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2/9/2017 2:45:19 PM |
Fake News For Fake Subscribers |
Windsor, ON
55, joined Oct. 2016
Are The NY Times, Guardian, And WaPo Buying Clicks? China Jumps From Trickle To Half Of All Traffic In Two Months
Last week the Failing New York Times published an article crediting Donald Trump and the controversial election for "more subscribers in three months than all of 2015," claiming the addition of 276,000 new "digital-only" customers. The beleaguered publication owned by Mexican Billionaire Carlos Slim is doing so well in fact that they are vacating 8 floors of their New York headquarters to generate "significant rental revenue," as well as pushing lame Twitter ads offering 40% off subscriptions which state things like "Truth. It's vital to democracy" and "The best independent journalism."
While subscriber count has allegedly increased, website traffic really didn't start picking up until the first week in December. The Washington Post and The Guardian (UK) saw similar traffic trends around the same time, in stark contrast to most of their peers.
The New York Times traffic from China soared from 5.1% on December 1, 2016 to 49.2% of all site traffic by February 8, 2017. In only 2 months ???
What's very interesting is the fact that The New York Times has been completely blocked in China since 2012.
Not to be outdone, the Washington Post and The Guardian (UK) skyrocketed from virtually no Chinese traffic to 58.9% and 57% of site-wide visitors respectively.
Why am I not surprised?
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

2/9/2017 3:15:00 PM |
Fake News For Fake Subscribers |

Vallejo, CA
57, joined Feb. 2008
So, what kind of convoluted weird shit feeding frenzy
are you trying to start here?
They must be fake news because of the traffic?
I've seen some pretty bizarre conspiracy theories
before but this one is right in there with "Obama's weather machine"
2/9/2017 3:34:07 PM |
Fake News For Fake Subscribers |


Las Vegas, NV
61, joined Mar. 2011
Wait, how did you quote yourself like that in first post?
2/9/2017 3:48:14 PM |
Fake News For Fake Subscribers |


Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008
Fake News Rap Sheet: Last Week the MSM Was Caught Telling FORTY Lies
Welcome to week three of "This Week In Fake News!" Previous editions can be found here and here.
You will see one change in this week's list, with respect to the count. Rather than start the count over every week, this ongoing diary of Fake News will now use a cumulative number, an ongoing count. Put simply, last week's list contained 24 pieces of Fake News. The week prior was 12. That is a total of 36, so this week we will start with number 37.
This is not meant to be a gimmick. Rather, it is a way to more accurately understand and comprehend the breathtaking scope of the national media's rabid dishonesty.
The media told FORTY lies last week, for a total of SEVENTY-SEVEN separate incidents of Fake News in just three weeks.
Let's begin…
37. CNN's Jake Tapper Lies About Trump Not Offering Sympathy to Canada After Mosque Attack
During an interview with KellyAnne Conway, CNN's Jake Tapper told an outrageous lie in the form of a question:
"I want to ask you, in Quebec City last week, a white right-wing terrorist opened fire on a mosque filled with men, women and children," the left-wing anchor asked. "President Trump hasn't tweeted one thing about this. Why hasn't he offered sympathy to the neighbors in the north?"
Can someone get Tapper a Google Machine?
P.S. Falsely portraying Trump as a racist is part of the media's ongoing "assassination dogwhistle" strategy.
38. Washington Post Caught Lying About "Illegal Guns" In Washington DC
In its longstanding effort to strip Americans of their Second Amendment civil rights, the left-wing Washington Post was again caught fear-mongering with falsehoods, this particular one involving a -- wait for it, wait for it -- BB gun.
The Daily Caller:
The biggest inaccuracy: the description of a “black .45 caliber Umarex HDG handgun recovered from the 3200 block of Minnesota Avenue, Southeast.” As readers of this blog already know, Umarex makes and sells air-powered guns that fire a variety of non-lethal BBs or pellets depending on the model. The airgun is not only listed incorrectly as a firearm, but is additionally reported to be chambered in .45 caliber, an impossibility. Further, Umarex doesn’t sell an “HDG” model.
So, either MPD is unable to distinguish a firearm from an airgun, or it is a purposeful misclassification to inflate the record in a way that a firearm–ignorant city newspaper reporter would never recognize, but that many readers quickly spotted.
Oh, but there’s more.
Read the whole thing.
39. Washington Post Caught Covering Up Boston Mosque's Extremism and Bigotry
The original Jan 19 story ran with the headline, "An unlikely messenger becomes a guiding spirit to young Muslims," and painted a picture of a cool social media-savvy Imam :
Naturally, jihadist hard-liners hate Webb for his liberal views. In its online magazine, Dabiq, the Islamic State last year labeled him an apostate and “all-American imam.” The story ran with a photo of a machete pressed to a man’s neck and, beneath it, a caption reading, “The punishment for apostasy.” The story said of Webb, “Adopting a Southern inner-city accent sprinkled with thug life vocabulary, he is quick to switch to an ordinary voice when speaking to CNN and other media outlets.”
At the Church of the Epiphany in October, Webb’s subject is Donald Trump. “We’ve got a presidential candidate who has no respect for women, for Latinos, for Muslims, for blacks,” he says. “This is a guy who doesn’t know how to wear a suit properly and has a bad spray tan.”
Except, oops!
We do not merely “allege” Webb’s bigotry. We have proved it. Videos of sermons we uncovered show Webb preaching that “effeminate” men are “cursed” and that he “understands” Muslims who “have animosity” toward “the Jews.”
In 2001, according to FBI surveillance documents, Webb appeared alongside al-Qaeda operative Anwar al-Awlaki to raise £$100,000 for Jamil Abdullah al-Amin, who was convicted of shooting two U.S. police officers and killing one of them.
And if all this were not enough to discourage a puff piece, Webb also spent three years as the imam of the Islamic Society of Boston. There he was involved with the tarbiya program, an educational course in which radical Islamist texts are taught to youths from Boston’s historically moderate Muslim community.
40. Los Angeles Times Lies About Trump's "Shift" On NATO
Full-blown lie. Trump has always supported NATO. He has only ever questioned some members of the alliance who have failed to meet their financial commitments.
2/9/2017 4:17:10 PM |
Fake News For Fake Subscribers |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
Wait, how did you quote yourself like that in first post?
Good question! Very strange! 
2/9/2017 4:19:17 PM |
Fake News For Fake Subscribers |
Windsor, ON
55, joined Oct. 2016
They must be fake news because of the traffic?
I've seen some pretty bizarre conspiracy theories
before but this one is right in there with "Obama's weather machine"
Because of the traffic??? Hardly, that's just a confirmation. I consider them fake news because they fabricate, manipulate and cherry pick in splashy headlines. Then they print little tiny retractions within a day or two.
2/9/2017 4:24:47 PM |
Fake News For Fake Subscribers |
Windsor, ON
55, joined Oct. 2016
Wait, how did you quote yourself like that in first post?
Good question! Very strange! 
I didn't quote myself, I quoted Zero Hedge. Start the paragraph with [ quote ] and end with [ /quote ] and remove the spaces within the brackets.
2/9/2017 4:26:14 PM |
Fake News For Fake Subscribers |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
OK Clarity!
I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, because there is no way I'm going to fact check all that crap!
I grew a beard while I was just reading your post Dear! 
2/9/2017 4:30:30 PM |
Fake News For Fake Subscribers |
Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
Good question! Very strange! 
If you weren't so simple minded, I'd explain how it is done. But you couldn't understand or follow directions. So I just won't tell you!
2/9/2017 4:35:55 PM |
Fake News For Fake Subscribers |

Vallejo, CA
57, joined Feb. 2008
If you weren't so simple minded, I'd explain how it is done. But you couldn't understand or follow directions. So I just won't tell you!
Too stupid to get sarcasm.
(google it)
2/9/2017 4:46:21 PM |
Fake News For Fake Subscribers |
Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
Too stupid to get sarcasm.
(google it)
In overeenstemming met wetgeving ten aanzien van gegevensbescherming vragen we u even de tijd te nemen de belangrijkste punten van ons Privacybeleid door te nemen. Dit beslaat alle Google-services en beschrijft hoe we gegevens gebruiken en welke mogelijkheden u heeft. U moet dit vandaag nog doen.
I googled it and that is the first result.
2/9/2017 4:54:59 PM |
Fake News For Fake Subscribers |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
OK Clarity!
I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, because there is no way I'm going to fact check all that crap!
I grew a beard while I was just reading your post Dear! 
2/9/2017 4:59:57 PM |
Fake News For Fake Subscribers |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
If you weren't so simple minded, I'd explain how it is done. But you couldn't understand or follow directions. So I just won't tell you!
Herc I already know all you have to do is use the quote parameters to do it.
I think the question was why did she do it silly? 
2/9/2017 5:18:40 PM |
Fake News For Fake Subscribers |


Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008
OK Clarity!
I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, because there is no way I'm going to fact check all that crap!
I grew a beard while I was just reading your post Dear! 
lol...did that bare repeating?
sorry that was so grueling for you. maybe you need to join the dollar shave club?
page 2
41. MSM Hides Behind KellyAnne Conway's Mistake To Cover Up Their Own Cover Up
Lies of omission are still lies, and this is a biggie…
Over the weekend, KellyAnne Conway, a top Trump advisor, falsely claimed that there had been what she called a "Bowling Green massacre," or a jihadist terror attack in the state of Kentucky. She also claimed that the media did not cover the massacre-that-never-happened.
It was a stupid mistake but Conway has since cleared the air and apologized more than once.
In their zeal to destroy Conway, what the media is really doing is covering up their own cover-up.
What happened in Bowling Green in 2011 is and was a legitimate story, a story the MSM doesn't want the public to know about because it is an inconvenient one about Al-Qaeda terrorists successfully posing as refugees:
Senior government officials in the Obama administration were paying attention to the case and, shocked by the severe lapse in security, temporarily shut down the Iraqi refugee program for six months while they investigated the vetting process. (Sound familiar?)
The media has been mocking Conway for her remark about a Bowling Green “massacre.” They are right that there was no massacre. But there could have been, if not for the FBI investigation, due to a flawed refugee vetting process.
42. Newsweek and CNN Spread Lie About Breitbart News Having Their Own Supporters Terrorized
Both Newsweek and CNN have used Clintonista Robert Reich to spread the lie that Breitbart News started a riot in Berkeley, California, last week -- a riot where their own supporters were brutalized and beaten.
P.S. Portraying Trump as Hitler, a someone willing to organize political violence through modern-day Brownshirts, is yet another piece of the media's ongoing "assassination dogwhistle" strategy.
43. Media Lies About Make Up of Trump's National Security Council
This lie was so egregious and widespread, even the left-wing Washington Post felt the need to speak out:
One thing Trump has decidedly not done, however, is downgrade the participation of the director of national intelligence and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the deliberations of the National Security Council.
You may have heard and read otherwise, repeatedly. Therein lies an illustration of how communication between the executive and mainstream media, and with it coverage of the Trump administration, has already come unhinged.
44. Scientific Community and Media Again Caught Lying About Global Warming
The hoax that is Climate Change has once again been debunked. The national media is, per the usual, covering this fact up.
45. Washington Post Falsely Describes a "Draft Order" as a "Plan"
The serial-lying Washington Post had a very bad week.
Many more WaPo lies to come!
46. Washington Post Walks Back False Story of Bannon Confrontation
Josh Rogin of the Washington Post, who has been caught publishing three massive Fake News stories in less than 10 days, lied about a confrontation between top Trump aide Steve Bannon and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly.
It never happened. As of today this phony story, which should be retracted, has three corrections and has gone through a complete rewrite.
47. Washington Post Falsely Accuses Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Lying About Syria Trip
Serial Fake News-fabricator Josh Rogin struck again this week, this time with an attack on Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. Rogin falsely claimed she invented the name of the organization that funded her trip to Syria. What actually happened is that Rogin got the name wrong.
Gabbard is seen by Democrats and the Left as an apostate-Democrat, which is why the Post is so eager to destroy her, even if they have to lie in order to do it.
48. CBS News Falsely Claims Statue of Liberty Was Originally Intended to be a Muslim Woman
Uhm, no it wasn't.
In fact, the Statue of Liberty has nothing to do with immigrants or immigration. It stands for LIBERTY. Period.
The "give us your poor…" stuff was added years later.
49. NBC News Lies About Trump Easing Russian Sanctions
This is a howler.
NBC reported Thursday that the Trump administration was easing sanctions on the FSB, one of Russia’s primary intelligence agencies. Peter Alexander, NBC’s national correspondent, tweeted, “US Treasury Dept easing Obama admin sanctions to allow companies to do transactions with Russia’s FSB, successor org to KGB.”
Less than an hour later, he wrote, “Source familiar w sanctions says it’s a technical fix, planned under Obama, to avoid unintended consequences of cybersanctions.” His initial and incorrect tweet received nearly seven thousand retweets and the correction has less than 300 retweets.
50. New York Times Lies About Homeland Security Being Blindsided By Trump's Refugee Pause
Daily Caller:
It stated: “Gen. John F. Kelly, the secretary of homeland security, had dialed in from a Coast Guard plane as he headed back to Washington from Miami. Along with other top officials, he needed guidance from the White House, which had not asked his department for a legal review of the order. Halfway into the briefing, someone on the call looked up at a television in his office. ‘The president is signing the executive order that we’re discussing,’ the official said, stunned.”
Secretary Kelly, however, later strongly denied this report during a press conference Tuesday. “We knew it was coming. It wasn’t a surprise,” Kelly said.
51. Bitter Wall Street Journal Never-Trumper Forgets About Barry
Apparently Bret Stephens, a bitter Never Trumper with the Wall Street Journal, forgot about 8 years of Barack Obama.
52. Boston Globe Caught Lying About Trump Comments On the Media
The left-wing Boston Globe claimed Trump remarked on "the press not behaving."
Trump never said that.
[Edited 2/9/2017 5:20:18 PM ]
2/9/2017 5:36:16 PM |
Fake News For Fake Subscribers |
Windsor, ON
55, joined Oct. 2016
Herc I already know all you have to do is use the quote parameters to do it.
I think the question was why did she do it silly? 
I did it because I was quoting my source - Zero Hedge.