
New Orleans, LA
58, joined Nov. 2014
National Public Radio launched an investigation of “fake news” sites — which Democrats blame for President-elect Donald Trump’s victory — and found, to its surprise, that the “godfather” of fake news is a liberal Democrat from Culver City, California.
NPR’s Laura Sydell described the process of tracking down fake news sites — many of which had names and formats designed to look like real news websites — and discovering many that led to one company in particular:
The sites include,, All the addresses linked to a single rented server inside Amazon Web Services. That meant they were all likely owned by the same company. Jansen found an email address on one of those sites and he was able to link that address to a name: Jestin Coler.
Online, Coler was listed as the founder and CEO of a company called Disinfomedia.
Coler’s company, Disinfomedia, owns many faux news sites — he won’t say how many. But he says his is one of the biggest fake news businesses out there, which makes him kind of like a godfather of the industry.
Once Coler agreed to an interview, he told NPR that the purpose of starting his fake news empire in 2013 was “to highlight the extremism of the white nationalist alt-right” — or, in Coler’s exact words: “The whole idea from the start was to build a site that could infiltrate the echo chambers of the alt-right, publish blatantly false or fictional stories, and then be able to publicly denounce those stories and point out the fact that they were fiction.”
Another liar, another democrap
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Denton, TX
53, joined Jun. 2014
Dems are trying it right here on dh.
Ck out my hamilton thread
They are trying to discredit the great american

New Orleans, LA
58, joined Nov. 2014
So the bullshit stories come from democrats, just like here. Dont you guys love the way the stock market is crashing?