3/23/2017 7:53:09 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |

New York, NY
67, joined Jan. 2010
throw him in jail
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3/23/2017 8:14:30 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |

Fort Campbell, KY
37, joined Aug. 2013
throw him in jail
3/23/2017 8:55:06 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |

Vallejo, CA
57, joined Feb. 2008
online now!

3/23/2017 9:02:50 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |

Lancaster, CA
33, joined Dec. 2014
So he was under surveillance?
3/23/2017 10:09:35 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Hillary Clinton needs to be arrested and thrown in jail!
Hillary tries to hide her tiny rallies
"Less than 100 people - NO cell phones, NO press. Over 100 people YES cell phones, and ONE print pooler will be escorted in for her remarks only and then escorted out. NO tv cameras."
“Stories on South Carolina… Including empty seats at event and closed office”
We know Hillary events have small crowds. But now we know many of the Hillary Campaign events were so small that the following policy was proposed.
That's right, they are talking about confiscating mobile devices, so the embarrassingly small crowds of under 100 people could never be reported. Complete artificial manufactured reality.
So how does a person with tiny rallies "win" the "popular vote"?
Answer: VOTE FRAUD !
Same way she "won" against Bernie.
She really thought she was going to get away with it too. With the assistance of the DNC and 0bama.
She thought wrong. The DNC thought wrong. 0bama thought wrong.
Where is 0bama now?
Oh yeah ... he fled the country. Without his family.

[Edited 3/23/2017 10:09:48 PM ]
3/23/2017 10:15:23 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
Fled the country already huh? Where? When?
Enquiring minds want to know...
You're aware of the "provide a link" policy, no?
3/23/2017 10:23:12 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Fled the country already huh? Where? When?
Enquiring minds want to know...
You're aware of the "provide a link" policy, no?
I already have a thread on the subject.
Has 0bama Fled the Country? Tons of cocaine found aboard Lady Michelle
3/23/2017 10:42:45 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
that is funny though!!!!!!
3/23/2017 10:46:41 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
Obama needs to stand trial for his actions, especially with regards to the Iran deal. John Kerry as well!
might want to revisit how Obama and Kerry saved the U.S billions by making that deal out of court before the world court added additional penalties
i have noticed that the least informed posters these days have the biggest mouths when it comes to blaming Obama
3/24/2017 1:20:32 AM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
And tell us all, who sits in judgement at the "world court"?
What might be the name, address and telephone number of this "world court"?
What is the case #?
And who was representing the United States of America?
You run your mouth, without ANY supporting facts! This "sham" of a settlement is just that! A "sham"! Who gave authorization to settle as opposed to letting the case go to trial!? Who made the determination is was in our best interest to settle!? What proof do we have to that effect?
Just sounds like to me, it was an easy way for Obama and Kerry to send their Muslim buddies in Iran a bunch of cash without any oversight whatsoever! You haven't even the slightest idea how court works do you!? A majority of Americans would have rather gone to trial, and then appealed if needed, before giving a state sponsor of terror what amounts to hundreds of billions in cash!
You better answer all my questions there Fall Guy, because your answer that we settled before the courts could impost any additional interest lacks any reasonable justification whatsoever!
I want to know all the details because I may just look the case up and file on behalf of the people of the United States to get the facts!
3/24/2017 10:47:14 AM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Hawaii Officials Make Massive Announcement About Obama’s Birth Certificate!
OBAMA TREASON: Hawaii Officials Make Massive Announcement re Obama’s Birth Certificate!!

In his first term as President, Barack Obama faced continuous questions about his true identity—many of which have remained unanswered. Concerns have been raised that Obama was not born in the United States, and is therefore not eligible to lead our country.
Just before he was reelected, Obama released a birth certificate that was later deemed to be manipulated.
Now, former Hawaii elections clerk Tim Adams has come forward under oath to claim that his supervisors told him that no hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Barack Obama Jr. in the state of Hawaii.
Adams worked in the City and County of Honolulu Elections division for five months as a senior elections clerk, supervising a group of 50 to 60 employees that were responsible for verifying the identity of Absentee Ballot Office. This is where Adams learned of Obama’s records.
“I became aware that many requests were being made to the City and County of Honolulu Elections Division, the Hawaii Office of Elections, and the Hawaii Department of Health from around the country to obtain a copy of then-Senator Barack Obama’s long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate,” Adams swore in an affidavit.
“There was no record that any such document had ever been on file in the Hawaii Department of Health or any other branch or department of the Hawaii government,” Adams concluded.
3/24/2017 10:49:48 AM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
Excellent work Bobby!
3/24/2017 10:58:33 AM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Loganville, GA
54, joined May. 2010
When they put George W. Bush, D*ck Cheny, and Condoleeza Rice in prison for lying to the American people about their reasons for going to war then you can put Obama in jail. What the dumbya administration did was far worse.
3/24/2017 11:22:57 AM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
B1tch they had proof Saddam used WMD's and gassed the Kurds! THEY HAD PROOF!
Iraq was a situation that needed to be dealt with, and unlike Obama's wars that had no congressional approval, Bush had congressional approval for his Iraq war! There is a big difference!
Besides, your party has absolutely NO credibility anymore! NONE!
3/24/2017 11:28:30 AM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from stellar007:
B1tch they had proof Saddam used WMD's and gassed the Kurds! THEY HAD PROOF!
Iraq was a situation that needed to be dealt with, and unlike Obama's wars that had no congressional approval, Bush had congressional approval for his Iraq war! There is a big difference!
Besides, your party has absolutely NO credibility anymore! NONE!
Conflate much?
It's true Hussein used chemical weapons when Iraq attacked Iran; that had been given to him by the Reagan Administration, but those weapons were used up and were not replaced.
(((They))) had proof?
No, what (((they))) had were more lies that were used to fool the people (((they))) had already tricked with their propaganda.
(((They))) ... meaning the Zio Media conglomerate ABCNNBCBSFOXNYTAP duped you just as (((they))) duped everyone else (((they))) had trained (like poodles) to hate (((THEIR))) enemies.
[Edited 3/24/2017 11:29:37 AM ]
3/24/2017 11:34:40 AM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |

Jacksonville, FL
51, joined Jul. 2014
Just hand it off to Jeff Sessions and concentrate on the economy, the wall, illegal immigration and everything else after that.
3/24/2017 11:36:38 AM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
Yes, but you know how these things tend to get swept under the rug unless there is a big media outcry...
I been suffering for 8 long years under Obama! So has this entire nation! It's time for some heads to roll!
3/24/2017 11:42:00 AM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |

Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
It's obvious Obama was treasonous in his laundering of billions of dollars to Iran...
It's obvious Obama was treasonous when he went to Hawaii to meddle in US policy..
It's obvious Obama's influence on a Judge he put on the bench in Hawaii has seriously put our national security at risk!
So why are we waiting!? We need to get his black a** behind bars before he can do any further damage!
We need to get his black a** behind bars before he vanishes off to some secret location and blabs all our national security secrets!
We need to get his black a** behind bars before we have to spend Trillions finding him!
Anyone agree?
Trying to deflect from the craziness going on with the trump administration, huh?
3/24/2017 11:44:24 AM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
If anything we are trying to deal with issues deflected by Obama over the past 8 years.. You could say Trump was elected to get to the bottom of these issues...
So you have Obama to thank for Trump.
3/24/2017 11:52:00 AM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
Quote from stellar007:
B1tch they had proof Saddam used WMD's and gassed the Kurds! THEY HAD PROOF!
Iraq was a situation that needed to be dealt with, and unlike Obama's wars that had no congressional approval, Bush had congressional approval for his Iraq war! There is a big difference!
Besides, your party has absolutely NO credibility anymore! NONE!
Conflate much?
It's true Hussein used chemical weapons when Iraq attacked Iran; that had been given to him by the Reagan Administration, but those weapons were used up and were not replaced.
(((They))) had proof?
No, what (((they))) had were more lies that were used to fool the people (((they))) had already tricked with their propaganda.
(((They))) ... meaning the Zio Media conglomerate ABCNNBCBSFOXNYTAP duped you just as (((they))) duped everyone else (((they))) had trained (like poodles) to hate (((THEIR))) enemies.
So basically you are admitting that since Iraq failed to take down Iran, as promised, Iraq was liberated.
Sounds reasonable... We did give Iraq a whole lot of weapons to achieve that goal, but they failed and tried to pull an Iran on us... So in reality Bobby, Iran and Iraq have always been the main objective...
3/24/2017 11:54:34 AM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Loganville, GA
54, joined May. 2010
B1tch they had proof Saddam used WMD's and gassed the Kurds! THEY HAD PROOF!
Iraq was a situation that needed to be dealt with, and unlike Obama's wars that had no congressional approval, Bush had congressional approval for his Iraq war! There is a big difference!
Besides, your party has absolutely NO credibility anymore! NONE!
I guess you're right because when we invaded we found WMD's.........oh wait.
3/25/2017 2:30:45 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
Republican congressional investigators expect a potential "smoking gun" establishing that the Obama administration spied on the Trump transition team, and possibly the president-elect himself, will be produced to the House Intelligence Committee this week
3/25/2017 2:34:00 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
The reason Democrats have no respect for the law is because no one ever holds them accountable.
If the only thing Trump does is expose the past administration and prosecute them - that would be enough for me.
3/25/2017 4:59:24 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
The reason Democrats have no respect for the law is because no one ever holds them accountable.
If the only thing Trump does is expose the past administration and prosecute them - that would be enough for me.
is this before or after Ryan calls for Putin's puppet impeachment???
3/25/2017 5:32:10 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
Democrats are really grasping at straws with this Russia thing. Trump has never been involved with Russia like the Clintons or many other Democrats! It's just absolutely ridiculous and a majority of Americans feel this way too! None of Trumps biological family hails from Russia, and historically Trump has never been known to be involved with Russia!
But democrats are more than ok electing a guy born in Kenya with a radical Muslim father to lead, or should I say run our country into the ground the past 8 years!
It's getting to the point now I wish we would have a civil war! Just so I could legally wax some of these liberal traitors! America needs to purge this scum from our country before they give it away to people who could care less about us.
3/25/2017 6:11:15 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
Democrats are really grasping at straws with this Russia thing. Trump has never been involved with Russia like the Clintons or many other Democrats! It's just absolutely ridiculous and a majority of Americans feel this way too! None of Trumps biological family hails from Russia, and historically Trump has never been known to be involved with Russia!
But democrats are more than ok electing a guy born in Kenya with a radical Muslim father to lead, or should I say run our country into the ground the past 8 years!
It's getting to the point now I wish we would have a civil war! Just so I could legally wax some of these liberal traitors! America needs to purge this scum from our country before they give it away to people who could care less about us.
Trump has never been known to be involved with Russia!
3/25/2017 6:15:42 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
All roads from Russia lead right back to the Democrats. But it's really little more than a distraction. They all know that no matter how many investigations are conducted nothing ever will come from them.
3/25/2017 6:17:26 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |

Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012
Let it go
3/25/2017 6:19:13 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
Let it go
You talking to Muldoon???  
3/25/2017 6:20:16 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |

Vallejo, CA
57, joined Feb. 2008
online now!

3/25/2017 6:21:05 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |

Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012
whoever is still b*tching about obama.
I dont like obama anymore than the next guy.
But i dont sit here and let him ruin my day ever day either.
3/25/2017 7:00:37 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Painesville, OH
97, joined Mar. 2014
Democrats are really grasping at straws with this Russia thing. Trump has never been involved with Russia like the Clintons or many other Democrats! It's just absolutely ridiculous and a majority of Americans feel this way too! None of Trumps biological family hails from Russia, and historically Trump has never been known to be involved with Russia!
But democrats are more than ok electing a guy born in Kenya with a radical Muslim father to lead, or should I say run our country into the ground the past 8 years!
It's getting to the point now I wish we would have a civil war! Just so I could legally wax some of these liberal traitors! America needs to purge this scum from our country before they give it away to people who could care less about us.
Do you always speak for the majority of how Americans feel about certain politics? Do you have any evidence most would rather just move along knowing that the possibility exists this admins may have colluded with Russia? I'll bet. Remember when the Right spent much of Obama's terms tilting at windmills, from the Birth Certificate to Benghazi, to the E-Mails, they were so sure they were just about there, just needed one more report, one more little bit of information, and each time a News Story or a rumor came out they were positive, positive that this would be either the "Impeach Him" or the "Lock Her Up" moment for sure, and every time it fell flat. So much for that huh?
If as you claim Trump has never been known to be involved with Russia, then why, during a press club meeting in 2014, in the US, Trump boasted to reporters he met Putin during that time? Fact is, Trump lied about his connections to Russians, as well as having lied about his monetary connections. And if its not obvious enough per his own Twittering, he is without a doubt a secret admirer of Putin, and considers him a mentor to follow his footsteps. This is a fact no one can deny, yet you'd rather just sweep it under the rug despite allegations made about the Trump campaign, the Trump administration, and its ties to Russia are without any doubt quite a bit more serious than load of BS you attempt to post as actual truth.
So really, all in all, there appears to be at least sufficient information not to completely dismiss such allegations out of hand, and as a result the intelligence services are carrying out a thorough investigation. Until that investigation is complete they are not going to jump the gun (in stark contrast to the way the FBI handled the pre-election announcement regarding Hillary's emails/Benghazi, etc). And at least here we can also add to the fact that Flynn resigned and it's clear his conversations with the Russian ambassador had something to do with it. Certainly more than just circumstantial evidence there.
Seems to me if anything, from what I see, is Stellar would much rather risk the Trump admins possibly handing over our country to Russia, and its intelligence agency.
3/25/2017 7:04:23 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
Trying to deflect from the craziness going on with the trump administration, huh?
Your mouth goes like a Duck's ass.
3/25/2017 7:57:50 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
Your mouth goes like a Duck's ass.
I see City is still in denial about her lover O'bummer being in on the surveillance and with Putin, HA HA HA.....
3/25/2017 7:59:57 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |
Aurora, CO
39, joined Feb. 2017
I see City is still in denial about her lover O'bummer being in on the surveillance and with Putin, HA HA HA.....
And a Muslim with a phony birth certificate.
3/25/2017 8:20:51 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
Do you always speak for the majority of how Americans feel about certain politics? Do you have any evidence most would rather just move along knowing that the possibility exists this admins may have colluded with Russia? I'll bet. Remember when the Right spent much of Obama's terms tilting at windmills, from the Birth Certificate to Benghazi, to the E-Mails, they were so sure they were just about there, just needed one more report, one more little bit of information, and each time a News Story or a rumor came out they were positive, positive that this would be either the "Impeach Him" or the "Lock Her Up" moment for sure, and every time it fell flat. So much for that huh?
If as you claim Trump has never been known to be involved with Russia, then why, during a press club meeting in 2014, in the US, Trump boasted to reporters he met Putin during that time? Fact is, Trump lied about his connections to Russians, as well as having lied about his monetary connections. And if its not obvious enough per his own Twittering, he is without a doubt a secret admirer of Putin, and considers him a mentor to follow his footsteps. This is a fact no one can deny, yet you'd rather just sweep it under the rug despite allegations made about the Trump campaign, the Trump administration, and its ties to Russia are without any doubt quite a bit more serious than load of BS you attempt to post as actual truth.
So really, all in all, there appears to be at least sufficient information not to completely dismiss such allegations out of hand, and as a result the intelligence services are carrying out a thorough investigation. Until that investigation is complete they are not going to jump the gun (in stark contrast to the way the FBI handled the pre-election announcement regarding Hillary's emails/Benghazi, etc). And at least here we can also add to the fact that Flynn resigned and it's clear his conversations with the Russian ambassador had something to do with it. Certainly more than just circumstantial evidence there.
Seems to me if anything, from what I see, is Stellar would much rather risk the Trump admins possibly handing over our country to Russia, and its intelligence agency.
I speak to the truth you daft old man! This nation is tired of you rejects making us take 10 steps back every time your pathetic a$$es promise the moon and fail to deliver! Your teams healthcare bill $ucks and is coming undone at the seams! Your 1diotic choice for President has divided this nation more than I have ever seen in my entire life! To the point I am mulling civil war! Your old bag house minority speaker Nancy Pelosi is an over the hill $lut who doesn't give two $hits about the people she represents - and yes I seen her at President Trumps 1st bill signing acting like a little whor3 for nothing more than a gawd damn PEN! A fu@king PEN! Think what she does every day for a few dollars!
I'm done with your half-baked leaders and ideas! DONE! I'm done with all the time you waste with your non-issues and pathetic attempts to stay relevant in the face of failure! I'm done with all your Obama era hold overs in the FBI, CIA and NSA trying to cause issues and always letting the people who fail so miserably, often times purposely for monetary gain, walk Scott free! You jacka$$es get in power and it's as if reality is a mere afterthought!
I'm tired of the reverse racism coming from leaders who aren't even of African American decent, for the sole purpose of causing problems! I am tired of Obama inciting riots and public unrest! I am tired of Obama giving state sponsors of terror billions of dollars to let them continue on with their anti-American campaigns! I am tired of Democrats indoctrinating our children to feel as if they should seek out "safe-spaces", "affirmative action assistance", "welfare" and everything that comes with being a liberal! I wan't these black guys to come up without having to feel like they cheated to get where they are at! I want them to come up knowing the white guy selling drugs and causing trouble will be hunted by the police just the same, because they are!
I was very happy when Trump got elected! But you damn liberals are like a static cling that just wont go away no matter how hard you try and shake it!
So yeah! I'm good and p1ssed off we are having to clean up your mess and getting nothing but static from you jacka$$es along the way! MAN UP OR GET OUT!
[Edited 3/25/2017 8:22:57 PM ]
3/25/2017 8:24:07 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
let the blame Obama tour begin

the inept GOP just lacks leaderships skills to get anything done , so their sheeple Must blame Obama for the next 4 years

3/25/2017 8:27:32 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
Wake up punk! I don't want to blame Obama! I want him prosecuted!
The blame game is for Democrats! If I don't see some prosecutions I may just stay home on election day and save my time!
3/25/2017 8:47:13 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Edmonton, KY
62, joined Apr. 2010
let the blame Obama tour begin
Like obama blaming Bush for 8 years?
3/25/2017 8:49:26 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
Wake up punk! I don't want to blame Obama! I want him prosecuted!
The blame game is for Democrats! If I don't see some prosecutions I may just stay home on election day and save my time!
what ever you do don't hold YOUR party accountable for anything
wake up zippy........the GOP fed you lies and you fell for the...........again
they only care about getting elected and the reelected
3/25/2017 8:54:01 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Painesville, OH
97, joined Mar. 2014
Wake up punk! I don't want to blame Obama! I want him prosecuted!
The blame game is for Democrats! If I don't see some prosecutions I may just stay home on election day and save my time!
You might want to just try addressing the Kenyan reference flaw BS on its own in your previous post if you want people to think you can understand or know the truth about politics. And quit whining already, else you'll end up putting out that cigarette with all your tears.
3/25/2017 8:57:54 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Painesville, OH
97, joined Mar. 2014
lol silly Bannon thinking he can order anyone besides Trump around.

3/27/2017 10:32:49 AM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
Like obama blaming Bush for 8 years?
can you share a quote of any kind from Obama blaming BUSH for anything?
3/27/2017 10:36:32 AM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |

Annapolis, MD
38, joined Feb. 2013
And a Muslim with a phony birth certificate.
I see the birthers haven't given up yet.
3/27/2017 10:38:21 AM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Roslindale, MA
38, joined Jun. 2014
I see the birthers haven't given up yet.
We kinda won't until he releases his actual bc lol
3/27/2017 10:39:04 AM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Oral, SD
51, joined Aug. 2013
Democrats are really grasping at straws with this Russia thing. Trump has never been involved with Russia like the Clintons or many other Democrats! It's just absolutely ridiculous and a majority of Americans feel this way too! None of Trumps biological family hails from Russia, and historically Trump has never been known to be involved with Russia!

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Look who has some upper level clearance here!!!!
Let me ask you this, shitbag. If Trump has nothing to do with the Russians, no family and all as pointed out by you, then why is his name and most of his staff being mentioned in wire taps?
f**kin morons
3/27/2017 10:42:52 AM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from cafe_express:
I see City is still in denial about her lover O'bummer being in on the surveillance and with Putin, HA HA HA.....
City is bummed out over an Israeli being behind the prank bomb call hoax.

3/27/2017 9:35:46 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Falkville, AL
74, joined Nov. 2011
online now!
Stellar, you say: “Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail.”
Yeph, you are correct, and the intelligence agencies are working on that even as I write. You see, there was a huge, international drug bust in the Virgin Islands in the Caribbean the other day that implemented Obama in the illegal international drug trade, and Obama is now on the run--he fled to a private Pacific island. He went on the run right after he visited the Hawaii Federal judge there to get him to stop President Trump’s immigration order.
Obama had been illegally importing drugs into the US while President and profiting from it. See the link:
Obama on the run after drug busts have begun?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oITR0fkAoOM
And I understand he has not returned to his DC mansion out of fear of being arrested.
And now the FBI has raided Obama’s DC mansion and wiretapped it. See the link:
FBI raid on Obama’s DC mansion and wiretaps (2 weeks ago): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2_5obdOyLI
Meanwhile in Hawaii, Hawaii officials make a massive announcement re Obama’s birth: there is no Hawaii birth certiciate on record in Hawaii for Obama, the document Obama presented is fraudulent, it is computer generated and does not exist See the link:
Obama treason: Hawaii officials make massive announcement re Obama’s birth [there is no Hawaii birth certificate, the document Obama presented is computer generated and does not exist in the Hawaii birth records]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHnYRi3-y5I
And Obama’s brother and other family members have just publicly confirmed that Obama was born in Kenya, and his brother has presented an official British confirmation of his Kenyan Birth Certificate. So Obama was never legally president and is guilty of massive fraud concerning his birth certificate. So, legally, everything he has said and done as president is null and void. He is guilty of treason.
another huge scandal concerning the funding of ObamaCare has now come to light that will also get him thrown into jail, if he returns to his mansion, but I won't get into that here. So many scandals, scandal after scandal. Nothing but scandals.
3/27/2017 11:13:01 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
C'mon Louie, no need to cut it short.. you know you want to finish your story. Why deny yourself a little pleasure? Or are you just afraid?
3/27/2017 11:22:55 PM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Bryan, TX
33, joined Apr. 2013
Louie looks like the dead guy in that weekend at bernie's movie.
3/28/2017 12:06:18 AM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
I see the birthers haven't given up yet.
it's amazing how they flock together at times though
it's like watching dumb and dumber
3/28/2017 12:20:23 AM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
You two got that double Dutch rudder down to a science!
Which one of y'all is the Dom? You both sound like a couple of Subs to me.
Don't make me force you to scream your safe word! DH CE&P isn't your "safe" zone.. Just ask Bobby, he's still crying in his German beer.
3/28/2017 12:28:04 AM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from Der untermenschen stellar007:
You two got that double Dutch rudder down to a science!
Which one of y'all is the Dom? You both sound like a couple of Subs to me.
Don't make me force you to scream your safe word! DH CE&P isn't your "safe" zone.. Just ask Bobby, he's still crying in his German beer.
Legend in your own mind, eh? 
Don't forget to take your eyes off the bling, untermensch. 

3/28/2017 1:22:15 AM |
Obama needs to be arrested and thrown in jail! | Page 2 |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
