Camp Pendleton, CA
23, joined Jul. 2013
If your interested just message me
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27, joined Aug. 2013
Actually that's not even accurate I'm shy when it comes to talking to people
I don't care for popularity or friendships it's nice to have I guess but it's not what gets you ahead in life
And it's not a frat I see it as an organization that pays too little for what we have too do
And my gpa was very high I was just too poor too afford school so I needed a gateway to money to help my brothers and pay for my mothers medication
If your gpa was very high and you were impoverished you would have qualified for a shit ton of full rides and several types of grants and scholarships from any school you tried out to.
Even the application fees to the first 5 schools you applied to would have been waved.
Once you're done if you come back that G.I. bill or whatever should definitely have you covered. Don't be lazy or stupid like the others. Take your time to go a legit 4-year college. Choose your major. When you graduate you will be ahead of the pack and debt free. Don't let those Tech/trade schools cheat you out of your money and your education. If you can patiently spend time in the service you can definitely spend time enjoying yourself in college on a free-ride.
This is my advice to you. I don't know you so I won't assume my words automatically mean you. I have a brother around your age. But a lot of men before you and there with you fit my description to a T. 


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
G.I. Bill only covers up to $40,000. My late friend, that was in the Army, actually had deductions from his salary, for the G.I. Bill.
I didn't think the service charged for that, but for him, it did..
Most 4-year schools are well past the $40,000 mark, even if you commute.
Take the University, of Akron, for instance.
In 2010, I took an open house tour, of the campus. Commuter tuition/fee averages were around $18k per year. Tuition/fee averages for living in the dorms were in excess of $26k/year.


Lucerne, CA
63, joined Oct. 2010
online now!
I never said I want to marry one I just want to f**k one.. I LOVE ? A MAN IN HIS UNIFORM
oh hunny buns ... just PLAY dress up ...
put on a costume ... boots, web belt, red stripe down the sides ... white hat ...
blah blah blah ...
have him bark out the words you want to hear to cum hard.
Like ... 'When I say STAND AT EASE .. I want you to snap to so hard I hear p*ssy sucking air" .. stuff like that.
What ever makes you feel frisky.
sumbuddie wear blind sea
[Edited 1/21/2016 9:58:09 AM ]

Danville, AL
52, joined Mar. 2014
Op, you got some issue. I suggest you go see @Cub so you can figure out how to be normal. He can explain everything to you. 


Fort Payne, AL
61, joined Apr. 2011
Lets go back to the title of this thread.
" Calling all Marines"
really op....your going to f**k every marine on the planet?
now...who is going to defend the country, if they are all standing in a long line waiting their turn????