3/23/2016 3:21:53 AM |
News: Brussels explosions. |


Vancouver, WA
37, joined Apr. 2013
Just goes to show you how a few bad apples can spoil the bunch......especially in the court of public opinion.
To believe Islam is a peaceful religion is ignorant.
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

3/23/2016 3:22:04 AM |
News: Brussels explosions. |

Cabo San Lucas
48, joined Aug. 2014
Islam is the faith of goat molesters and baby rapers.
3/23/2016 6:45:44 AM |
News: Brussels explosions. |

Killeen, TX
33, joined Jan. 2014
How could so many countrys' intelligence, spying, whatever, not think of a scenario with those 2 joining up, if I did?
You do know that the Saddam/Al Qaida link was manufactured for they purpose of war, was discredited by all available credible intelligence, and that Saddam was the only thing keeping Iraq from descending into a terrorist hellhole, right?
3/23/2016 7:01:54 AM |
News: Brussels explosions. |


Baltimore, MD
54, joined Apr. 2014
This thread definitely falls into the category of one of the most hateful and terrifying...considering this is DH, that's saying something
3/23/2016 7:15:39 AM |
News: Brussels explosions. |

Dayton, OH
59, joined Dec. 2012
My thoughts & prayers are with the victims' family. It's a sad world we live in.
Islam is not a peaceful religion.
They take the religion & twisted it into something dark & evil. Like the work of the devil.
3/23/2016 9:29:13 AM |
News: Brussels explosions. |


Dayton, OH
61, joined Mar. 2014
You do know that the Saddam/Al Qaida link was manufactured for they purpose of war, was discredited by all available credible intelligence, and that Saddam was the only thing keeping Iraq from descending into a terrorist hellhole, right?
That's absolutely true. Saddam hated Al Quaeda, the predecessor of ISIS. Saddam's strongman rule kept Jihadist extremist at bay and maintained social order in Iraq. When we invaded Iraq, we disbanded the military and sowed the seeds for the rise of ISIS.
The United States in its infinite wisdom keeps f**king over and f**king up the rest of the world. It's a long story, but at the rate we are going, we can look forward to the lights going permanently out on this planet!
3/23/2016 9:30:06 AM |
News: Brussels explosions. |


Houston, TX
49, joined Sep. 2014
Brussel sprouts always give me explosions...
[Edited 3/23/2016 9:30:16 AM ]
3/23/2016 9:37:58 AM |
News: Brussels explosions. |


Saint Louis, MO
62, joined Jun. 2007
I had brussels sprouts last night with my steak.
3/23/2016 3:43:52 PM |
News: Brussels explosions. |


Chelan, WA
72, joined Nov. 2008
Obama was put in place to be a radical Islamic terrorism supporter.
It drives me nuts when people have been asking "Why doesn't he stand up against it?" and "He's doesn't seem to get it."
He gets it. It has gone down the way it was supposed to with his help. 
Barack Obama: America's wartime president (Opinion) - CNN.com
Sep 29, 2014 ... Early on in his presidency,... the killing of innocent men, women and children with drone striks.
(CNN) -- Quick: Which U.S. president has authorized wars of various kinds in seven Muslim countries?
If you guessed Barack Hussein Obama, you are correct.
 on June 4, 2009, Obama delivered a widely anticipated speech in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, which was billed as the start of a "reset" with the Islamic world.
Many Muslims hoped that the first African-American president, who had opposed the Iraq War as a candidate, would be quite different than his predecessor.
In Cairo, Obama declared, "I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world; one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect; and one based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive, and need not be in competition."
As it turned out, Obama was one of the most militarily aggressive American presidents in decades, authorizing military operations of various kinds in seven Muslim countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen and, now, Syria.
The bombing of Syria is the first time the United States has mounted a full-scale war since World War II without any one of the following
-- A U.N. resolution authorizing force.
-- As part of a NATO operation.
-- An Arab League resolution in favor of military action.
-- A specific U.S. congressional authorization for war in another country.
Consider that under Bush there were 48 CIA drone strikes in Pakistan. Under Obama there have been 328, which have killed some two-dozen al Qaeda commanders, according to a count by New America.
Consider that under Bush there was only one CIA drone strike in Yemen. Under Obama there have been 99 drone strikes and 15 airstrikes, which have killed more than three-dozen of the group's senior operatives there.
The same year Obama initiated the alliance that overthrew the Libyan dictator, Moammar Gadhafi. That left Libya in ruins and open to Islamic Terrorist invasion, terrorist killing 1,000's of innocent citizens !

3/23/2016 9:03:57 PM |
News: Brussels explosions. |

Palo Alto, CA
42, joined Dec. 2015
News just now: ISIS has dispatched 400 throughout Europe for more attacks...soon. 
3/23/2016 9:08:22 PM |
News: Brussels explosions. |

Palo Alto, CA
42, joined Dec. 2015
The number of drone strikes doesn't matter, the number actually killed is what matters.
He has stuck to his notion of "leading from his behind" 
Things were in check when Bush left office, Obama withdrew troops, fired Generals, like Petraeus, who had battle plans that didn't coincide with Obama's goal.
Obama created the monster and is far behind in conquering it. 
3/23/2016 10:10:17 PM |
News: Brussels explosions. |

Bristol, VA
28, joined Jun. 2013
News just now: ISIS has dispatched 400 throughout Europe for more attacks...soon. 
Good reporting
3/23/2016 10:13:14 PM |
News: Brussels explosions. |


Saint Paul, MN
64, joined Oct. 2009
This is what happens when you invite them in and they radicalize the home grown muzzies. You CANNOT negotiate with these people though obama promised to in 08.
3/23/2016 10:14:43 PM |
News: Brussels explosions. |

Bristol, VA
28, joined Jun. 2013
I was living in Kuwait for 3 yrs before 9/11, a few years after first Gulf War.
The US had been patrolling Iraq's airspace since first war. Our planes were fired at every day. That news never made here to the States. The kids and I evacuated twice, the second time after we had started sending cruise missles from the Arabian Gulf. I went out on our roof/balcony and it was a weird feeling knowing missiles were flying above me. They had to be, Iraq has a very small shoreline.
I was friends with an American woman whose husband worked at US Embassy. The Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania had been attacked --- Osama Bin Laden. The lady and her husband had work at other postings with some who were killed.
So, before we left in 2000, I had thought all the time about Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden joining forces.
How could so many countrys' intelligence, spying, whatever, not think of a scenario with those 2 joining up, if I did?
Stop lying & Sensationalizing things.
You're starting to act like Bumbleb*tch!!!
3/23/2016 11:22:11 PM |
News: Brussels explosions. |

Tampa, FL
58, joined Feb. 2013
Possible Signs Of False Flag In Brussels Now Emerging
Published: March 23, 2016
Yet another terrorist attack in Europe to be blamed on Islamic extremists and ISIS and yet another instance of the suspects in the attacks being previously known to security services and intelligence agencies in the years, months, weeks, and days leading up to the event. That is exactly what happened in Brussels, Belgium on March 22, 2016.
Lending credence to those who suggest that the Brussels attacks were false flags (meaning directed, orchestrated, or allowed by Western intelligence agencies), it is being reported that, yet again, the perpetrators were known to police and security services prior to the attack suggesting a number of possibilities in the false flag vein such as 1.) That the security services knew an attack was being planned and allowed it to continue 2.) That the intelligence agencies organized the attack from the very beginning.
Building a case for the false flag argument sees a number of points to be made that, while not conclusively proving that such is the case, they do provide a good reason to question the official narrative.
The identities, criminal history, and jihadist history of the assailants were already known to security services prior to the attacks.
Khalid and Brahim El Bakraoui, the two men suspected of being blowing themselves up during the attack on the airport, had been arrested for violent crimes in Belgium prior to the attacks but were both curiously released.
Brahim El Bakraoui was convicted in 2010 of shooting at police officers with a Kalashnikov during the process of committing an armed robbery. Brahim was sentenced to nine years but was curiously free and able to commit a terrorist attack only six years later.
Khalid was convicted for a number of carjackings in 2011 but only received probation and was thus also free to commit terrorist acts in 2016.
While records of violent crimes is not a direct connection to terrorism, both brothers were known to authorities prior to the attacks and were considered “wanted” by police. Indeed, an anti-terror raid at the brothers’ apartment complex took place in mid-March where an Algerian immigrant with ties to ISIS was killed.
Consider how the killers were represented in The Telegraph on March 23. The paper reports:
Khalid Bakraoui, 27, is suspected to have rented a house under a false name in the Forest suburb of Brussels which was raided by police last week in connection with the Paris attacks.
Mohamed Belkaid, a key member of the Paris plot who had accompanied Salah Abdeslam on a trip to Hungary and who transferred cash to the plot’s mastermind, was killed in the raid, and an Isil flag found next to him. Two men got away.
According to local media, both El Bakraoui brothers were known to the police.
In October 2010, Ibrahim was sentenced to nine years in prison for opening fire on police with a Kalashnikov rifle during an armed robbery on a stockbroker.
Khalid was sentenced to five years probation in February 2011 for car-jackings. He was found to have Kalashnikovs when arrested.
He is now one of Europe’s most wanted men who gave police the slip last year when he returned from Syria.
He was also in the car with Belkaid on the return trip from Hungary. [emphasis added]
The Incriminating Material Found After The Attacks
As any good pair of patsies would do, the suicide bombers were careful to leave a trail of bombs, ISIS flags, and suicide notes behind them ensuring that their connections to ISIS would be found and used to maximum effect.
According to the Associated Press, Belgian police found nail bombs, ISIS flags, and “chemical products” in an apartment where the brothers were picked up by a taxi.
3/23/2016 11:23:39 PM |
News: Brussels explosions. |


Chelan, WA
72, joined Nov. 2008
In the USA about 15% of prisoner convert to islam
American prisoner get islam radicalised while serving time.
Then they get out and start do their nasty Jihady stuff some where in the world
U.S. Prisons Churning Out Thousands Of Radicalized Inmates
Nov 21, 2014 ... One out of three African-American inmates in U.S. prisons convert to Islam while ... While Egypt and Saudi Arabia have banned the Muslim ...
Then two months ago Colleen Hufford, a 54-year-old grandmother and factory worker in Oklahoma, was beheaded with a produce knife by Alton Nolen who likely converted to Islam in a U.S. prison. Nolen is being charged with workplace violence. - ( But NOT for murder )
The Huffington Post reported an estimated 35,000 – 40,000 inmates convert to Islam each year, and that 15 percent of the total U.S. prison population or 350,000 inmates are Muslim.
This is more than 18 times the national representation of Muslims in America, reported to be 0.8 percent. Prisons are churning out converts to Islam who are taught they are righteously entitled to control the religion, speech, and dress of family, co-workers and strangers.
(( " Its just so damn much fun to be a bossy b*tch and kill people every where " ))
Prisoners, 70 percent are Muslim – when they comprise only eight per cent of the French public.
Minorities Create HELL
NEWS: What is going wrong in France's prisons? - Telegraph
Jan 17, 2015 ...
France's prison population is estimated to be 70 per cent Muslim - and yet there are fewer imams visiting French prisons than British. Critics of the French state say it is no surprise that Islamist recruiters, like those who enticed Paris terrorists Cherif Kouachi and Amedy Coulibaly, are finding prison a fertile hunting ground
After six months of spiritual guidance, Mr Mokhtari’s fellow inmate told him what he really needed to do, upon release, to seek salvation: travel to Iraq, and “kill the infidels”.
3/24/2016 1:14:00 AM |
News: Brussels explosions. |

Palo Alto, CA
42, joined Dec. 2015
there were no lies in what I wrote. Jan/Feb 1998 US was going to start bombing Iraq. The company evacuated wives and kids to London. Kofi Annan, Nato, negotiated no bombing. Dec. 1998, Bombing actually began. After a few days of the bombing, my kids and I were evacuated to the States for a month. If the Embassy sends spouses and kids back, the American companies also do it. 
Stop lying & Sensationalizing things.
You're starting to act like Bumbleb*tch!!! 
3/24/2016 1:26:11 AM |
News: Brussels explosions. |

Cabo San Lucas
48, joined Aug. 2014
Eradicate the muzzies. 
3/24/2016 8:59:09 AM |
News: Brussels explosions. |


Dayton, OH
61, joined Mar. 2014
They sound just like our n**gers!
3/24/2016 9:13:15 AM |
News: Brussels explosions. |


Minneapolis, MN
26, joined Mar. 2013
The Islamic say only 1% are radical
But I say that is still 10,000 out of a million
3/24/2016 9:41:56 AM |
News: Brussels explosions. |


Dayton, OH
61, joined Mar. 2014
Your math is off. The estimates of the ISIS army are greater than 30,000!
3/24/2016 10:00:58 AM |
News: Brussels explosions. |

Norfolk, VA
45, joined Jan. 2014
The USA invaded Iraq because of the oil they have. If the USA is so concerned with helping poor people, why are they not helping Africa? Africa is very very poor too. Africa doesn't have any oil, that's why the USA is not helping them.
The USA helped middle eastern countries because we want the oil they have. We sugar coat as being a Good Samaritan when we are helping them. If the USA is so nice, why are they not helping Africa? Africa does not have oil, so the USA is not going to help them. We only pretend to be Good Samaritan. We are really not. We are only Good Samaritan to countries with oil. We pretend to be nice because we want their oil.
The Iraq invasion was personal with bush. Saddam threatened to kill bush's father. Bush invaded his country & have people killed him to get rid of the threat. It was a personal vendetta. Hillary voted for the war with Iraq.
The president of the USA cannot do what ever he wants. He needed the approval of congress, he needs 2/3 votes from congress. If congress disagrees with the president, the president has to let his ideas & suggestions die a quick death. The war cannot happen unless the president has the approval of 2/3 of the votes from congress.
3/24/2016 10:04:40 AM |
News: Brussels explosions. |

Dayton, OH
59, joined Dec. 2012
EARTH power people nuts civilized take ur pick
3/24/2016 10:07:37 AM |
News: Brussels explosions. |


Dayton, OH
61, joined Mar. 2014
^B*tch needs her a**hole oiled up for her BF tonight!