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12/31/2016 9:16:06 AM |
Is the far right, like the Communists who took over Russia? |

Columbia, SC
66, joined Nov. 2007
The original Communists used hammers and sickles to show that they represented the hard working, blue collar men and women of Russia.
They wanted to toss the lazy white collar folks out of their positions of power. They wanted freedom from an oppressive central government.
No one dreamed that they could actually topple the selfish crooks who ran Russia. (Just like I didn't think Trump had a snowballs chance to beat Hillary.)
The original Communists were sick and tired of the elite bastards getting everything, while the hard working men and women struggled to keep the farm.
The elite back then, clung to power just like the elite Major Media folks and the rest of the liberals do today.
Consider the Communist creed. "From each according to his ability", and "To each according to his needs".
Aren't the country people asking the city slickers to get off their asses and do a little work?
Wouldn't most farmers want to see a government worker spend a year trying to run a farm?
(I wouldn't actually do it, but the thought of putting all of the elite idiots on a farm, and forcing them to pick crops brings a smile to my heart.)
Wouldn't most small business owners want to see our politicians try to run a small business?
Why is it that the Civil Servants live in luxury, while those who pay their wages work so hard, to get so much less? Would any of you pay these bums what the government forces you to pay them??? (If you had a say in how the elite run the government.)
Would it be a bad thing if we rounded up the elite, and put them to work picking crops for a season or two? (I bet the politicians would benefit from a little hard work.)
Consider the fact that the elite in Russia, were the Government. (Just as the government today, is part of the elite.) Would it be a bad thing if Hillary and Obama were asked to actually dig a few ditches? (How much would you pay to see that?)
Would it be bad if the government tried to save our jobs? If everyone worked hard, we could save our jobs by getting rid of Hillary's terrible trade agreements.
The problem is that if we do that, would our people continue to work hard, or would they become like the welfare bums in our big cities?
Trump is like Vladimir Lenin in that he has led a small, but successful rebellion, against the elite politicians. Lenin forced the Tsar to implement democratic reform, by introducing an elected government, the Duma. While it may look like the rebellion has been a success, the fact is that the elite still hold most of the power in Washington. (A lot of Republicans are part of the elite.)
We now know that Communism can never work, so we have to free the workers from the liberal strangle hold with Capitalism. That said, we still need to free our workers from an oppressive government in Washington.
Can anyone see the connection? In both cases the oppressive government wanted to have absolute power over the people, and in both cases, the rebels wanted to take some of that power back, and give it to the people.
In both cases, the beautiful people, and the elite, hated those who started the rebellion.
In both cases, it was a rebellion of the hard working blue collar people against the elite who ran their lives.
In both cases, the rebellion was a very small slap against the elite.
Trump had the support of the little guys. The hard working people, with callouses on their hands, went overwhelmingly for Trump.
Those who do nothing but take, lined up for Hillary. (Welfare bums, Criminals, the rich, Hollywood deadbeats, the Major Media, do nothing government workers, big business corporations, --- you won't find a blister on any of their hands. (Just like the folks who ran Russia before the revolution.)
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12/31/2016 9:32:37 AM |
Is the far right, like the Communists who took over Russia? |

West Finley, PA
43, joined Dec. 2016
Why don't you tell the truth?
Everyone involved in forming communist russia was Jewish.
Just look up their names. Every one of them was Jewish!
12/31/2016 9:37:13 AM |
Is the far right, like the Communists who took over Russia? |


Orleans, ON
47, joined May. 2008
online now!
How is it you wrote that whole long diatribe and somehow came to the conclusion that "the elite" is people like the single mom who works at the DMV in Baltimore?
What do you call Trump, Tillerson and Mnuchin? Blue-collar farmers and machinists?
What you have accomplished in nominating and electing Trump is bypassing the politicians who generally served the interests of the elites, and putting the elites in direct control instead. It boggles the mind that you can't see the obvious.
The elites that Lenin put out of power in the USSR were nobility/aristocrats of what was effectively a Monarchy. The revolution wasn't against "white collar workers" like accountants and project managers. Russia scarcely had a middle class at the time... They had aristocrats and the serfs, with a few merchants and tavern owners in between.
Funny thing is, that seems to be the goal of you Trumpites, as you fight to get rid of labour rights, pensions, healthcare assurances, laws against predatory lending etc, while screeching for the tax burden of elites like Trump to be passed to you.
[Edited 12/31/2016 9:37:37 AM ]
12/31/2016 11:14:49 AM |
Is the far right, like the Communists who took over Russia? |


Springfield, VA
63, joined Sep. 2009
The original Communists used hammers and sickles to show that they represented the hard working, blue collar men and women of Russia.
They wanted to toss the lazy white collar folks out of their positions of power. They wanted freedom from an oppressive central government.
No one dreamed that they could actually topple the selfish crooks who ran Russia. (Just like I didn't think Trump had a snowballs chance to beat Hillary.)
The original Communists were sick and tired of the elite bastards getting everything, while the hard working men and women struggled to keep the farm.
The elite back then, clung to power just like the elite Major Media folks and the rest of the liberals do today.
Consider the Communist creed. "From each according to his ability", and "To each according to his needs".
Aren't the country people asking the city slickers to get off their asses and do a little work?
Wouldn't most farmers want to see a government worker spend a year trying to run a farm?
(I wouldn't actually do it, but the thought of putting all of the elite idiots on a farm, and forcing them to pick crops brings a smile to my heart.)
Wouldn't most small business owners want to see our politicians try to run a small business?
Why is it that the Civil Servants live in luxury, while those who pay their wages work so hard, to get so much less? Would any of you pay these bums what the government forces you to pay them??? (If you had a say in how the elite run the government.)
Would it be a bad thing if we rounded up the elite, and put them to work picking crops for a season or two? (I bet the politicians would benefit from a little hard work.)
Consider the fact that the elite in Russia, were the Government. (Just as the government today, is part of the elite.) Would it be a bad thing if Hillary and Obama were asked to actually dig a few ditches? (How much would you pay to see that?)
Would it be bad if the government tried to save our jobs? If everyone worked hard, we could save our jobs by getting rid of Hillary's terrible trade agreements.
The problem is that if we do that, would our people continue to work hard, or would they become like the welfare bums in our big cities?
Trump is like Vladimir Lenin in that he has led a small, but successful rebellion, against the elite politicians. Lenin forced the Tsar to implement democratic reform, by introducing an elected government, the Duma. While it may look like the rebellion has been a success, the fact is that the elite still hold most of the power in Washington. (A lot of Republicans are part of the elite.)
We now know that Communism can never work, so we have to free the workers from the liberal strangle hold with Capitalism. That said, we still need to free our workers from an oppressive government in Washington.
Can anyone see the connection? In both cases the oppressive government wanted to have absolute power over the people, and in both cases, the rebels wanted to take some of that power back, and give it to the people.
In both cases, the beautiful people, and the elite, hated those who started the rebellion.
In both cases, it was a rebellion of the hard working blue collar people against the elite who ran their lives.
In both cases, the rebellion was a very small slap against the elite.
Trump had the support of the little guys. The hard working people, with callouses on their hands, went overwhelmingly for Trump.
Those who do nothing but take, lined up for Hillary. (Welfare bums, Criminals, the rich, Hollywood deadbeats, the Major Media, do nothing government workers, big business corporations, --- you won't find a blister on any of their hands. (Just like the folks who ran Russia before the revolution.)
Wow. You managed to lie, exaggerate, misstate, and report incorrectly, pretty much everything in that entire diatribe.
You have chosen the opponents cartoon version of all your "bad guy" motivations, and chosen the equally false cartoon notions of your "good guy" motivations.
Are you claiming that Donald Trump is leading a Communist rebellion? Really?
And you are seriously pretending that an ELECTION is the same as an armed revolution?
By the way, NONE of the wild oversimplified fantasies you attribute to the various participants in this story of yours, reflects why the vast majority of those who did so, actually voted for each candidate.
Among other nonsense.
Frankly, aside from a date here and there, and a proper name or two, I didn't see anything factually or logically accurate in your entire post.
12/31/2016 11:17:14 AM |
Is the far right, like the Communists who took over Russia? |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
Op I'm speechless. 
12/31/2016 11:19:22 AM |
Is the far right, like the Communists who took over Russia? |


Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008
no it was the far left extremists as usual who are the cause of all conflict.....imo
12/31/2016 11:30:46 AM |
Is the far right, like the Communists who took over Russia? |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
"Fascism is a false revolution. It makes a revolutionary appeal without making an actual revolution. It propagates the widely proclaimed new order while serving the same old moneyed interests." -- Michael Parenti
12/31/2016 12:26:07 PM |
Is the far right, like the Communists who took over Russia? |

Wheat Ridge, CO
51, joined Jan. 2011
Why don't you tell the truth?
Everyone involved in forming communist russia was Jewish.
Just look up their names. Every one of them was Jewish!
Apparently u can't handle the truth.
Of the 21 Bolshevik leaders during the revolution, less than half were Jewish.
Before u decide to hate an entire group (Jews in this case) u should do a lil research. I'd imagine u'll still hate, but at least u will understand who ur hating, even if u dont know why.

12/31/2016 1:33:44 PM |
Is the far right, like the Communists who took over Russia? |


Falkville, AL
74, joined Nov. 2011
OP, why are you hiding behind a hidden profile? And why are you glorifying Marxism? And no, Trump is not a Marxist, nor is his win the analog of the Russian Revolution. You need to close this thread and start over with an accurate original post and title. You need to research what your subject before starting a thread on it.
Very briefly, the First World War was fought, according to the Freemasons who controlled Western nations, to bring down the last of the Catholic monarchies in Europe, particularly those of Austria and Russia. That’s what it was all about. The Illuminati, which is a secret society within the secret society of Freemasons, and which controls it from within, and which is made up of wealthy Jewish elites, you know, the banksters, funded the war and the Russian Revolution, they also funded the Second World War. They are the driving force behind the Russian Revolution.
12/31/2016 3:49:39 PM |
Is the far right, like the Communists who took over Russia? |

Columbia, SC
66, joined Nov. 2007
Maybe you noticed that I only talked about the very early Communists.
Life in Russia was terrible, and yet the elite lived well.
The original Communists were not a bunch of welfare bums. The people were working as hard as they possibly could, and still their families starved.
Maybe I am wrong, or maybe no one else can see it, but I see Obama's belief that the liberal elite should be in power forever, as being very much like the elites in Russia felt.
OP, why are you hiding behind a hidden profile? And why are you glorifying Marxism? And no, Trump is not a Marxist, nor is his win the analog of the Russian Revolution. You need to close this thread and start over with an accurate original post and title. You need to research what your subject before starting a thread on it.
Very briefly, the First World War was fought, according to the Freemasons who controlled Western nations, to bring down the last of the Catholic monarchies in Europe, particularly those of Austria and Russia. That’s what it was all about. The Illuminati, which is a secret society within the secret society of Freemasons, and which controls it from within, and which is made up of wealthy Jewish elites, you know, the banksters, funded the war and the Russian Revolution, they also funded the Second World War. They are the driving force behind the Russian Revolution.
12/31/2016 4:38:33 PM |
Is the far right, like the Communists who took over Russia? |


Falkville, AL
74, joined Nov. 2011
Michael, Obama has a Marxist and Muslim background. He is a Freemason and a puppet of the Illuminati like other key politicians in positions of power in the Federal Government, and he is a post turtle placed in power by the Illuminati with the mission of bringing America down from within and turning American sovereignty over to a One World Government controlled by Illuminati elites before the end of his term. Freemasons and their illuminati puppet masters are the analog, not of the Catholic monarchs of Russia, but of the Communist Revolutionaries that overthrew the monarchy.
The Communists are far left, it is inaccurate to equate them with the right.
12/31/2016 4:57:09 PM |
Is the far right, like the Communists who took over Russia? |


Orleans, ON
47, joined May. 2008
online now!
Maybe you noticed that I only talked about the very early Communists.
Life in Russia was terrible, and yet the elite lived well.
The original Communists were not a bunch of welfare bums. The people were working as hard as they possibly could, and still their families starved.
Maybe I am wrong, or maybe no one else can see it, but I see Obama's belief that the liberal elite should be in power forever, as being very much like the elites in Russia felt.
By "the elites in Russia" you mean the Tzars that the socialists pulled down, right?
You would benefit from making an effort to learn about the Russian Revolution and Lenin's rule, before you spread any more silliness.
For the OP - No, the far right is the wealthy elites, while the Russian socialists rebelled against them.
12/31/2016 5:01:42 PM |
Is the far right, like the Communists who took over Russia? |


Orleans, ON
47, joined May. 2008
online now!
Michael, Obama has a Marxist and Muslim background. He is a Freemason and a puppet of the Illuminati like other key politicians in positions of power in the Federal Government, and he is a post turtle placed in power by the Illuminati with the mission of bringing America down from within and turning American sovereignty over to a One World Government controlled by Illuminati elites before the end of his term. Freemasons and their illuminati puppet masters are the analog, not of the Catholic monarchs of Russia, but of the Communist Revolutionaries that overthrew the monarchy.
The Communists are far left, it is inaccurate to equate them with the right.
That was a remarkable stream of boogeyman references Louie! 
Just to be clear, you take the side of the Russian Tzars, and today's Illuminati (Goldman Sachs, Rothschild, Trump's billionaire oligarch cabinet etc), right?
1/1/2017 11:51:41 AM |
Is the far right, like the Communists who took over Russia? |


Falkville, AL
74, joined Nov. 2011
Lobo, there is nothing "right" about the “left”. Pun intended. But you knew that already.
1/1/2017 12:32:12 PM |
Is the far right, like the Communists who took over Russia? |


Orleans, ON
47, joined May. 2008
online now!
Louie, I'll repeat myself:
Just to be clear, you take the side of the Russian Tzars, and today's Illuminati (Goldman Sachs, Rothschild, Trump's billionaire oligarch cabinet etc), right?
1/1/2017 1:46:32 PM |
Is the far right, like the Communists who took over Russia? |


Falkville, AL
74, joined Nov. 2011
Nothing I said supports the Satan-worshiping Illuminati or their puppets. But you know that. The Illuminati, which bankrolled the Russian Revolution, is working to establish a One World Socialist Government controlled by Illuminati elites and are in the final stages of that now (although Trump and Brexet and the rise of nationalism in Europe and the schism between western and eastern Masonry is now throwing a monkey wrench into that plan). And that’s what the Russian Revolution was all about, they never considered their Revolution to be simply a national revolution, they considered their Marxist Revolution to be a world revolution (and they have been trying to spread it around the world with their fifty columns, you know, with their Marxist Wars of Liberation, their gorilla proxy wars around the world. Russian and China have been cooperating with the Illuminati in their effort to create a One World Socialist Government and One World Religion. But a rift has been developing between them. A few years ago Russia and China met secretly in the East and agreed to continue to corporate with the Illuminati, but that when the opportunity presents itself, to revolt against them. It’s a schism, and rift that has grown wider and wider since then, until today, we have Putin issuing an arrest warrant for Rothschild, and the Illuminati waging economic war against Russia, overthrowing their allies, and trying to goad them into the Third World War.
Marxist Russia, from the time of the Russian Revolution, has always intended to rule the world, and to rule it on their own terms. And this is what the Third World War is going to be all about; it will be fought between the western branch of the secret Compact (a Compact against God and his Church) and the Eastern branch. The American Indian prophets describe this coming war as “evil destroying evil”. It is foretold that Russia and her Marxist and Muslim allies from around the world, thanks to “the first strike of God’s fulminating sword”, which will “cause American to fall down and cry out for help”, and which will give the advantage in war to Russia, will prevail--the trigger for this will be Obama introducing a UN resolution to force Israel to divide its land with the so-called Palestinians). Russia and her allies will conquer the whole world and let out a cry of victory, which will mark the end of the American Republic. God will be punishing the Christian nations of Europe and America, and the Church, for having “left the path marked out for them”. God raises up nations and brings them down.
A nation cannot wage war against God, murder over 55 million of its infants, promote a plague of homosexuality, and on and on and on, without eventually bringing the wrath of God down upon itself and the world. God has been patient, but his Justice will not sleep forever. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah? When men think that God sleeps, he stands, ever on watch. The Great Chastisement of God and its comet strike, world economic collapse, and Third World War are coming, and soon. Obama intends to bring everything down before he leaves office. Get ready.
1/1/2017 7:28:57 PM |
Is the far right, like the Communists who took over Russia? |


Orleans, ON
47, joined May. 2008
online now!
Nothing I said supports the Satan-worshiping Illuminati or their puppets. But you know that. The Illuminati, which bankrolled the Russian Revolution, is working to establish a One World Socialist Government controlled by Illuminati elites and are in the final stages of that now (although Trump and Brexet and the rise of nationalism in Europe and the schism between western and eastern Masonry is now throwing a monkey wrench into that plan).

Riddle yourself this. Why would these "Illuminati" billionaire elites want to rock the boat? They are billionaire elites! Revolutions are messy. People get killed in the crossfire, sometimes even elites. The Russian Revolution went very poorly for them.
The current system is pretty much ideal for these elites. They can just sit back on their asses, trade up their wives whenever they notice a wrinkle, and tell whole teams of worker drones to build them things or give them the things the drones produced... And we do it, because the system gives us no choice! In capitalism, printed green pieces of paper are worth more than food, shelter, and other products of labour. And the elites control that money.
The Illuminati will have no interest in changing that, at least until AI robotics comes to full fruition. Once the robots can do everything, including developing, building and programming new robots, the Illuminati will have no more use for working humans. Then I expect them to purge us.
One thing is for damned sure - The last thing they want is Socialism, the workers in control of the fruits of their own production.
Under Socialism, when Ross or Soros demanded that a bunch of workers give them a yacht, they would be told to make their own damn yacht!
1/1/2017 7:32:40 PM |
Is the far right, like the Communists who took over Russia? |


Orleans, ON
47, joined May. 2008
online now!
You got one thing right Louie - Russia is not your friend (although Marxism died there with Lenin). What do you think of Trump bending over to kiss the Russians' ass?
1/1/2017 9:26:02 PM |
Is the far right, like the Communists who took over Russia? |


Falkville, AL
74, joined Nov. 2011
Why would the Illuminati, the Banksters, want to ruin their game? Well, the problem the Illuminati have right now is that their Banking system is in big, big trouble. Their big central banks' investments are ridiculously (criminally, insanely) over leveraged. They know the end of their con game is approaching and there is no way out. They have run out of ways to kick the can down the road, and they know the day of reckoning is close at hand and there is no way out. They think that the only way out is to start the Third World War. But they have one other huge problem that is developing. Thanks to Soros bringing Muslims into Europe to destroy the culture and soul of Europe (and now also into America), the people of Europe and America have about had enough of their One World Order and One World Government and are revolting against them (with Brexet in England and Trump in America and recently with the rise of the right in Italy, France, and Germany. They have a revolt on their hands, and the revolt is spreading out of their control, and they are in near panic. Again, World War is a way out (they have their tunnel network under the US in which to take refuge).
There is something else going on behind the scenes that I should mention. Not only is the Illuminati puppet Obama trying to establish a Sunni Muslim caliphate in the Middle East and trying to purge the Middle East of Christians, but he is trying to clear a route for an oil pipeline to carry oil from the region of Saudi Arabia and its environs through Syria, Turkey, and into Europe through Eastern Europe. A lot of people don’t know about this scheme, but Russia is messing it up. Russia herself has a vested interest in coming in and helping their ally Syria. You see, Syria has discovered an enormous oil and gas find in the territorial waters off its coast, and it gave this find to Russia in return for its help in Syria. So Russia has a vested interest in helping its ally Syria, and you can rest assured, Russia is not going to walk away from helping Syria.
Obama is currently trying to goad Russia into world war by accusing Russia of interfering in its election. Russia did not do that, and Obama knows it. But Putin is smart, he will not allow himself to be goaded into a world war unless he has an advantage. Neither Putin nor Trump want a world war, so right now, if Putin can wait till Obama is out of office, the crisis will be over. The problem is that Obama is hell bent on starting war before Trump takes office. He is looking for an opportunity to declare a national emergency, declare martial law, and suspend the inauguration. For one thing, he wants to nuke one or more US cities and blame it on Iran in order to get America behind a planned war in Iran, but, according to prophetic dreams, that war will spin out of control and become the Third World War. We, the American people, will not be able to breathe easy till Obama is actually out of office and Trump has actually taken office.
However, if Obama's UN resolution to force Israel to divine its land with the so-called Palestinians passes before he is out of office, God will bring America down with a comet strike and associated tsunami and earthquake disaster. Let us hope that none of these things happen before Trump takes office.
1/2/2017 3:44:35 AM |
Is the far right, like the Communists who took over Russia? |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
However, if Obama's UN resolution to force Israel to divine its land with the so-called Palestinians passes before he is out of office, God will bring America down with a comet strike and associated tsunami and earthquake disaster. Let us hope that none of these things happen before Trump takes office.
Louie, pssssst! This is God! Start building yourself a comet-proof, earthquake-proof, tsunami-proof ark. Build it Louie! Build it now! This is God. I hate people! I'm going to kill them all, including lots of innocent children. I'm a hateful, evil, murderous, God who loves lots of death and destruction. The only person I truly love is you, Louie. Build an ark! Build it now! This is God speaking. Over and out.
[Edited 1/2/2017 3:45:57 AM ]
1/2/2017 3:59:26 AM |
Is the far right, like the Communists who took over Russia? |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
Louie, pssssssst! This is God again. I've given to humanity my only begotten son, Donald Trump, to try and save humanity. But I fear that Obama is much more powerful than I am, so build yourself an ark. Build it now, Louie. This is God! Make your ark comet-proof, earthquake-proof and tsunami-proof. I fear that my weakness will result in my son, Donald Trump, being nailed to a cross by the Obama and then I will be forced to rain down all Hell upon the Earth and people, especially innocent children and little babies. Oooooooooooo, I hate innocent children and babies soooooooooo much! I simply f**king hate babies and want to kill them all with a comet strike, earthquake and tsunami. You see, that's just my way of aborting all babies. Abortion is a wonderful thing! Children and babies all must die horrific deaths by my hand. I can't stop the Obama, but I sure can kill lots of innocent children and little babies in the effort to sooth my rage. So build that ark, Louie. Build it now. You're the only person I truly love. This is God, over and out.