[Edited 4/21/2017 6:40:27 PM ]
4/21/2017 5:44:55 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
I think about these TRILLIONS of dollars and the impending budget deadline that is a week away and I think it's clear...
Obama wasted a whole lot of money! Democrats allowed Obama to waste a whole lot of money!
What do we have to show for this wasted money Liberals? Anything at all?
Is infrastructure any better? No it's not!
Do we have a cure for cancer? No we don't!
Do we have a safer world? Not even close!
Are people better off? Not really until the $15 trillion dollar gorilla in the room is under control.
Are race relations better? No, they are WORSE! And people thought electing a black man would put an end to that! WRONG!
Are people living longer? No, it's been said people are actually dying sooner than before!
Is Obama living better? You betcha! He's been on a permanent vacation every since he left office!
So what do we have to show for this $15 TRILLION dollars Liberals!? Please, give me something!
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4/21/2017 5:49:22 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


West Plains, MO
48, joined Feb. 2014
Watch Trump out-spend/borrow Obama going forward. When it happens, will you call out the GOP?
4/21/2017 5:50:51 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
Always hypothetical questions with you Napster..
Of course I would, but I'd imagine we would have much more to show for our money.
4/21/2017 5:54:43 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Naperville, IL
27, joined Jul. 2013
Old mother Hubbard went to cupboard and the cupboard was bare (after borrowing $10 Trillion). This is Obama's legacy.
I think about these TRILLIONS of dollars and the impending budget deadline that is a week away and I think it's clear...
Obama wasted a whole lot of money! Democrats allowed Obama to waste a whole lot of money!
What do we have to show for this wasted money Liberals? Anything at all?
Is infrastructure any better? No it's not!
Do we have a cure for cancer? No we don't!
Do we have a safer world? Not even close!
Are people better off? Not really until the $15 trillion dollar gorilla in the room is under control.
Are race relations better? No, they are WORSE! And people thought electing a black man would put an end to that! WRONG!
Are people living longer? No, it's been said people are actually dying sooner than before!
Is Obama living better? You betcha! He's been on a permanent vacation every since he left office!
So what do we have to show for this $15 TRILLION dollars Liberals!? Please, give me something!
4/21/2017 5:55:42 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Roslindale, MA
38, joined Jun. 2014
Obama lol what a joke hahaha
4/21/2017 5:59:13 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
Old mother Hubbard went to cupboard and the cupboard was bare (after borrowing $10 Trillion). This is Obama's legacy.
Eh... I think the official figure is closer to $15 trillion if you count his failed legacy projects that have extended past his Presidency and the cost to repeal and replace them.

[Edited 4/21/2017 6:00:13 PM ]
4/21/2017 6:00:13 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008
Ever notice how rightwingers like to focus on the
debt but ignore how it got there?
4/21/2017 6:02:11 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Roslindale, MA
38, joined Jun. 2014
Ever notice how rightwingers like to focus on the
debt but ignore how it got there?
9 million to 20 million in obamas 8 years lol
Bail out of union run car companies.
Bail out of Dodd frank..
4/21/2017 6:02:27 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
We know how it got there!
We just want to know what we have to show for a guy you liberals put there?
He borrowed and spent more than ALL the Presidents before him! Combined!
Already several responses into this thread and not ONE SINGLE mention of ANYTHING we have to show for this $15 Trillion bucks!?
Oh wait... We have this,

SUCKERS!!! Is it starting to burn a little bit now?
[Edited 4/21/2017 6:03:25 PM ]
4/21/2017 6:09:17 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008
9 million to 20 million in obamas 8 years lol
Bail out of union run car companies.
Bail out of Dodd frank..
Car companies paid back their loans.
Bank bail outs>
Yea sorry.
That was Bushes baby.
Then of course there's the 2 wars that Bush
kept off the budget and off the books in an attempt
to hide the true cost ,so there's
about 4-6 trillion that are actually his.
(Obama just put that shit back on the books where they belong)
Rightwingers love talking about all that "massive spending",
but again, completely ignore the part about deficit spending.
You see, when Obama took office, deficit spending was around 1.5 trillion.
When he left office, deficit spending was reduced to 500 billion.
That's not a massing increase in spending.
That's a massive decrease in spending.
4/21/2017 6:11:34 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
So you're saying he just GAVE AWAY $10 Trillion dollars while he lowered the money spent on us here in the USA to $500 billion!?
Sorry Muldoon... You still didn't mention anything we have to show for his $15 Trillion dollar vacation! In fact it would seem you are trying to blame Bush for what Obama did!

4/21/2017 6:15:03 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Naperville, IL
27, joined Jul. 2013
more like a bailout of Gov't teachers unions. You know, these people who have guided our youth's education to level of third world countries.
9 million to 20 million in obamas 8 years lol
Bail out of union run car companies.
Bail out of Dodd frank..
4/21/2017 6:18:28 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008
So you're saying he just GAVE AWAY $10 Trillion dollars while he lowered the money spent on us here in the USA to $500 billion!?
Sorry Muldoon... You still didn't mention anything we have to show for his $15 Trillion dollar vacation! In fact it would seem you are trying to blame Bush for what Obama did!

We're not letting you get away with blaming Obama
for the shit Bush actually did.
You keep forgetting that shit hit the fan and fell
apart before Obama took office not after.
You think the bills that Bush racked up with all
that massive spending magically went away when
he left office?
Sorry no.
2 unfunded wars while giving away tax cuts to the rich
Economic collapse with bank bailouts.
He had to borrow all that money to pay for it.
Ever hear of amortization?
That means the bills kept rolling in after he left office.
4/21/2017 6:21:23 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
I was excited about having high speed rail and repairing our infrastructure. We ended up with none of that.
People lost their homes. The banks foreclosed and then were bailed out for their loses then turned around and sold the homes. Bankers were still allowed their fat bonuses.
GM was bailed out and then invested in offshore opportunities.
Within 20 miles of where I live two shovel ready jobs were authorized. Both needless. One just completed two months ago 30% above budget and two years late. The other added a lane on the E and W bound side of a I-74 bridge that has very little traffic.
Cincinnati got it's streetcar. Very few ride it, it's jumped track once and three times now cars have run into it.
4/21/2017 6:25:31 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |

New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
ONLY THE CONGRESS can add or delete from the Nationasl debt!!The congress receive the initial budget from the President in February of the preceding yea5 of the budget.The President never sees it again until it becomes law the congress adds and deletes at their will,thatswhy they have always been able to add pork to the budget,like the bridge to nowhere in Alaska.The congress is responsible for ALL OF THE DEBT!!!Not the presidents.
4/21/2017 6:26:18 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |

Bloomingdale, GA
52, joined Dec. 2014
We're not letting you get away with blaming Obama
for the shit Bush actually did.
You keep forgetting that shit hit the fan and fell
apart before Obama took office not after.
You think the bills that Bush racked up with all
that massive spending magically went away when
he left office?
Sorry no.
2 unfunded wars while giving away tax cuts to the rich
Economic collapse with bank bailouts.
He had to borrow all that money to pay for it.
Ever hear of amortization?
That means the bills kept rolling in after he left office.
I am not rich but I got a tax cut. So yea, you lied.
4/21/2017 6:27:40 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
We're not letting you get away with blaming Obama
for the shit Bush actually did.
You keep forgetting that shit hit the fan and fell
apart before Obama took office not after.
You think the bills that Bush racked up with all
that massive spending magically went away when
he left office?
Sorry no.
2 unfunded wars while giving away tax cuts to the rich
Economic collapse with bank bailouts.
He had to borrow all that money to pay for it.
Ever hear of amortization?
That means the bills kept rolling in after he left office.
Hold on right there Muldoon... You do know the Iraq war still raged on while Obama was President, Right!? And you do know that as a result of Obama's pull out we had to go back in there to wipe out ISIS? Right?
And you are aware that Obama was at war in Afghanistan during his entire Presidency... Right?
And you do know his wars in Libya, Africa, Pah-Kee-Stahn, along with his drone and black ops missions (all of which he didn't get congressional approval for) cost money too, right?
Are you really suggesting that ALL the money Bush gave Obama before he took office to smooth over the economy wasn't enough? Are you saying that $15 trillion wasn't enough!? Of course you are! You wanted Hillary to win!
You're still not mentioning anything we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion dollar spending spree! We're talking about an amount of money spent that exceeds that of ALL the presidents before him combined! I don't want to hear any BS about amortization over 8 years Muldoon! I want to know about Obama's refinancing and taking out MORE! To the tune of $15 Trillion dollars!?
Meanwhile he is living it up on a private island outside the country? C'mon man! JUST ONE THING! You can do it! Can't you?
4/21/2017 6:31:55 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Vancouver, WA
35, joined May. 2014
online now!
So basically liberals are saying Obama has nothing to show because of Bush
4/21/2017 6:36:43 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008
So basically liberals are saying Obama has nothing to show because of Bush 
Actually what liberals are saying is that Obama cleaned up
the steaming pile of shit mess left behind by bush.
4/21/2017 6:39:05 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Greenwood, LA
95, joined Jul. 2014
I love it when the nutjobs come out in the open with their conspiracy theories....
it really shows just how far over the edge the right winger have gotten!!!

4/21/2017 6:39:53 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008
Hold on right there Muldoon... You do know the Iraq war still raged on while Obama was President, Right!? And you do know that as a result of Obama's pull out we had to go back in there to wipe out ISIS? Right?
Sorry no.
The pullout was in a treaty signed by Bush before he left office.
Obama "could" have left troops there and was actually planning on it,
but the Iraqi govrenment wouldn't grant them immunity
so he brought them home.
I guess rightwing media neglected to tell you that.
As far as ISIS goes, they wouldn't exist in the fist
place if Bush hadn't destabilize the entire region.
4/21/2017 6:42:14 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
But that's what all 43 Presidents before Obama did too, clean up the last Presidents mess?! Plus some of them even accomplished something along the way too!
Are you giving special concessions for Obama's inability to perform like other Presidents because he is black? Sort of like how affirmative action works for minorites in college admissions?
Wait, didn't Obama take advantage of affirmative action policies to get into Harvard? Or did he use his Kenyan citizenship to get in under an exchange program!? Oh wait, we won't know because all them records have been sealed!
[Edited 4/21/2017 6:44:15 PM ]
4/21/2017 6:45:07 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Edmonton, KY
62, joined Apr. 2010
Watch Trump out-spend/borrow Obama going forward. When it happens, will you call out the GOP? 
Not going to happen.
4/21/2017 6:49:37 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008
Bush doubled the debt 5.7 trillion to 10.6 trillion
But 6 trillion was hidden because he kept the cost
of the war off the books so in reality he tripled it
to 16 trillion.
Obama put that back on the books, but you're blaming him for
creating that initial 6 trillion that wasn't his to begin with.
Now the debt is 20 trillion and you're trying to blame 15 of it on Obama?
4/21/2017 6:55:55 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Vancouver, WA
35, joined May. 2014
online now!
Actually what liberals are saying is that Obama cleaned up
the steaming pile of shit mess left behind by bush.
So you just admitted Obama accomplished nothing 
4/21/2017 6:55:57 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008
Then of course there were the bank bailouts
after Bush crashed the world economy, another thing
the party of personal responsibly won't take responsibility for.
You immediately started trying to blame that on Obama with your
twisted logic of "He could have stopped it so it's all his fault"
That's been costing us a hell of a lot more than
the initial 700 billion that was spent.
YOu try to point your fingers at the auto bail out
but ignore the part about how
A: the money got paid back
B: it saved millions of jobs because
it's not just the manufactures that would have been f**ked
if it failed. It would have been all the industries that support
the auto industry as well.
4/21/2017 6:56:28 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008
So you just admitted Obama accomplished nothing 
Your not too bright are you.
He literally prevented a second great depression.
[Edited 4/21/2017 6:57:26 PM ]
4/21/2017 7:02:12 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |

New York, NY
67, joined Jan. 2010
The obvious is overlooked for the lie.
4/21/2017 7:05:08 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Richmond, VA
39, joined May. 2014
Bush doubled the debt 5.7 trillion to 10.6 trillion
But 6 trillion was hidden because he kept the cost
of the war off the books so in reality he tripled it
to 16 trillion.
Obama put that back on the books, but you're blaming him for
creating that initial 6 trillion that wasn't his to begin with.
Now the debt is 20 trillion and you're trying to blame 15 of it on Obama?
Complaining about Bush after 8+ years is no different than saying Obama still doesn't have any effect after 100 days.
4/21/2017 7:07:08 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |

Bloomingdale, GA
52, joined Dec. 2014
Your not too bright are you.
He literally prevented a second great depression.
More like he postponed it. You can't print up that much money and not expect economic disaster.
4/21/2017 7:10:48 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |

Brockton, MA
53, joined Sep. 2011
Also, keep in mind that Obama can't take any financial steps without Congress' approval. And Republicans controlled the House for six years of his term and the Senate for two years.
4/21/2017 7:16:31 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
Your not too bright are you.
He literally prevented a second great depression.
Fu@k man! Any f00l with $15 Trillion dollars could have done that!
What people who are not getting affirmative action benefits wants to know is where is the ROI!
It's the economy $tupid!
4/21/2017 7:18:36 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
Also, keep in mind that Obama can't take any financial steps without Congress' approval. And Republicans controlled the House for six years of his term and the Senate for two years.
He didn't get congressional approval for Libya, Africa or Pah-Kee-Stahn!
He didn't get congressional approval for the Iran payout of billions in cash!
And he didn't get bi-partisan congressional approval for Obamacare!
So now what, smarty pants!?
4/21/2017 7:28:24 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Murrysville, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
Your not too bright are you.
He literally prevented a second great depression.
are you really sure that you want to stand by this moronic remark??
4/21/2017 7:29:06 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Vancouver, WA
35, joined May. 2014
online now!
Your not too bright are you.
He literally prevented a second great depression.
You literally lie all the time.
Economists weren't predicting a Depression.
White House economists forecast in January 2009 that, even without a stimulus, unemployment would top out at just 8.8% — well below the 10.8% peak during the 1981-82 recession, and nowhere near Depression-era unemployment levels.
The same month, the Congressional Budget Office predicted that, absent any stimulus, the recession would end in "the second half of 2009." The recession officially ended in June 2009, suggesting that the stimulus did not have anything to do with it.
4/21/2017 7:40:04 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |

Brockton, MA
53, joined Sep. 2011
He didn't get congressional approval for Libya, Africa or Pah-Kee-Stahn!
He didn't get congressional approval for the Iran payout of billions in cash!
And he didn't get bi-partisan congressional approval for Obamacare!
So now what, smarty pants!?
He didn't get congressional approval for the Iran payout of billions in cash!
how come you are not praising Obama for saving the USA millions of dollars in this deal?
not sure if most know but...tell us WHY the USA had to pay Iran money..........and why the deal Obama struck with Iran out of court saved the USA MILLIONS of dollars
4/21/2017 8:41:20 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Falkville, AL
75, joined Nov. 2011
Stellar, everything you said in your original post is correct. An awful lot of the Federal budget money was wasted, and it wasn’t spent on anything to speak of to help the American people. But you ask: “So what do we have to show for this $15 TRILLION dollars Liberals!? Please, give me something!”
Well, I'm not a Liberal, but there is something, but it is not visible. The money has been skimmed off into the black budget to build a deep underground tunnel system across the United States, maps of which can be found on YouTube Videos. This was a project that cost a massive amount of money.
You see, the powers that be, the Illuminati that recently bragged that they control the governments of Europe and America, are expecting Nemesis and its planetary system to pass through our solar system this year (by November of this year, it is now already visible) causing massive disaster on Earth, and they are also trying to goad Russia into the Third World War to cover their banking disaster, a war that will virtually destroy civilization as we know it and greatly reduce the world’s population. They have built this deep underground tunnel system, with our tax money, as shelter for themselves and their military bases (to be used for what they call "continuity of government). They refer to the deep underground military bases as DUMBs. So when the disasters hit, they will be protected, but we, the American people, are on our own. We have not even been warned. They figure that it would be a waste of money to rebuild a crumbling infrastructure that is going to be destroyed anyway.
4/21/2017 9:14:50 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
He didn't get congressional approval for the Iran payout of billions in cash!
how come you are not praising Obama for saving the USA millions of dollars in this deal?
not sure if most know but...tell us WHY the USA had to pay Iran money..........and why the deal Obama struck with Iran out of court saved the USA MILLIONS of dollars
That's exactly what I said Fallguy... He DID NOT get congressional approval for the Iran payout of billions in cash! I think I have said that more than once now..
Why would ANYONE with half a brain praise Obama for giving a state sponsor of terror billions of cash? WHY?
You are a f00l!
Iran ordered some military ordinance when they put a respectable leader in place... Once the deal went thru they quickly switched to a radical piece of $hit leader who was violating the terms of said military ordinance "deal". Under these circumstances the USA had every right to withhold the funds as they once again tilted towards a state sponsor of terror and a risk to everyone around them. We had no obligation to pay Iran "usury", something that is against the tenets of Islam anyway, but they took the "usury" aka "interest" anyway when Obama gave it to them WITHOUT congressional approval. To speculate that these FACTS were not enough to justify the actions of the United States, Obama and Kerry in essence committed treason bypassing congress and the will of the American people to just give a state sponsor of terror this much cash money! There was nothing to suggest that Iran would have prevailed in a lawsuit because as I have already said, they broke the agreement when they put in place another radical leader who was h3ll bent on the destruction of the USA and Israel. We were WELL within out rights and the ONLY reason Obama pulled this stunt is because, well, Obama is and will always be a piece of $hit anti-American closet Muslim.
Now that Obama has given them this money, illegally might I add, notice how they are quickly moving to put another radical Muslim piece of shit back in power, former Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad! This guy is a complete and total piece of $hit who spends all his waking hours hating the USA and Israel. He would go to UN meetings and say things so disgusting that at one point the entire room just up and left him by himself at the podium. It's the exact same thing! They put someone in power who is considered a moderate, in an effort to gain the trust of the USA and once the job is done they quickly switch up to a radical.
So there you have it.
4/21/2017 9:16:18 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |

Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012
a bunch a**holes on the internet b*tching about obama
4/21/2017 9:16:24 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Naperville, IL
27, joined Jul. 2013
Obama paid $150 billion.
4/21/2017 9:20:21 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
sdgncalix3, we are a bunch of VOTERS demanding the investigation and prosecution of a treasonous ex President that did nothing for this nation and squandered $15 trillion dollars of OUR money!
We want our money back! ALL OF IT!
4/21/2017 9:21:26 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |

Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012
They better write me a check then too.
I paid my taxes.
All presidents are crooked and c*cksuckers.
[Edited 4/21/2017 9:21:52 PM ]
4/21/2017 9:22:36 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Naperville, IL
27, joined Jul. 2013
money is out the door, why spend a dime to even think about it?
4/21/2017 9:23:08 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
All the Presidents combined racked up less debt than Obama!
So you're wrong...
[Edited 4/21/2017 9:23:40 PM ]
4/21/2017 9:23:22 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |

Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012
Money is worthless if you dont spend it.
I wasnt talking about spending.
I just think all politicians are shady as f**k
[Edited 4/21/2017 9:24:08 PM ]
4/21/2017 9:24:18 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
Money is worthless until such time you have to pay a debt...
Just like the national debt isn't a big deal, until it is...
You'll learn soon enough.
4/21/2017 9:25:18 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |

Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012
that too.
debt sucks
not having the money to pay sucks even worse
4/21/2017 9:26:05 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
You got an extra $30 trillion sitting around sdgncalix3?
Because the piper will be here on the 28th!
4/21/2017 9:32:17 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Murrysville, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
well at least we won't have that bullshit with the government trying to close the
war memorials in DC.
4/21/2017 9:34:15 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Naperville, IL
27, joined Jul. 2013
and who owes that debt, the people who spent it, or you?
that too.
debt sucks
not having the money to pay sucks even worse
4/21/2017 9:35:10 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |

Brockton, MA
53, joined Sep. 2011
That's exactly what I said Fallguy... He DID NOT get congressional approval for the Iran payout of billions in cash! I think I have said that more than once now..
Why would ANYONE with half a brain praise Obama for giving a state sponsor of terror billions of cash? WHY?
You are a f00l!
Iran ordered some military ordinance when they put a respectable leader in place... Once the deal went thru they quickly switched to a radical piece of $hit leader who was violating the terms of said military ordinance "deal". Under these circumstances the USA had every right to withhold the funds as they once again tilted towards a state sponsor of terror and a risk to everyone around them. We had no obligation to pay Iran "usury", something that is against the tenets of Islam anyway, but they took the "usury" aka "interest" anyway when Obama gave it to them WITHOUT congressional approval. To speculate that these FACTS were not enough to justify the actions of the United States, Obama and Kerry in essence committed treason bypassing congress and the will of the American people to just give a state sponsor of terror this much cash money! There was nothing to suggest that Iran would have prevailed in a lawsuit because as I have already said, they broke the agreement when they put in place another radical leader who was h3ll bent on the destruction of the USA and Israel. We were WELL within out rights and the ONLY reason Obama pulled this stunt is because, well, Obama is and will always be a piece of $hit anti-American closet Muslim.
Now that Obama has given them this money, illegally might I add, notice how they are quickly moving to put another radical Muslim piece of shit back in power, former Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad! This guy is a complete and total piece of $hit who spends all his waking hours hating the USA and Israel. He would go to UN meetings and say things so disgusting that at one point the entire room just up and left him by himself at the podium. It's the exact same thing! They put someone in power who is considered a moderate, in an effort to gain the trust of the USA and once the job is done they quickly switch up to a radical.
So there you have it.
so you don't really know why the US owed Iran do you?
and are clueless of how much money Obama saved the USA by settling out of court
yes we get it, we you go off on your mini novel type posts........it just makes you look like a babbling fool.............again
4/21/2017 9:36:03 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
Democrats and confused Republicans alike have exactly 6 days to stroke President Trumps ego just right...
And after all, President Trump is only human himself...
I'll be VERY interested to see the bi-partisan agreement they work up when they all know their paychecks and way of life is on the line. Should be VERY interesting to say the least!
Anything outside of a complete and total shut-down of government will simply be "kicking the can down the road".
4/21/2017 9:36:34 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |

Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012
Jilly, the people taht spent it.
But they will take it from someone else because they can
4/21/2017 9:38:46 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
sdgncalix3, I explained in the mini-novel exactly what happened...
I can't help it if you can't comprehend it... That is why people like you have no business voting!
If you had anything to disprove my "mini-novel" you would have sub-quoted the novel and made your retort..
As I expected, you just quoted the whole thing and failed to even make any mention of what you perceive to be false.
This is child-like behavior from you, and I expected nothing less.
4/21/2017 9:38:48 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Naperville, IL
27, joined Jul. 2013
Who are those people who spent it?
4/21/2017 9:40:49 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |

Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012
stellar, i didnt quote you..
You better read back
Jilly, the government a**holes.
4/21/2017 9:42:05 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
One liberal is just as bad as the next...
Fail guy is just as bad as you are... Potato/Patato.
4/21/2017 9:46:08 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Naperville, IL
27, joined Jul. 2013
What did they spend it on?
stellar, i didnt quote you..
You better read back
Jilly, the government a**holes.
4/21/2017 9:46:23 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |

Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012
But Im not a liberal.
So you are incorrect
Hell if i know Jilly
Steak dinners and b*tches.
[Edited 4/21/2017 9:46:49 PM ]
4/21/2017 9:48:11 PM |
What do we have to show for Obama and Democrats $15 Trillion debt? |


Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
You're a liberal..
I have great powers of deduction when it comes to these things...
I see fail guy, and it's the same thing as sdgncalix3.