1/31/2017 5:23:43 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
I like to mow the lawn in the riding lawnmower.
I wear a strapless bra-like swimsuit top and Daisy Dukes.
I work hard at keeping my tan looking awesome.
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

2/1/2017 2:27:38 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
you told me back at Christmas that you were a black women why would you have a reason to try and get a tan ?
2/1/2017 2:49:12 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
I have never told you, nor anyone, that I was a black woman.
Since you and I are the only ones posting in this thread so far, I know you are addressing me, whether you addressed me personally, or not.
I am Native American. I have never claimed otherwise.
I don't have to work hard to get a tan. When the sun touches my skin I turn a beautiful golden shade of glorious.
By the end of this month I will already have the glow of the sun upon my skin from prepping for my spring gardens.
2/2/2017 1:29:57 AM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
Well I am North America Indian some where around 40% the best I can tell my great grand father's brother was the principal cheff of the lower band of the Cherokee tribe in the 1940's Henry Bradley on my father's side and some on my mother's side from out west ? When I was teasing you about being my stocking stuffer for Christmas you made some kind of reference to being black when I said I had no interest in having sex with black women if I remember correctly ? I could be mistaken but that is the way I remember taking it not a big deal eather way I was just kidding with you about being under my tree for Christmas. Just for conversation I think you post some very nice pictures and some fun to read post no matter what color you are 
2/2/2017 6:45:28 AM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

Today I am a groundhog of the Holy Tribe of Phil-butt Nuts.
Do you believe that? 
I am not black but I have enough sense to know that about 99% of the world population (or something like that) has DNA markers which connect us to African ascendants.
I tend to joke sometimes ( ) -- I have have made up funny stories about being a black man -- usually in response to all the false accusation & attack posts about me. I am neither black nor male. I am me. Always have been. Always will be.
I like outdoors better than indoors, after I make my bed and straighten my house.
I like walking and breathing fresh air. Just sitting and watching God's green earth wake up is enthralling. Have you ever watched a new leaf unfurl in the spring? Amazing! Or a tiny, tiny spider drop out of nowhere on a fine, silk filament of web and entice it's prey? Breathtaking!
Have a glorious day, friend.
Should I ever wind up under your Christmas tree there is a no-refund or re-gifting policy. 
2/2/2017 8:35:13 AM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
I have seen the things that you mentioned and thousands more I was raised way out in the middle of nowhere on a dirt farm very poor no TV no video games. So I have seen many things that the average person will only see in a book or on TV.or will never have any ideas that they even exist. I am an outdoors man I farm raise animals and grow plants so I enjoy all I can of what god has created for us.
2/3/2017 6:59:48 AM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
No threesomes, bi-sexuals or married men here. 
2/4/2017 12:05:41 AM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
well to late for that 
2/4/2017 9:11:10 AM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
in, at, or to this place or position.
"they have lived here most of their lives"
synonyms: at/in this place, at/in this spot, at/in this location
used when introducing something or someone.
"here's a dish that is simple and quick to make"
used to attract someone's attention.
"here, let me hold it"
indicating one's presence in a roll call
Not here, at my location. 
2/4/2017 1:23:41 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012

In red neck terms
Lookie here could you be a kind lady and hold this here in your mouth until the swelling goes down ?here's your chance to get a free mael 
2/4/2017 1:35:30 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

Larn dis heah, hon key... ifn ya puts sumpin twixt ma jowls I b da one doin da chompin not no grindin yuns reckon? yo
2/4/2017 4:11:51 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
I don't even know what to say to that you have me at a loss for words my wife is setting here and she laughing so hard she can't talk if nothing else you made her day 
2/4/2017 4:19:38 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

ast yer ol woman ifn she wanna see ma betta hafe?
2/4/2017 5:04:26 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
She's back a sleep but I have to wake her soon to take her out to dinner
I'll ask her 
She just might with her ya never know 
2/4/2017 5:09:15 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Boy! She sounds like a real winner. No wonder you're into internet stalking for other women. 
2/4/2017 5:58:45 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
She's a great women and we enjoy each other very much always have 
But she had a stroke during the holidays and had major back surgery last month and just got the 23 staples out of her back last monday.so winner winner chicken dinner she's lucky to be alive 
The pain pill she took this afternoon kicked her ass
[Edited 2/4/2017 5:59:40 PM ]
2/5/2017 5:32:10 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Woman. ... One woman
Wonen. ... Two or more women
2/5/2017 10:00:49 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
May be you should take my d*ck tation for me so all will be correct.  my spelling is bad and my sentence structure and punctuation is even worse AKA horrible ADD,dislexick,and barely a 8th grade education.
I do what I can with what I have 
2/5/2017 10:15:46 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
You're 53 years old --- assuming you aren't lying about your age --- presuming you are an American born American... you have to have more than an 8th grade education... or your parents are in jail....and by the time you got out of the reformatory you knew the difference between a woman and women.
And dyslexia is medicinally treated --- I have 1st hand knowledge.
What is your next storyline --- you are a 4' tall Mexican midget in country on a blue card?
2/7/2017 8:41:25 AM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
You are probably a 4 ft tall Mexican. That would explain why you are so against trump. 
2/7/2017 8:59:16 AM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Actually, I am Native American -- not Mexican.
Actually, I am 4'10" -- still not Mexican.
It isn't that I dislike the position of the presidency -- it's that I prefer that the man I put my trust in to run my country; protect my life, liberty and pursuits; be equitible and just to all; and uphold the image and constitution that my foreparents fought, bled, and died to establish ---
have some fkn common sense, express leadership qualities and make informed decisions for the betterment of my country NOT be a juvenile acting internet mouth jockey trying to blow smoke up the asses of intelligent Americans who recognize his ineptness can cause all of us harm; at home and around the world.
Yes, I feel Trump is incompetent. He should step aside and allow Pence to assume control -- before he is deposed and the country is thrown into a swirling quagmire of confusion.
2/7/2017 9:31:18 AM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
Well I will agree that pence is a much better and calmer man than trump 
But for right now I think we need a guy just like trump in there to get things moving and moving fast. He is definitely not the most grateful man and he could sugar coat things a little bit to pleas the far left and the mid right but that's the part I like about him. But that's just because I feel that for far to long my rights and way of life have be stepped on for to long and he's my best hope of ever getting any of them back or at least stopping the further agendas of the far left .
2/7/2017 12:25:37 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

2/7/2017 4:36:41 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
nice picture it would be great if it was like that in every ones heart 
2/7/2017 5:45:51 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

2/8/2017 2:42:55 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
You eather have ever body blocked that's a poster on this thread or they dislike you so much that they will not post in it
whether To be scared,worried or proud ?
2/9/2017 10:26:27 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
And your point is?
2/10/2017 6:01:48 AM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
My point was we are the only one posting in here all alone and together 
  I knew if I hung in there I could have you all to my self 
2/10/2017 9:57:59 AM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

2/13/2017 8:24:47 AM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
I hope everyone has a great VD day 
2/13/2017 1:41:53 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

2/13/2017 8:00:35 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
Cup are you going to be my valentines day treat 
2/13/2017 8:17:13 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Just exactly what is your definition of a VALENTINE treat?
Can't your wife satisfy your sweet "tooth"?
I don't fix desserts for married men, dear. 
2/13/2017 9:38:44 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
Never mind I can get a box of good chocolate at Walmart tomorrow. Or better yet I think I'll just get a half gallon of butter pecan ice cream. For my treat. 
I with draw my offer 
2/13/2017 10:07:14 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Thank you.
Keeps you from getting all hurt and chit by rejection.
I don't "treat" married men. That's what your wife is for. And I sure as hell am not interested in your threesome.
You know -- why is it that 'men' on this site think any woman who posts with them a few times is going to become an easy conquest?
I have never even held a conversation with you, let alone post with you enough to know anything about you other than what your profile says. If it's a lie, then you created your own problem of being rejected.
Happy Valentine's Day, none-the-less.
2/14/2017 8:37:00 AM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
You should really take a quick course in how to win friends and influence enemies 
You should really get over your self you are hundreds of miles away do you think I would travel that far to see you 
I have more with in 30 miles than I have time for
You need to learn how to post and have fun with out thinking that everyone wants to really sleep with you stop being so up tight.
This is just a place to try and have a little fun.
You are going to keep on until everyone has you blocked why can't you just be OK with having friends ?
Friends don't mean sex or sex partners.
2/14/2017 8:55:49 AM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

Happy Valentine's Day.
Perhaps YOU need to realize that I am a mature, grown, woman who doesn't give a flying fk what advice you offer.
I don't modify it change my personality or behavior to conform to others DEMANDS.
Get over myself?
Sweety, you should heed your own advice.
Have a nice day.
2/14/2017 9:18:31 AM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
Well I am making one last hail marry I don't think there is a 1% chance that you will catch it much less run with it in the right direction. And I don't mean that in a bad way.not every one can play ball.
Just because a guy post a funny,joke,compliment, dig,sexual remark,or any other remark at you or in general don't mean that he wants to sleep with you.this is just a place for people to go and have a little fun.
In other words stop being such a party pooper.
You can't be all bad you post some very nice picture and I have seen a post or two that were not necessarily negative. So I know that you can do it. good luck. Maybe you can find someone else to post with 
2/14/2017 9:42:19 AM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Flat -- Please give me the benefit of a doubt here.
I am not on DH to find a duck buddy --- that includes you, your wife and your penchant for threesome sexual perversion. (Not my shitty attitude -- your own self-advertised profile montage.)
I am not an impressionable p*ssy b*tch that you can attempt to demean into being the kind of person YOU are looking for on a dating site. I AM MY OWN PERSON!
You're such a 'star tight end', you run with the.... ummm... ball (maybe)... I can't be coerced or manipulated by your paltry whining or not "posting" with me any more. Read my words: I DINT GIVE A F**K! Got it!
Accept me UNCONDITIONALLY or GTFOH --- I've raised my children.
2/14/2017 1:28:19 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
I think I'll just set back and see your nice pictures. And let the rest go right on by.
I have given you the so called benifit of the dought. And have tried to remain your friend.
#1You have made bad comments about my wife
#2 you have insulted me in every thing from my spelling to my relationship with my wife.
(And I may add for the past 34 years has been great not many of you f**kers can say that)
#3 you have accused me of being a racist.jut because I choose not to date/sleep with women of color.
And in your own words you made it clear that. if I may quote (I DON'T GIVE A F**K)
So with an outlook like that I don't see how posting with you could benefit eather of us in a constructive or positive way.
2/14/2017 3:04:17 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
 I think I'll just set back and see your nice pictures. And let the rest go right on by.
I have given you the so called benifit of the dought. And have tried to remain your friend.
#1You have made bad comments about my wife
#2 you have insulted me in every thing from my spelling to my relationship with my wife.
(And I may add for the past 34 years has been great  not many of you f**kers can say that)
#3 you have accused me of being a racist.jut because I choose not to date/sleep with women of color.
And in your own words you made it clear that. if I may quote (I DON'T GIVE A F**K)
So with an outlook like that I don't see how posting with you could benefit eather of us in a constructive or positive way. 
2/17/2017 4:05:16 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
Oh wait the even packed up and left 
[Edited 2/17/2017 4:06:11 PM ]
2/17/2017 5:35:45 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

Saved the cost of an exterminator. 
2/18/2017 12:15:58 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
Cup is that your arm in the picture in the blog ?
2/18/2017 12:24:40 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
It is.
2/18/2017 12:35:30 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
Well I am sorry that I ever picked on you I would like to apologize. I feel bad the you were or are in any kind of state if mind that put you in the position to even consider hurting your self. I get on here to play around and joke. There only a hand full of DH'ers that really know me.
2/18/2017 1:30:37 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Well I am sorry that I ever picked on you I would like to apologize. I feel bad the you were or are in any kind of state if mind that put you in the position to even consider hurting your self. I get on here to play around and joke. There only a hand full of DH'ers that really know me.

The only state I am in is the one I reside in. 
2/18/2017 2:06:33 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
I am sure you will have some smart remark 
But on a serious note/side if you ever need to chat/talk I am here.
2/18/2017 3:17:31 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
My wife looked at that scar and said it looks like a capal tunnel surgery ? I really hope that is what it is and hope that it was very successful 
2/18/2017 3:51:36 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
All arm surgeries aren't for carpal tunnel. 
But your wife is very astute. It is a surgerical site and not an 'attempted suicide'. 
The inner wrist is, in fact, a double surgical site. I will post a pic of the outer wrist on that same arm where a continuation of those multiple surgeries is indicated.
2/18/2017 4:22:49 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
I am happy to hear that it was from a elective surgery 
I know that I have picked on you as I felt you were having fun picking back ? I would hate to think that I played a part in pushing some into feeling bad or feeling bad enough to hurt them selves. 
This place is supposed to be a place to have fun. Some take it to heart and think it is there only way to express them selves. 
I hope everything works out well in your recovery and as pain free as possible 
2/18/2017 4:55:30 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
They definitely weren't elective surgeries. All three of them were reconstructive surgeries.
Don't believe the idiocies You See posted on this site unless you ask 'the horses mouth' and then only if you have satisfied yourself that they are, indeed, real.
I enjoy joking with other members. I don't take the silliness seriously but they sure can.
I am a Christian. I would never cause intentional harm to myself. Have no concern in that regard.
I appreciate the offer of you being there for conversation but I must assert, again, I do not associate with married men on a personal level. It is not "appropriate" in my moral code.
Thanks for your thoughts. 
2/18/2017 5:24:29 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
Well hearing that you are a Christian with out that in your life it has no real meaning we all are just passing through to put it mildly.
I always say 
B basic
I instructions
B before
L leaving
E earth
Read it and learn I learn slow lol. But I learn new things all the time 
2/18/2017 5:31:44 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
I've read it -- many times.

3/11/2017 8:08:57 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
It's imperative that someone other members post in this thread.
Here's the objective of DH:
Member makes a thread
Another member posts in it
Then the thread maker or another member posts in it
And that taking turns posting keeps going until interest is gone or thread closes.
See? Simple. Huh?
It's akin to you rub my back and I'll rub yours.
Isn't that precious?
3/13/2017 8:21:39 AM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Lebanon, MO
45, joined Oct. 2014
Did I hear backrub?
3/13/2017 9:56:30 AM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Sweetie. Long time, no see. I figured with spring approaching you'd start stretching your.... ummmmm.... daylight savings hours. 
3/13/2017 10:09:31 AM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |


Lebanon, MO
45, joined Oct. 2014
Stretching and working the muscles trying to get the ol body back up to par...
Be out making use of the daylight hours after this cold n wet spell
Looking forward to getting back in the garden
Good therapy for mind body and soul!!
3/13/2017 5:19:29 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Gardening has always been a joy of mine.
Be sure you stretch before any strenuous activity. Don't need any turn hamstring to start spring put with.
3/13/2017 11:13:10 PM |
BLOCKERS FREE! Anything outdoors thread. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Green Thumbalina