3/23/2017 9:55:32 AM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
24, joined Jan. 2016
Men I date always have an issue with my ex, or they develop an issue. I don't know if it is healthy or not but it sucks because I think their issue with him breaks the relationship down sometimes completely.
So wtf do I do when my ex is my best friend and they don't want me to see him any more?
That's not even going into the new arrangement I might want to try. I just don't like not having the intimacy and sex I sometimes have with my ex to date a new guy.
But its like literally as soon as you talk to a new guy they expect monagamy and I don't want to ruin something with someone good that I care about by saying I want us to be able to sleep with someone else until a later point in time.
I read on a site morethantwo.com that jealousy is symptom of something else like fear or insecurity. Its a good site but its not like I could just change my or the guy I'm dating emotions. I think jealousy motivates us to try to change what is causing the emotion by stopping it or something else like getting reassurance and affection idk.
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3/23/2017 10:01:00 AM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |

Cadiz, OH
35, joined Aug. 2015
Here's the deal on that one. He's an ex for a reason, being friends with him still is one thing but if you're trying to move on and have a healthy relationship with someone else you can't have the ex around like that. It creates doubt in the other guys head and leads to the possibility that something is going on between you and the ex. Plain and simple is either be with the ex or continue to be friends but you can't hang out with him like that or it will continue to be an issue and no guy is going to take you seriously.
3/23/2017 10:01:19 AM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |

Beverly Hills, CA
37, joined Jan. 2017
Yep, it's another one of those "self preservation" emotions. We have emotions for a reason...as a heads up to tell us "hey wait a minute, somethings not right here"
As with every emotion though there is healthy middle ground...don't use the extremes of it as examples of if it's good or bad.
A little jealously is good for both, it lets one know they are loved/wanted and the other aware of possible realities.
[Edited 3/23/2017 10:01:40 AM ]
3/23/2017 10:08:56 AM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |
Block Island, RI
39, joined Jan. 2017
Here's the deal on that one. He's an ex for a reason, being friends with him still is one thing but if you're trying to move on and have a healthy relationship with someone else you can't have the ex around like that. It creates doubt in the other guys head and leads to the possibility that something is going on between you and the ex. Plain and simple is either be with the ex or continue to be friends but you can't hang out with him like that or it will continue to be an issue and no guy is going to take you seriously.
In order to move on to a relationship with somebody NEW, you most definitely must cut most, if not all, ties with the person from your PAST.
3/23/2017 10:10:07 AM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |

28, joined Aug. 2013
If you're dating a sign known for it's jealousy it is.
Jealousy is fine. It depends on how you or they act on it.
3/23/2017 10:16:11 AM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
24, joined Jan. 2016
They try to ban me from seeing my ex. I say no and I usually break up because they just become insecure and increasingly upset and it just ends up making me feel stuck and become frustrated with them
3/23/2017 10:18:59 AM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |

Cadiz, OH
35, joined Aug. 2015
That's because if you're seriously trying to move on to a new relationship the ex shouldn't be in the picture anymore. If the new relationship is what you want you have to make sacrifices and show them they have no reason to be jealous and stop being around the ex.
It's never going to work if you keep having the ex around like that.
3/23/2017 10:21:17 AM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
24, joined Jan. 2016
My ex is pretty much my only friend so he will stick around
3/23/2017 10:22:19 AM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |

Cadiz, OH
35, joined Aug. 2015
Then any further relationship you pursue isn't going to work. You can't have that attachment to the ex and expect a guy not to be jealous.
3/23/2017 10:24:53 AM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |

44, joined Feb. 2017
A little bit yes. It's fine and it shows you care about the person.
Possessiveness, it's a big NO! A deal breaker for me. Period.
3/23/2017 10:27:13 AM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


Jackson, GA
51, joined Jan. 2017
that will never fly with other boys/ men whatever..never..no one will play second fiddle to a boy/ friend nope........
3/23/2017 10:28:10 AM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
24, joined Jan. 2016
It is hard because I made a new dating profile on POF and I'm talking to this guy I like but I'm mildly freaking out that in the future there will be the ex issue again. Iv only dated one guy who was pretty ok with my ex. Another guy wanted to date me and would of been ok with it cos he had a fwb but that guy was way obsessed with sex. So no.lol.
I think I actually like this guy but I guess I should remember that they always leave or treat me bad so try not to get too attached or take it too seriously.
3/23/2017 10:29:42 AM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |

Cadiz, OH
35, joined Aug. 2015
But if it's what you're looking for and what you want then staying away from the ex shouldn't be an issue.
3/23/2017 10:31:13 AM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |

Beverly Hills, CA
37, joined Jan. 2017
My ex is pretty much my only friend so he will stick around
As long as he's single himself..or thinks he's getting some ex sex.
Anyway your new guy can be your 'only' friend.
3/23/2017 10:36:33 AM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


Saint Louis, MO
63, joined Jun. 2007
They try to ban me from seeing my ex. I say no and I usually break up because they just become insecure and increasingly upset and it just ends up making me feel stuck and become frustrated with them
Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.
I would never stay with a woman who wouldn't have sex with me yet she continued to have sex with her ex. I don't know of any self respecting man who would.
3/23/2017 10:39:49 AM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


Saint Louis, MO
63, joined Jun. 2007
I think I actually like this guy but I guess I should remember that they always leave or treat me bad so try not to get too attached or take it too seriously.
Maybe you should treat him with the respect he deserves and quit screwing your ex.
3/23/2017 10:41:53 AM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |

San Antonio, TX
50, joined Nov. 2016
Here's the deal on that one. He's an ex for a reason, being friends with him still is one thing but if you're trying to move on and have a healthy relationship with someone else you can't have the ex around like that. It creates doubt in the other guys head and leads to the possibility that something is going on between you and the ex. Plain and simple is either be with the ex or continue to be friends but you can't hang out with him like that or it will continue to be an issue and no guy is going to take you seriously.

3/23/2017 10:41:59 AM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
24, joined Jan. 2016
But if it's what you're looking for and what you want then staying away from the ex shouldn't be an issue.
I love my ex though just not in a sexually passionate way. Its hard to explain. Its Agape love. The love I have for boyfriends is both Agape and Eros love. Anyway my ex means a lot to me so I won't let him go. Tomorrow I'm going to my class with him and back to his place so gonna watch yuri on ice lolol and No6. Then we going to a restraunt for dinner :3
Great song
[Edited 3/23/2017 10:42:33 AM ]
3/23/2017 10:44:52 AM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |

San Antonio, TX
50, joined Nov. 2016
My ex is pretty much my only friend so he will stick around
Maybe your ex shouldn't be your ex. Maybe you both should just be together & just be with each other.
3/23/2017 11:01:56 AM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
24, joined Jan. 2016
I just have a lot of conflicting thoughts on the matter.
1. Wanting to be loyal to new guy vs guilt and my own sexual and emotional needs.
2. Wanting him to not suffer from not having sex with me vs probably being depressed from him sleeping with someone else
3. Wanting to get close to the new love interest sexually vs an intense fear of abandonment and my own insecurities and worries that it won't be good etc etc
4. Wanting to wait to do anything sexual because of said fear vs difficulty of explaining that I want to wait and that he might not be sympathetic to my needs.
3/23/2017 11:20:08 AM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


United Kingdom
43, joined Mar. 2016
Is this the Ex you booty call?
If so, you are giving the person reason.
3/23/2017 11:27:30 AM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |

Beverly Hills, CA
37, joined Jan. 2017
You think about/Analyze this shit way too much.
Just do it...what happens happens what doesn't happen doesn't happen what will be will be what won't be won't be I'll show you mine if you show my yours first.
3/23/2017 12:13:19 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


Gainesville, FL
55, joined May. 2011
She is going to turn into a BumbleBee, she will probably buy a hat next.
3/23/2017 12:30:37 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


Marysville, WA
57, joined Aug. 2013
online now!
Dump the ex.then only then can you move on.
3/23/2017 12:30:47 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


Fort Payne, AL
62, joined Apr. 2011
Lets just hope, she doesn't into another pregnant frog...one around here is enough.
3/23/2017 1:22:50 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


Grand Prairie, TX
99, joined May. 2016
My ex is pretty much my only friend so he will stick around
Ask yourself how you would feel if things were the opposite and it was the guy you were dating with a female ex that he refused to give up?....I say you have an unhealthy attachment to your ex and you shouldn't be dragging anyone else into that mess and expecting them to accept it....
3/23/2017 1:46:16 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


Henderson, NV
58, joined May. 2009
Oh, stop with your Eros and Agape love and attempts to justify your selfish behavior. You're using the terms, you're not living them. You want what you want when you want it and you don't give one care at all about anyone else involved.
Your ex is only around taking your poor behavior because he gets occasional sex and thinks that you'll finally see the light and come back to him. You keep him hanging on by dangling the carrot of sex in front of him. I'm sure that it happens only when you're feeling the urge and you don't care when he feels it. You use him.
If he really cared about being friends with you and wanted you to be happy in a relationship even if it's with someone else, then he'd ensure that any new relationship you have would have no impediments due to him and he'd also ensure he was not a threat to anyone.
You have no respect for anyone, including your ex and especially any new guy who happens along. Like Stl1 said, respect the men in your life and treat them with respect. That means you don't do anything to foster jealousy which includes, apparently, that you rub your new guys' noses in your "friendship" with your ex. They probably sense it's more than friendship.
But let's assume that you were really only friends with your ex. Your new guy has some issues with your being friends with him and displays jealousy. If there is absolutely no reason for it and you find the display ugly then no...jealousy is not healthy. But any friend wouldn't want to be the cause of discord in their friend's life and they'd do what they had to to make it better.
Any person who wanted to build something with someone else would do everything respectfully in order to build it healthily. You know, rather than pit two people against each other in a fight for you.
3/23/2017 1:52:11 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


Henderson, NV
58, joined May. 2009
By the way, why don't you have any friends?
3/23/2017 2:14:45 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |
Montreal, QC
36, joined Feb. 2017
Some yes but not to the point thst you have to constantly explain yourself. At some point, you have to accept that you trust the other person and they can screw you over anyway.
3/23/2017 2:22:14 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |

Beverly Hills, CA
37, joined Jan. 2017
At some point, you have to accept that you trust the other person and they can screw you over anyway.
Rubbish! you don't have to trust anyone..I don't trust my mom 100% !
3/23/2017 2:29:51 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |
Montreal, QC
36, joined Feb. 2017
We're talking about your better half here tho not your mommy.
3/23/2017 2:33:16 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |

Beverly Hills, CA
37, joined Jan. 2017
Same logic applies...moreso if it's not even one's mommy!
3/23/2017 2:35:40 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |
Montreal, QC
36, joined Feb. 2017
Im sure your mom doesn't trust you either. So there!
3/23/2017 2:55:46 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |

44, joined Feb. 2017
3/23/2017 3:13:12 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |
Bay Bulls, NL
37, joined Feb. 2017
They try to ban me from seeing my ex. I say no and I usually break up because they just become insecure and increasingly upset and it just ends up making me feel stuck and become frustrated with them
That is wrong and very unacceptable behavior from the guy you're dating tells you to cut off your friendly ties with your ex and such. The control freak needs to loosen up and it's too bad for the guy who feels that way, Sadlsticsienna.
Your conscience is yours, also your preferences too. It's no one's business what you do. 
3/23/2017 6:25:21 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


Jeannette, PA
59, joined Dec. 2013
Men I date always have an issue with my ex, or they develop an issue. I don't know if it is healthy or not but it sucks because I think their issue with him breaks the relationship down sometimes completely.
So wtf do I do when my ex is my best friend and they don't want me to see him any more?
That's not even going into the new arrangement I might want to try. I just don't like not having the intimacy and sex I sometimes have with my ex to date a new guy.
But its like literally as soon as you talk to a new guy they expect monagamy and I don't want to ruin something with someone good that I care about by saying I want us to be able to sleep with someone else until a later point in time.
I read on a site morethantwo.com that jealousy is symptom of something else like fear or insecurity. Its a good site but its not like I could just change my or the guy I'm dating emotions. I think jealousy motivates us to try to change what is causing the emotion by stopping it or something else like getting reassurance and affection idk.
In the context of a relationship, it indicates insecurity and a lack of trust.
"Jealousy is simply and clearly the fear that you do not have value. Jealousy scans for evidence to prove the point - that others will be preferred and rewarded more than you." ~ Jennifer James 
3/23/2017 6:52:15 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


Fort Payne, AL
62, joined Apr. 2011
Men I date always have an issue with my ex, or they develop an issue. I don't know if it is healthy or not but it sucks because I think their issue with him breaks the relationship down sometimes completely.
So wtf do I do when my ex is my best friend and they don't want me to see him any more?
That's not even going into the new arrangement I might want to try. I just don't like not having the intimacy and sex I sometimes have with my ex to date a new guy.
But its like literally as soon as you talk to a new guy they expect monagamy and I don't want to ruin something with someone good that I care about by saying I want us to be able to sleep with someone else until a later point in time.
I read on a site morethantwo.com that jealousy is symptom of something else like fear or insecurity. Its a good site but its not like I could just change my or the guy I'm dating emotions. I think jealousy motivates us to try to change what is causing the emotion by stopping it or something else like getting reassurance and affection idk.
I'm confused here, first you said men I date.
Then later its: as soon as you talk to a new guy they expect monogamy....well, if that didn't suit you, then I'd assume you didn't date them.
So which is it? just talking with interest, or dating.?
anyway...There are enough women out there, who would like some monogamy type chatting, when they found someone of real interest...vs. wondering if he is putting out the same words to 5 other women....then again, in the very beginning, there shouldn't be expected such ties yet....but soon, if the chats continue with real interest, most people tend hope, the focus is just on them and not others too.
as far as keeping something open with this ex. as not only a close friend but a sex partner too...up until and beyond....you start talking with someone new, and who's knows at what stage if it did turn into something, would you stop having sex with the ex....
Its not a matter of insecurity, its a matter or right and wrong...plus, how is this going to effect the ex....if you cut him off sexually, then start something serious with another guy? do we really know what he is thinking in his mind about how he views the two of you?
Is this that much different than hanging on to one guy, until someone can come along and take his place? to a point yes...but still.
"""If you had real interest in some guy, and then found out he was having sex with his ex, who was his best friend still, up till and even after you started something with this guy.....you'd be out of there in a heart beat, and rushing to the forums to post another rant thread about men based on this experience."""
There are people though who feel, its okay to have a sex only thing going on...and then if they start searching for something real, or just run into someone where that potential is there and they want to pursue it....that as long as they cut the sex partner off first, before they pursue this other person, that's it okay and I tend to agree that.
However, there are people who make that claim, but in reality hang on to the sex partner until an iron clad relation has formed with the new person, meaning they were being intimate with both people, who were unaware of this.
and even being upfront about this(hopefully from the get go)....many people would be apprehensive about getting with someone for something real, if they are or were just currently having a FWB.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought previously, you stated that you weren't having sex with the ex...and you were just best friends.
Now this.
[Edited 3/23/2017 6:54:10 PM ]
3/23/2017 6:54:04 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


Sacramento, CA
32, joined Feb. 2014
online now!
See...and you want to know why guys like me and Dr don't respect you..because you don't even respect yourself enough to even tell your ex that you focusing on the new relationship and you hop on the excuse to your new man "he's just a friend" like a dog in heat....for those who wants respect....gives respect
3/23/2017 11:26:51 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


Pewaukee, WI
50, joined Jun. 2013
Personally, I don't think that jealousy is healthy in a relationship or good for your self-esteem. However, if you are feeling a bit jealous... there might be a reason for feeling this way. It might be a warning that this person might not be the right person for you.
I wouldn't tell someone to give up their genuine friends for me. That's a little pushy and controlling. However, I do expect monogamy within a relationship.
3/24/2017 12:41:58 AM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
24, joined Jan. 2016
That is wrong and very unacceptable behavior from the guy you're dating tells you to cut off your friendly ties with your ex and such. The control freak needs to loosen up and it's too bad for the guy who feels that way, Sadlsticsienna.
Your conscience is yours, also your preferences too. It's no one's business what you do.  I know it is controlling isn't it. Thanks for your reply 
I'm confused here, first you said men I date.
Then later its: as soon as you talk to a new guy they expect monogamy....well, if that didn't suit you, then I'd assume you didn't date them.
So which is it? just talking with interest, or dating.?
as far as keeping something open with this ex. as not only a close friend but a sex partner too...up until and beyond....you start talking with someone new, and who's knows at what stage if it did turn into something, would you stop having sex with the ex....
Its not a matter of insecurity, its a matter or right and wrong...plus, how is this going to effect the ex....if you cut him off sexually, then start something serious with another guy? do we really know what he is thinking in his mind about how he views the two of you?
Is this that much different than hanging on to one guy, until someone can come along and take his place? to a point yes...but still.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought previously, you stated that you weren't having sex with the ex...and you were just best friends.
Now this.
I kinda get pushed into dating because it's what they expect. When feelings develop it doesn't matter what the relationship is called lol.
That's what I mean, it's messy and not only does it effect the new guy but also my ex.
He hates when I date new guys.
Well I wasn't sleeping with him for a solid year but then I was with him 24x7 on both cruises. We don't really sleep together much though its more an intimacy thing.

3/24/2017 1:37:49 AM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |

Enid, OK
57, joined Feb. 2010
Jealousy is toxic to a relationship.
3/24/2017 3:25:28 AM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


Jackson, GA
51, joined Jan. 2017
anger is cruel,an wrath is outrageous..but what can stand before envy,or jealousy .its the green eyed monster,an never ever healthy at all,an deadly at times........
3/24/2017 12:41:17 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
24, joined Jan. 2016
Jealousy is toxic to a relationship.
and men are jealous Afff
3/24/2017 12:48:44 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


Gainesville, FL
55, joined May. 2011
and men are jealous Afff
A little bit of jealousy is normal, but anyone who can't control their jealousy is dangerous.
3/24/2017 1:09:25 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
24, joined Jan. 2016
Oh yeah really? How so?
3/24/2017 2:05:59 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |
Bay Bulls, NL
37, joined Feb. 2017
I know it is controlling isn't it. Thanks for your reply
Because I've experienced being around the former and friends like that and it was, to say, very toxic for me. I'd figure no more of it in my life, so I had nothing better to do and purged them and move on. Figures. 

3/24/2017 2:12:31 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
24, joined Jan. 2016
Oh wow yeah I know it is really toxic. Seems to keep happening to me. Sucks.
How have you been? Still really cold there? 
3/24/2017 2:19:39 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


Jeannette, PA
59, joined Dec. 2013
A little bit of jealousy is normal, but anyone who can't control their jealousy is dangerous.
Oh yeah really? How so?
Ever heard of OJ Simpson?
[Edited 3/24/2017 2:20:27 PM ]
3/24/2017 2:22:34 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |
Bay Bulls, NL
37, joined Feb. 2017
Oh wow yeah I know it is really toxic. Seems to keep happening to me. Sucks.
How have you been? Still really cold there? 
It does, sadlsticsienna. You know that feeling when you feel like six feet under the ground, putting up with their bullshit, just because you don't come to meet their terms about who you see or hang out with.
Terrible to hear, sadlsticsienna. Why don't you try to talk them down, the ones who objectify your doings.
I'm good, a little busy to say. Yeah, it's cold up here, but I'm used to it. How's Australia, sadlsticsienna?
3/24/2017 2:24:10 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


Gainesville, FL
55, joined May. 2011
Oh yeah really? How so?
Like murder and other harmful things.
3/24/2017 2:32:29 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


Marysville, WA
57, joined Aug. 2013
online now!
No jealousy isnt right in a relationship.
3/24/2017 3:00:56 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


Jeannette, PA
59, joined Dec. 2013
A good p*ssy is a terrible thing to waste. 
3/24/2017 4:48:44 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


Henderson, NV
58, joined May. 2009
Jealousy is an emotion borne of insecurity and instability. Personal and emotional instability.
Youdont (<---that guy)'s ex was extremely jealous. She questioned where he was, why he was a few minutes late, why did that woman look at him, why was he looking at her, etc. She threw out all his pictures and anything else that could remind him of any part of a former life that didn't include her in it. She constantly accused him of having affairs.
I can't imagine living under that kind of idiocy and I can't imagine being that idiotic.
Now, I do like a little bit of notice of things. Like...you're at a party with your mate and some woman is very attentive to him. I'd walk up behind him and lean into him, or place my hand on his shoulder if, say he was sitting, and just place my claim, so to speak. Just letting the other woman know he's otherwise occupied.
I kind of like it when he does that kind of thing to me but nothing more than that.
I trust him and I am trustworthy so I don't even for a minute think I'd ever have to worry. Nor would I ever cause him to feel worry.
3/24/2017 4:58:27 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |

44, joined Feb. 2017
Humans are insecure. Some more and some less but we do all have insecurities, from time to time. We care about people, things...and that does produce certain insecurities.
[Edited 3/24/2017 4:59:46 PM ]
3/24/2017 5:16:01 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


Henderson, NV
58, joined May. 2009
Well, yes. But it's all in how you handle your insecurities. We've all seen too many times how jealousy can result in murder. To a lesser extant--how it leads to the demise of a relationship.
3/24/2017 5:18:38 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |

44, joined Feb. 2017
Yes, I agree with that. It depends what level of insecurity are we talking about and how you handle it.
I just wanted to point out that insecurity is not always a negative thing.
[Edited 3/24/2017 5:18:48 PM ]
3/24/2017 9:18:40 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |


Jeannette, PA
59, joined Dec. 2013
Humans are insecure. Some more and some less but we do all have insecurities, from time to time. We care about people, things...and that does produce certain insecurities.
One of them should never be about the woman you love though. 
3/24/2017 9:27:48 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |

44, joined Feb. 2017
Especially about the ones you love, but with moderation. I always say and think that I am not the jealous type. But I'm not always sure. I can be jealous but I do not go nuts. I do not search his phone or his things. I do not go suspicious about his women friends. I do like a trusting relationships and doubts would kill me and that relationship.
3/24/2017 9:36:56 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |
Bay Bulls, NL
37, joined Feb. 2017
Sometimes, you just have to accept it and see where it goes...for the greater good, or not. 
3/24/2017 9:40:04 PM |
Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? |

44, joined Feb. 2017
Accept what? The jealousy you mean?