9/9/2015 8:35:29 AM |

39, joined Mar. 2015
I'm really very sad…so deep get lost and confused.…
Why ?
Why can't more understanding and trust between people ?
Cheat ?jealousy ?speculation ?libel............
Why now everthing has gone but when met had the most beautiful and good feeling why now has gone! Ironically, a dishonest liars should think of all the people will like him ,all of lies...
Chinese saying: a friend in need is a friend indeed!
If person is in trouble, really needs more understanding, encourage... , unprovoked suspicion and doubt! And, I am a person, have right !why think im a belong to someone's pet?
why ?
you can't take the name of “love” to bind my rights! and hurts me!
Im really sad and lost …
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

9/9/2015 8:56:50 AM |


Baltimore, MD
53, joined Apr. 2014
You are really a lousy troll.
9/9/2015 9:04:39 AM |

39, joined Mar. 2015
“Impulse is the devil …”
I need to calm down…
i need deep breath…
9/9/2015 9:35:59 AM |

Leavittsburg, OH
34, joined Mar. 2013
Has anyone been able to prove this person is just trolling?
9/9/2015 10:07:21 AM |


Pasadena, CA
96, joined Nov. 2012

9/9/2015 10:32:33 AM |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
Many years ago men set a standard for dating. They wouldn't allow their daughters to date unless they bought that guy home for dinner so he can interview that guy to SEE if that guy met the standards he set.
Since the feminine movement a mans standards matters no more. Everything is emotional and based on feelkngs now. This has totally destroyed the level of quality and excellence men had to have to get a woman.
Why? Bcuz now all a man have to do is be complimentary, nice and a little funny for a very short period of time. Just enough to tap into those feelings which can be done in a single week and a single nite in most cases.
So women are more subject to getting hurt now than before. Now I can't see anything about your situation personally bcuz I haven't interviewed you yet. Bcuz it sounds to me like you were simply a victim of an immoral society created by replacing a mans standards with feelings and emotions.
9/9/2015 11:00:07 AM |


Grove City, OH
38, joined Feb. 2012
Why ask why? Love stinks.
9/9/2015 11:17:52 AM |


Anderson, SC
23, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Ice cream
9/9/2015 11:37:08 AM |


United Kingdom
41, joined Jan. 2014
Troll or not he wasn't invested like you were.
9/9/2015 12:05:41 PM |


Lucerne, CA
62, joined Oct. 2010
online now!
Has anyone been able to prove this person is just trolling?
for a self purported atheist and apparently a commie ...
the devil and the god ... slips from lips with ease.
I can see why you address such a concern as it is worrisome for me to consider a multiple personality disorder here.
Still like the movie 'Sybil' or maybe it was 'Three Faces of Eve' with Sally Field (a true life story) ... it can be fixed up with love.
9/9/2015 12:54:06 PM |

Pittsburgh, PA
62, joined Feb. 2014
YanYan, LanYan, LanYan seem to mean all the same in Chinese. That is Beautiful. Lots of scam traffic coming out of China with these three terms. Then Chinese use the word LOVE very loosely.
9/9/2015 1:32:08 PM |


Gainesville, FL
53, joined May. 2011
You are really a lousy troll.
See, I knew I wasn't the only one who thought that.
She keeps playing the innocent Asian 'I just want to be loved forever' thingy'. 
9/9/2015 2:23:10 PM |

Pittsburgh, PA
62, joined Feb. 2014
I have had several Chinese ladies contact me first from Hong Kong on another site. All had the handles of Yanyan LanYan or YanLan with a few numbers after that. All start out with the heavy agressive love letters with about about 10 of these on site then they try to move me off site.
9/9/2015 2:26:56 PM |


Baltimore, MD
53, joined Apr. 2014
See, I knew I wasn't the only one who thought that.
She keeps playing the innocent Asian 'I just want to be loved forever' thingy'. 

9/9/2015 3:07:26 PM |

Leavittsburg, OH
34, joined Mar. 2013
Eh, well, my profile would be capable of turning away literally any female, so I should be ok.
9/9/2015 4:32:40 PM |

Salem, OR
63, joined Nov. 2013
Why? Because there aint no gravity. The world just sucks.
9/9/2015 4:32:54 PM |


Anderson, SC
23, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Eh, well, my profile would be capable of turning away literally any female, so I should be ok.
No way. You're stubborn. Some women like studdorn men.
9/9/2015 5:43:47 PM |

Dayton, OH
46, joined Sep. 2014
Love doesn't stink. it is GREAT!!!

9/9/2015 5:49:50 PM |

Pittsburgh, PA
62, joined Feb. 2014
The Chinese are very quick to use the word love and are very quick to change that word to hate. The Chinese are by their nature are nice on the outside but not so nice on the inside.
That is why they think everyone is lying to them. It is because they are lying to us.
9/9/2015 6:41:12 PM |

Leavittsburg, OH
34, joined Mar. 2013
No way. You're stubborn. Some women like studdorn men.
Wait!? Was that!?.....I think I was just given a compliment, from Twining? Breath short.....have to check pulse....
Um, thanks, I think.
9/9/2015 7:15:44 PM |


Fort Payne, AL
60, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
You are really a lousy troll.
I don't think she is a troll.
she's just seeking a way out of China, to the U.S.....and looking for a pigeon.
9/9/2015 7:52:46 PM |

Leavittsburg, OH
34, joined Mar. 2013
You know, Bee, I have seen sole males post on here that would be perfect for that, if you are correct.
By the way, Yan, if you were considering trying to come to the US, I would like to advise you of a few things.
First, it isn't as great as people make it out to be. Our companies like to send all of our jobs to your country and pay you guys such a tiny wage, that you barely afford to eat, so the corporate executives can buy another fleet of private jets. This typically result in starving, unemployed Americans, as well.
I don't know if you are looking for an American guy, or not. If you are, I just want you to be aware that because the grass appears greener here, it is only because we fertilize it with bullshit.
9/9/2015 7:54:52 PM |

Pikesville, MD
47, joined Jul. 2014
No troll.. Real fake profile, but not troll.
Woman is NOT 39 in those pics. AND Dr?? Ummmmm No..
9/9/2015 7:58:41 PM |


Green Bay, WI
50, joined Jul. 2013
9/9/2015 8:20:22 PM |


Fort Payne, AL
60, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
Rama Lama Ding Dong.
9/9/2015 8:25:42 PM |

Leavittsburg, OH
34, joined Mar. 2013
No troll.. Real fake profile, but not troll.
Woman is NOT 39 in those pics. AND Dr?? Ummmmm No..
I wouldn't use the pictures as a reference, for one reason, and it is a personal experience of mine.
I worked for a company, recently, and we were based from China. Our CEO flew to Ohio and came to our site. She is probably in her late 40s, to early 50s, and from what the people that met with her said, she looked like she was in her early 30s. Most Asian and even African American people look years younger than their physical age. While there are many factors in aging, I am only going to make a point on the most influential one: skin pigment. The darker pigmentations allow their bodies a higher resistance to the harmful effects of the UV sun rays, meaning they will age slower than a white person will.
9/9/2015 8:31:45 PM |


Fort Payne, AL
60, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
What I don't understand is this.
Why would a woman from China create this elaborate scheme to lure some unsuspecting, lonely rich American guy to bring her here, as his proverbial wife.
When a simple thread saying...$5 dollar...sucky ducky...would have worked ten times better ????
9/9/2015 8:42:36 PM |


Saint Paul, MN
63, joined Oct. 2009
If something bad happens to a woman she blames guys. I'm a guy.
If something bad happens to a black the she blames whites. I'm white (And proud of it)
No one takes responsibility for their mistakes anymore, they have to find a scapegoat and that's whites and guys and conservatives.
On the other hand, OPie, I'm not certain that I understand your complaint. Blame obama. Everyone else in this country certainly does.
I'm surprised your government would let you in here. I thought the internet was quite censored in China in the name of F***DOM and L****TY. See?
[Edited 9/9/2015 8:43:59 PM ]
9/9/2015 8:45:20 PM |


Saint Paul, MN
63, joined Oct. 2009
“Impulse is the devil …”
I need to calm down…
i need deep breath…
Impulse is the devil? I thought China was an atheist state. The government is your god as it is in here for the "democrats".
9/9/2015 8:50:16 PM |

Leavittsburg, OH
34, joined Mar. 2013
Lol. Driver, you crack me up. Bee, I have yet to see you be wrong, on observing things.
9/9/2015 8:54:36 PM |


Sun City, CA
31, joined May. 2013
..............................I don't know if I should offer OP some genuine advice - or to hunt her a** down for trolling with my acidic sarcasm....Choices....

9/9/2015 9:10:43 PM |


Fort Payne, AL
60, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
Lol. Driver, you crack me up. Bee, I have yet to see you be wrong, on observing things.
Strange, because I see myself as wrong sometimes in these forums.....lol
9/9/2015 9:37:07 PM |

Leavittsburg, OH
34, joined Mar. 2013
Well, I haven't viewed every single post, and I can tell when you are being sarcastic.
Wrong has two contexts, that I am aware of: incorrect & inappropriate, with the latter usually being the more entertaining context of the word.
9/9/2015 11:13:12 PM |

Twin Falls, ID
48, joined Jul. 2012
Ice cream
Mmmm yes
9/10/2015 5:53:38 AM |

Pittsburgh, PA
62, joined Feb. 2014
This is true but the UV does not get beyond the skin. So a Chinese women in her 50's is exactly matched body wise to a white US guy in his 50's. Sometimes body wise, the Chinese age even more with all the pollution in China. So it really a younger face on an older body or a 40 year old face on a 80 year old body.
The Chinese women even invented a body suit to match their face.
[Edited 9/10/2015 5:54:37 AM ]
9/10/2015 7:12:23 AM |

Houston, TX
66, joined Nov. 2011
Has anyone been able to prove this person is just trolling?
There is zero reason for a single female in China to be on a dating site. By 2020, the men will outnumber the women by 24 million. In order to get married, the men have to pay a dowry to the bride's parents - around $11,000 the last time I checked. http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2014-12-25/china-needs-millions-of-brides-asap
At present, a lack of eligible women is China's biggest problem - the end result of their one child policy where female infants were not valued.
Given the scarcity of single females in China, I now of no reason why the op would need to come to a dating site in order to find someone.
9/10/2015 7:43:23 AM |


Fort Payne, AL
60, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
^^^^^^^simple answer.
She'd rather live in the U.S....and posting here might be a way of accomplishing that.
[Edited 9/10/2015 7:43:34 AM ]
9/10/2015 7:53:06 AM |


United Kingdom
41, joined Jan. 2014
There are plenty of single men in the UK, but it doesn't mean I shouldn't post on this site.
[Edited 9/10/2015 7:53:20 AM ]
9/10/2015 8:38:20 AM |


Fort Payne, AL
60, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
Good point....