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2/11/2017 12:16:19 PM |
Tally Me Bananas |


Chicago, IL
64, joined Oct. 2007
For those of you who don't know, this is a line from a song done by Harry Belafonte known as the Banana Boat Song (Day O) circa 1956 AD.
"Come Mr. Tallyman, Tally Me Bananas"
The Tallyman counts the bananas that you pick and you get paid accordingly.
I started a thread called Come Mr. Tallyman: (https://DateHookup.dating/thread-1463834.htm). But it kinda got derailed by loopy and I. So I would like to pick up where I left off.
This is the tally of one of the preterists here, and how he has misrepresented the Scriptures and their meaning. This will always happen when you try to interpret the Bible without the Holy Spirit. I think it is a good idea to use this as an example of how not to study the Bible.
From Come Mr. Tallyman:
1. Generation - The English word "generation" comes from the Ancient Koine Greek term 'genea.' It is used differently in English then how it was used in the Ancient Greek. But those who have not done the research apparently don't agree.
mindya has even tried to drop the words "an age" from Strong's definition.
See Is Older Better?
2. Time is "at hand" - This phrase is not in the Ancient Greek text. It is an English idiom that was added by the crew who did the KJV. I use it as an example to show how carelessly the KJV has been translated. It is more of an interpretation rather than a translation.
See There Is No "Hand"
3. Adam Clarke - mindya keeps referring to his commentary one the NT. He wants you to recognize him as an expert, yet refuses to accept what he says about the prophecies in the Bible. According to Adam Clarke, all the prophecies of the Bible have not been fulfilled, as the preterists believe.
See Adam Clarke Is Still Not A Preterist
4. Kingdom of the Heavens - There is a subtle difference between the Kingdom of the Heavens and the Kingdom of God. mindya doesn't know what that difference is so he tries to berate those of us who do.
See Once Again, He Knows Nothing Of What He Speaks
5. Nebuchadnezzar's dream - mindya has ignored a whole section of Nebuchadnezzar's dream and calls it a "gap." He misinterpreted Dan. 2:40 and essentially eliminated the last section of IRON & CLAY in Dan. 2:43.
The preterists like to make a big deal of all the time that has passed since Jesus was here. But if you look at Nebuchadnezzar's dream it looks like these prophecies are right on time.
Instead of allowing the Holy Spirit to lead him, mindya makes his interpretation and then looks to the web for confirmation. If he finds someone who will verify what he says, no matter how obscure, he will post it. He does the same thing with concordances.
See Once Again, He Knows Nothing Of What He Speaks
6. Invalid use of the word "unmoveable." - mindy's false interpretation of the word "unmoveable" naturally leads to a false conclusion. Even thought the KJV uses the word "unmoveable," a closer rendering might be "an unshakable kingdom." Much more accurate but it doesn't seem to support mindya's off theories. Especially when he tries to ignore the keywords of the definition that he himself had posted, like "figuratively."
See For An Immovable, It Sure Does Move Alot
7. Ignoring the explinations - One of the reasons I am making this tally list is because one of the tricks he uses is to try to get you to forget what has already been said and repeat the same attack he used before. He pretty much ignores what you might have said, and can't seem to deal with any explanation that is given.
So, instead of repeating myself over nad over I will simply refer to this thread.
8. Ignoring 1 Corinthians 15 - Probably I should have said "Ignoring the rest of the Bible." However, this is a trick of many who like to argue here. They tend to accentuate those verses that they think support their theories and tend to downplay those verses they think don't support them.
Of course, this is all nonsense because the only way the Bible will support a preterist viewpoint is to misinterpret it. And the KJV does that often and regularly. No wonder the KJV is the preterist preferred English version.
This is a brief overview of the list I made in the thread Come Mr. Tallyman: (https://DateHookup.dating/thread-1463834.htm).
There are still many more blunders that I will use as an example of how not to interpret the Scriptures; how to study the Bible without His Holy Spirit. Therefore I intend to continue this list.
I believe that God wants us to interpret the Scriptures. He wants us to hear His Holy Spirit. He wants us to study the Bible. For it is the Bible that will awaken our inner voice...
CLV Jn 10:4 And whenever he should be ejecting all his own, he is going in front of them, and the sheep are following him, for they are acquainted with his voice.
CLV Jn 10:27 My sheep are hearing My voice, and I know them, and they are following Me.
And so it is by studying and interpreting the Bible that we become accustomed to His Voice. So when He calls, we will recognize His Voice and answer His call without delay.
9. Does All mean All or just some? - Here is a common trick among those who do not know how to interpret the Scriptures. He/she will post a definition (to cover their a$$) and then say this word doesn't really mean that, and fo on to offer their own interpretation of that definition.
This poster seems to be stuck on the word "all."
G3956 pas pas
including all the forms of declension;
apparently a primary word; all, any, every, the whole.
But back in 09 mindya and his alter-ego told us...
From 1984 and the Scriptures (https://DateHookup.dating/forums.aspx?p=FORUMPOSTS&forumthreadID=208283&pageSize=15&startAt=136)
It is evident that the "ALL" of Cor 15:22 applies to ALL in Christ and that are Christ's. Paul has stated in Rom "Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his
Now take a look at his Strawman statement from "The Last Days Of Israel."...
(Luke 21:32 KJV) Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till ALL be fulfilled.
There's that pesky ALL means ALL thing.
I wonder what "All" will mean ti him next week?
Of course, mindya is wrong... again.
CLV Jn 10:27 My sheep are hearing My voice, and I know them, and they are following Me.
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2/11/2017 11:25:21 PM |
Tally Me Bananas |


Chicago, IL
64, joined Oct. 2007
10. Is Israel temporary? - It took him awhile to get around to saying it, but, mindya tells us that Israel is temporary.
CLV Gn 12:1 Now saying is Yahweh to Abram, "Go you from your land and from your kindred and from your father's house to the land which I shall show you.
2 And make you will I into a great nation, and bless you will I and make your name great, and become must you a blessing.
'Bereshit,' the Hebrew word for Genesis, is believed to be written by Moses. But the stories in Genesis are part of a very ancient oral and written tradition. So there is really no way of knowing how old Genesis really is. The oldest estimates that some scholars will say is about 5th to 6th centuries BC. Other scholars will say different.
But even in the 5th century that makes Genesis about 2500 years old.
Now, as Israel is mentioned in the Book of Revelation as being part of Jesus' Kingdom, I will add to that another 1000 years (Rev. 20:4 - 6).
How long is temporary? I wonder if there is a preterist that can give me a list of anything that has been temporary for 3500 years.
Of course, mindya is wrong... again.
CLV Jn 10:27 My sheep are hearing My voice, and I know them, and they are following Me.
11. Israel is not the fig tree In Jesus parable about the fig tree, many scholars seem to think that the fig tree represents Israel, in a political sense. But not mindya. He wants us to believe that the story in Luke 21:29-32 was about the apostles and not Israel.
CLV Lk 21:29 And He told them a parable: Perceive the fig-tree and all the trees.
30 Whenever they should be already budding, you, observing for yourselves, know it is because summer is already near.
31 Thus you also, whenever you may be perceiving these things occurring, know that near is the kingdom of God.
32 Verily, I am saying to you that by no means may this generation be passing by till all should be occurring.
Wait. Weren't the apostles all Jews?
I guess he just doesn't recognize the significance of Isreal in God's plan.
See Is The Fig Tree Israel?
[Edited 2/11/2017 11:26:29 PM ]
2/14/2017 5:56:22 PM |
Tally Me Bananas |

Greenwood, IN
64, joined May. 2010
2/14/2017 6:33:18 PM |
Tally Me Bananas |


Chicago, IL
64, joined Oct. 2007
Just a couple more of mindya's nonsensical views.
He tells us...
So the kingdom came and wenteth twice and will according to the desperate dispensationalists it will be near again.
Of course, that is NOT what the commentary says.
He also misreads...
I don't see any "conditions" in the above Strong's definition.
Down here...
G1451 eggus eng-goos'
from a primary verb agcho (to squeeze or throttle; akin to the base of G43);
near (literally or figuratively, of place or time).
I suppose it's too much trouble for him to read the entire definition. The phrase "of place or time" sure sounds like conditions to me.
Comic Strips And The Scriptures
So not only does he get the Bible wrong, but also Strongs and Knoch's Commentary. What a preterist mess.
Again, it sounds like he needs to leave the Bible interpretations to those of us who know.
2/20/2017 7:38:00 PM |
Tally Me Bananas |


Chicago, IL
64, joined Oct. 2007
12. mindy misrepresents what A. E. Knoch is saying.
See above.
13. mindy tells us he does not see any "conditions."
See above.
14. mindy misrepresents Mr. Knoch again:
From "The Wedding of the Lamb not postponed"
CLV Lk 21:32 Verily, I am saying to you that by no means may this generation be passing by till all should be occurring.
It seems Adam Clarke doesn't know what to make of this verse and the others like it...
Verse 32
This generation - This race of men; but see on Matthew 24:34; (note), and Mark 13:30; (note).
Good thing Mr. Knoch can pick up the slack...
It is evident that all these things did not take place in that generation. Nor did the Lord say that they would. He simply said that they should. He could not at that time reveal to them the failure of the Pentecostal economy. The present grace was an absolute secret. These must be left out of this prophecy. Leaving these out, all these things would have taken place in a single generation. Peter, at Pentecost, shows that repentance of the nation alone stood between them and the day of the Lord. Had the nation received his message, the times of refreshing would have come (Acts 3:19). This passage, instead of being an insoluble difficulty, is really the key to the proper apprehension of this whole prophecy. It shows that the whole is viewed as an immediate possibility, and does not include the Pentecostal or the present economy in its scope.
15. Mr. Knoch misrepresented again:
Acts 17:31 forasmuch as He assigns a day in which He is about to be judging the inhabited earth in righteousness by the Man Whom He specifies, tendering faith to all, raising Him from among the dead
Adolph makes not comment on Acts 17:31...not surprised.
Once again, mindy's ignorance is showing. I counted at least 11 articles on Acts 17:31.
Acts 24:15 having an expectation in God, which these themselves also are anticipating, that there shall be a resurrection which is impending for both the just and the unjust.
Again no comment from Adolph or he would alert his readers to the fact that impending means:
Again, I counted 4 articles written about Acts 24:15
It seems mindy is under the impression that "Concordant Commentary on the New Testament" is some type of comprehensive guide to the Scriptures. He is wrong again.
When will he learn how to use the tools? It's like trying to use a hammer to unscrew a Phillips head screw.
What a maroon.
16. Paul is misinterpreted... again:
From"The Wedding of the Lamb not postponed"
Because scripture is clear, the |kingdom existed in the 1st century. I have no idea how the J/W`s ignore it all, and claim it only came in 1914.::idontknow:
Paul was clear, the kingdom had arrived:
Colossians 1:13 Amplified Bible (AMP)
CLV Col 1:13 Who rescues us out of the jurisdiction of Darkness, and transports us into the kingdom of the Son of His love,
This verse does NOT say the Kingdom had arrived...
The kingdom of His Son is a figurative allusion to the kingdom of Christ. Messiah's kingdom is literal and future and destroys and displaces earth's kingdoms (Dan 2:44). The kingdom of the Son here spoken of is a present spiritual power. We are not rescued from earth's governments but from the powers of Darkness which direct and dominate them. The term "pardon" is borrowed from the kingdom phraseology to accord with this figure.
We all know how disabled these preterists are at interpreting OT prophecy, especially Daniel. That was the one where they left out an entire kingdom from Nebuchadnezzar's dream and then claimed there was a gap there.
17. Misrepresenting the Jews/Israel... again
The problem I see with “Christian” Dispensational Z.ionism Rich is that it is based on the premise that God gave the land to Israel of the Old Covenant as his own nation, the conditions for them dwelling in the land was obedience to the Old Covenant, which no longer exists, therefore those provision for dwelling in the land are no longer valid.
Not only that, Israel in the 1st century AD lost it's "favored" nation status with God - it became just another nation along with the rest of the "goyim" nations.
There are a couple of things wrong with this post.
First off, the Promise "is based on the premise that God gave the land to Israel." This is definitely not true. Obtaining the land flowing with milk and honey was a perk of the old Covenant, not the point of it. I suppose we must expect this type of ignorance from those who do not read the Scriptures and pretend to know them all.
Also, there is no indication in the Scriptures that Israel in the 1st century AD had lost it's "favored" nation status.
The evidence of this is in the Book of Revelation. Israel and each of its tribes have a place in God's prophecy there. This proves that God is not finished with Israel
CLV Re 7:4 And I hear the number of those sealed: a hundred forty-four thousand. Sealed out of every tribe of the sons of Israel are:
CLV Re 21:12 having a wall, huge and high, having twelve portals, and at the portals twelve messengers, and their names inscribed, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel.
2/20/2017 7:39:11 PM |
Tally Me Bananas |

Greenwood, IN
64, joined May. 2010
2/24/2017 1:37:10 PM |
Tally Me Bananas |


Chicago, IL
64, joined Oct. 2007
18. Misuse of the word "presence" (paniym/parousia). The preterists have taken to accuse those of us with the good sense to distinguish the love of God for all mankind with His Presence as being contradictory. They can't seem to tell the difference between God's reconciliation to mankind:
CLV Ro 11:15 For if their casting away is the conciliation of the world, what will the taking back be if not life from among the dead?
CLV 2C 5:18 Yet all is out of God, Who conciliates us to Himself through Christ, and is giving us the dispensation of the conciliation,
And His ever loving Presence:
CLV 1C 15:23 Yet each in his own class: the Firstfruit, Christ; thereupon those who are Christ's in His presence;
CLV 1Th 2:19 For who is our expectation, or joy, or wreath of glorying? Or is it not even you, in front of our Lord Jesus, in His presence?
CLV 1Th 3:13 to establish your hearts unblamable in holiness in front of our God and Father, in the presence of our Lord Jesus with all His saints.
CLV 1Th 4:15 For this we are saying to you by the word of the Lord, that we, the living, who are surviving to the presence of the Lord, should by no means outstrip those who are put to repose,
Those who cannot make this distinction should probably not be interpreting the Scriptures in any serious way. Of course, these are the comic-strip Christians who like to make fun of others and spend their time making silly graphic rather than researching the Scriptures.
See In The Presence Of Our Lord
19. Islam is more violent than Christianity, So what? This has got to be one of the most stupid statements I have seen here on DH. Here is a man almost encouraging violence and at the same time claiming to be Christian. Can he not see the obvious flaw is this way of thinking? Matt. 26:52
See "Oh, It's OK If Muslims Are Violent"
20. Hiding behind the Block. Over the years those who have been blocked by another have developed a symbolic meaning to this activity. I have used it sometimes when I would say, "The comic-strip forum is down the hall." Of course, there is no "down the hall" as this is an electronic form. And there is no real "block." Those who have been blocked do not lose anything. They can still post whatever they want. They are still able read all the posts. They simply can't post in the blockers threads.
It is symbolic, and nothing more.
So to take that symbolism and make assumptions based on it are, to say the least, erroneous.
So this is just another attempt to take our attention off of the Scriptures and the fallacious beliefs and mistakes of the peeterists.
3/15/2017 9:06:15 AM |
Tally Me Bananas |


Chicago, IL
64, joined Oct. 2007
21. the great city -
John positively identifies the great city as Jerusalem.
And yet Jesus does not agree...
CLV John 1:2 Rise! Go to Nineveh, the great city, and call out against it, for the cry of their evil ascends before Me.
CLV John 3:3 And Jonah is rising and going to Nineveh, according to the word of Yahweh. Now Nineveh had become a great city to Elohim, of three days walking.
He lists 10 verses that contain the phrase "the great city" in the KJV.

The problem is he is using the KJV, which, as we already know is not all that accurate. The KJV is based on Modern Greek manuscripts, not the Ancient Koine Greek manuscripts. And so there are a few verses that do not belong on that list...
CLV Re 14:8 And another, a second messenger, follows, saying, "It falls! It falls! Babylon the great has made all nations drink out of the wine of the fury of her prostitution!"
CLV Re 18:10 standing afar off because of the fear of her torment, saying, `Woe! Woe! that great city! Babylon, the strong city! for in one hour your judging came.'
CLV Re 21:10 And he carries me away, in spirit, on a mountain, huge and high, and shows me the holy city, Jerusalem, as it is descending out of heaven from God,
No mention of a "great city" in these verses.
Perhaps mindya missed the word "spiritually" in Rev. 11:8? Perhaps he forgot to look it up in Strong's?
And much like a house of cards all of his theories on come tumbling down.
22. The harvest is televised! -
CLV Mt 3:12 Whose winnowing shovel is in His hand, and He will be scouring His threshing floor, and will be gathering His grain into His barn, yet the chaff will He be burning up with unextinguished fire.
That there is an "audience" related connection between the harvest and the "wrath to come" is evident from Matt 3:12.
There is no "audience related connection" in this verse to the harvest.
Another preterist blunder in "Harvest and the wedding in the 1st century AD."
23. When does the harvest come? - Our preterist posts a group of unrelated Bible verses taken out of context to make his case that the "harvest" has already come. Yet Jesus tells us plainly when to expect the "harvest."
CLV Mt 13:39 Now the enemy who sows them is the Adversary. Now the harvest is the conclusion of the eon. Now the reapers are messengers.
CLV Re 1:19 Write then, what you perceived, and what they are, and what is about to be occurring after these things
Again from "Harvest and the wedding in the 1st century AD."
Need I say more?
24. The harvest and the wedding - Even though there are no Scriptures connecting these two events, this post has somehow magically discovered a connection. Yet like all magicians, this is a secret he is not willing to share.
There is no connection between the "harvest" and the "wedding" in the Scriptures. And there are other historical events that happened besides the destruction in 70 AD.
3/30/2017 11:21:18 AM |
Tally Me Bananas |

Greenwood, IN
64, joined May. 2010
4/12/2017 10:29:34 AM |
Tally Me Bananas |


Chicago, IL
64, joined Oct. 2007
25. mindya misrepresents Mr. Knoch once again
But the more I meditated on the Scriptures, the more perplexed I became. If Paul was sent especially to the nations, why preach from a text in John?...
Here mindya tried to show that Mr. Knoch was perplexed. Yet he neglects to mention that Mr. Knoch was describing how he felt before he worked on the Ancient Greek text and produced the CLV.
I cannot express how immeasurably thankful I am to God that He opened my eyes to the “divine mysteries” so early in my career, for I can see now, as I look back, how often they have decided my course, and kept me from making mistakes and even shipwreck of the faith.
This from the same "The Dais or “Judgment Seat” of God and His Christ," Chapter 5 found at
I did notice that the poster of this fabrication did not include the web page address or even the name of the publication. Perhaps he didn't want to make it too easy for someone to find out that all was not as he said it was.
And the hits just keep on happening.