12/7/2015 5:33:57 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Lebanon, MO
44, joined Oct. 2014
Good idea
Can we really do that?
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

12/7/2015 6:13:49 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Canton, GA
44, joined Mar. 2014
This kind of thinking is only going to fuel the fire. The muslims that are radical will become more angry because it seems that America is turning against Islam. I think it will make them angry and they will retaliate. It's dangerous to say all muslims are bad, not all are. However they do need to have stricter vetting for the ones that do come here. I think trump is going to loose popularity over his current rants. That's just me though, I know some really like him. ( I am not a Trump Fan).
12/7/2015 6:16:38 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |

Snellville, GA
47, joined Feb. 2014
Trump is a moron.
12/7/2015 6:21:22 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Lebanon, MO
44, joined Oct. 2014
I agree with herbie
Show me a modern president that wasn't a moron
I think it's one of the necessities to be president
I think they have brains
Shame they can't figure out how to use them
12/7/2015 6:54:20 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |

Snellville, GA
47, joined Feb. 2014
He is a glorified shock jock. I appreciate the entertainment of a shock jock however would never vote for one to run our country.
He is also a reality tv star who took advantage of the system and declared bankruptcy to get out of payin what he owed.
Entertaining yes, qualified to be our President, no.
12/7/2015 7:06:38 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Lebanon, MO
44, joined Oct. 2014
I fully agree
That's exactly correct on all counts.
Back to the original question
I don't believe it's a good idea for the reasons Amy stated
If you were gonna do that you'd have to throw out every single Muslim that is in the US.even if they were born here.
Its just not a feasible idea
12/7/2015 7:11:24 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Lawrence, MA
50, joined Mar. 2008
I support it 1000%. not only muslims, but shut the border for everyone right now. we need to get our shit together. we are letting way too many immigrants in this Country. we will be a third world Country in no time if this keeps up. close the borders, and wage war on the muslim world. 
12/7/2015 7:21:24 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Lebanon, MO
44, joined Oct. 2014
I would be for excluding ALL newcomers until we figure out how to take care of our own.
When we are strong again
Like we used to be
We were a strong nation once upon a time.
When we as a nation
Are strong and have the ability to help other countries without borrowing money to give to our enemies,
We must get an honest and hardworking leadership that is for the people like it was meant to.
We must create a system that works
Then maybe
We can crack the borders open and allow in people that.have something to offer to America
Instead of living of what America offers to them
Necessary? Yes
Ever happen?yeah right
12/7/2015 8:29:54 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Clinton, MS
45, joined Apr. 2012
Doesn't that go against freedom of religion? So you can be anything in america but you can't be muslim because some are bad  
12/7/2015 8:34:14 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Lebanon, MO
44, joined Oct. 2014
Damn good point Joey
And you know
All of America's Christians are perfect
Not criminals or nutcases
They never lie or steal or rape or kill
Wait a minute
You mean there are bad Christians as well?
Simply shocking
12/7/2015 11:12:53 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |

Suwanee, GA
50, joined Sep. 2014
I Freaking appreciate Trump for speaking his mind.. He's not a dumb man.. He knows the U.S. is in real trouble.. We have to speak out and bring things to the fore front...
We waged war on terrorism in Afghanistan, then Iraq, then Egpty, then Syria.. These people are nuts and until the Muslim community wages the same war on the traitors of their religion,, I would not welcome a single person of that religion in here..and I'd watch every single Muslim of the age 22-45 that travel back and forth to the Middle East. Muslims do not believe in Freedom of Religion because there is not another religion .. All other religions are false and should be eliminated..
Trump could live anywhere he wanted but he loves this country...and he wants the U.S. to stay the World Leader.. I enjoy every time I get to hear him because he is so truthful and has great common sense and speaks openly...
We have a p*ssy half white man President that has done nothing his entire life.. He has not worked and accomplushed a single thing outside of politics .. He absolutely has No self worth what so ever ...so I'd listen to someone who has had to make his money through something other than politics..
12/8/2015 3:14:12 AM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Lebanon, MO
44, joined Oct. 2014
I'm sorry waki
We know the guy isn't dumb
He's made way too much money not to have some intelligence
But it sure don't look like it most of the time
Guy is a flat out fukkin liar.
Look at his reaction to the handicapped reporter or whatever the guy was.
And then had the balls to say he would never make fun of a handicapped person.
That alone disqualifies his a**
The total lack of respect for other races
And other countries
He'll get in because of all the jackasses that don't care about anything but the shocking drama makes him interesting whether he is qualified or not.
Sad fact
But it is a fact people don't really Care how foolish he acts
He's exciting and rich
So let's put him in charge.
Has already begun
And were gonna have a flashy entertainer as a leader?
We're phukked
12/8/2015 8:31:47 AM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |

Snellville, GA
47, joined Feb. 2014
Yes, as well as many many many other values I myself hold dear, and would hope that humanity did as well.
All these self ritghtcheous people that forget their own heritage make me sad.
Do you really hate a whole category of people because of where they are from or what they believe?
There is bad in every religion race and group of people. Damning groups of people because or the actions of a few is Hitleresk in my opinion and downright shameful.
12/8/2015 10:45:40 AM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Chandler, AZ
41, joined Jan. 2014
Kinda like in the famous words of Henry ford " you can have any color you want as long as its black".....
12/8/2015 3:02:53 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |

Suwanee, GA
50, joined Sep. 2014
A few thoughts if I an articulate them right...
Trump is only focusing on Muslims that have worshipped in the countries we have declared war against... Not Muslims in this Country unless you have a pattern of traveling oversees to areas known to recruit and train militia soldiers...
A quick reference since Pearl Harbor was memorilized just yesterday, the U.S. gathered all Japanese and America Japanese people and put them in camps...all Trump is saying is a list and at least monitor them... Hey if its WW3, we can't stick our heads in the sand and be P.C. or niave..
Have you guys not seen the investigative reports of the radical mosque here in the United States.. Why are we even allowing them to stay open and the Radical preachings to go on during a War because of those very teachings... Research CNN's and PBS investigations on these places here in U.S.... Trump says shut them down... Look it up and then tell me how he is wrong.
Trump may be pompass but he at least is speaking up on issues that have been dumb downed by our lovely Press. News channels are noonger investigative honest journalism , it is commentary and folks are being paid to sway opinion... you have to do your own thinking and your own truth finding.. And many have believed every single bad thing about someone based on opinionated journalism...There is good in Obama. Hillary, Rubio, Cruz and Trump and its up to yourself to research them all and form your own opinions... Not be a puppet..
All for now..
12/8/2015 3:19:16 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Chandler, AZ
41, joined Jan. 2014
A few thoughts if I an articulate them right...
Trump is only focusing on Muslims that have worshipped in the countries we have declared war against... Not Muslims in this Country unless you have a pattern of traveling oversees to areas known to recruit and train militia soldiers...
A quick reference since Pearl Harbor was memorilized just yesterday, the U.S. gathered all Japanese and America Japanese people and put them in camps...all Trump is saying is a list and at least monitor them... Hey if its WW3, we can't stick our heads in the sand and be P.C. or niave..
Have you guys not seen the investigative reports of the radical mosque here in the United States.. Why are we even allowing them to stay open and the Radical preachings to go on during a War because of those very teachings... Research CNN's and PBS investigations on these places here in U.S.... Trump says shut them down... Look it up and then tell me how he is wrong.
Trump may be pompass but he at least is speaking up on issues that have been dumb downed by our lovely Press. News channels are noonger investigative honest journalism , it is commentary and folks are being paid to sway opinion... you have to do your own thinking and your own truth finding.. And many have believed every single bad thing about someone based on opinionated journalism...There is good in Obama. Hillary, Rubio, Cruz and Trump and its up to yourself to research them all and form your own opinions... Not be a puppet..
All for now.. 
So kinda like Hitler except we don't gas them? We just starve them?
12/8/2015 3:22:38 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Clinton, MS
45, joined Apr. 2012
Yes, as well as many many many other values I myself hold dear, and would hope that humanity did as well.
All these self ritghtcheous people that forget their own heritage make me sad.
Do you really hate a whole category of people because of where they are from or what they believe?
There is bad in every religion race and group of people. Damning groups of people because or the actions of a few is Hitleresk in my opinion and downright shameful.
Yep. It is sad. I hope the Christians don't make Trump mad and he decides to ban them too. 
That would be really messed up. Where would they all go? They would become refugees seeking out a new home. Trump says whatever comes to mind due to money and power. But is this the change that America really wants? 
12/8/2015 3:24:51 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |

Suwanee, GA
50, joined Sep. 2014
What? I didn't say anything like that.. I was speaking my thoughts ... We all know we have to kill the ones that have been trained to kill us or tI guess we could starve them...
12/8/2015 3:31:01 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Chandler, AZ
41, joined Jan. 2014
What? I didn't say anything like that.. I was speaking my thoughts ... We all know we have to kill the ones that have been trained to kill us or tI guess we could starve them...
I understand that but it's a tricky business and in the absence of irrefutable certainty our only course of action is a blanket sanction against all that smells like them.
And for your reference these people are not trained as you might think. Motivated yes ..trained no !!!
12/8/2015 3:44:04 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |

Snellville, GA
47, joined Feb. 2014
Not to mention building a Great Wall o Mexico to keep out people who don't look or talk like us and prevent them from an honest day's work in a Country where the majority of people unemployed for an extended amount of time refuse to do. Should companies such as the one I work for hire people just because they are American? Let me rephrase that, because we DO hire Americans. Problem is, they either quit after one day or manage a very small fraction of productivity expected from their position. Should all companies relying on physical labor employees go out of business for the lack of meeting a budget in order to keep a incapable employee?
Just because of the language he speaks or where he was born?
This Country is made up of a bunch of foreigners descendants that drove the native people out for a movement called Manifest Destiny. A movement that in comparison is worse than slavery ever was.
If someone is in this Country working, paying taxes and obeying the law, leave them alone. We need them more than most want admit.
Trump is an idiot.
12/8/2015 3:51:28 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Clinton, MS
45, joined Apr. 2012
What? I didn't say anything like that.. I was speaking my thoughts ... We all know we have to kill the ones that have been trained to kill us or tI guess we could starve them...
hold up there fancy pants
Whats up with all this killing? Is that truly the only answer for anyone who may be considered a threat? Just kill 'em all
I think we need to stop killing eachother and try something different.
Anyway there might be a muslim man out there dreaming of seducing a woman like you. But he won't make his move if you want to kill him and then he shall die a sad lonely man never knowing that sweet love of a georgia peach.
12/8/2015 4:03:38 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |

Suwanee, GA
50, joined Sep. 2014
Omg...Hilteresk are these Radical Muslims that want to rid the world of the infidels..That's you, me, the American people, the Western World...That's Hitler for you...
This group can only be destroyed by Muslims that fight for their religion.. Christians or infidels cannot do it but Muslims can and they are being ideal..They are sitting on their hands.. The Western World(all the countries) will have to force the hands of the Sunni(which I think is the largest and most tolerate of the Muslim religious lines of Muslim) to fight... refugeeing them to all over the world is not the answer or the safeest for all Western Worlds. The U.S. is not the only one not accepting these refugees..Look it up..
We are not Hilteresk if we say No and make them fight for their country instead of living off our good graces..
Nothing has been close to Hitler in our life time.. our atomic bombing of Japan was of that magnitude ... But it ended WW2 ... and It was our Country doing the killing to defeat communism..We tried not to get involved but we were attacked ... So has been the case of this Radical movement..
It just so happens that WW3 is a religious conflict and "Freedom of Religion and Western Liberties around the world" are being tested and sometimes you have to make a stand and force ones hand to action... Moving people all over the world is not the answer to defeating this Radical phylosophy..
OT..Damn its hard to express your thought without having people miss understand you..
12/8/2015 4:13:45 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Chandler, AZ
41, joined Jan. 2014
I'm not trying to vilify your thoughts or opinions but rather trying to put it in perspective.
And as your thoughts progresses I can only surmise that you feel the ends justified the means ...as in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And that is your prerogative.
12/8/2015 4:25:44 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |

Suwanee, GA
50, joined Sep. 2014
Oh Lawdy Herbie ... let's bring up the Great Wall Out of Poverty illegally... Hell yes if we cannot get control of the Laws of this Land then we need not be America but North America...what the hell are we to do ..just let them come over and not be accountable.. Geez, we have to control the migration or our social infustructure will collapse...Yes collapse.. our Health, Social, and Urban development can not sustain this type of rapid increase...Read about it ... And tell me what other way is possible?
12/8/2015 4:40:18 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Clinton, MS
45, joined Apr. 2012
The great wall of mexico How long has America been bordered with Mexico?
Lets build a wall. Why now is it such a big deal? Because bad people are coming here? 
12/8/2015 4:44:40 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Lebanon, MO
44, joined Oct. 2014
I do agree that trump does have some Good ideas.
He's just way too far over the top.
There are things you simply do not do
As far as the Muslims go.
I don't make fun of anybody's religious belief except the over zealous people of all religions.
I'm pretty sure Mohammed did not tell people to go kill anyone that is not Muslim.
He did not teach terrorism and the death of innocents.
Like any religion
Some are always gonna twist words to suit their nature.
They are a minority
How to tell the difference is the problem.
12/8/2015 4:47:49 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |

Suwanee, GA
50, joined Sep. 2014
I'm not trying to vilify your thoughts or opinions but rather trying to put it in perspective.
And as your thoughts progresses I can only surmise that you feel the ends justified the means ...as in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And that is your prerogative.
Thank you..
I don't agree with all of our Country's history but we are the Leader and in this case, we need to lead ... avoiding and sugar coating things are not helping.. We've to start taking names and delivering some blows.
Ya'll give me something more to go on..
We have done embargos, we have stopped buying oil from certain countries, we have provided humanitian aid, we have tried to be nice to the Middle East..
. Just review the history of The U.S.a. (as the World Leader) and the relationships in the middle East since WW2.. It's not pretty...They have been absolutely unrelenting in the attacks on our mission to make this world more peaceful and loving...Not that we did it correctly but we had the Lead..
Ot..I've gotta cook a pork dinner and pray so I'll be back in a little...you infidels have fun blasting my thoughts..
joey, I kinda like this handsome muslim dude at work... I might have my way with him and pipe bomb his azz next week..That would be the humane thing to do, I think. Just call me Black Widow..
AND another thing, we didn't start the killing but we probably will have to end it or step down as the Leader of this Free World.. Is that what we should do?
12/8/2015 4:51:32 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Lexington, KY
47, joined Feb. 2013
Just fir starters I thought manifest destiny had something to do with ships.
Moving along, keep going...continue. don't worry about me, you kids have fun.
12/8/2015 4:54:08 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |

Snellville, GA
47, joined Feb. 2014
You'd do better in my opinion if you did not lump a whole group of people together. That's where you lose me.
Yes, it would be wonderful to rid our Country of TERRORISTS. However terrorists are not limited to one race, religion or group. You damn the whole group you lose touch with humanity.
You ship out all the non citizens from this Country you hurt honest hard working people and our economy. Industry as we know it would never be the same. We would all suffer, not to mention shutting us off from the rest of the world.
There are a lot of thugs and punks in our own Country. Should we be prevented from traveling out of it because of them?
12/8/2015 4:55:10 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |

Snellville, GA
47, joined Feb. 2014
Just fir starters I thought manifest destiny had something to do with ships.
Moving along, keep going...continue. don't worry about me, you kids have fun.
It's how we justified murdering and running Native Americans off their own land.
12/8/2015 5:03:43 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |

Suwanee, GA
50, joined Sep. 2014
Just fir starters I thought manifest destiny had something to do with ships.
Moving along, keep going...continue. don't worry about me, you kids have fun.
Kiss..kiss...my infidel...
Oh and why don't you just tell it like it is sometimes..
12/8/2015 5:04:15 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Lebanon, MO
44, joined Oct. 2014
Actually waki
We did start the killing
When America decided to yell the world what to do or else..
That's what started it
We were in too many places we had no business being in.
Vietnam sealed it
Pakistan started sending "advisors" to north Vietnam.
They weren't fighting for communism
They were learning to defend themselves from America.
After Korea and Vietnam(that were truly none of our business)
Countries became worried they would be next because we did not like their politics
That's when terrorism seriously began.
Our so called leaders created the terrorists
Then armed them and gave them money.
If we truly knew all the vicious and terrible things our government was responsible for
Even the most jaded and callous of us would be shocked to the core
12/8/2015 5:10:34 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Clinton, MS
45, joined Apr. 2012
America broke away from the old ways and paved the new way with blood. Much loss blood. Bloody hell. 
12/8/2015 5:13:54 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |

Suwanee, GA
50, joined Sep. 2014
Herbie..I'll get back to you..gotta cook...but in War yes you do.
World War to had 2 groups (allies and adviseries)
Korean war it was All Nortj Koreans
Vietnam was The Vietcon(off top of my head not sure if it was North or South)
the Afganistan was the Taliban
Iraq was Alquada
But now the beehive is mixed up and all we know is the common denominator is the Muslim religion (so we have to fight what we know). We don't have a problem with Muslims in the Western Worlds just the ones born and brought up in the teachings in the middle East...so bann them until we have the Good Muslims fighting the "Bad".. Do not bring a cara van full of half good half bad ones)... At least for a while...
12/8/2015 5:16:26 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |

Snellville, GA
47, joined Feb. 2014
Round them all up and put them in concentration camps?
12/8/2015 5:17:09 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |

Suwanee, GA
50, joined Sep. 2014
America broke away from the old ways and paved the new way with blood. Much loss blood. Bloody hell. 
So has every other Country since the Dawn of Time. Every Country is ritialed with bullets...just objectively read some other countries history...
12/8/2015 5:21:05 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Clinton, MS
45, joined Apr. 2012
The early America's couldn't find a way to live in peace with the indians, so they just killed them.
But some were converted to be christians. Mainly the female indians because there were a whole ton men looking for marriage with a lack of women around at the time.
12/8/2015 5:23:29 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |

Snellville, GA
47, joined Feb. 2014
Even most Republican leaders are critizing Trumps ridiculous comments. To the point he is threatening to leave the party.
Democrats have to be loving this. The Republican Party just can't find a decent candidate.
Hilary will just walk right into office.
12/8/2015 5:25:04 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Lebanon, MO
44, joined Oct. 2014
Round them all up and put them in concentration camps?
And then we have a serious shortage of Dr.s and quickie marts
What then?
[Edited 12/8/2015 5:25:45 PM ]
12/8/2015 5:27:33 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Lexington, KY
47, joined Feb. 2013
Must have been the monroe doctrine or terminator.
12/8/2015 5:28:14 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |

Snellville, GA
47, joined Feb. 2014
Must have been the monroe doctrine or terminator.

12/8/2015 5:28:34 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |

Suwanee, GA
50, joined Sep. 2014
So America is the Evil in the World.
Is that why everyone thinks our streets are paved in Gold .. And everyone wants citizenship.
We were the Leader of the Free World, it was our responsibility to defeat communism whereever it may be advancing on a democratic society..
We never went alone but we sent the most.
Vietnam was our worst war and we did not need to go to war but we did.. Can't change it... History is to never be repeated..
America is great..and many times are demonized for being the World Leader and having to Lead..
12/8/2015 5:28:52 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Clinton, MS
45, joined Apr. 2012
So has every other Country since the Dawn of Time. Every Country is ritialed with bullets...just objectively read some other countries history...
bullets? one must discover the use of gunpowder before shooting bullets
Every country has some form of blood on their hands. You would think at some point people would learn from past mistakes and not repeat history yet some just never learn.
12/8/2015 5:33:37 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |

Suwanee, GA
50, joined Sep. 2014
Must have been the monroe doctrine or terminator.
I'll be your Monroe until I Sarah Connor your azz!!
joey ...Bullet was used as a metaphor or reference to killings
[Edited 12/8/2015 5:36:09 PM ]
12/8/2015 5:35:32 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Spring, TX
45, joined Aug. 2014
Everyone knows it's all about work political position.
The stronger the country, the more negotiating power.
The richer the country, the better their military toys and egos chomping at the bit to use them.
Refugees are just that, refegees.
Use Hurricane Katrina that displaced many families from New Orleans. They cam to Texas as refugees. Guess what!! They were the same regardless of color, gender, sexual orientation, religion or race. Everyone pulled together because that is what being an American is all about.
Just because people who are fleeing their war torn countries to keep their family alive, doesn't mean they are trying to come over to kill us. They need help too.
OK..... enough rambling
That's all I got to say about dat!
12/8/2015 5:36:33 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Lebanon, MO
44, joined Oct. 2014
The red menace
An excuse
Nothing more
They sure as hell were not coming after us.
Korea Vietnam and all the rest
Were none of our business
Those folks needed to stand up for themselves
Same as the middle east.
They're running from their problem instead of mAnning up and dealing with the problem
Ww3 will last till the end of time unless the moderate Muslims step up and deAl
With the extremists
All America is doing is killing and maiming our warriors
And spending huge amounts of money we do not have
There is absolutely nothing we can do to stop terrorism
12/8/2015 5:41:07 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Lebanon, MO
44, joined Oct. 2014
Everyone knows it's all about work political position.
The stronger the country, the more negotiating power.
The richer the country, the better their military toys and egos chomping at the bit to use them.
Refugees are just that, refegees.
Use Hurricane Katrina that displaced many families from New Orleans. They cam to Texas as refugees. Guess what!! They were the same regardless of color, gender, sexual orientation, religion or race. Everyone pulled together because that is what being an American is all about.
Just because people who are fleeing their war torn countries to keep their family alive, doesn't mean they are trying to come over to kill us. They need help too.
OK..... enough rambling
That's all I got to say about dat!
Well put rocker
If a robber came into your home threatening your family.would you run away?
I wouldn't. Because then the robber robs my neighbor, my brother,your children.
No.you can't run.
You take out the robber.
They need to take out the robber instead of running away
12/8/2015 5:46:04 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Clinton, MS
45, joined Apr. 2012
At one time in history the KKK was considered to be a terrorists group and guess what? America didn't kill 'em all.
12/8/2015 5:46:39 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Spring, TX
45, joined Aug. 2014
Well put rocker
If a robber came into your home threatening your family.would you run away?
I wouldn't. Because then the robber robs my neighbor, my brother,your children.
No.you can't run.
You take out the robber.
They need to take out the robber instead of running away 
Exactly. We start open carry January 1st 
12/8/2015 5:48:06 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Spring, TX
45, joined Aug. 2014
At one time in history the KKK was considered to be a terrorists group and guess what? America didn't kill 'em all. 
Yes and no. Kkk was a political organization as well. Members Involved law enforcement, judges etc... took federal intervention to break them up.
12/8/2015 5:49:33 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Lebanon, MO
44, joined Oct. 2014

Been open Carry here for years n years
If bad guys know everyone is packing a pistol
They're sure gonna think twice about bein a bad guy 
12/8/2015 5:55:23 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Clinton, MS
45, joined Apr. 2012
Yes and no. Kkk was a political organization as well. Members Involved law enforcement, judges etc... took federal intervention to break them up.
thats true back in the 50's here in MS, at least 80% of law enforcement were in the klan.
12/8/2015 5:56:16 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |

Suwanee, GA
50, joined Sep. 2014
The early America's couldn't find a way to live in peace with the indians, so they just killed them. 
But some were converted to be christians. Mainly the female indians because there were a whole ton men looking for marriage with a lack of women around at the time. 
What?? Omg...too much Cowboys and Indiana movie watching for you..
To be honest, it was the British settlers (many that traveled back to England) killed them with diseases.. We killed entire tribes with small pox and malaria, scarlet fever and a few other disease that the British was immune to. These diseases spread like wildfire killing many tribes all along the East coast.....and the Indians fought and lost...
and yes once we were America with freedom of religion and and known as the Land of Riches, everyone came and everyone had to make room and spread out...
With History you have a set of winners and losers...
[Edited 12/8/2015 5:59:18 PM ]
12/8/2015 5:59:52 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Spring, TX
45, joined Aug. 2014
Through all of the comments I've read on this thread.
I still think it is hypocritical of patriotic Americans to deny these refugees.
I've heard all the arguments regarding put our veterans and homeless refuge first but this is two entirely different things and is part of a global effort.
If you want to see our veterans and homeless get taken care, contact your city and state representatives. Organize groups and social media functions. Recruit people who truly understand lobbying and make a difference.
This is the muthaf**king United States of America!!
Act like it!!
12/8/2015 6:03:01 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Lebanon, MO
44, joined Oct. 2014
Allright rocker
But how do we sort em out?
They were raised to hate Americans
Which of the women and children have bombs strapped under their clothes?

12/8/2015 6:07:09 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Clinton, MS
45, joined Apr. 2012
What?? Omg...too much Cowboys and Indiana movie watching for you..
To be honest, it was the British settlers (many that traveled back to England) killed them with diseases.. We killed entire tribes with small pox and malaria, scarlet fever and a few other disease that the British was immune to. These diseases spread like wildfire killing many tribes all along the East coast.....and the Indians fought and lost...
and yes once we were America with freedom of religion and and known as the Land of Riches, everyone came and everyone had to make room and spread out...
With History you have a set of winners and losers...
cowboys and indians??? thats from the old west. I'm speaking of the new england area. They didn't have cowboys up there around that time.
12/8/2015 6:07:12 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Spring, TX
45, joined Aug. 2014
The Native American Indians didn't get that choice!
You still have to maintain a criteria for vetting. Has to be complete families and perhaps place them in an acclimation period in a gated community of sorts.
I really don't have all the answers but if I have to choose between humanity and religion, I'm choosing humanity.
Edit: wanted to add, if you think it's impossible to retrain their teachings, just let them have our commercials, cartoons, and news.
It works on most Americans. Lol. (The sheeple anyway)
[Edited 12/8/2015 6:08:53 PM ]
12/8/2015 6:08:48 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Grovetown, GA
50, joined Aug. 2008
There really isn't a good way to deal with them. If we are nice and keep our country open to them ,then we will pay the price.If we do what needed to be done thousands of years ago and wipe them entirely out then we will be classified as the bad guy by the rest of the world.
no win situation really
12/8/2015 6:10:33 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Lebanon, MO
44, joined Oct. 2014
I'm with ya on that one
But it's gonna take some ideas for vetting and policing that I don't believe our government could ever do properly
12/8/2015 6:14:12 PM |
Trumps proposed Muslim ban |


Spring, TX
45, joined Aug. 2014
I'm with ya on that one
But it's gonna take some ideas for vetting and policing that I don't believe our government could ever do properly
I don't disagree but you can't just assume that these desperate peoe who see their neighbors, family and friends die around them and expect to stay there. They need help. Not saying concentration camps bit educational centers and housing communities with store etc...