3/20/2017 8:24:19 PM |
Hahaha trump tweeting during the testimony | Page 2 |

New Port Richey, FL
82, joined Aug. 2013
Fidel bowed to no one for more than 50 years.. especially not to the superpower number one.. little boy trump bend over for the Russian comrades!!

You've got him mixed up wit yo mom and slutty sister, ya dumb c*nt!!!!
You whinin' b*tches are all gonna bow down to mymandonaldjtrump reeeeaaaalll sooooonn!!!
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

3/20/2017 8:33:02 PM |
Hahaha trump tweeting during the testimony | Page 2 |


Plymouth, MI
42, joined Dec. 2013
Quote from stellar007:
Billions to Iran - CASH
How dare he unfreeze Iran's assets in America and give them their money back. Without interest, even.
I forgot about your little love affair with Iran... But the truth be known they are some crooked c0ck suckers! They changed up their regime in an effort to buy weapons from the USA, weapons they knew full well we would never sell them with their radical Islamic leaders in power... Soon as they paid for them they tried to pull a fast one and switched back to a radical leadership, to which the USA said "Two can play that game" and stiffed them miserable c0ck suckers.
What Obama did basically amounts to laundering money for Iran, by giving them cash money out of a general account without any congressional approval! They weren't entitled to any interest, in fact they weren't even entitled to a refund the slippery, shifty c0ck suckers!
Even after Obama gave them money he shouldn't have, they still act like c0ck suckers! Obama and John Kerry should both have to face the music for this ignorant decision to give a state sponsor of terror that much cash with no strings attached! Especially since they basically extorted it out of us by holding our service men and women hostage! But what did Obama and Kerry do? Broke a major policy of America and negotiated with terrorist! What did they do with the money? Bought more weapons! The very thing we been trying to keep them from doing all these years!
To be quite blunt Bobby, Iran is nation the USA can NEVER trust! EVER! Obama and Kerry should be tried for all these crimes and more! Yet people want to talk bad about Trump, over some 1gnorant trivial $hit when Obama and co. was doing this!?
3/20/2017 8:48:00 PM |
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Vancouver, WA
35, joined May. 2014
Fidel bowed to no one for more than 50 years.. especially not to the superpower number one.. little boy trump bend over for the Russian comrades!!

Only one president bent over for Putin

3/20/2017 8:56:51 PM |
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Plymouth, MI
42, joined Dec. 2013

3/20/2017 8:57:31 PM |
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Lufkin, TX
57, joined Aug. 2010
I forgot about your little love affair with Iran... But the truth be known they are some crooked c0ck suckers! They changed up their regime in an effort to buy weapons from the USA, weapons they knew full well we would never sell them with their radical Islamic leaders in power... Soon as they paid for them they tried to pull a fast one and switched back to a radical leadership, to which the USA said "Two can play that game" and stiffed them miserable c0ck suckers.
What Obama did basically amounts to laundering money for Iran, by giving them cash money out of a general account without any congressional approval! They weren't entitled to any interest, in fact they weren't even entitled to a refund the slippery, shifty c0ck suckers!
Even after Obama gave them money he shouldn't have, they still act like c0ck suckers! Obama and John Kerry should both have to face the music for this ignorant decision to give a state sponsor of terror that much cash with no strings attached! Especially since they basically extorted it out of us by holding our service men and women hostage! But what did Obama and Kerry do? Broke a major policy of America and negotiated with terrorist! What did they do with the money? Bought more weapons! The very thing we been trying to keep them from doing all these years!
To be quite blunt Bobby, Iran is nation the USA can NEVER trust! EVER! Obama and Kerry should be tried for all these crimes and more! Yet people want to talk bad about Trump, over some 1gnorant trivial $hit when Obama and co. was doing this!?
You certainly do enjoy your Zio myth's; I'll say that for you.
I'd wager you even believe the whopper about the 72 virgins for the suicide bombers, amirite? 
Debunking the 'Suicide for 72 Virgins' Myth | The Ugly Truth
https://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2007/03/04/debunki...Proxy Highlight
Mar 4, 2007 ... One of the biggest Israeli propaganda myths is the invention of 72 virgins as a Muslim reward for suicide. This has been repeated to the ...
Oh but WAIT ... they BEHEAD people, right?
Pentagon Paid PR Firm $540 Million to Make Fake Terrorist Videos
www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2...Proxy Highlight
Oct 2, 2016 ... The Pentagon paid a UK PR firm half a billion dollars to create fake terrorist videos in Iraq in a secret propaganda campaign exposed by the ...
Hold on, you'll say ... they're the chief exporter of terrorism cause Zio Media SAYS SO!
Israel and Proxy Terrorism - The Atlantic
www.theatlantic.com/international/print/2012/02/israe...Proxy Highlight
Feb 13, 2012 ... "Isn't Iran itself the leading exporter of terrorism in the world?" asks The New York Post. And there's the argument that Iran is an existential ...
Is America the World's Largest Sponsor of Terrorism?
www.washingtonsblog.com/2012/08/is-america-the-worlds...Proxy Highlight
Aug 6, 2012 ... The United States has long been an exporter of terrorism, according to a secret CIA analysis released Wednesday by the Web site WikiLeaks.
Dammit longbobby, you'll say ... they, they, they did 911 ... you'll claim in total desperation, grabbing for any straw....
9-11/Israel did it - Wikispooks
https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11/Israel_did_itProxy Highlight
Oct 8, 2016 ... This article marshals evidence for the proposition that "Israel did it". ... Underground forum headed "Israel did 9/11 - All the proof in the world".
Israel did 9/11 - ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD - The Info Underground
www.theinfounderground.com/smf/index.php?topic=5367.0Proxy Highlight
For a more in depth look at the Israeli 9-11 attack it is recommended that you read Christopher Bollyn's book Solving 9-11: The Deception that ...
Iran does hang homosexuals, no doubt you have a problem with that too? 
[Edited 3/20/2017 8:59:03 PM ]
3/20/2017 9:00:55 PM |
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Plymouth, MI
42, joined Dec. 2013
Bobby you seem to be somewhat of a fence jumper...
Or maybe your Mom or Dad were Iranian? Or maybe you have an illegitimate child you fathered over there...
Not sure what it is... But the one thing I can't understand is how you can pretend to be a Trump supporter if you have such compassion for Iran and Muslims!? How is that Bobby? Please explain!
3/20/2017 9:06:20 PM |
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Lufkin, TX
57, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from stellar007:
Bobby you seem to be somewhat of a fence jumper...
Or maybe your Mom or Dad were Iranian? Or maybe you have an illegitimate child you fathered over there...
Not sure what it is... But the one thing I can't understand is how you can pretend to be a Trump supporter if you have such compassion for Iran and Muslims!? How is that Bobby? Please explain!
And maybe you're no different from liberals when it comes to being presented with facts you cannot refute or rebut? 
A Christian is supposed to have compassion. Did you forget about that? 
I have no love for Iran nor Iranians although they did treat me well when I was assigned to duty in their country. Much more so than Israelis did when I was assigned to duty in their occupied, no defined borders, territory ... er ah ... country.
At least, no Iranians ever tried to kill me. I can't say the same for the Israelis.
3/20/2017 9:11:31 PM |
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Santa Clarita, CA
98, joined Feb. 2013
Bobby you seem to be somewhat of a fence jumper...
Or maybe your Mom or Dad were Iranian? Or maybe you have an illegitimate child you fathered over there...
Not sure what it is... But the one thing I can't understand is how you can pretend to be a Trump supporter if you have such compassion for Iran and Muslims!? How is that Bobby? Please explain!
Please ! Bobby was radicalized as a Muslim in prison ...... Happens to many .
3/20/2017 9:12:55 PM |
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Lufkin, TX
57, joined Aug. 2010
Oh btw stellar? Vlad Putin has no great love for Israel either. Why do you suppose that might be? Think it might be because he sees through their propaganda? Unlike yourself, for example? 
Putin tells Benjamin Netanyahu to suck his balls, Israel is not allowed to attack Syria anymore!
Russia has sent a clear message to Israel that the rules of the game have changed in Syria and its freedom to act in Syrian skies is over, Syria’s ambassador to the United Nations said on Sunday night.
“Putin sent a clear message,” said Bashar Jaafari, speaking on Syrian television. “The fact is that the Israeli ambassador [to Russia] was summoned for a conversation only a day after he submitted his credentials [to the Russian Foreign Ministry last Thursday], and was told categorically that this game is over.”
3/20/2017 11:31:47 PM |
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Lufkin, TX
57, joined Aug. 2010
Rand Paul made a very good Point, James Comey lied on national Tv!
The sheer fact that somebody released the leak of a taped phone call of Michael Flynn which did happen, proves he was tapped!
3/21/2017 1:20:28 AM |
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Greensburg, PA
59, joined Dec. 2013
Quote from stellar007:Billions to Iran - CASH
Obviously, you're not a student of history.
It's been a war crime for the last 200 years, to engage in "pillaging".
You know, like in "rape and pillage"? The money that was given to Iran, was money that was seized during the Iran hostage crisis in the 70s. Or rather, the funds were not so much seized as they were frozen. The United States had a legal obligation to return those monies. Otherwise, we would've been in violation of international law, not to mention having broken about 10 treaties since the signing of the Geneva conventions.
3/21/2017 5:18:56 AM |
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Brockton, MA
53, joined Sep. 2011
Trump is the President... He could fire Comey and replace him tomorrow.
Unlike Obama, President Trump bows to NO-ONE! You Rats will soon learn as time passes that Trump is a freight train at full throttle that will run over anything in his way.
The best part is when his administration and Supreme Court is in full effect, there is going to be some crying little Dem b1tches!
he bows to Putin
3/21/2017 5:26:20 AM |
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Richmond, VA
40, joined May. 2014
How do you cross examine an anonymous source in a court of law? 
3/21/2017 7:40:25 AM |
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South Dartmouth, MA
54, joined Oct. 2012
I wish they would all get over this wire tapping. Donald woke up early started reading the national enquire saw someone said his phone was tapped and tweeted. Plain and sinmple. He's an idiot. There was no thought into it there is no conspiracy there is no plan he just wrote what he saw. I want to get this Russia shit done wire tapping done so trump can feel comfortable again so he can move on to his next F**K UP!!! Hahaha I'm dying to see what's next. I'm bored with this shit already.
3/21/2017 7:58:24 AM |
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Roslindale, MA
39, joined Jun. 2014
Hey who's your president?? 
3/21/2017 8:39:42 AM |
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Richmond, VA
40, joined May. 2014
I wish they would all get over this wire tapping. I want to get this Russia shit done wire tapping done so trump can feel comfortable again so he can move on to his next F**K UP!!! Hahaha I'm dying to see what's next. I'm bored with this shit already.
Hope you are hungry for a bunch of nothing burgers.
The left wing menu is full of them.
I agree that all these court hearings are getting old.
Let them get to work and stop slowing down progess.
3/21/2017 8:54:01 AM |
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Minneapolis, MN
54, joined Apr. 2014
Until his next lie.
It must be all the little voices in his head.....
3/21/2017 10:45:45 AM |
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Painesville, OH
98, joined Mar. 2014
Hey who's your president?? 
Wouldn't surprise me at all if finally one of 45's stunts causes grief to you or a family member you'd continue to keep your affected sense of humor by denying it.
3/21/2017 10:55:34 AM |
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Roslindale, MA
39, joined Jun. 2014
Wouldn't surprise me at all if finally one of 45's stunts causes grief to you or a family member you'd continue to keep your affected sense of humor by denying it.
3/21/2017 11:06:01 AM |
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Painesville, OH
98, joined Mar. 2014
Over your head already? Ye gads, put your thinking cap on for a change.
3/21/2017 11:13:02 AM |
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Roslindale, MA
39, joined Jun. 2014
Over your head already? Ye gads, put your thinking cap on for a change.
Are you threatening my family?
3/21/2017 11:17:07 AM |
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South Dartmouth, MA
54, joined Oct. 2012
Omg jitts get a job and get off the video games
3/21/2017 11:24:05 AM |
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New Port Richey, FL
82, joined Aug. 2013
Mymandonaldjtrump is gonna get shit done despite the whining and obstructionism of the lefty cry babies!!!! 
3/21/2017 11:34:48 AM |
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Roslindale, MA
39, joined Jun. 2014
Omg jitts get a job and get off the video games
Says the fat over weight unattractive white girl lol
3/21/2017 11:41:43 AM |
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Lufkin, TX
57, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from mymanbarak:
I wish they would all get over this wire tapping. Donald woke up early started reading the national enquire saw someone said his phone was tapped and tweeted.
national enquire?
Do you always get the NYT and national enquire confused?
3/21/2017 11:42:25 AM |
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Lufkin, TX
57, joined Aug. 2010
Says the fat over weight unattractive white girl lol
Who seems to think the NYT is the National Enquirer. 
3/21/2017 12:15:10 PM |
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Painesville, OH
98, joined Mar. 2014
Are you threatening my family?
Don't have to. Trump's already enough threat as it is.
Says the fat over weight unattractive white girl lol
More school yard stuff again? Well, if anyone were trying out for the top model gluttony award, i'd be more apt give it to the woman standing to your left.
Your welcome.
3/21/2017 12:20:44 PM |
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Roslindale, MA
39, joined Jun. 2014
More school yard stuff again? Well, if anyone were trying out for the top model gluttony award, i'd be more apt give it to the woman standing to your left.
Your welcome.
You are by far the biggest puoussie on here lol
3/21/2017 2:31:43 PM |
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Lufkin, TX
57, joined Aug. 2010

3/21/2017 3:09:02 PM |
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Bryan, TX
34, joined Apr. 2013
Trump is an embarrassing little b*tch.
3/21/2017 3:13:16 PM |
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Richmond, VA
40, joined May. 2014
Obama was an embarrassing little b*tch.
Thank Allah that we finally a respectable POTUS.
It's a whole new ball game.
3/21/2017 5:04:37 PM |
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Lufkin, TX
57, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from mymanbarak:
I wish they would all get over this wire tapping. Donald woke up early started reading the national enquire saw someone said his phone was tapped and tweeted. Plain and sinmple.

3/21/2017 5:09:11 PM |
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Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
Trump is an embarrassing little b*tch.
If the couldn't see that before the election, they will NEVER see it.
3/21/2017 5:26:04 PM |
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San Francisco, CA
27, joined Jul. 2014
I am not whining about trump... I am laughing at him the same as more and more Americans and Republicans and the rest of world.. so I sit comfortable and know that his days in white house coming to end... is only you trump suporters who are nervous because every day more and more REPUBLICANS in the government are getting sick of this child..
3/21/2017 5:31:00 PM |
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Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
That is a true statement.
3/21/2017 6:19:47 PM |
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New Port Richey, FL
82, joined Aug. 2013
We're really getting sick of your sloppy blow jobs!!!!!!^^^^
3/21/2017 11:27:13 PM |
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Bryan, TX
34, joined Apr. 2013
It's a whole new ball game.
Now you're editing my posts? Knock it the f**k off.
3/21/2017 11:34:40 PM |
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Vancouver, WA
35, joined May. 2014
so I sit comfortable and know that his days in white house coming to end.
sitting comfortably for 8 yrs, you gotta get up sometime
3/22/2017 12:37:55 AM |
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Richmond, VA
40, joined May. 2014
Now you're making my posts better? Thanks so much.
Your welcome. 
3/22/2017 12:57:38 AM |
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Bryan, TX
34, joined Apr. 2013
This guy.
3/22/2017 3:03:41 AM |
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Minneapolis, MN
54, joined Apr. 2014
Now you're editing my posts? Knock it the f**k off.
Republicants are not capable of having their own thoughts.
All the Chief Thief had to do was repeat the same lie over & over & they bought it.
Now he's still lying & repeating it & they're still buying it.
When he's behind bars they will be just like the Charles Manson worshippers.
Too mind warped to help.
The rest of us will finally be able to sleep at night....

3/22/2017 5:52:04 AM |
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Boerne, TX
57, joined Nov. 2009
Republicants are not capable of having their own thoughts.
All the Chief Thief had to do was repeat the same lie over & over & they bought it.
Now he's still lying & repeating it & they're still buying it.
When he's behind bars they will be just like the Charles Manson worshippers.
Too mind warped to help.
The rest of us will finally be able to sleep at night....

Jason in TX is a communist.
Diametrically opposed to our way of life.
And you would align yourself with that?
The Orange man or whatever you want to call him won. He BEAT your candidate like a red headed step child.
If you didn't want him to win then why did you run the worst candidate ever: the WIFE of a former adulterous president, whose cum on an interns dress was used as evidence against him. Did you really want to return back to the 1990's? How STUPID is that?
"Russians" had nothing to do with it. You had a shitty candidate. But if believing its the "Russian" boogeymen...gets you to church on time, great.
We all know it couldn't have been candidate HilLIARy. 
3/22/2017 6:12:40 AM |
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Detroit, MI
56, joined Oct. 2013
The rest of us will finally be able to sleep at night....

Wow! You're really taking hillary's loss hard. Try sleeping pills.....or you could simply grow up.
3/22/2017 9:15:25 AM |
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Minneapolis, MN
54, joined Apr. 2014
Jason in TX is a communist.
Diametrically opposed to our way of life.
And you would align yourself with that?
Remind me again why the biggest communist (Putin) on the planet is Donnie's best bud?
Hilary lost by getting 3 MILLION more votes. Yes she did! Be proud of your runner up. But 2nd place isn't that bad when there are only 2 major candidates, right? lol.
The verdict isn't in yet on what role the Russians had during the election.
It's funny with all your worldly wisdom you missed that part. And a further update, both sides of the aisle are still interested in pursuing that minor issue.
At least we already know the Chief Cheat is a yuge fan of orange....
3/22/2017 9:53:02 AM |
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Greensburg, PA
59, joined Dec. 2013
Omg jitts get a job and get off the video games
He can't. He's doing time.
3/22/2017 3:16:07 PM |
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Murrysville, PA
56, joined Aug. 2011
sure is looking like Trump was right!!!
3/22/2017 3:25:40 PM |
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Orleans, ON
48, joined May. 2008
Trump is the President... He could fire Comey and replace him tomorrow.
Unlike Obama, President Trump bows to NO-ONE! You Rats will soon learn as time passes that Trump is a freight train at full throttle that will run over anything in his way.
You are describing a Dictator, like Hitler or Stalin.
3/22/2017 4:18:34 PM |
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Minneapolis, MN
54, joined Apr. 2014
Stellar seemed to have forgotten - Donnie always bends over for Putin.
I'd call that a bow!
And YES, trump is like a freight train - exactly like that one that was texting & driving & killed 50 something people.
[Edited 3/22/2017 4:20:16 PM ]
3/22/2017 4:25:50 PM |
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Grosse Pointe, MI
57, joined Mar. 2012
What are you loser liberals crying about now?
3/22/2017 5:56:56 PM |
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Mesquite, TX
66, joined Oct. 2010
What are you loser liberals crying about now?
I don't know if I'll Cry......I don't know if I'll die......Laughing! 
3/22/2017 7:05:17 PM |
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Roslindale, MA
39, joined Jun. 2014
We'll see who get the last laugh
3/22/2017 7:31:20 PM |
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Painesville, OH
98, joined Mar. 2014
We'll see who get the last laugh
Today the Wall Street Journal raised some eyebrows with a withering editorial saying Trump's disregard of the the Truth might lead to him being regarded by most Americans as a "Fake President". Coming from the solidily GOP Journal, this is a sign for even more trouble ahead for Trump.
Still laughing jits?
3/22/2017 7:42:05 PM |
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Santa Clarita, CA
98, joined Feb. 2013
Disregard of the truth ????? 
" I did not have sexual relations with that woman " !!!!!!
3/22/2017 7:44:14 PM |
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Minneapolis, MN
54, joined Apr. 2014
Jitz disappears if you hurt his itty bitty feewings.
I however find this hilarious!!!
What will his supporters do if he is found guilty of treason?
Will they lean to Putin? Move to Russia?
It kinda seems like they have a yearning for that whole "Stockholm Syndrome" thing.

3/22/2017 7:54:57 PM |
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Painesville, OH
98, joined Mar. 2014
Disregard of the truth ?????
" I did not have sexual relations with that woman " !!!!!!
While I understand law in regards to taking an oath, I estimate half of Clinton's accusers were philanderers themselves. Notably Newt Gingrich, who abandoned a wife with cancer for one of his conquests. Fact is, the witch hunt had nothing to do with his duties as POTUS.
3/22/2017 8:30:56 PM |
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Santa Clarita, CA
98, joined Feb. 2013
While I understand law in regards to taking an oath, I estimate half of Clinton's accusers were philanderers themselves. Notably Newt Gingrich, who abandoned a wife with cancer for one of his conquests. Fact is, the witch hunt had nothing to do with his duties as POTUS.
Oh.... We get it ! Don't look here .... Look over there ! Typical ..... 
And BTW .... He tainted the oval office !
[Edited 3/22/2017 8:32:19 PM ]
3/22/2017 8:32:57 PM |
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Brockton, MA
53, joined Sep. 2011
Disregard of the truth ?????
" I did not have sexual relations with that woman " !!!!!!
serious question
if a woman sucks a guys c*ck.........did she just lose her virginity?
3/22/2017 8:33:30 PM |
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Holiday, FL
27, joined Dec. 2014
Hahaha Trump tweeting the truth!!!
3/22/2017 8:39:26 PM |
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Santa Clarita, CA
98, joined Feb. 2013
serious question
if a woman sucks a guys c*ck.........did she just lose her virginity?
Ya , we get it ..... If he f@cked her in the A$$ it wouldn't be sex either ..... 
3/22/2017 8:40:42 PM |
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Painesville, OH
98, joined Mar. 2014
Oh.... We get it ! Don't look here .... Look over there ! Typical .....
And BTW .... He tainted the oval office !
Oh, we get it!!! There's also the capital gains tax cut masquerading as a healthcare policy that is about to be voted on soon. That wealthcare bill would be devastating to millions of Americans. Ah, but don't look here, because we'd prefer to continue the outrage at everyone noticing that the Republican party is lousy with bigots and racists, while in the meantime the current Potus taints the Oval office.