1/22/2017 1:08:56 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
A co-organizer of the Women's March has family ties to Hamas.
Head of Arab American Association Linda Sarsour Linked to Hamas - and Khalil Gibran Principal Designate Dhabah Almontaser.
Linda Sarsour is the director of the Arab American Association of New York. In 2005 she organised the Arab American Heritage festival together with her friend Dhabah aka Debbie Almontaser, the principal designate of The Khalil Gibran International Academy. In a 2004 article Sarsour revealed that Arab men pictured in an Arab newspaper recruiting suicide bombers for martyrdom were relatives and friends - one of them was her brother in law who is serving a 12 year sentence for his involvement with Hamas.
Sarsour's husband is facing deportation and she was "questioned by US authorities". One reason could be that her husband together with his brother and Sarsour's cousin, may have been involved in Hamas activities as well. He comes from El Bireh and his name was given as Maher Judh" in the article below. Note that Sarsour too "was questioned by US authorities".
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1/22/2017 1:47:19 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Springfield, VA
63, joined Sep. 2009
Desperate to find reasons to ignore half of America, are we?
1/22/2017 1:52:16 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
Desperate to find reasons to ignore half of America, are we?
Your reply just did not make any sense. Are you that angry that you feel compelled to reply even if it means you have nothing worthy to reply with?
1/22/2017 1:56:38 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Murrysville, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
test is just a babbling idiot that post incohearant ramblings.
I think that he is related to old cup of beer?
1/22/2017 2:00:19 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
test is just a babbling idiot that post incohearant ramblings.
I think that he is related to old cup of beer?
I guess he thinks half of America supports Hamas and Islamic Law. 
1/22/2017 2:42:10 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Orleans, ON
47, joined May. 2008
A co-organizer of the Women's March has family ties to Hamas.
Yeaaaah! It's all a half-million woman Mooosleem plot!
Hey, if it's all you got, I guess you can try attacking the messengers and see how that works for ya.
I guess he thinks half of America supports Hamas and Islamic Law. 
Such desperate grasping. 
[Edited 1/22/2017 2:43:28 PM ]
1/22/2017 2:45:58 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
Such desperate grasping. 
Guess this went over your head. You prove with every post just how dumb you are.
1/22/2017 2:54:15 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
Goes to show how easily these marchers are led. No wonder Jim Jones had success with his followers drinking the Kool aid
1/22/2017 5:22:36 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
Goes to show how easily these marchers are led. No wonder Jim Jones had success with his followers drinking the Kool aid 
My point exactly.
I have to wonder what ad these women responded to. What caused them to follow the leadership of a woman that stands for all things the march was supposed to be against.
It's no secret that Linda Sarsour supports Islamic Law and would love to see it in America. She has tweeted about it many times and has discussed it many times.
Then there is Madonna. WTF are these women thinking? Madonna is an icon of sex. The queen of blow jobs.
To ice their cake Hillary was not even mentioned her name appeared no where. But then again Linda Sarsour was an open supporter of Sanders.
They marched for women's rights. Women have rights in America same as men.
1/22/2017 5:23:44 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Orleans, ON
47, joined May. 2008
Guess this went over your head. You prove with every post just how dumb you are.
Of course the opposite is true. But as they say, it takes one to know one. 
1/22/2017 5:25:03 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
Of course the opposite is true. But as they say, it takes one to know one. 
Can you participate in the conversation? Or maybe this is a topic you don't feel comfortable with?
1/22/2017 5:31:15 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Orleans, ON
47, joined May. 2008
Probably not, because a conversation has two or more sides, and you haven't shown any capability to participate.
The sheer desperation of this thread may set a new record, and that's impressive on DH!
No, the global protest by women against Trump, which was so much more impressive that what Trump supporters were able to muster, was not in support of extreme social conservatism and its patriarchal Sharia Law. 
It was the opposite. But I can see how you could get women's rights confused with social conservatism... If you're completely clueless about how the world works.
1/22/2017 5:49:49 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
You have read the OP to respond but not to understand. You have assumed the OP was a general post trying to cover the reasons for the march. You are way off base.
The purpose was to show that the co-organizer has underlying agendas. I'm sure the women around the World had never bothered to research the organizers. All they heard was women's rights and fell in line.
The irony is while these women were marching for women's rights the organizer stands for and supports the opposite. So how can that be?
1/22/2017 6:05:46 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
Are you trying to engage Loco in a conversation? HA! I still want to know what dog he has in this fight? He lists himself as a Canuck. So go find a Canadian forum.
1/22/2017 6:08:13 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
Are you trying to engage Loco in a conversation? HA! I still want to know what dog he has in this fight? He lists himself as a Canuck. So go find a Canadian forum.
He is like most progressives. When faced with something tough they distract to keep from engaging in debate. If I were him I would be worried about that p*ssy Justin Trudeau.
1/22/2017 6:34:11 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Orleans, ON
47, joined May. 2008
I'm still waiting for you to start to make some sort of case.
I'll give you another chance. In what way did this global women's demonstration promote Sharia Law?
1/22/2017 6:36:45 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
Never once said or remotely implied the global women's demonstration promoted Sharia Law. Only one to mention that was you.
1/22/2017 6:38:57 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Harrisburg, PA
36, joined Nov. 2012

1/22/2017 6:40:00 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |

Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
Quote from cafe_express: Are you trying to engage Loco in a conversation? HA! I still want to know what dog he has in this fight? He lists himself as a Canuck. So go find a Canadian forum.
You do realize the marches were worldwide, right? And please show us where it says this forum is only four Americans.
1/22/2017 6:40:14 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Orleans, ON
47, joined May. 2008
Never once said or remotely implied the global women's demonstration promoted Sharia Law. Only one to mention that was you.
So what did you think your point was by mentioning Sharia Law?
Just trying to lead you to the water here - I know I can't force you to drink. 
1/22/2017 6:46:12 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
If you would read you would know what my point was.
1/22/2017 6:55:40 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |

Dacula, GA
51, joined Jun. 2015
Hamas sounds like a dip..
Chips and Hamas... Da bomb!!
1/22/2017 6:58:35 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Orleans, ON
47, joined May. 2008
You don't have a point of your own. You are just parroting your neo-Nazi handlers' rhetoric.
What they are trying to accomplish is minimizing the impact of this huge anti-Trump counter-movement by demonizing them. They know that one of the most effective buttons to push to control you is invoking the evil moooosleeems that you are so afraid of.
The problem is, that kind of silliness is transparent to rational people who have their eyes open to see what is going on around them. But fortunately for Breitbart and co, millions of Americans have been systemically dumbed down until they are effectively blank slates just waiting to be told what to think, as long as it touches their big on-buttons of anti-immigrant, nationalism, gun idolatry, militarism, muslim paranoia, anti-education, and general fear of anything that is beyond the alt-right "grass roots" experience.
[Edited 1/22/2017 6:59:14 PM ]
1/22/2017 7:13:45 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
Your post lost all credibility with the words Neo Nazi. You are starting to sound like longbobby.
You can't dispute the facts so you make up shit. Linda Sarsour is what she is the facts bear that out. She has spent a lifetime supporting Hamas and Islamic Law. This is her goal in life.
Why would she co-organize a march on women's rights when she in fact stands for the opposite? Does she think women would be better off under Islamic Law?
Community organizers know you must first find a common cause to motivate the people. Newton's first law of motion. An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion. Once you get the ball moving with some skill and luck you can determine its direction.
Like Occupy Wall Street. They found a common cause and motivated the people. But when it was all said and done it failed. Reason is you can't get that many people to agree on one or two causes. Soon the cause becomes polluted with many causes then loses momentum.
1/22/2017 7:54:18 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
Loco lobo has a lot to say about America, like you suggested, he needs to watch his own back yard before he criticizes the greatest country in the world. I see the entertainers decided Canada didn't look that good and broke their promise to move if Trump won. HA!
1/22/2017 7:55:24 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
Hamas sounds like a dip..
Chips and Hamas... Da bomb!! 
Wink, that is funny! Humas Hamas, what ever it all winds up in the toilet.
1/22/2017 8:01:00 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Orleans, ON
47, joined May. 2008
Your post lost all credibility with the words Neo Nazi. You are starting to sound like longbobby.
You can't dispute the facts so you make up shit. Linda Sarsour is what she is the facts bear that out. She has spent a lifetime supporting Hamas and Islamic Law. This is her goal in life.
Why would she co-organize a march on women's rights when she in fact stands for the opposite? Does she think women would be better off under Islamic Law?
I would say the most obvious answer is that she doesn't in fact stand for the opposite.
When will you learn that your chosen sources are just lying to you? How many times to they have to be caught in their lies before you stop putting your blind faith in them?
But hey, let's say this woman that neither of us ever heard of before is in fact a flaming jihadist. Given that there was not one peep in favour of social conservative Islamic fundamentalism or Sharia Law at any of these rallies... What difference would it make? Why would you believe it's important?
Islamic fundamentalism is social conservative. Liberal women are not promoting it or recommending it, because their beliefs are opposite. The hundreds of thousands of women who marched did not come away believing they shouldn't be allowed to drive, or that they should have to wear burkhas.
And no, it isn't all a scary moosleeem plot. What a ridiculous notion. 
If you want to find a plot, ask yourself why there are so many investment banksters moving in to Trump's cabinet. Then why the new Secretary of State has a personal interest in tearing up the sanctions on Russia that is valued in the $hundreds of billions... Why the new Secretary of Education is anti-public education... Why the new Head of the EPA has been suing the EPA to allow him to destroy the environment with coal smog... And on and on.
[Edited 1/22/2017 8:01:21 PM ]
1/22/2017 8:11:18 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Marietta, GA
58, joined Aug. 2011
Quote from cafe_express: Are you trying to engage Loco in a conversation? HA! I still want to know what dog he has in this fight? He lists himself as a Canuck. So go find a Canadian forum.
You do realize the marches were worldwide, right? And please show us where it says this forum is only four Americans.
See what I mean, Cafe? When Anybody tries to have an exchange with Lobo...City gets possessive and defensive
SHe doesn't think he can't answer to her standards and always answers for him.
ME thinks city has HOTS for Lobo! 
1/22/2017 8:11:31 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
Quote from cafe_express: Are you trying to engage Loco in a conversation? HA! I still want to know what dog he has in this fight? He lists himself as a Canuck. So go find a Canadian forum.
You do realize the marches were worldwide, right? And please show us where it says this forum is only four Americans.
Has nothing to do with who from what country is on here. I wondered why someone who was so critical of the US and not live here, would WANT to be on this site so often? I can't imagine being so concerned and on a Canadian forum extensively for years unless I really lived there. Get it?
[Edited 1/22/2017 8:12:19 PM ]
1/22/2017 8:14:40 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
See what I mean, Cafe? When Anybody tries to have an exchange with Lobo...City gets possessive and defensive
SHe doesn't think he can't answer to her standards and always answers for him.
ME thinks city has HOTS for Lobo! 
Creepy isn't it? She is such a mother to all the posters, Talking up for an adult man?Maybe she will make us all some chicken soup to go with our boo boos. Maybe she IS loco lobo
[Edited 1/22/2017 8:15:27 PM ]
1/22/2017 8:16:40 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |

Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
Quote from cafe_express: Has nothing to do with who from what country is on here. I wondered why someone who was so critical of the US and not live here, would WANT to be on this site so often? I can't imagine being so concerned and on a Canadian forum extensively for years unless I really lived there. Get it?
Why does it bother you so much if someone who isn't American participates in discussions about American politics?
Please show me where it says this is an American forum.
Hasle, this is a public forum. Anyone can comment on the discussions going on. Just because I commented on what was being said to someone else doesn't mean I have a crush on them. It's ok to participate in conversations between others here.
1/22/2017 8:25:56 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
Oh, I see, as long as we all play by YOUR rules and what you think is ok, we cannot go against YOUR policies. GOD forbid we have an opinion on anything that differs from yours.
Yes, mommy, we will behave, NOT! Don't talk to me any more. PLEASE

[Edited 1/22/2017 8:26:49 PM ]
1/22/2017 8:37:30 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |

Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
So, you're telling me you can't show me where it says this is an American only forum? That's all you had to say.
1/22/2017 8:38:16 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Marietta, GA
58, joined Aug. 2011
Quote from CItyLights
Hasle, this is a public forum. Anyone can comment on the discussions going on. Just because I commented on what was being said to someone else doesn't mean I have a crush on them. It's ok to participate in conversations between others here.
When I ask direct questions, which is not often, I'd prefer they answer, not a conversation bomber.
1/22/2017 8:39:19 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |

Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
How is someone a "conversation bomber" on a public forum?
1/22/2017 8:42:55 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Marietta, GA
58, joined Aug. 2011
Butting in when I'm having a direct convo with a certain person. He can never speak for himself because you're always butting in before he can answer.
1/22/2017 8:43:21 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Orleans, ON
47, joined May. 2008
How is someone a "conversation bomber" on a public forum?
As near as I can tell, they have some weird belief that they own the internet... Or something.
Needless to say it would blow their minds to realize how much more skin I have in the game than they do.

1/22/2017 9:38:14 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
Butting in when I'm having a direct convo with a certain person. He can never speak for himself because you're always butting in before he can answer.
You were talking to me and we have a buttinsky.
1/22/2017 9:39:04 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |

Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
Hasle, Lobo never has a problem speaking for himself. I've done nothing to stop him from being able to do so. Sounds like you're just not getting the responses you want to hear from him. That's got nothing to do with me.
1/22/2017 9:41:01 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |

Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
Quote from lobo_corazon: As near as I can tell, they have some weird belief that they own the internet... Or something.
Needless to say it would blow their minds to realize how much more skin I have in the game than they do.

It bothers them that you understand what's going on with American politics more than they do. So, they do what they know best and attack you for it. And now me, apparently, for asking them to show where it says this is an American only forum. I've noticed that Cafe is not providing that answer.
1/22/2017 10:05:03 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Marietta, GA
58, joined Aug. 2011
Ok, you're always right in your own mind. Can you ever sit back and let somebody post without sticking your nose in every post? No offense, but you're getting very annoying
Perhaps you haven't a life and you believe it's your forum to take over.
1/22/2017 10:12:20 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |

Vancouver, WA
34, joined May. 2014
Guess this went over your head. You prove with every post just how dumb you are.
Give him a break, he's a Canadian, he obviously looks like he's slipped on ice way too many times, look at his face.
1/22/2017 10:51:18 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
Mind your own business, City, does it make you happy you hijacked this thread and made it into what YOUR agenda is? Don't speak for me, you have no idea what my intention is. Never have any children, you come here and reprimand adults? I am DONE with you. DONE!
[Edited 1/22/2017 10:53:35 PM ]
1/23/2017 9:47:11 AM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |

Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
Ok, you're always right in your own mind. Can you ever sit back and let somebody post without sticking your nose in every post? No offense, but you're getting very annoying
Perhaps you haven't a life and you believe it's your forum to take over.
Nope, it isn't my forum, nor am I trying to take it over. The point of using this forum is to be able to post when we want. If you want a private conversation with someone, you have the ability to do that.
If you don't like what I have to say, you can block me if you choose.
1/23/2017 9:49:45 AM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |

Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
Mind your own business, City, does it make you happy you hijacked this thread and made it into what YOUR agenda is? Don't speak for me, you have no idea what my intention is. Never have any children, you come here and reprimand adults? I am DONE with you. DONE!
I'm not speaking for you, but you're b*tching because I've chosen to speak up. You're b*tching because you've claimed this is an American only forum and someone who isn't American provided his opinions. If you don't want to read opinions of those you disagree with, why not block us, rather than b*tching about it so much?
1/23/2017 9:52:40 AM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |

Santa Clarita, CA
97, joined Feb. 2013
Life is BETTER without City !
1/23/2017 10:00:23 AM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Ravenswood, WV
58, joined Mar. 2013
online now!
Desperate to find reasons to ignore half of America, are we?
Desperate to illigitimize a Trump Presidency?..
42.1% of eligible voters did not vote..
92,672,000 (roughly) had better things to do..
So that translates to
71% either voted for Trump....or said f**k it...niether of them are worth a shit...
Half of America my axe..
1/23/2017 10:01:50 AM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |

Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
Desperate to illigitimize a Trump Presidency?..
42.1% of eligible voters did not vote..
92,672,000 (roughly) had better things to do..
So that translates to
71% either voted for Trump....or said f**k it...niether of them are worth a shit...
Half of America my axe..
25% of Americans voted for trump.
1/23/2017 10:07:15 AM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008
Creepy isn't it? She is such a mother to all the posters, Talking up for an adult man?Maybe she will make us all some chicken soup to go with our boo boos.  Maybe she IS loco lobo
please dont demonize homemade chicken soup.....
i am known in my family as the 'homemade chicken soup' queen.
i make it often for folks at the first sign of any flare up of flu, cold, allergies,
sometimes just cuz its cold outside!
1/23/2017 10:15:27 AM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008
Has nothing to do with who from what country is on here. I wondered why someone who was so critical of the US and not live here, would WANT to be on this site so often? I can't imagine being so concerned and on a Canadian forum extensively for years unless I really lived there. Get it?
and notice she (citydimwitlights) pops in with an on topic tease (but never any real
substance) and then most of the rest of her posts are personal attacks and completely off topic and/or demands verification but she almost never answers questions directly and
almost never backs up her rants with verifiable facts.....
she is absolutely the biggest hypocrite.....
and a coocoo hypocrite at that
Quote from cafe_express: Are you trying to engage Loco in a conversation? HA! I still want to know what dog he has in this fight? He lists himself as a Canuck. So go find a Canadian forum.
You do realize the marches were worldwide, right? And please show us where it says this forum is only four Americans.
1/23/2017 10:59:13 AM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Orleans, ON
47, joined May. 2008
Women clearly need to look around at the Trumpian backlash towards their protest to assess what kind of people they are dealing with. Typical reactions:
- "Look at those dirty wh*res"
- "They should get back in the kitchen"
- "They are ugly and disgusting"
- "Why are they making such a fuss anyway?"
- "They should just lie down and take it like good little girls did in the old days"
Of course I'm sure none of this is lost on the women of America. You've got 4 years, Repubs (probably 2 for Congress.) Make the most of it I guess!
1/23/2017 11:24:13 AM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
Wearing vagians, using the likes of Madonna, having young kids carry signs talking about their p*ssy. A real well educated group of women for sure.... And those that were half naked now that was a shot to the eyes.
One woman had a sign that read. My legs are open for refugees. WTF did that mean.
1/23/2017 11:29:04 AM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |

Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
Women clearly need to look around at the Trumpian backlash towards their protest to assess what kind of people they are dealing with. Typical reactions:
- "Look at those dirty wh*res"
- "They should get back in the kitchen"
- "They are ugly and disgusting"
- "Why are they making such a fuss anyway?"
- "They should just lie down and take it like good little girls did in the old days"
Of course I'm sure none of this is lost on the women of America. You've got 4 years, Repubs (probably 2 for Congress.) Make the most of it I guess!
Sadly, many conservative women will nod along and agree with the men making those statements. Some are ok with the way these people talk to women. I will never understand or relate to those who think that way.
1/23/2017 11:45:21 AM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
Sadly, many conservative women will nod along and agree with the men making those statements. Some are ok with the way these people talk to women. I will never understand or relate to those who think that way.
Yet you say nothing about the vulgar remarks said at the march. Can you spell Hypocrisy?
1/23/2017 11:51:59 AM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
I'm not speaking for you, but you're b*tching because I've chosen to speak up. You're b*tching because you've claimed this is an American only forum and someone who isn't American provided his opinions. If you don't want to read opinions of those you disagree with, why not block us, rather than b*tching about it so much?
You have once again strayed off topic. It's getting old having you jump in and start harassing other posters.
If you and lobo want to partake in conversation then use the email.
1/23/2017 11:56:31 AM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |

Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
Yet you say nothing about the vulgar remarks said at the march. Can you spell Hypocrisy?
I've already said that I don't support Madonna and her violence comment. What other vulgar remarks do you think I need to comment on?
1/23/2017 11:57:02 AM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |

Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
You have once again strayed off topic. It's getting old having you jump in and start harassing other posters.
If you and lobo want to partake in conversation then use the email.
Are you now the forum police?
1/23/2017 12:05:13 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
Are you now the forum police?
Just stay on topic and stop harassing the other posters.
1/23/2017 12:25:52 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |

Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
Just stay on topic and stop harassing the other posters.
Are you ok with them harassing people?
1/23/2017 12:29:08 PM |
Co-organizer of the Women's March & Hamas |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
Are you ok with them harassing people?
Does not give you the right to enter a topic for the sake of harassment. Every time you take part in a topic it turns into a b*tchfest.