7/19/2015 11:06:55 AM |
John McCain isnt a hero? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Saturday Donald Trump disparaged the honorable service and sacrifices made by Senator John McCain by saying McCain wasn't a hero and "I prefer people who didn't get captured". He had already stated in a prior interview that McCain graduated last in his class at the Naval Academy (actually he was 5th from the bottom) and called him a dummy. Im no huge fan of McCain's but to this day he cant raise his arms to his shoulders as the result of them being broken in the crash and when captured denied medical care. The NVA broke his jaw torturing him and to this day you can see the results of that torture. When the NVA learned he is the son and grandson of admirals they tried to use him as a propaganda tool in return for release and he refused.Politics aside how does this clown Trump ,a guy with 5 student deferments get away with ridiculing ANY veteran?
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7/19/2015 12:12:24 PM |
John McCain isnt a hero? |


Lillian, AL
70, joined Dec. 2012
A loser trying to disparage his betters in an effort to artificially conceal his failings.
If Donald is nominated by the GOP, it will definitely signal the need for a revolutionary change.
The supreme leader of the "Idiots Are Us" parade!!  
7/19/2015 2:37:57 PM |
John McCain isnt a hero? |


Lillian, AL
70, joined Dec. 2012
7/18/15 UPDATE: Now that Donald Trump has maligned Senator John McCain as a phony war hero who got himself captured in Vietnam, below you’ll find a reminder--which TSG published the last time the Republican claimed to be running for president--how Trump avoided military service.
The son of a wealthy real estate developer, Trump received four student deferments that were followed by a 1968 medical deferment that came a few months after he graduated from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School.
After denigrating McCain during remarks today at the Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa, Trump faced reporters’s questions about his lack of service. Asked about the last of his five deferments, Trump said that his disqualifying medical condition was a bone spur in one of his feet (he could not remember which one). It is unknown on which golf course the injury was sustained.
APRIL 28--Despite Donald Trump’s claim this week that he avoided serving in the Vietnam War solely due to a high draft number, Selective Service records show that the purported presidential aspirant actually received a series of student deferments while in college and then topped those off with a medical deferment after graduation that helped spare him from fighting for his country, The Smoking Gun has learned. 

7/19/2015 2:43:17 PM |
John McCain isnt a hero? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Hes a swine and a maggot a** cowboy! Well done!
7/19/2015 3:31:36 PM |
John McCain isnt a hero? |


Ruskin, FL
57, joined Mar. 2013
Mr McCain has many shortcomings to take advantage of. His military service is not one of them.
7/20/2015 2:37:16 PM |
John McCain isnt a hero? |


Columbia, TN
70, joined Sep. 2009
D*ckie, Start a thread "What is a Hero?"
7/20/2015 10:33:09 PM |
John McCain isnt a hero? |

Winnipeg, MB
65, joined Sep. 2008
Hes a swine and a maggot a** cowboy! Well done!
He is a swine and maggot a** - NOT a cowboy.
I was against the Viet Nam war and was supportive of draft dodgers and deserters during that time. However, John McCain did what he thought was right. He served in a war and paid a high price doing it. I respect his integrity and admire his desire to serve for what he believed.
John McCain's response to Donald Trump's idiotic tirade further proves that he is a man of class even if I don't share his political views. No one can take that away from him.
Here's to ya John McCain - << lemonaide

7/21/2015 1:02:17 PM |
John McCain isnt a hero? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
d_voted.Cowboy is another vet here in this group.
7/21/2015 2:28:55 PM |
John McCain isnt a hero? |

Ocala, FL
46, joined Oct. 2014
I wrote McCain in in 2000. The guy's inability to move his arms beyond a certain point was mocked repeatedly on SNL during 2008, which didn't surprise me since NBC is the media outlet for the DNC.
I liked a lot of what Trump said in his announcement speech, but after all the bullshit like marriages, the USFL suit and crap on tv, it's hard for me to take the guy seriously as a candidate. His remarks about McCain basically sealed it with me. He'll have to be the nominee for me to vote for him; I won't back him in the primary, but I just can't be a party to giving the Goddamned Left four more years to wreck this country...

[Edited 7/21/2015 2:29:38 PM ]
7/22/2015 9:35:13 AM |
John McCain isnt a hero? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Heres the thing in a nutshell vw. MCCain stated Trump went to Arizona to "whip up the crazies". On that point Trump should have gone after him-thats fair and politics.But turning it into a attack on McCains service (and that of other POWs was stupid, but thats Trumps style). A guy who took four deferments then a 5th (medical) for a bone spur in his foot (outpatient surgery) has no business ridiculing any veteran in any way.For me it goes to his character and pettiness. Maybe if he had kept his foot out of his mouth and his head up his a** he wouldnt have needed the deferment ...
7/23/2015 8:41:09 AM |
John McCain isnt a hero? |

Ocala, FL
46, joined Oct. 2014
I agree...political shit is fair game. I have no problem with going after one's stance on an issue. This was personal. I mean, the guy was f**kin' shot down, for Christ's sake. Then turned down a trip home because of who his father was, because other guys had been there longer. Regardless of his position on several issues, I consider McCain a living god.
8/5/2015 6:12:15 PM |
John McCain isnt a hero? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I was at the VFW today,had a few belts with some friends and this came up.So the question on the table was "what is a hero" I know one when I meet them but Im not one> I think a hero is someone who puts himself (herself) in harms way and suffers the consequences for love of country.By that description McCain totally qualifies!
8/9/2015 7:31:56 AM |
John McCain isnt a hero? |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
reading stormin' norman's autobiography, "it doesn't take a hero." good book so far.
9/1/2015 8:24:23 AM |
John McCain isnt a hero? |

Twin Falls, ID
51, joined Jul. 2012
Mr McCain has many shortcomings to take advantage of. His military service is not one of them.
1/15/2016 8:37:32 PM |
John McCain isnt a hero? |


Lufkin, TX
57, joined Aug. 2010

1/15/2016 8:46:00 PM |
John McCain isnt a hero? |


Lufkin, TX
57, joined Aug. 2010
Little D*ck has never heard of Hanoi John McCain ?
Trump right about Hanoi John McCain
by Gordon Duff, VT Editor
Presidential pardon from Nixon saves John McCain from treason and collaboration charges according to Rolling Thunder Founder and 3 war veteran, John Holland….
Why nothing in the news…
Why no reports…..
Why was the truth kept from American during the election?
Some of us have seen the reports about John McCain. I know what Ted Guy had to say about McCain and I know how angry POW activists have been at his betrayal of their cause. What I didn’t know and that few of us knew, is that John Holland, Rolling Thunder Founder, had called for the Republican Party to remove McCain from the ticket.
This isn’t a minor story and isn’t one that has gone away just because the election is over. Many of us who knew what McCain had done didn’t know how much power the money boys behind Palin and McCain could go to suppress this information during the campaign.
Rally after rally, fellow POW and controversial Medal of Honor holder, Bud Day, stood beside McCain, backing him up. With substantiated claims of hundreds of counts of treason, collaboration and aid and comfort to the enemy suppressed against McCain and a number of unnamed other POWs who were expecting to be prosecuted when returned, this entire act during the election seems sick.
With McCain supporters continually touting his heroism and attacking Democrats that served honorably in Vietnam like John Kerry and Al Gore, the unavoidable embarassment that their standard bearer may have been the biggest American traitor since Benedict Arnold, confidence in Conservative news sources has to disappear, at least with veterans.
A fair comparison to McCain would be Jane Fonda. Both spent time in North Vietnam.
--- Both are accused of helping North Vietnam, Fonda by being photographed and McCain by doing many propaganda broadcasts and helping the enemy plan attacks on American soldiers.
--- Fonda returned to be reviled and spit on while McCain returned to the Senate, spending years helping North Vietnam keep Americans prisoner and amassing a huge fortune trading on heroism and sacrifice we are now told never happened.
--- Of the two, Fonda was the more honest and by far had done the least harm to the United States.
--- According to sources, it was John McCain that fired the rocket that caused the Forrestal incident, the most serious disaster on an American ship. Stories make him out to be a “hero” and an “unnamed” total idiot is blamed. McCain is said to be that idiot with his daddy running cover for him. Thus far, Jane Fonda has never attacked one of our ships. We will be taking a look at both McCain and Fonda and try to verify claims.
Perhaps they could have a contest to see who killed the most Americans. No tally as to how many pilots were shot down using intel McCain admits giving to the North Vietnamese has been made. The Forrestal incident may be a huge coverup in itself.
Full article is at ... http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/07/18/trump-right-about-hanoi-john-mccain/
2/25/2016 3:52:56 PM |
John McCain isnt a hero? |

Phoenix, AZ
48, joined Aug. 2014
John & Trump are PRICKS
3/2/2016 7:20:19 AM |
John McCain isnt a hero? |

Twin Falls, ID
51, joined Jul. 2012
 John & Trump are PRICKS 
Guess it's easy to say that..BTW do you have a prick?