In Iowa, Cruz told thousands of Ben Carson voters that Dr. Carson had left the race and to instead vote for Ted Cruz. He apologized when the race was over. Likewise, his fraudulent voter violation form sent to Iowa voters. If Ted is going to continue to lie with such desperation, I have no choice but to fight back.
One of the ways I can fight back is to bring a lawsuit against him relative to the fact that he was born in Canada and therefore cannot be President. If he doesn’t take down his false ads and retract his lies, I will do so immediately. Additionally, the RNC should intervene and if they don’t they are in default of their pledge to me.
I am the strongest on the borders and I will build a wall, and it will be a real wall. I am strongest on illegal immigration, strongest on ISIS, strongest on the military and I will take care of our Vets. I will end common core and preserve the second amendment. I will renegotiate our trade deals and bring our jobs back to our country. I am the only person who will Make America Great Again.
“He is the single biggest liar I’ve ever come across, in politics or otherwise…Cruz says I am pro-choice, when in fact I am staunchly pro-life and have been for a long time. Like Ronald Reagan, on many issues, I have evolved.”
In Cruz’s “Supreme Trust” ad, a narrator claims “Life, marriage, religious liberty, the Second Amendment. We’re just one Supreme Court justice away from losing them all.”
“One of the ways I can fight back is to bring a lawsuit against him relative to the fact that he was born in Canada and therefore cannot be President,” Trump said in the news release on his website.
“If he doesn’t take down his false ads and retract his lies, I will do so immediately.
“Additionally, the [Republican National Committee] should intervene and if they don’t they are in default of their pledge to me.”
It’s not the first time Trump has raised the spectra of legal action over Cruz’s eligibility to run for president. At a campaign rally in New Hampshire earlier this month, Trump warned if Cruz wins the nomination, Democrats would “sue his a** off.”
Meanwhile, Trump also is floating a potential third-party run, accusing the Republican National Committee of giving too many GOP debates tickets to donors, saying the pledge he signed to support the GOP nominee was “a double-edged pledge,” and the RNC isn’t honoring its end.
Cruz blasted out a Twitter response to Trump’s charges, saying “You cannot simply scream ‘liar’ when someone points out your actual positions.”
2/16/2016 4:02:52 PM |
What about Trump? | Page 3 |


Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
I told you guys Trump was a punk and nothing much more than a schoolyard bully.I also said I don't trust him.Here is the article you read it and decide if this is the guy you want running our country.Isn't Trump the guy that stood in front of God and the entire country saying he "WOULD NOT RUN AS A THIRD PARTY CANDIDATE".
Semper Fi !!!
Donald Trump said Monday he will launch a third-party run for the White House and file a birther lawsuit against Ted Cruz if the Texas senator doesn’t remove “false ads and retract his lies.”
Trump also called on the Republican National Committee to intervene and force Cruz to revise his campaign tactics. And he accused the RNC of giving too many GOP debates tickets to donors.
Trump said the pledge he signed to support the GOP nominee was “a double-edged pledge,” and the RNC isn’t honoring its end.
“The RNC is in default,” Trump said at a news conference Monday in Charleston, South Carolina.
“The RNC is controlled by the establishment, and the special interests and the donors.”
The threat came the same day he warned he’d file a birther lawsuit against Cruz after he released an attack ad targeting Trump’s past liberal positions on hot-button issues.
“Ted Cruz is a totally unstable individual,” Trump said in a news release posted on his website and also posted on Facebook:
Ted Cruz is a totally unstable individual. He is the single biggest liar I’ve ever come across, in politics or otherwise, and I have seen some of the best of them. His statements are totally untrue and completely outrageous. It is hard to believe a person who proclaims to be a Christian could be so dishonest and lie so much.
Cruz said I would be appointing a liberal judge when in fact I will appoint a great conservative and I am the only candidate who has gone so far, at the debate, as to suggest two individuals I feel would best represent the conservative values we need to protect: William “Bill” Pryor Jr. and Diane Sykes.
Cruz says I am pro-choice, when in fact I am staunchly pro-life and have been for a long time. Like Ronald Reagan, on many issues, I have evolved.
Cruz says I am in favor of ObamaCare, when in fact I have spoken about repealing and replacing this disaster of a system at every speech throughout my campaign and since it’s inception. Meanwhile, Cruz was responsible for getting Bush to put in the judge that failed to vote against ObamaCare twice.
Cruz says I will try to take away your second amendment rights, when I am one of the strongest proponents of the right to bear arms and I say so in every speech that I have made for years. I am a proud member of the NRA and so are my sons.
Cruz has become unhinged and is lying with the hopes that his statements will go unchecked until after the election and he will save his failing campaign.
In Iowa, Cruz told thousands of Ben Carson voters that Dr. Carson had left the race and to instead vote for Ted Cruz. He apologized when the race was over. Likewise, his fraudulent voter violation form sent to Iowa voters. If Ted is going to continue to lie with such desperation, I have no choice but to fight back.
One of the ways I can fight back is to bring a lawsuit against him relative to the fact that he was born in Canada and therefore cannot be President. If he doesn’t take down his false ads and retract his lies, I will do so immediately. Additionally, the RNC should intervene and if they don’t they are in default of their pledge to me.
I am the strongest on the borders and I will build a wall, and it will be a real wall. I am strongest on illegal immigration, strongest on ISIS, strongest on the military and I will take care of our Vets. I will end common core and preserve the second amendment. I will renegotiate our trade deals and bring our jobs back to our country. I am the only person who will Make America Great Again.
“He is the single biggest liar I’ve ever come across, in politics or otherwise…Cruz says I am pro-choice, when in fact I am staunchly pro-life and have been for a long time. Like Ronald Reagan, on many issues, I have evolved.”
In Cruz’s “Supreme Trust” ad, a narrator claims “Life, marriage, religious liberty, the Second Amendment. We’re just one Supreme Court justice away from losing them all.”
“One of the ways I can fight back is to bring a lawsuit against him relative to the fact that he was born in Canada and therefore cannot be President,” Trump said in the news release on his website.
“If he doesn’t take down his false ads and retract his lies, I will do so immediately.
“Additionally, the [Republican National Committee] should intervene and if they don’t they are in default of their pledge to me.”
It’s not the first time Trump has raised the spectra of legal action over Cruz’s eligibility to run for president. At a campaign rally in New Hampshire earlier this month, Trump warned if Cruz wins the nomination, Democrats would “sue his a** off.”
Meanwhile, Trump also is floating a potential third-party run, accusing the Republican National Committee of giving too many GOP debates tickets to donors, saying the pledge he signed to support the GOP nominee was “a double-edged pledge,” and the RNC isn’t honoring its end.
Cruz blasted out a Twitter response to Trump’s charges, saying “You cannot simply scream ‘liar’ when someone points out your actual positions.”
i appreciate you posting that article tman! wish you had included the link however...
2/16/2016 4:06:40 PM |
What about Trump? | Page 3 |


Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
I told you guys Trump was a punk and nothing much more than a schoolyard bully.I also said I don't trust him.Here is the article you read it and decide if this is the guy you want running our country.Isn't Trump the guy that stood in front of God and the entire country saying he "WOULD NOT RUN AS A THIRD PARTY CANDIDATE".
Semper Fi !!!
Donald Trump said Monday he will launch a third-party run for the White House and file a birther lawsuit against Ted Cruz if the Texas senator doesn’t remove “false ads and retract his lies.”
Trump also called on the Republican National Committee to intervene and force Cruz to revise his campaign tactics. And he accused the RNC of giving too many GOP debates tickets to donors.
Trump said the pledge he signed to support the GOP nominee was “a double-edged pledge,” and the RNC isn’t honoring its end.
“The RNC is in default,” Trump said at a news conference Monday in Charleston, South Carolina.
“The RNC is controlled by the establishment, and the special interests and the donors.”
The threat came the same day he warned he’d file a birther lawsuit against Cruz after he released an attack ad targeting Trump’s past liberal positions on hot-button issues.
“Ted Cruz is a totally unstable individual,” Trump said in a news release posted on his website and also posted on Facebook:
Ted Cruz is a totally unstable individual. He is the single biggest liar I’ve ever come across, in politics or otherwise, and I have seen some of the best of them. His statements are totally untrue and completely outrageous. It is hard to believe a person who proclaims to be a Christian could be so dishonest and lie so much.
Cruz said I would be appointing a liberal judge when in fact I will appoint a great conservative and I am the only candidate who has gone so far, at the debate, as to suggest two individuals I feel would best represent the conservative values we need to protect: William “Bill” Pryor Jr. and Diane Sykes.
Cruz says I am pro-choice, when in fact I am staunchly pro-life and have been for a long time. Like Ronald Reagan, on many issues, I have evolved.
Cruz says I am in favor of ObamaCare, when in fact I have spoken about repealing and replacing this disaster of a system at every speech throughout my campaign and since it’s inception. Meanwhile, Cruz was responsible for getting Bush to put in the judge that failed to vote against ObamaCare twice.
Cruz says I will try to take away your second amendment rights, when I am one of the strongest proponents of the right to bear arms and I say so in every speech that I have made for years. I am a proud member of the NRA and so are my sons.
Cruz has become unhinged and is lying with the hopes that his statements will go unchecked until after the election and he will save his failing campaign.
In Iowa, Cruz told thousands of Ben Carson voters that Dr. Carson had left the race and to instead vote for Ted Cruz. He apologized when the race was over. Likewise, his fraudulent voter violation form sent to Iowa voters. If Ted is going to continue to lie with such desperation, I have no choice but to fight back.
One of the ways I can fight back is to bring a lawsuit against him relative to the fact that he was born in Canada and therefore cannot be President. If he doesn’t take down his false ads and retract his lies, I will do so immediately. Additionally, the RNC should intervene and if they don’t they are in default of their pledge to me.
I am the strongest on the borders and I will build a wall, and it will be a real wall. I am strongest on illegal immigration, strongest on ISIS, strongest on the military and I will take care of our Vets. I will end common core and preserve the second amendment. I will renegotiate our trade deals and bring our jobs back to our country. I am the only person who will Make America Great Again.
“He is the single biggest liar I’ve ever come across, in politics or otherwise…Cruz says I am pro-choice, when in fact I am staunchly pro-life and have been for a long time. Like Ronald Reagan, on many issues, I have evolved.”
In Cruz’s “Supreme Trust” ad, a narrator claims “Life, marriage, religious liberty, the Second Amendment. We’re just one Supreme Court justice away from losing them all.”
“One of the ways I can fight back is to bring a lawsuit against him relative to the fact that he was born in Canada and therefore cannot be President,” Trump said in the news release on his website.
“If he doesn’t take down his false ads and retract his lies, I will do so immediately.
“Additionally, the [Republican National Committee] should intervene and if they don’t they are in default of their pledge to me.”
It’s not the first time Trump has raised the spectra of legal action over Cruz’s eligibility to run for president. At a campaign rally in New Hampshire earlier this month, Trump warned if Cruz wins the nomination, Democrats would “sue his a** off.”
Meanwhile, Trump also is floating a potential third-party run, accusing the Republican National Committee of giving too many GOP debates tickets to donors, saying the pledge he signed to support the GOP nominee was “a double-edged pledge,” and the RNC isn’t honoring its end.
Cruz blasted out a Twitter response to Trump’s charges, saying “You cannot simply scream ‘liar’ when someone points out your actual positions.”
Thanks for pointing out some of Cruz's lies and how unfair the rnc is.
2/17/2016 1:05:44 PM |
What about Trump? | Page 3 |


Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Many Americans, and especially Trump supporters, have had it with:
· Anyone named Bush
· Anyone named Clinton
· Anyone who's held political office
· Political correctness
· Illegal immigration
· Massive unemployment
· Phony "official" unemployment and inflation figures
· Welfare waste and fraud
· People faking disabilities to go on the dole
· VA waiting lists
· TSA airport groping
· ObamaCare
· The Federal Reserve's money-printing schemes
· Wall Street crooks like Jon Corzine
· Michelle Obama's vacations
· Michelle Obama's food police
· Barack Obama's golf
· Barack Obama's arrogant and condescending lectures
· Barack Obama's criticism/hatred of America
· Valerie Jarrett
· " Holiday trees"
· Hollywood hypocrites
· Global warming nonsense
· Cop killers
· Gun confiscation threats
· Stagnant wages
· Boys in girls' bathrooms
· Whiny, spoiled college students who can't even place the Civil War in the correct century... and that's just the short list.
2/17/2016 1:06:07 PM |
What about Trump? | Page 3 |


Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
No matter who your favorite candidate might be … the article is an interesting read.
The author is the political correspondent for Bloomberg and wrote extensively about Obama even before he was elected.
"Who is Donald Trump?" The better question may be, "What is Donald Trump?"
The answer? A giant middle finger from average Americans to the political and media establishment.
Some Trump supporters are like the 60s white girls who dated black guys just to annoy their parents. But most Trump supporters have simply had it with the Demo-socialists and the "Republicans In Name Only." They know there isn't a dime's worth of difference between Hillary Rodham and Jeb Bush, and only a few cents worth between Rodham and the other GOP candidates.
Ben Carson is not an "establishment" candidate, but the Clinton machine would pulverize Carson ; and the somewhat rebellious Ted Cruz will (justifiably so) be tied up with natural born citizen lawsuits (as might Marco Rubio). The Trump supporters figure they may as well have some fun tossing Molotov c*cktails at Wall Street and Georgetown while they watch the nation collapse. Besides - lightning might strike, Trump might get elected, and he might actually fix a few things. Stranger things have happened (the nation elected an[islamo-]Marxist in 2008 and Bruce Jenner now wears designer dresses.)
Millions of conservatives are justifiably furious. They gave the Republicans control of the House in 2010 and control of the Senate in 2014, and have seen them govern no differently than Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Yet those same voters are supposed to trust the GOP in 2016? Why?
Trump did not come from out of nowhere. His candidacy was created by the last six years of Republican failures.
No reasonable person can believe that any of the establishment candidates [dems or reps] will slash federal spending, rein in the Federal Reserve, cut burdensome business regulations, reform the tax code, or eliminate useless federal departments (the Departments of Education, Housing and Urban Development, Energy, etc.). Even Ronald Reagan was unable to eliminate the Department of Education. (Of course, getting shot at tends to make a person less of a risk-taker.) No reasonable person can believe that any of the nation's major problems will be solved by Rodham, Bush, and the other dishers of donkey fazoo now eagerly eating corn in Iowa and pancakes in New Hampshire .
Trump supporters believe that no Democrat wants to address these issues, and that few Republicans have the courage to address these issues. They certainly know that none of the establishment candidates are better than barely listening to them, and Trump is their way of saying, "Screw you, Hillary Rodham Rove Bush!" The more the talking head political pundits insult the Trump supporters, the more supporters he gains. (The only pundits who seem to understand what is going on are Democrats Doug Schoen and Pat Caddell and Republican John LeBoutillier. All the others argue that the voters will eventually "come to their senses" and support an establishment candidate.)
But America does not need a tune-up at the same old garage. It needs a new engine installed by experts - and neither Rodham nor Bush are mechanics with the skills or experience to install it. Hillary Rodham is not a mechanic; she merely manages a garage her philandering husband abandoned. Jeb Bush is not a mechanic; he merely inherited a garage. Granted, Trump is also not a mechanic, but he knows where to find the best ones to work in his garage. He won't hire his brother-in-law or someone to whom he owes a favor; he will hire someone who lives and breathes cars.
"How dare they revolt!" the "elites" are bellowing. Well, the citizens are daring to revolt, and the RINOs had better get used to it. "But Trump will hand the election to Clinton !" That is what the Karl Rove-types want people to believe, just as the leftist media eagerly shoved "Maverick" McCain down GOP throats in 2008 - knowing he would lose to Obama. But even if Trump loses and Rodham wins, she would not be dramatically different than Bush or most of his fellow candidates. They would be nothing more than caretakers, not working to restore America 's greatness but merely presiding over the collapse of a massively in-debt nation. A nation can perhaps survive open borders; a nation can perhaps survive a generous welfare system. But no nation can survive both - and there is little evidence that the establishment candidates of either party understand that. The United States cannot forever continue on the path it is on. At some point it will be destroyed by its debt.
Yes, Trump speaks like a bull wander[ing] through a china shop, but the truth is that the borders do need to be sealed; we cannot afford to feed, house, and clothe 200,000 Syrian immigrants for decades (even if we get inordinately lucky and none of them are ISIS infiltrators or Syed Farook wannabes); the world is at war with radical Islamists; all the world's glaciers are not melting; and Rosie O'Donnell is a fat pig.
Is Trump the perfect candidate? Of course not. Neither was Ronald Reagan. But unless we close our borders and restrict immigration, all the other issues are irrelevant. One terrorist blowing up a bridge or a tunnel could kill thousands. One jihadist poisoning a city's water supply could kill tens of thousands. One electromagnetic pulse attack from a single Iranian nuclear device could kill tens of millions. Faced with those possibilities, most Americans probably don't care that Trump relied on eminent domain to grab up a final quarter acre of property for a hotel, or that he boils the blood of the Muslim Brotherhood thugs running the Council on American-Islamic Relations. While Attorney General Loretta Lynch's greatest fear is someone giving a Muslim a dirty look, most Americans are more worried about being gunned down at a shopping mall by a crazed [islamic] lunatic who treats his prayer mat better than his three wives and who thinks 72 virgins are waiting for him in paradise.
The establishment is frightened to death that Trump will win, but not because they believe he will harm the nation. They are afraid he will upset their taxpayer-subsidized apple carts. While Obama threatens to veto legislation that spends too little, they worry that Trump will veto legislation that spends too much.
You can be certain that if an establishment candidate wins in November 2016 … [their] cabinet positions will be filled with the same people we've seen before. The washed-up has-beens of the Clinton and Bush administrations will be back in charge. The hacks from Goldman Sachs will continue to call the shots. Whether it is Bush's Karl Rove or Clinton 's John Podesta, who makes the decisions in the White House will matter little.
If the establishment wins, America loses.
2/18/2016 6:25:53 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
who is the hypocrite???
Franklin Graham
The Pope has suggested that Donald J. Trump is not Christian because he wants to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. He said, “A person who thinks only about building walls wherever they may be and not building bridges is not Christian.” I agree that as Christians we should try to build bridges with everyone that we possibly can, but that doesn’t mean that we should compromise our national security. Donald Trump isn’t the only one who wants to build a wall—other Republican candidates Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Dr. Ben Carson, and John Kasich as well as millions of Americans, also want to build a wall—in order to protect America from enemies who want to use the U.S./Mexican border as a way to enter our country and do us harm. Are they not Christian either? My advice to the Pontiff—reach out and build a bridge to Donald Trump. Who knows where he may be this time next year!
Pope Francis on Trump: Building walls 'is not Christian'
Pope Francis said GOP frontrunner Donald Trump "is not Christian" if he pledges to build a wall between the United States and Mexico.
cnn.com|By Daniel Burke

Amazing comments from the Pope- considering Vatican City is 100% surrounded by massive walls.
2/20/2016 11:54:22 AM |
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Murrysville, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
Great post!!!!!!
2/21/2016 10:43:00 AM |
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Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
I wonder where we heard about this before??
Semper Fi !!!
Donald Trump said Friday that the United States needed to get tough with Islamic jihadists — illustrating his position with a story about how U.S. Army Gen. John Pershing executed Muslim terrorists in the Philippines in the early 1900s.
“I read a story, it’s a terrible story, but I’ll tell you,” Trump told a rally in North Charleston, S.C., The Weekly Standard reports. ”Early in the century, last century, General Pershing — did you ever hear — rough guy, rough guy.
“And they had a terrorism problem,” Trump continued, referring to how the U.S. was battling radical Muslims in the Philippines. “And there’s a whole thing with swine and animals and pigs — and you know the story.
“They don’t like that. They were having a tremendous problem with terrorism.”
Pershing caught 50 terrorists, Trump said.
“He took 50 bullets, and he dipped them in pig’s blood,” he continued. “And he had his men load his rifles and he lined up the 50 people, and they shot 49 of those people.
“And the 50th person, he said, ‘You go back to your people and you tell them what happened.’ And for 25 years, there wasn’t a problem.
“We better start getting tough and we better start getting vigilant,” Trump said. “We better start using our heads or we’re not gonna have a country.”
2/21/2016 11:10:06 AM |
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South Bend, IN
61, joined Aug. 2011
I thought Pershing buried the 49 with a dead hog, or that's the version I read about. But, it's just another way to get the point acrossed. Sometimes, it's necessary to get into the gutter and deal with them using their tactics. Or worse, and screw political correctness.
2/21/2016 11:25:38 AM |
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Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
I thought Pershing buried the 49 with a dead hog, or that's the version I read about. But, it's just another way to get the point acrossed. Sometimes, it's necessary to get into the gutter and deal with them using their tactics. Or worse, and screw political correctness.
This is how it went:
Semper Fi !!!
HOW TO STOP ISLAMIC TERRORISTS . . . it worked once in our History . . .
Once in US history an episode of Islamic terrorism was very quickly stopped. It happened in the Philippines about 1911, when Gen. John J. Pershing was in command of the garrison. There had been numerous Islamic terrorist attacks, so "Black Jack" told his boys to catch the perps and teach them a lesson.
Forced to dig their own graves, the terrorists were all tied to posts, execution style. The US soldiers then brought in pigs and slaughtered them, rubbing their bullets in the blood and fat. Thus, the terrorists were terrorized; they saw that they would be contaminated with hogs' blood. This would mean that they could not enter Heaven, even if they died as terrorist martyrs.
All but one was shot, their bodies dumped into the grave, and the hog guts dumped atop the bodies. The lone survivor was allowed to escape back to the terrorist camp and tell his brethren what happened to the others. This brought a stop to terrorism in the Philippines for the next 50 years.
Pointing a gun into the face of Islamic terrorists won't make them flinch. They welcome the chance to die for Allah. Like Gen. Pershing, we must show them that they won't get to Muslim heaven (which they believe has an endless supply of virgins) but instead will die with the hated pigs of the devil.
2/21/2016 1:58:42 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

2/21/2016 2:28:27 PM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
If the establishment wins, America loses.
My problem is with the low-information voters that think that because Cruz is a Senator, he is establishment. Nothing could be further from the truth.
2/21/2016 5:01:43 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

2/21/2016 5:20:10 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
My problem is with the low-information voters that think that because Cruz is a Senator, he is establishment. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Five years ago, as Ted Cruz plotted his path to the U.S. Senate, the anti-establishment crusader sought a private audience with and the backing of one of the faces of the modern GOP establishment: George W. Bush.
In a never-before-reported meeting in Bush’s Dallas office, Cruz began to outline his 2012 campaign playbook for the former president, according to people familiar with the conversation. Cruz explained how he would consolidate conservatives yearning for a political outsider, how he would outflank the front-runner on the right, how he would proudly carry the mantle of the ascendant tea party to victory over entrenched elites.
It was impressive foreshadowing. But Bush cut Cruz off before he could finish.
“I guess you don’t want my support,” Bush interrupted. “Ted, what the hell do you think I am?”
If the idea of a private meeting between Bush and Cruz seems strange now, it was not so odd at the time. While Cruz is running for president in 2016 as the consummate outsider, he launched his political career as a Bush administration insider, and his relationship with the GOP establishment is far deeper and more complex than he lets on.
On the trail today, Cruz bashes the “Washington cartel,” jokes of being so hated in the U.S. Capitol that he needs a “food-taster,” and says at nearly every stop, “If you see a candidate Washington embraces, run and hide.”
But 16 years ago, as a young domestic policy adviser for Bush’s 2000 campaign, Cruz himself had sought Washington’s embrace. He’d uprooted his life, taken an 80 percent pay cut and moved to Austin, Texas, with visions of a big, important White House job to follow.
Almost from his arrival at Bush’s headquarters, colleagues say Cruz flashed many of the same assets and liabilities still on his political balance sheet: acumen and ambition, combative and conservative instincts, elbows as sharp as his smarts, a knack for self-promotion and rubbing colleagues the wrong way.
When Bush won, however, Cruz would not get the White House post he had dreamed of; instead, he found himself in the bureaucratic backwater of the Federal Trade Commission. “Through mistakes of my own, I put the fault nowhere other than myself, I burned some bridges on that campaign,” Cruz told Politico in an interview. “I chalk it up to youth and immaturity.”
“It was a difficult chapter when you poured your heart into something for two years and the desires of your heart are denied. That’s hard. And particularly when you’re seeing so many of your friends rewarded.”
The snub marked a crucial inflection point in Cruz’s career, one that led the young lawyer to soon give up on Washington. In just over two years, he’d move back to Texas where he would reinvent himself as solicitor general and climb the political ladder anew, this time as a fire-breathing, tea-partying, anti-Washington insurgent.
“Not getting the job made him angry. But what it allowed, in a quirk of history, is it put him in the right place when the country got angry, also,” said a veteran of the Bush 2000 operation who, like most of the nearly two dozen people interviewed for this article about Cruz’s time in the Bush orbit, spoke on condition of anonymity. “He would not have had this moment if he began in the White House [then]. That ended up being a gift to him. He saw his moment when it came.”
That moment appears to be now. Powered by the Republican electorate’s disgust with the GOP elite that had rejected him 16 years ago as a junior staffer, Cruz is on an outsider’s course that has led him to enter next week’s Iowa caucuses in a virtual tie for the lead. But that is, he hopes, only the first stop. The final goal is the prize that eluded him as a young man: the White House.
Cruz had arrived in Austin with the sterling résumé of a Republican insider on the rise. He’d gone to Princeton, been a national debate champion and graduated from Harvard Law. He’d clerked for William Rehnquist, the first-ever Latino clerk for a chief justice of the Supreme Court. He’d taken a job in a connected boutique D.C. law firm, where one of his early clients was none other than future House Speaker John Boehner.
It was all part of Cruz’s master plan. He’d intended to be president since he was at least a teen. In high school, he wrote a frightfully prescient bio for himself that outlined his plans to go to Princeton (check), Harvard Law (check), have a “successful law practice” (check) and then “pursue his real goal—a career in politics.” The Bush campaign was the logical next step. "Ted would like to run for various political offices and eventually achieve a strong enough reputation and track record to run for—and win—President of the United States," Cruz wrote as a senior in high school.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/01/ted-cruz-2016-establishment-george-bush-213561#ixzz40qaeUNki
2/22/2016 6:18:23 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

2/22/2016 6:31:07 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Cartoon Perfectly Illustrates the Difference Between a wall Built by Donald Trump and one by Bernie Sanders
Michael Cantrell
February 22, 2016 2:18 pm
GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump has caught constant flak from the left over his call for a wall to be built along the border, saying such talk is “racist” and all sorts of wackiness.
Of course, a large swath of Americans support such an idea, and while I’m not in agreement with Trump on a lot of things, I think a wall built by him would still be better than one built by a socialist.
This cartoon illustrates my point.
I think that says it all.

2/23/2016 9:18:12 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

2/23/2016 2:12:33 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Donald J. Trump told Sean Hannity Monday that if elected president, he would have “no choice” but to prosecute Hillary Clinton.
Trump: ‘She’s Being Protected, But If I Win,’ Hillary Is Going To Jail [VIDEO]
"Now maybe she can prove her innocence, but she seems to be guilty."
2/24/2016 11:36:55 AM |
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Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
After the Nevada caucus, Carl Rove lost all his bladder control.
2/24/2016 11:44:48 AM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
After the Nevada caucus, Carl Rove lost all his bladder control.
2/26/2016 8:51:46 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

Ronald Reagan who aided the Solidarity Project, with the cooperation of a very young, Donald Trump.
Marco Rubio, who with the cooperation of Mr. New World Order, himself, the ancient George Herbert Walker Bush, tried to sandbag our Next President, Donald J. Trump.
The Cuban Chi Wai Wai, Marco Rubio, attacked Donald Trump, at the CNN Debate, 2/25/2016, for providing work for Polish refugees 38 years ago, in violation of then "fair employment laws." Trump honored Reagan and kept his mouth shut. I will NOT. The program was put in place by George Herbert Walker Bush at Reagan's command.
Have you asked yourself WHY, the RNC/GOP trotted out the feeble and ailing Elder George Herbert Walker Bush, to attend the GOP debate, AFTER Trump destroyed his son Jeb Bush? Read again AFTER Trump destroyed his son Jeb Bush?
He was there to witness the "Polish attack" on Trump so that he could testify if Trump violated his Top Secret vow.
Donald Trump employed an unusual number of Polish workers 38 years ago and even violated anti-discrimination laws to do so. AND paid a fine for doing so - all part of keeping the cover in tact.
What was happening in Poland at the time?
Walesa was an electrician by trade. Soon after beginning work at the Lenin Shipyard (now Gdansk Shipyard), he became a trade union activist. For this he was persecuted by the Communist authorities, placed under surveillance, fired in 1976, and arrested several times. In August 1980 he was instrumental in political negotiations that led to the ground-breaking Gdansk Agreement between striking workers and the government. He became a co-founder of the Solidarity trade union movement. Arrested again after martial law was imposed in Poland and Solidarity was outlawed, upon release he continued his activism and was prominent in the establishment of the 1989 Round Table Agreement that led to semi-free parliamentary elections in June 1989 and to a Solidarity-led government.

Donald Trump is NOT an ideological eunuch, like Ron and Rand Paul, who have sputtered the word "constitution" in every other sentence for 30 years while accomplishing absolutely NOTHING.
Donald Trump is NOT a constitutional huckster, like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, ACTING on Globalist, Constitution Destroying principles while sputtering the word "constitution" in every other sentence.
What Trump has lacked in "speaking" he has PROVED a thousand times over in ACTING.
For Instance:
Donald Trump is the ONLY candidate that has challenged the eligibility of Obama, Cruz and Rubio ON CONSTITUTIONAL grounds.
In fact, he forced Barrack Obama to produced a FORGED Birth Certificate (are your memories too short to remember that). He constantly questioned Obama's birth place in the media for MONTHS, forcing Obama to produce a FORGED document.
KNOWING it was forged, he subsidized the expense of Sheriff Joe Arpaio's "forgery posse" that used forensic analysis to expose the FAKE Birth Certificate as the forgery it is. He did that so ORDINARY people could see it and begin to catch on to the Globalist destruction of our Nation, held hostage by GLOBALISTS PUPPETS, even a foreign born Muslim in the White House. Why do you think that Trump has made such a big deal out of touting Sheriff Joe's endorsement, and paid his expenses so he could attend several of Trump's rallies and make a short speech at the beginning. He is trying to wake you up!
And in Huckster, Ted Cruz, we have another FOREIGN born man, born on foreign SOIL, to an American Mother and a FOREIGN National Father. Do you think these Globalist were financing his campaign because he is a loyal Constitutionalist? NO, he is a Globalist Puppet, BORN a Canadian Citizen who sputters the word Constitution in every other breath while he TOTALLY ignores it. His own candidacy PROVES he ignores it.
And what do we have in Rubio, but an Anchor Baby? A man born to FOREIGN nationals on American soil.
Now tell me again how Donald Trump does not MENTION the Constitution enough.
(1) He talked about the Constitutionality of barring Muslim immigration and was proved RIGHT.
(2) He talked about the Constitutional necessity to secure our borders and has been proved RIGHT.
(3) He talked about Obama's executive order abuses to the Constitution.
(4) He has been loudly vocal about the collective abuses of the Second Amendment, (to the Constitution - for the dunderheads reading) and the absolute necessity of honoring the Constitution.
(5) And he has talked about the Constitutional necessity and meaning of "Natural Born Citizenship."
(6) He also talked about the unconstitutionality of Obamacare, saying "The government has no right to force a person to buy a product."
He doesn't sputter the word Constitution every other sentence he ACTS on it.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Donald Trump the Unlikable

2/28/2016 11:31:47 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

2/28/2016 3:08:51 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

2/28/2016 3:26:28 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Buh bye Al. Don't let the door hit you...
Al Sharpton threatens to leave America if Trump wins, like it’s a bad thing…

Honestly, it's almost as if Al Sharpton wants us to vote for Trump. At least he's not as ignorant as Raven Symone, who has made the same "threat." As tho
2/28/2016 3:46:08 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Whoopi Goldberg: I'll move if Donald Trump is elected
Whoopi Goldberg is planning to move out of the country should Donald Trump be elected president.
Raven Symone Promises To Leave America If ‘Any Republican Gets Nominated’
“I already have my ticket. I literally bought my ticket, I swear.”
Here is a list of other celebrities who have said they’d be willing to leave the United States if Donald Trump is elected president.
Rosie O’Donnell
Eddie Griffin
Samuel L. Jackson
Barry Diller
Katie Hopkins
Omari Hardwick
Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/2835395/list-of-celebrities-who-will-leave-the-u-s-if-donald-trump-becomes-president-jon-stewart-whoopi-goldberg-al-sharpton-more/#KkusdTXtDyUr1tCS.99

2/28/2016 4:26:15 PM |
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South Bend, IN
61, joined Aug. 2011
Not a one of them are worth a Tinkers dam. Do they promise not to come back?
3/1/2016 9:42:56 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

3/1/2016 12:43:30 PM |
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Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
For the first time in my life, I voted for some one today, instead of against some one.
3/1/2016 1:33:28 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
For the first time in my life, I voted for some one today, instead of against some one.
how cool was that???
3/1/2016 6:24:13 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Pragmatist: Webster says - practical reasons to solve problems - concerned with practice rather than theory.- actions and beliefs must be judged by their practical results.
PRETTY INTERESTING TAKE ON TRUMP. Trump Is Not A Liberal or Conservative, He’s A Pragmatist by Mychal Massie January 19, 2016

We recently enjoyed a belated holiday dinner with friends at the home of other friends. The dinner conversation was jocund, ranging from discussions about antique glass and china to theology and politics. At one point reference was made to Donald Trump being a conservative to which I responded that Trump is not a conservative.
I said that I neither view nor do I believe Trump views himself as a conservative. I stated it was my opinion that Trump is a pragmatist. He sees a problem and understands it must be fixed. He doesn’t see the problem as liberal or conservative, he sees it only as a problem. That is a quality that should be admired and applauded, not condemned. But I get ahead of myself.
Viewing problems from a liberal perspective has resulted in the creation of more problems, more entitlement programs, more victims, more government, more political correctness, and more attacks on the working class in all economic strata.
Viewing things according to the so-called Republican conservative perspective has brought continued spending, globalism to the detriment of American interests and well being, denial of what the real problems are, weak, ineffective, milquetoast, leadership that amounts to Barney Fife Deputy Sheriff – appeasement oriented and afraid of its own shadow. In brief, it has brought liberal ideology with a pachyderm as a mascot juxtaposed to the rear end of the Democrat Party.
Immigration isn’t a Republican problem – it isn’t a liberal problem – it is a problem that threatens the very fabric and infrastructure of America . It demands a pragmatic approach not an approach that is intended to appease one group or another.
The impending collapse of the economy isn’t a liberal or conservative problem it is an American problem. That said, until it is viewed as a problem that demands a common sense approach to resolution, it will never be fixed because the Democrats and Republicans know only one way to fix things and the longevity of their impracticality has proven to have no lasting effect. Successful businessmen like Donald Trump find ways to make things work, they do not promise to accommodate.
Trump uniquely understands that China ’s manipulation of currency is not a Republican problem or a Democrat problem. It is a problem that threatens our financial stability and he understands the proper balance needed to fix it. Here again successful businessmen like Trump who have weathered the changing tides of economic reality understand what is necessary to make business work and they, unlike both sides of the political aisle, know that if something doesn’t work you don’t continue trying to make it work hoping that at some point it will.
As a pragmatist Donald Trump hasn’t made wild pie-in-the-sky promises of a cell phone in every pocket, free college tuition, and a $15 hour minimum wage for working the drive-through at Carl’s Hamburgers.
I argue that America needs pragmatists because pragmatists see a problem and find ways to fix them. They do not see a problem and compound it by creating more problems.
You may not like Donald Trump but I suspect that the reason people do not like him is because: 1) he is antithetical to the “good old boy” method of brokering backroom deals that fatten the coffers of politicians; 2) they are unaccustomed to hearing a candidate speak who is unencumbered by the financial shackles of those who own them vis-a`-vis donations; 3) he is someone who is free of idiomatic political ideology; and 4) he is someone who understands that it takes more than hollow promises and political correctness to make America great again.
Listening to Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders talk about fixing America is like listening to two lunatics trying to “out crazy” one another. Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio are owned lock, stock, and barrel by the bankers, corporations, and big dollar donors funding their campaigns. Bush can deny it but common sense tells anyone willing to face facts that people don’t give tens of millions without expecting something in return.
We have had Democrats and Republican ideologues and what has it brought us? Are we better off today or worse off? Has it happened overnight or has it been a steady decline brought on by both parties?
I submit that a pragmatist might be just what America needs right now. And as I said earlier, a pragmatist sees a problem and understands that the solution to fix same is not about a party, but a willingness and boldness to get it done.
People are quick to confuse and despise confidence as arrogance, but that is common amongst those who have never accomplished anything in their lives and who have always played it safe not willing to risk failure.
3/1/2016 6:58:59 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

3/1/2016 8:45:10 PM |
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Saint Paul, MN
65, joined Oct. 2009
He may well be your next President. It's not possible that he could do worse than Obama.
3/2/2016 8:25:23 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Super Tuesday’s over. Trump (who won at least seven states) says it’s time for Republicans to unify, behind him. Cruz (who won 2) and Rubio (who won 1) have other ideas.

3/2/2016 2:25:26 PM |
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Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
Romney, the establishment and fox news are plotting a plan to derail the Trump anti-establishment movement. Because if the anti-establishment is crushed, McCain, Mcconel, Ryan and many more will be gone too.
3/2/2016 2:38:59 PM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
Romney, the establishment and fox news are plotting a plan to derail the Trump anti-establishment movement. Because if the anti-establishment is crushed, McCain, Mcconel, Ryan and many more will be gone too.
So trump is all about jobs Bring in good jobs & ship out poor jobs 
3/2/2016 5:10:13 PM |
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Lynchburg, VA
51, joined Sep. 2012
For the first time in my life, I voted for some one today, instead of against some one.
I'm 50 & think it was a first for me too. Terrible times we live in.
3/2/2016 10:35:18 PM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
The new Attack on Trump by High & mighty mostly out of sight Republicans has caused me to wonder why 
But I think I may know now the real cause and I dought that it is what most are guessing.
Drugs, yes Drugs. They have ben in their ivory towers for years making money with their dirty hands off the drug trade and Trump has promiest to shut it off!!
3/3/2016 6:49:39 AM |
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Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
You might be on to something star.Closing the border will shut the drugs off.
I really think its about power and their jobs, if the Trump movement continues establishment stand a great chance of loosing their position too. There is a serious challenge to John McCain right now, he might get beat by a real conservative.
3/3/2016 8:48:48 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

3/3/2016 10:15:57 AM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
You might be on to something star.Closing the border will shut the drugs off.
I really think its about power and their jobs, if the Trump movement continues establishment stand a great chance of loosing their position too. There is a serious challenge to John McCain right now, he might get beat by a real conservative.
sureshot, I think hear we can agree to all the above.
but my point is we know about the Drugs ever cence Hasenfoose & Regan
They never have tried to stop drugs cause of the money
[Edited 3/3/2016 10:16:40 AM ]
3/4/2016 8:23:25 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
