4/7/2017 12:51:52 AM |
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Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Trump needs to dump Kushner but he won't. You have to ask yourself - who stands to benefit the most from a regime change in Syria?
I, for one, am greatly relieved after listening to Trump, Tillerson and McMaster's statements.
The MSM had ginned up all day that this would basically be a 180 degree departure by Trump and a signal that he is now suddenly in favor of regime change.
This turned out to be NOTHING of the kind. Trump shrewdly engaged in a hugely symbolic and PROPORTIONAL attack on the airbase from which the Syrians launched their planes which ALLEGEDLY dropped CW bombs.
Before he did so, we heard that we worked during the course of the entire day to apprise the Russians of what was coming thereby giving them ample time to evacuate all personnel and probably scramble and disperse their aircraft. The Syrians probably did so too.
Accordingly, we only took out an airbase, first making sure that NO ONE would be injured.
Trump was under tremendous pressure to respond to the alleged Syrian use of CW. Putin knew this and knew Trump was signally him that "I gotta do something....I'm not quite clear on the facts of the CWs bombing...while it may have been a false flag, I'm sorry, but Assad's going to lose an airbase but now one has to get hurt."
Further, it is now clear that Trump has not agreed to a regime change or any kind of American escalation of fighting in Syria. I think that Trump played McCain, the neocons and the MSM wonderfully here. They were all so happy to see that Trump had been turned and all their collective heads must have exploded when they heard what the Administration had to say, that this was basically a "one off" as the MSM was calling it.
Not only did Trump not give ANY hint that he was now onboard with regime change, he was absolutely clear that he would pursue, degrade and destroy the TERRORISTS in Syria, ISIS and others, which was always his stated goal in Syria.
I along with many others here was mislead by the MSM reports leading to tonight's strike meant to foment hostilities against Assad, and indirectly, the Russians. Others here kept cooler heads and advised us all correctly to relax and have more faith in Trump. They were right. Trump was again playing 12-D chess but got to blow off a lot of steam and display the military might at his command on, so far, a successful operation.
McStain, Kilary and the MSM are probably apoplectic that Trump wasn't suckered in to agree to regime change but he kept everyone guessing and hoping until the last minute.
Now when evidence starts to trickle in about the FF CW attack, Trump will be vindicated in not losing his cool and going off the deep end in a response. So what he did tonight was relieve the massive pressure on him to attack Syria and he also gained time for the truth about te Sarin FF to emerge.
P.S. Bannon also told the sh_t - stirrers in the MSM to go feck themselves that he wasn't going ANYWHERE but instead was staying put close to Trump's ear.
Also, I heard that Nunes has only recused himself on the "Russian Collusion" issue but would carrying on as Chairman on the "unmasking" and "surveillance" issues !!! Trey Gowdy will also reduce the the "Russia Collusion" witnesses into steaming puddles of water during his examinations.
Last, it also looks like we'll safely have our Ninth Justice confirmed by c.o.b. tomorrow!!!
It's been a roller coaster of a day but my faith has now only gotten stronger in our wonderful President Trump !!!
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4/7/2017 5:35:00 AM |
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New York, NY
52, joined Aug. 2015
Did not destroy the corrupt government, did not put the mediocrity of the terrorist cadres to step down, bombing is a news
4/7/2017 5:59:06 AM |
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Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
Yes, just appearances, Asaad still in power. Now he as been forewarned.
4/7/2017 9:42:29 AM |
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Falkville, AL
75, joined Nov. 2011
Don’t be fooled. This was a false flag operation.
Furthermore, we have no business in Syria, any more than Syria would have in our country. President Trump broke his promise to us, the majority of the American people who voted for him, and we will not tolerate him betraying us. He said that he would NOT engage in foreign wars to effect regime change. What happened to that promise? Has the CIA taken over Trump’s administration? Does one have to be a good Democrat (aka the new Communist Party USA) and a good Liberal to be a good Conservative? Don’t be fooled by the CIA disinformation campaign. Almost every war we have been involved in since becoming a nation has been started by a false flag. Don’t be fooled. And what business do we have in Syria anyway? Oh, I know, I know, it’s “for the children”, a bleeding heart Liberal plea in defense of ISIS who gassed these people and blamed it on Assad. We have no business trying to overthrow a sovereign nation that is not threatening us, and Trump promised he would not do that.
THIS WAS A CIA SPONSORED ISIS FALSE FLAG, and Trump's Liberal advisors fell for it.
The CIA has to go.And the Illuminati puppet Liberals President Trump brought into his cabinet to advise him need to go. Otherwise civilization as we know it will be destroyed.
Has the CIA used a mind altering drug on President Trump, have they assassinated him and put a double in his place? Something isn't right here. Something is wrong. He said he would represent us, the American people, but here he is now representing the Illuminati agenda. Something is wrong.
4/7/2017 9:59:14 AM |
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Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
Yeah something is wrong alright! We shouldn't even have to be there!
But Russia couldn't handle the job and obviously did not remove all the chemical weapons that they claimed to have destroyed. This is what happens when you make up imaginary "red-lines".
4/7/2017 10:05:26 AM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Violation of International Law?
Russia recants support of US over Syrian attack.
International community speaking out against Trump.
Trump "did it for the children he won't let into the US". Hypocrite.
4/7/2017 10:11:25 AM |
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Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010

4/7/2017 10:48:19 AM |
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San Benito, TX
45, joined Jul. 2014
online now!
Trump just sent Tomahawk missiles into Syria and attacked Assad.
Breaking. Just on ABC news. 9:30 pm Eastern.
No shit Sherlock 
4/7/2017 10:51:52 AM |
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Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010

Thanks, J()()s! I was just sitting here thinking to myself that it's been, what, three whole months since a "Republican" has been in office without starting another war in response to a blatant false flag hoax (((the tribe))) made up -- which was surely some kind of record. But you J()()s showed me. 
4/7/2017 6:12:38 PM |
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Gresham, OR
47, joined Dec. 2016
online now!
this is john mcains war
4/7/2017 6:37:28 PM |
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Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Trump Violates Constitution by Ordering Syria Strike Without Asking Congress
US President Donald Trump should have asked for authorization from Congress before launching the Thursday missile strike against a military field in Syria, as required by the US Constitution, Senator Rand Paul said in a statement.
Rand is correct. The War Powers Act allows the President to deploy US forces to deal with an immediate threat to the United States without Congress, but that does not apply here. No Americans were killed in that supposed gas attack, nor was sovereign US territory invaded or damaged.
4/7/2017 6:45:25 PM |
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Vancouver, WA
35, joined May. 2014
online now!
he's playing chess with Putin, hush
4/7/2017 7:02:36 PM |
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Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Netanyahu Seeks Buffer Zones Against Iran and Hezbollah on Syria’s Borders With Israel and Jordan
Netanyahu wants buffer zones to be part of any future deal to end Syrian civil war, to prevent Iran and Hezbollah from establishing foothold; premier discusses issue with Trump administration, other international actors.
No, what Netanyahu wants is the oil and gas under the Golan.
4/7/2017 7:10:57 PM |
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Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
he's playing chess with Putin, hush
"Chess", eh?
Furious Putin calls US airstrikes an 'illegal act of aggression' and suspends deal to avoid mid-air clashes with American fighter jets over Syria
Furious Vladimir Putin has called the US airstrikes on Syria an 'illegal act of aggression' and suspended a deal to avoid mid-air clashes with American fighter jets over the war-torn country.
The Russian President warned of grave damage to relations between Washington and Moscow after 60 Tomahawk missiles were fired at al-Shayrat airbase near Homs.
Syrian Army officials described the attack as an act of 'blatant aggression', saying it had made the US 'a partner' of ISIS, the ex-Nusra Front and other 'terrorist organisations'.
The UN charter prohibits the use of force with two exceptions: self-defense (including anticipatory and mutual self-defense) and with the authorization of the UN security council. Any other invasion or attack is technically illegal under international law.
4/7/2017 7:22:28 PM |
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Reno, NV
46, joined Jul. 2014
Netanyahu Seeks Buffer Zones Against Iran and Hezbollah on Syria’s Borders With Israel and Jordan
Netanyahu wants buffer zones to be part of any future deal to end Syrian civil war, to prevent Iran and Hezbollah from establishing foothold; premier discusses issue with Trump administration, other international actors.
No, what Netanyahu wants is the oil and gas under the Golan.
I appreciate you bringing the Book of Daniel, into a conversation, with no reference to others not being able to use Daniel (when it concerned Syria, other than Damascus). What are you, 5? You argue like someone impotent, and too eager, to lick the cat.
4/7/2017 7:34:40 PM |
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Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010

"Never Trump" neocons now love Trump. J()()s love Trump now. Liberals, well they might be a bit confused, they are so programmed to talk about Trump's orange skin and small hands, they don't quite realize their insults are meaningless now. Most of the alt right is pissed at Trump, some are still supporting Trump but hate these air strikes, other traditional conservatives who are slaves to Zion love it.

NOW ... we love Trump!
4/7/2017 7:39:13 PM |
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Tacoma, WA
53, joined Dec. 2009
I bet Silver will jump in price if it hasn't already.
[Edited 4/7/2017 7:40:17 PM ]
4/7/2017 7:39:22 PM |
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Tacoma, WA
53, joined Dec. 2009
Look how close the ACTION is to DAMASCUS. It will be in the line of FIRE soon enough. God willing and he has willed it! Isaiah 17
It will come to pass don't doubt it. And if not Sooner than Later for sure.

4/7/2017 7:49:43 PM |
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Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from thunderpump:
Look how close the ACTION is to DAMASCUS. It will be in the line of FIRE soon enough. God willing and he has willed it! Isaiah 17
It will come to pass don't doubt it. And if not Sooner than Later for sure.
That has been debunked.
The Isaiah 17 Damascus Bible prophecy has been fulfilled
www.americanvision.org/9371/isaiah-17-damascus-bible-...Proxy Highlight
Sep 12, 2013 ... Damascus in Isaiah 17 is going to be destroyed in 1 day. ... This is going to fulfill one of the biggest biblical prophecies of all time! ... were never fully fulfilled in history, and like clockwork, naïve Christians are getting sucked in. .... 28), one at the southern extremity of the land of Israel east of Jordan (Jos. xii.
OTOH, Israel is a prophecy state.
Daniel 9:24-26
Daniel foretold the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple
Deuteronomy 28:49-52
The Bible foreshadowed Rome's destruction of Israel
Deuteronomy 29:23
Israel would become a wasteland
Luke 19:41-44
Jesus explained why Jerusalem would be destroyed
Luke 21:23-24
Jerusalem will be trampled upon
Matthew 24:1-2
Jesus prophesied that the Temple would be destroyed
Micah 3:11-12
Zion would be "plowed like a field"

Israel's "faulty intelligence" (read: LIES) once again caused the attack.
When has Israel EVER given us reliable intelligence?
Zion SHOULD HAVE been "plowed like a field" the first time they lied to us. 
4/7/2017 8:11:11 PM |
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Falkville, AL
75, joined Nov. 2011
Rainqui, you say: "Why do I keep getting the feeling that Jared Kushner's fingerprints are all over this?"
You are exactly right. Trump's Conservative advisors, like Banon, are being kicked out and replace with people like Kushner, a globalist. But he is a family member, married to his daughter, who is also a Liberal by the way. The Liberals are going to ruin Trump's legacy.He has gone from being our president (remember his statement to that effect during the inauguration?)to being the Illuminati's president. It is so sad.
4/7/2017 9:46:34 PM |
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Painesville, OH
98, joined Mar. 2014
"Donald J. Trump?Verified account
What will we get for bombing Syria besides more debt and a possible long term conflict? Obama needs Congressional approval."
Trump tweet from 2013."
So Trump talked a good story on everything. Has anyone not figured out the con yet? If he didn't do something he was going to look bad. That's Trump's main motivator, his image. Trump needed a dog to wag and some propaganda to make him look tougher than Obama. Can't wait to hear the Trump administrations policy on what to do next. .. Oh yeah, in 2013 when Obama went to congress to get authorization for a military strike against Syria for their use of chemical weapons, McCain was against it because a military strike wasn't big enough and broad enough. As a result nothing at all was done militarily. Today, McCain said he supports the airstrike and anyone who doesn't support such a strike against Syria for their use of chemical weapons doesn't deserve his respect. .. I guess McCain doesn't respect himself?
Oh, and McConnell's reason for not supporting a military strike against Syria in 2013? Because a vital national security risk was not at play. But yet he supports this airstrike even though Syria's use of chemical weapons is just as much a vital national security risk now as it was then.
Got it.
4/7/2017 11:03:25 PM |
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Painesville, OH
98, joined Mar. 2014

4/7/2017 11:37:22 PM |
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Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
online now!
What ever he has to do to keep them out of the USA.
4/7/2017 11:39:57 PM |
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Santa Clarita, CA
97, joined Feb. 2013
There are a dozen other Countries taking in refugees ......
4/7/2017 11:41:53 PM |
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Brockton, MA
53, joined Sep. 2011
Putin props up Assad.
Syrians try to flee.
Trump bans Syrian refugees because they're Muslim.
Assad kills them.
Trump blames Obama.
4/7/2017 11:42:57 PM |
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Brockton, MA
53, joined Sep. 2011
What ever he has to do to keep them out of the USA.
yes we get that part........let them be murdered rather than take them in...
4/7/2017 11:49:09 PM |
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Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
online now!
yes we get that part........let them be murdered rather than take them in...
Look at the murder that goes on in Chicago every week!
4/7/2017 11:54:17 PM |
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Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from fallguy02379:
yes we get that part........let them be murdered rather than take them in...
Here's a better idea. Israeli IDF can stop pretending to be 'ISIS" and they can stop killing the Syrians to drive them away in the vain hope of achieving their pipe dream of
Eretz Yisrael:Greater Israel.

4/7/2017 11:55:54 PM |
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Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
I bet Silver will jump in price if it hasn't already.
Gold is up almost four bucks.
I got good money for a load of scrap sheet steel I took in the beginning of the week! Couldn't help it, ran out of room! LOL
4/8/2017 12:18:39 AM |
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Brockton, MA
53, joined Sep. 2011
Look at the murder that goes on in Chicago every week!
they can move if they want.......
catching on yet?
4/8/2017 7:19:03 AM |
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Jeannette, PA
59, joined Dec. 2013
The US is going to regret this. Trump is listening to power hungry Generals that thrive on war. There is no proof who dropped those gas bombs. Might have been our own.
Donny is keeping his campaign promise on jobs.
War is awesome for an economy. Every body bag filled is a job that won't be filled.
[Edited 4/8/2017 7:19:54 AM ]
4/8/2017 8:28:39 AM |
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Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
There are a dozen other Countries taking in refugees ......
The Syrian people when asked say they prefer to stay in Syria. They just want help establishing safe zones.
4/8/2017 9:13:59 AM |
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San Benito, TX
45, joined Jul. 2014
online now!
Trump Violates Constitution by Ordering Syria Strike Without Asking Congress
US President Donald Trump should have asked for authorization from Congress before launching the Thursday missile strike against a military field in Syria, as required by the US Constitution, Senator Rand Paul said in a statement.
Rand is correct. The War Powers Act allows the President to deploy US forces to deal with an immediate threat to the United States without Congress, but that does not apply here. No Americans were killed in that supposed gas attack, nor was sovereign US territory invaded or damaged.
every president has done this,
4/8/2017 10:03:09 AM |
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Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
online now!
Maybe now Glenn Beck will like him, finally. I saw a headline that said this action by Trump has soared gold to its highest value n 4 months.
4/8/2017 10:19:47 AM |
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New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
10 teenagers with $500 worth of firecrackers could have done more damage than $100 MILLION worth of Tomahawk missiles did.At $1.5 MILLION each we tax payers are totally getting screwed by Raytheon.
4/8/2017 10:28:19 AM |
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New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
The only thing this raid in Syria showed, the rest of the world, is how absolutely ineffective our Tomahawk missiles are.
4/8/2017 10:48:20 AM |
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Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from the ...

10 teenagers with $500 worth of firecrackers could have done more damage than $100 MILLION worth of Tomahawk missiles did.At $1.5 MILLION each we tax payers are totally getting screwed by Raytheon.
Tomahawks are outdated tech. Easily jammed by radar. Only 23 out of 60 hit.
I just hope I live long enough to see a nuke land right in Tel Aviv.
I could die a happy man!

4/8/2017 10:57:11 AM |
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Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
4/8/2017 11:09:50 AM |
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Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010

Putin called the ((((gas attack)))) fake beforehand. Will be interesting how that plays out.

4/8/2017 11:10:17 AM |
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Jeannette, PA
59, joined Dec. 2013
Quote from longbobby:
Trump Violates Constitution by Ordering Syria Strike Without Asking Congress
Then explain Vietnam... Retard. 
4/8/2017 11:10:57 AM |
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New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
The raid on Syria was an absolute waste of $100 Million that accomplished absolutely nothing.The airfield was fully operational the next day.
4/8/2017 11:15:14 AM |
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Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010

In your case Minister ... you're a fool.
4/8/2017 1:51:51 PM |
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Vancouver, WA
35, joined May. 2014
online now!
4/8/2017 1:53:30 PM |
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Bloomingdale, GA
52, joined Dec. 2014
The raid on Syria was an absolute waste of $100 Million that accomplished absolutely nothing.The airfield was fully operational the next day.
We probably spend 10 times or more a day in training for this type military exercise. Chalk it up to training and maybe you will feel better.
4/8/2017 1:59:26 PM |
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Bunker Hill, WV
44, joined Jul. 2013
10 teenagers with $500 worth of firecrackers could have done more damage than $100 MILLION worth of Tomahawk missiles did.At $1.5 MILLION each we tax payers are totally getting screwed by Raytheon.
Your cost is 50% higher than what it actually cost.
It is one million not 1.5 million.
But you already knew that.
You lied for dramatic affect.
Don't do that anymore.
You already ruined your credibility years ago you racist jackass.
If I called your goofy a** out every time you lied ,I wouldn't have time to do anything else.
4/8/2017 2:06:47 PM |
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Painesville, OH
98, joined Mar. 2014
We probably spend 10 times or more a day in training for this type military exercise. Chalk it up to training and maybe you will feel better.
Wrong. Our military budget after increases for the entire year in 2015 was $598 billion, and that includes the four branches of military, Pentagon and other related expenses. Guess your comfortable adding another $100+ billion each day to that already staggering budget mix?
Whatever makes you feel better.
4/8/2017 2:12:15 PM |
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Bloomingdale, GA
52, joined Dec. 2014
Whatever parrot, my point was it was a drop in the 55 gallon drum. I can't help that your anger made you miss it.
4/8/2017 2:17:57 PM |
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Painesville, OH
98, joined Mar. 2014
Whatever parrot, my point was it was a drop in the 55 gallon drum. I can't help that your anger made you miss it.
Hey, i'm not angry. Just being a bit more realistic of the cost per day in case we end up in another war. Can't help it if your unable to understand at least the monetary side,let alone grasp what all this could cost in human lives.
4/8/2017 2:26:07 PM |
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Falkville, AL
75, joined Nov. 2011
Syria says it knew the strike was coming ahead of time and it removed its aircraft off the air field before it was bombed. Trump warned Russia ahead of time that the strike was coming so that they could keep their men at the base out of harm’s way, and, no doubt, Russia told its ally Syria that the strike was coming. Trump deliberately did not strike the barracks in which the men were staying, but only an area in which he thought war gas was stored ( and there are photos of a bombed building in which canisters were stored). And only 7 men died in the bombing, and none of them were Russians.
Anyway, it has come out that Donald Trump carried out Syria missile strike ‘after being convinced by daughter Ivanka. DONALD Trump’s decision to rain down 59 Tomahawk missiles on a Syrian air base was sparked by his daughter Ivanka’s “heartbroken” response to Assad’s chemical attack, insiders have claimed.
But the chemical attack was a false flag staged by the CIA supported Al Quetta revels who now call themselves the White Hats”. I’m sure Ivanka did not know that, but surely President Trump did. Ivanka is a bleeding heart Liberal with no political incite, and here she is advising Trump. Unfortunately President Trump is turning away from advice from Conservatives like Bannon and towards advice from his daughter Ivanka and her husband. Not very smart. This “it’s for the children” is a Liberal mantra that has taken us astray more than once in the past. If they gave a damn about the children, whom the Muslims rape, use as human shields and as human bombs, they would not be supporting the bloody murder of children by abortion in this country. Trump appears to have gone astray when it comes to choosing advisors. One thing is for sure, Syria is not threatening the United States, but we are threatening their national security by starting the proxy war in Syria in behalf of the Illuminati to establish a Sunni Muslin caliphate in the Middle East and to remove Assad, the legal president of Syria, who is opposing their plan to run two oil pipelines through Syria. The proxy war in Syria that we started and support is evil.
I say again, it was our CIA sponsored proxy army ISIS in Syria, you know, we ones we were "supposed" to be fighting, that staged this false flag chemical attack, not Assad. But instead of attacking them "for the children", we attack Assad, who Obama was trying to overthrow. Putin is not stupid, he knows all this. What we are doing is building up retribution for ourselves
Ivanka, who has the President's ear, and her globalist husband, needs to keep in mind that ISIS that gassed the civilians in a false flag operation don's give a damn about children. See, for example, the link:
Terrorist “deliberately targeted small children”: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/04/07/truck-crashes-crowd-people-stockholm/
4/8/2017 2:32:29 PM |
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Jeannette, PA
59, joined Dec. 2013
I would block you, but that would be like chasing the village idiot out of the village. 
4/8/2017 3:20:35 PM |
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Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
You went all out for that one. Let's take this conversation back to some reality.
Assad used chemical weapons on his people to show to the Syrian people and the world the West’s impotence and weakness. Obama's decision not to enforce his “red line” on the chemical attacks in 2013 convinced the Assad government it could get away with anything, ever since Assad has been escalating his attacks against civilians.
Trump's position on Syria has been to keep hands off as he had said many times in the past. This further gave Assad some assurance that the West would not intervene. And Europe sure as hell is not going to lift a finger.
Assad is purging his country of undesirables. All of those bombed out buildings and destroyed towns in Syria was mostly the handy work of Assad's military.
Assad is a mad man period.
4/8/2017 3:22:31 PM |
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Painesville, OH
98, joined Mar. 2014
I think Louie's a false flag.
4/8/2017 5:21:13 PM |
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Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
online now!
I would block you, but that would be like chasing the village idiot out of the village. 
I think The Village is a pretty good movie, despite some people saying it's not.
4/8/2017 6:56:04 PM |
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Rochester, MI
57, joined Sep. 2012
Anyway, it has come out that Donald Trump carried out Syria missile strike ‘after being convinced by daughter Ivanka. DONALD Trump’s decision to rain down 59 Tomahawk missiles on a Syrian air base was sparked by his daughter Ivanka’s “heartbroken” response to Assad’s chemical attack, insiders have claimed.
Oh bleeding heart, how kind. I think I'll go to Target and buy one of her purses.
A little too late to notice the atrocities, dontcha think?
drowning didn't get to her but suffocating does BUT not enough to realize these were the refugees your daddy demonized.
Syria is not our enemy.
4/8/2017 7:04:24 PM |
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Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
Oh bleeding heart, how kind. I think I'll go to Target and buy one of her purses.
A little too late to notice the atrocities, dontcha think?
drowning didn't get to her but suffocating does BUT not enough to realize these were the refugees your daddy demonized.
Syria is not our enemy.
Like most fascists liberals you are fast to jump on the first BS story.
The Syrian gov is our enemy those citizens of Syria that support Assad are our enemies. The terrorists within Syria are our enemies. Hell Syria is a freaking cesspool of inbred Islamics that are hell bent in killing anyone that gets in their way.
4/8/2017 7:07:14 PM |
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Rochester, MI
57, joined Sep. 2012
Hey little boy.
Doesn't it ever cross your need to be right all the time mind that we have given weapons and money for wars that we don't fight?
Sleep warm tonight.
idiots. don't worry the dems are JUST as stupid sometimes for not speaking up/
4/8/2017 7:11:17 PM |
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Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
Hey little boy.
Doesn't it ever cross your need to be right all the time mind that we have given weapons and money for wars that we don't fight?
Sleep warm tonight.
idiots. don't worry the dems are JUST as stupid sometimes for not speaking up/
No cure for stupid. And by the way I sleep just fine at night.
4/8/2017 7:11:20 PM |
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Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
I think Louie's a false flag.
It's pretty unanimous that the people on here who aren't sock-puppets see that the recent gas attack in Syria was a false-flag event. It's not just left-wingers or just right-winger's, rather it's everybody who isn't a sock-puppet.
Ron Paul: "Zero Chance" Assad Behind Chemical Weapons Attack In Syria; Likely A False Flag
April 6, 2017
According to former Congressman Ron Paul, the chemical weapons attack in Khan Sheikhoun that killed 30 children and has led to calls for the Trump administration to intervene in Syria could have been a false flag attack.
As Paul Joseph Watson details, pointing out that the prospect of peace in Syria was moving closer before the attack, with ISIS and Al-Qaeda on the run, Paul said the attack made no sense.
“It looks like maybe somebody didn’t like that so there had to be an episode,” said Paul, asking, “who benefits?”
“It doesn’t make any sense for Assad under these conditions to all of a sudden use poison gases – I think there’s zero chance he would have done this deliberately,” said Paul.
he former Congressman went on to explain how the incident was clearly being exploited by neo-cons and the deep state to enlist support for war.
“It’s the neo-conservatives who are benefiting tremendously from this because it’s derailed the progress that has already been made moving toward a more peaceful settlement in Syria,” said Paul.
Many have questioned why Assad would be so strategically stupid as to order a chemical weapons attack and incite the wrath of the world given that he is closer than ever to winning the war against ISIS and jihadist rebels.
Just five days before the attack, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said, “The longer-term status of President Assad will be decided by the Syrian people,” implying a definite shift in U.S. foreign policy away from regime change in Syria.
Why would Assad put such assurances in jeopardy by launching a horrific chemical attack, allowing establishment news outlets like CNN to once against use children as props to push for yet another massive war in the Middle East?
[Edited 4/8/2017 7:13:42 PM ]
4/8/2017 7:15:08 PM |
US just attacked Syria | Page 2 |
Rochester, MI
57, joined Sep. 2012
AND, while we're at it the compromise that Putin will no longer honor because of our jackasses unpredictable stunt just cost OUR serviceman, yep OUR brothers and sisters, mothers, fathers, sons and daughters to be in potential harms way by instigating Russia.
I swear some of you folk just fell off the turnip cart.
Syria didn't invade us OR threaten our borders, bottom line.
We in America just like opening cans of worms, it's our military history. All the patriots feel most patriotic when there's a war. Fact.
4/8/2017 7:15:59 PM |
US just attacked Syria | Page 2 |
Rochester, MI
57, joined Sep. 2012
No cure for stupid. And by the way I sleep just fine at night.