12/24/2015 4:52:23 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
If you can't afford children don't have sex. "Every sexual union must be open to the transmission of life." --Pope Paul VI
Once again stupidity (religion) trying to dictate to Mother Nature.
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12/24/2015 5:20:49 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Saint Petersburg, FL
68, joined Apr. 2010
If you can't afford children don't have sex. "Every sexual union must be open to the transmission of life." --Pope Paul VI

Pope Paul VI was an idiot ..... your following his thinking is totally asinine.
Did "every" include his pedophile and gay priests and bishops?
He was really saying ..... "Every sexual union must be open to the transmission of life and STD's."
12/24/2015 5:52:13 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Panama City, FL
63, joined Feb. 2008
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Contraception is against the natural law. And, at least for the world's rural poor, the more children they have the more crops they can raise.
Anyway, a little suffering for 70-odd years here, bliss in the next world forever, I figure it's a decent payoff. Of course that doesn't excuse the Missionaries of Charity of denying palliatives, having untrained nuns, or maintaining unssnitary facilities...IF that's what they do.
12/24/2015 5:58:13 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Saint Petersburg, FL
68, joined Apr. 2010
If you can't afford children don't have sex. "Every sexual union must be open to the transmission of life." --Pope Paul VI
Does that mean that those that take Viagra are in the state of grace?
12/24/2015 6:55:08 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Panama City, FL
63, joined Feb. 2008
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It is not a sin for a married man to use Viagra.
12/24/2015 7:09:29 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Saint Petersburg, FL
68, joined Apr. 2010
It is not a sin for a married man to use Viagra.
That is not what I asked you.
12/24/2015 7:15:40 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
"And, at least for the world's rural poor, the more children they have the more crops they can raise.
Children, my dear, are not servants.
12/25/2015 2:54:31 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |

Aurora, CO
55, joined Aug. 2014
I've decided to make a point of doing some research about Mother Teresa. I will admit that there is sometimes a Christian whose piety gets in the way of their common sense, and it is possible Mother Teresa was one of those. But those who excoriate her for preaching against abortion and contraception have no sympathy from me.
Believe it or not, ol' ultra-old school Catholic Lud does have an open mind and can think for himself. I don't kiss priests' hineys like a lot of Catholics do and I have told many of them to theirvfaces what I think of them in no uncertain terms (in almost every case it was because the priest was too liberal, or doubted Catholic dogma, or broke liturgical rules---most of you guys wouldn't agree with me here but I am not a blind yes-Father kind of Catholic).
Apparently the most prominent criticism of M.T. is "Missionary Position" by Christopher Hitchens. I imagine, since he chose that title, he is going to be making fun of M.T.'s chastity, which won't sit well with me, but if the facilities run by the Missionaries of Charity are as unsanitary and squalid as some have suggested, I have open mind enough to change my opinion of Mother Teresa.
I became a Catholic at age 18 because I wanted the truth. I'm not afraid of the truth.
Its good being catholic aint it.
Merry Christmas.
12/25/2015 3:17:26 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |

Detroit, MI
54, joined Oct. 2013
Lud had a thread in ce&p months back. Luds topic was he felt the age of consent should be 16.
Why would a man his age think about and post such a topic?
Lud is a sicko bastard pedo.
12/25/2015 3:21:46 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Saint Petersburg, FL
68, joined Apr. 2010
Lud had a thread in ce&p months back. Luds topic was he felt the age of consent should be 16.
Why would a man his age think about and post such a topic?
Lud is a sicko bastard pedo.
That may be why he decided to convert to catholicism.
12/25/2015 3:28:33 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |

Detroit, MI
54, joined Oct. 2013
That may be why he decided to convert to catholicism.
I'd guess that when lud walked into the catholic church at age 18 it was the first time in his life he found a group that would accept him as he was.
12/25/2015 4:04:55 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |

South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
58, joined May. 2011
Lud had a thread in ce&p months back. Luds topic was he felt the age of consent should be 16.
Why would a man his age think about and post such a topic?
Lud is a sicko bastard pedo.
The age of consent is 16 in the UK for both heteros and homosexuals. I can't see anything wrong with Lud expressing an opinion on that. Your personal attack is unwarranted. 
12/25/2015 4:21:19 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |

Detroit, MI
54, joined Oct. 2013
Well Clarence
Like I told lud just before he blocked me months back.....he obviously never had kids. Bet if he had a 16 y/o dtr his opinion would be different.
Tell ya what.....go sniffin around a 16 y/o infront of her dad and see if that consent law protects you. Do let us know how it works out.
12/25/2015 4:25:36 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |

Detroit, MI
54, joined Oct. 2013
I can't see anything wrong with Lud expressing an opinion on that.
And nothing wrong with me expressing my opinion on lud's opinion.
12/25/2015 4:28:19 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |

South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
58, joined May. 2011
Who's talking about sexual relationships with huge age disparities? The topic is really about the age a person is deemed as grown up enough to legally engage in consensual sexual activity, and here it's 16 years of age.
12/25/2015 4:29:30 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |

South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
58, joined May. 2011
And nothing wrong with me expressing my opinion on lud's opinion.
A person isn't a paedophile for opining that 16 is a reasonable age of consent.
12/25/2015 4:57:23 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |

Detroit, MI
54, joined Oct. 2013
On more than one occasion lud has given me cause to believe he is a bicycle seat sniffin, pockets full of candy, perv.
[Edited 12/25/2015 4:58:15 AM ]
12/25/2015 6:08:50 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |

South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
58, joined May. 2011
On more than one occasion lud has given me cause to believe he is a bicycle seat sniffin, pockets full of candy, perv.
I don't think Lud's a perv. I've read him state that he only approves of sex within marriage, and I have no reason to doubt his sincerity, 'cause he's so scrupulously orthodox in all his opinions. Are you're sure you're not taking the Yam 'n' Sail route of attacking a member solely because it delivers a cheap thrill and is easy to do, given the lack of forum moderation? 
12/25/2015 7:07:08 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
That may be why he decided to convert to catholicism.
12/25/2015 7:45:42 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |

Detroit, MI
54, joined Oct. 2013
Are you're sure you're not taking the Yam 'n' Sail route of attacking a member solely because it delivers a cheap thrill and is easy to do, given the lack of forum moderation?
Nope that's not it.
I have this abiding contempt for lud. It began with lud's absurd assertion that all the pedo padres were protestants who infiltrated what he refers to as "holy mother church", also known as "the mother of harlots". From there my contempt for dumbshit lud only grew.
12/25/2015 7:56:17 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |

Detroit, MI
54, joined Oct. 2013
I don't think Lud's a perv. I've read him state that he only approves of sex within marriage, and I have no reason to doubt his sincerity, 'cause he's so scrupulously orthodox in all his opinions.
Hummmm....only approves of sex within marriage....,scrupulously orthodox. Oh! Like a priest! And we know a priest could never be a perv.
Well hell's bells Clarence....that is proof that lud's no perv.
12/25/2015 8:08:48 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |

South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
58, joined May. 2011
Nope that's not it.
I have this abiding contempt for lud. It began with lud's absurd assertion that all the pedo padres were protestants who infiltrated what he refers to as "holy mother church", also known as "the mother of harlots". From there my contempt for dumbshit lud only grew.
I also find Lud's religious beliefs and lots of the assertions he makes repulsive, but I wouldn't extend this disdain into attacking him as a person.
12/25/2015 10:03:59 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Panama City, FL
63, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
Thanks for taking up for me, Clarenc.
When I posted, in the Current Events forum, I was talking about lowering the age of legal adulthood to sixteen for everything, voting, drinking, marriage, rentals, employment, the entering into contracts, the whole thing. The age of sexual consent is already 16 in most countries, including the U.K., and is so in 31 of the 50 U.S. states. That's old news. And I was 17 when I first started thinking about becoming a Catholic, barely over the age of 16 myself.
12/25/2015 10:41:27 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |

South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
58, joined May. 2011
I checked out the thread you made and it looked okay to me. This is the position in the UK regarding the age of consent:
In the UK, persons aged 16 and over, whether male or female, heterosexual or homosexual, may have sexual relations with other people aged over 16. However, people aged over 18 who are in positions of trust over someone aged under 18 are breaking the law by having sexual relations with them.
12/26/2015 2:44:49 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Saint Petersburg, FL
68, joined Apr. 2010
I checked out the thread you made and it looked okay to me. This is the position in the UK regarding the age of consent:
In the UK, persons aged 16 and over, whether male or female, heterosexual or homosexual, may have sexual relations with other people aged over 16. However, people aged over 18 who are in positions of trust over someone aged under 18 are breaking the law by having sexual relations with them.
Seems to me that the highlighted caveat doesn't make sense.
It would allow a 17 year old to have relations with a 16 year old ..... but make an example of an 18 year old supervisor at a McDonald's who has relations with a 17 year old server they supervise.
Doesn't make sense to me.
12/26/2015 3:15:57 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |

South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
58, joined May. 2011
I think the part you bolded is more likely to apply to positions of trust such as care home staff or teachers.
12/26/2015 3:17:30 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Panama City, FL
63, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
Bringing this thread back to its original subject, I have been doing some research into the Missionaries of Charity, and what I am finding out is disgusting. There really do seem to be serious problems with that organization. Maybe canonizing Mother Teresa would be a mistake.
Apparently Mother Teresa took a sound Catholic doctrine, that suffering patiently borne purifies us and unites us to God, and blown it way out of proportion. This truth was never meant to mean that suffering should not be alleviated---on the contrary helping and caring for the sick is considered to be one of the corporal acts of mercy. What the Missionaries of Charity do, mostly, is maintain hospices for the dying. Whoever heard of a hospice without trained medical personnel? But the Missionaries of Charity are apparently "spiritual" only. Not separating tuberculosis patients from others? Washing needles with cold and lukewarm water? No palliatives given? That's ridiculous!
The fact that India is a third world country is no excuse---other Catholic orders of missionaries either train their nuns to be nurses or run facilities with lay (and sometimes non-Catholic) doctors and nurses, even in third world countries.
"Beware the Christian that is so heavenly minded that he is no earthly good", it is sometimes said within Christianity. Perhaps this could apply to Mother Teresa and the Missionaries of Charity. True Catholicism is about reason and common sense, which seems to be lacking in the Missionaries of Charity philosophy.
12/26/2015 3:25:30 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |

South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
58, joined May. 2011
An article I read earlier claims that the money Mother Teresa's charities collected wasn't used to improve conditions in her care homes:
The squalid truth behind the legacy of Mother Teresa
Susan Shields, formerly a senior nun with the order, recalled that one year there was roughly $50m in the bank account held by the New York office alone. Much of the money, she complained, sat in banks while workers in the homes were obliged to reuse blunt needles. The order has stopped reusing needles, but the poor care remains pervasive. One nurse told me of a case earlier this year where staff knew a patient had typhoid but made no effort to protect volunteers or other patients. "The sense was that God will provide and if the worst happens - it is God's will."
[Edited 12/26/2015 3:27:01 AM ]
12/26/2015 4:11:53 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Saint Petersburg, FL
68, joined Apr. 2010
Bringing this thread back to its original subject, I have been doing some research into the Missionaries of Charity, and what I am finding out is disgusting. There really do seem to be serious problems with that organization. Maybe canonizing Mother Teresa would be a mistake.
Apparently Mother Teresa took a sound Catholic doctrine, that suffering patiently borne purifies us and unites us to God, and blown it way out of proportion. This truth was never meant to mean that suffering should not be alleviated---on the contrary helping and caring for the sick is considered to be one of the corporal acts of mercy. What the Missionaries of Charity do, mostly, is maintain hospices for the dying. Whoever heard of a hospice without trained medical personnel? But the Missionaries of Charity are apparently "spiritual" only. Not separating tuberculosis patients from others? Washing needles with cold and lukewarm water? No palliatives given? That's ridiculous!
The fact that India is a third world country is no excuse---other Catholic orders of missionaries either train their nuns to be nurses or run facilities with lay (and sometimes non-Catholic) doctors and nurses, even in third world countries.
"Beware the Christian that is so heavenly minded that he is no earthly good", it is sometimes said within Christianity. Perhaps this could apply to Mother Teresa and the Missionaries of Charity. True Catholicism is about reason and common sense, which seems to be lacking in the Missionaries of Charity philosophy.
There might be hope for you after all, Lud.
12/26/2015 4:27:03 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |

Detroit, MI
54, joined Oct. 2013
If one was ill, MT was generous with her prayers but tight with her cash.
When MT was ill, she said f@#k the prayers and headed for nice healthcare facilities in Cali.
[Edited 12/26/2015 4:28:25 AM ]
12/26/2015 5:36:16 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Saint Petersburg, FL
68, joined Apr. 2010
If one was ill, MT was generous with her prayers but tight with her cash.
When MT was ill, she said f@#k the prayers and headed for nice healthcare facilities in Cali.
That she did!
12/26/2015 6:54:56 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
The truth is Mother Teresa was a mentally sick woman who affected in the wrong way the life of many people; it wouldn't surprise me if her mental incapacity was used by "some people" in an eugenicist way.
12/26/2015 7:46:27 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Leander, TX
66, joined Oct. 2013
Bringing this thread back to its original subject, I have been doing some research into the Missionaries of Charity, and what I am finding out is disgusting. There really do seem to be serious problems with that organization. Maybe canonizing Mother Teresa would be a mistake.
Apparently Mother Teresa took a sound Catholic doctrine, that suffering patiently borne purifies us and unites us to God, and blown it way out of proportion. This truth was never meant to mean that suffering should not be alleviated---on the contrary helping and caring for the sick is considered to be one of the corporal acts of mercy. What the Missionaries of Charity do, mostly, is maintain hospices for the dying. Whoever heard of a hospice without trained medical personnel? But the Missionaries of Charity are apparently "spiritual" only. Not separating tuberculosis patients from others? Washing needles with cold and lukewarm water? No palliatives given? That's ridiculous!
The fact that India is a third world country is no excuse---other Catholic orders of missionaries either train their nuns to be nurses or run facilities with lay (and sometimes non-Catholic) doctors and nurses, even in third world countries.
"Beware the Christian that is so heavenly minded that he is no earthly good", it is sometimes said within Christianity. Perhaps this could apply to Mother Teresa and the Missionaries of Charity. True Catholicism is about reason and common sense, which seems to be lacking in the Missionaries of Charity philosophy.
Really? Where are you finding this research? Imagine, you're actually seeing damage caused by the Catholic church. Perhaps you posted this during a lucid moment? But do you think it was only her? She had oversight by the Vatican and was a cheerleader for church agenda using the sick and dying as fodder. The whole organization was behind her. That's why they're canonizing her. Now consider how the Catholic church removed their official doctrine against Jews of Deicide long after the Nazis exterminated 6M and long after the church helped Nazis escape to South America.
12/26/2015 10:26:25 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Lake Waccamaw, NC
48, joined Jun. 2014
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the one world church will become reality threw the roman cathlic church
12/26/2015 12:24:57 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Panama City, FL
63, joined Feb. 2008
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My research indicates that only 7 to 8% of the money collected in donations by that order actually go to the poor. Tge rest of the money is not accounted for. "Only God knows how much money we have," I saw Mother Teresa's sucessor say in a video. That kind of thing sounds, on the surface, to be very spiritual, otherworldly, and detached from material goods, but hold on! We are talking about a multi-million dollar enterprise here! Apparently the sisters don't embezzle the money---apparently they do live in apostolic poverty---best guesses are that all that money is deposited in the Vatican Bank and/or other banks. The order desires to be frugal (good, up to a point). They don't want to buy frills such as elevators in buildings---oh, we carry the poor in our arms, they say. But how do two or three 5'1" nuns carry a 250-pound man up five flights of stairs? We can't buy washing machines---its cheaper and more loving to wash all the clothes by hand. But washing machines are more sanitary.
"The Catholic religion is a common sense religion," Fr. Joe Bartkowicz, the priest who instructed me in the faith back in '71, and one of the finest priests I have ever known, told me. "Never let your education interfere with your common sense," said a very good non-Catholic professor I had in college.
I am a member of the Knights of Columbus. We have all kinds of checks and balances when it comes to our funds---if any money is spent, the grand knight, the treasurer, and the financial secretary all have to sign off on it. Three knights act as "trustees" to oversee that. All expenditures must be reported to regional and national headquarters. At least at the national level, professional accountants are used. Not every Catholic organization is run like the Missionaries of Charity apparently is.
12/26/2015 12:32:29 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Panama City, FL
63, joined Feb. 2008
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I don't say do away with the Missionaries of Charity---the idea behind the order is sound as sound can be. But they are in dire need of some reform, either from a new superior general or from the Vatican.
12/26/2015 1:57:36 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
That's why they're canonizing her. Now consider how the Catholic church removed their official doctrine against Jews of Deicide long after the Nazis exterminated 6M and long after the church helped Nazis escape to South America.
In particular to Paraguay and Brazil where between the Paraguayan president -Stroessner (German origin)- and the Amazonian jungle the Nazis found a great hiding
Those who went to Argentina were in the south, near the Andes...another great hiding area.
Many Nazis went to join the NASA workforce.
12/26/2015 2:00:22 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
Perhaps you posted this during a lucid moment?
They said that nutcases, at the end, experience a short recovery of
their sanity
12/26/2015 2:27:42 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Panama City, FL
63, joined Feb. 2008
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But then again maybe Ludlow has an open mind and os willing to listen to both sides of an argument.
12/26/2015 2:44:55 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Saint Petersburg, FL
68, joined Apr. 2010
But then again maybe Ludlow has an open mind and os willing to listen to both sides of an argument.

I can't stop laughing!
12/26/2015 2:49:59 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
But then again maybe Ludlow has an open mind and os willing to listen to both sides of an argument.
That would be a first...about the open mind.
12/26/2015 2:50:51 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
I can't stop laughing!
Neither do I
[Edited 12/26/2015 2:51:16 PM ]
12/26/2015 3:50:49 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Leander, TX
66, joined Oct. 2013
But then again maybe Ludlow has an open mind and os willing to listen to both sides of an argument.
Nice work uncovering Missionaries of Charity but you didn't reveal your sources but that was your side of the argument. State your sources?
As for common sense from Fr. Joe Bartkowicz. It's very common senses for priests to hide all they know that would continue to destroy the church if the public knew. Seems despite all the pedophilia in the church and even the homosexuality* Catholics remain Catholic. That's not common sense. That's common nonsense.
Homosexuality is psychologically normal and natural behavior however the church has become a gay men's club as priests vow celibacy. It's really the hypocrisy that is rampant. Church history is full of violence to take power. That includes non-catholic churches who pretty much decimated Native Americans.
12/26/2015 4:09:06 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Saint Petersburg, FL
68, joined Apr. 2010
Nice work uncovering Missionaries of Charity but you didn't reveal your sources but that was your side of the argument. State your sources?
As for common sense from Fr. Joe Bartkowicz. It's very common senses for priests to hide all they know that would continue to destroy the church if the public knew. Seems despite all the pedophilia in the church and even the homosexuality* Catholics remain Catholic. That's not common sense. That's common nonsense.
Homosexuality is psychologically normal and natural behavior however the church has become a gay men's club as priests vow celibacy. It's really the hypocrisy that is rampant. Church history is full of violence to take power. That includes non-catholic churches who pretty much decimated Native Americans.
12/26/2015 4:59:54 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Panama City, FL
63, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
Secularists speak from both sides of their mouths. They say that homosexual sex is perfectly normal, but when a priest has homosexual sex with a teenage male oh heavens! How terrible he is! Sue the Church!
12/26/2015 5:15:07 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Saint Petersburg, FL
68, joined Apr. 2010
Secularists speak from both sides of their mouths. They say that homosexual sex is perfectly normal, but when a priest has homosexual sex with a teenage male oh heavens! How terrible he is! Sue the Church!
Arse hole ..... priests are supposed to be spiritual leaders and role models ..... pedophilia is not one of the traits they should have. Even the straight priests, bishops, cardinals and popes are guilty for covering the whole thing up.
12/26/2015 5:56:45 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Panama City, FL
63, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
So you agree with the Church---homosexual sex is a sin.
12/26/2015 5:58:34 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Saint Petersburg, FL
68, joined Apr. 2010
So you agree with the Church---homosexual sex is a sin.

Cut the crap, Lud ..... I didn't even mention homosexuality in my post.
12/26/2015 6:45:18 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
Secularists speak from both sides of their mouths. They say that homosexual sex is perfectly normal, but when a priest has homosexual sex with a teenage male oh heavens!
How terrible he is! Sue the Church!
It has nothing to do with homosexuality but with the fact he is having sex with a minor. See the difference? Thanks.
12/26/2015 6:46:54 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
So you agree with the Church---homosexual sex is a sin.
No, it's not a sin nor a crime, but to practice homosexuality with a minor is a crime
12/26/2015 7:08:46 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Birmingham, AL
54, joined Feb. 2011
No, it's not a sin nor a crime, but to practice homosexuality with a minor is a crime
excuse me, the bible says to lay with man with man or woman with woman is an abomination. which is a sin that God hates so yes it is a sin period
12/26/2015 7:44:22 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Sanbornton, NH
60, joined Jul. 2012
excuse me, the bible says to lay with man with man or woman with woman is an abomination. which is a sin that God hates so yes it is a sin period
And exactly why is it that "the Bible" has any moral authority?
12/26/2015 7:48:49 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Saint Petersburg, FL
68, joined Apr. 2010
It has nothing to do with homosexuality but with the fact he is having sex with a minor. See the difference? Thanks.
12/26/2015 8:01:56 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Birmingham, AL
54, joined Feb. 2011
And exactly why is it that "the Bible" has any moral authority?
because it is Gods word spoken by man and woman. real stories that really happened and prophecy that was told of the coming end time and the end
12/26/2015 11:43:56 PM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Panama City, FL
63, joined Feb. 2008
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Asanb, the Bible gets its moral authority from the Catholic Church, which compiled the 73 Books of tge Bible at the Council of Hippo in 393 a.d. The Church, in turn, gets HER authority from Her Founder Jesus Christ, Who promised to stay with her until He comes again.
12/27/2015 3:36:01 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Saint Petersburg, FL
68, joined Apr. 2010
real stories that really happened

That's hilarious!

Talking burning bushes? ..... talking jackasses? ..... talking snakes? ..... burning chariots flying off into the clouds? ..... corpses leaving their graves and strolling the streets? ..... men walking on water? ..... the earth stopping its orbit? ..... virgin birth? ..... immaculate conceptions? ..... three wise guys guided by a moving star? ..... the walls of Jericho being brought down by a sounded horn? ..... a man sweating blood? ..... a man rising from the dead? ..... etc. ..... etc. ..... etc.
Real stories? ..... who are you trying to kid? ..... the stories are an epiphany of myth, fairytale, and folklore.
Wake up!
12/27/2015 8:43:24 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
excuse me, the bible says to lay with man with man or woman with woman is an abomination. which is a sin that God hates so yes it is a sin period
What the bible say is of no relevance to me or to any other intelligent person...so, please, find a better excuse to "justify" your belief.
12/27/2015 8:48:30 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
because it is Gods word spoken by man and woman. real stories that really happened and prophecy that was told of the coming end time and the end

12/27/2015 10:03:22 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Leander, TX
66, joined Oct. 2013
because it is Gods word spoken by man and woman.
You mean some men and woman are god? 
real stories that really happened and prophecy that was told of the coming end time and the end
Fairy tales are real? 
12/27/2015 10:52:57 AM |
Is catholicism making a major mistake? |


Saint Petersburg, FL
68, joined Apr. 2010
the Bible gets its moral authority from the Catholic Church
Then your bible has no moral values to share!
How can you make a statement like that knowing that the catholic church is in the process of canonizing the likes of Mother Teresa ..... the "Wicked Witch of Calcutta"?
How can you post that with a straight face knowing that the catholic church harbors priests guilty of pedophilia?
Let alone the trail of blood the winds throughout the history of catholicism?