4/27/2017 10:45:53 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


Grand Prairie, TX
100, joined May. 2016
"The teachings on love given by the Buddha are clear, scientific, and applicable… Love, compassion, joy, and equanimity are the very nature of an enlightened person. They are the four aspects of true love within ourselves and within everyone and everything.” -Thich Nhat Hanh-
The four qualities of Love a taught by Buddha...
1. LOVE (Maitri/Metta)
The first aspect of true love is maitri (metta, in Pali), the intention and capacity to offer joy and happiness. To develop that capacity, we have to practice looking and listening deeply so that we know what to do and what not to do to make others happy. If you offer your beloved something she does not need, that is not maitri. You have to see her real situation or what you offer might bring her unhappiness.
Without understanding, your love is not true love. You must look deeply in order to see and understand the needs, aspirations, and suffering of the one you love. We all need love. Love brings us joy and well-being. It is as natural as the air. We are loved by the air; we need fresh air to be happy and well. We are loved by trees. We need trees to be healthy. In order to be loved, we have to love, which means we have to understand. For our love to continue, we have to take the appropriate action or non-action to protect the air, the trees, and our beloved.
2. COMPASSION (Karuna)
The second aspect of true love is karuna, the intention and capacity to relieve and transform suffering and lighten sorrows. Karuna is usually translated as “compassion,” but that is not exactly correct. “Compassion” is composed of com (“together with”) and passion (“to suffer”). But we do not need to suffer to remove suffering from another person. Doctors, for instance, can relieve their patients’ suffering without experiencing the same disease in themselves. If we suffer too much, we may be crushed and unable to help. Still, until we find a better word, let us use “compassion” to translate karuna.
To develop compassion in ourselves, we need to practice mindful breathing, deep listening, and deep looking. The Lotus Sutra describes Avalokiteshvara as the bodhisattva who practices “looking with the eyes of compassion and listening deeply to the cries of the world.” Compassion contains deep concern. You know the other person is suffering, so you sit close to her. You look and listen deeply to her to be able to touch her pain. You are in deep communication, deep communion with her, and that alone brings some relief.
3. JOY (Mudita)
The third element of true love is mudita, joy. True love always brings joy to ourselves and to the one we love. If our love does not bring joy to both of us, it is not true love. Commentators explain that happiness relates to both body and mind, whereas joy relates primarily to mind.
This example is often given: Someone traveling in the desert sees a stream of cool water and experiences joy. On drinking the water, he experiences happiness. Ditthadhamma sukhavihari means “dwelling happily in the present moment.” We don’t rush to the future; we know that everything is here in the present moment.
Many small things can bring us tremendous joy, such as the awareness that we have eyes in good condition. We just have to open our eyes and we can see the blue sky, the violet flowers, the children, the trees, and so many other kinds of forms and colors. Dwelling in mindfulness, we can touch these wondrous and refreshing things, and our mind of joy arises naturally. Joy contains happiness and happiness contains joy.
4. EQUANIMITY (Upeksha)
The fourth element of true love is upeksha, which means equanimity, nonattachment, nondiscrimination, even- mindedness, or letting go. Upa means “over,” and iksha means “to look.” You climb the mountain to be able to look over the whole situation, not bound by one side or the other. If your love has attachment, discrimination, prejudice, or clinging in it, it is not true love.
People who do not understand Buddhism sometimes think upeksha means indifference, but true equanimity is neither cold nor indifferent. If you have more than one child, they are all your children. Upeksha does not mean that you don’t love. You love in a way that all your children receive your love, without discrimination.
What do you think...can real love exist between two people where these qualities don't?

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4/27/2017 11:00:25 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |

39, joined Sep. 2016
One person had mine many years ago
Was totally adored by me
Was not enough for him
Told me flat out he only needed me for dh
And dh was the be all and end all he must break me down to make himself more popular than me
Wouldnt be satisfied til all my friends liked him better than me
So he would be in control of Everything i say do and who and what i talk to and about
Dgd is the outcome
One fact he didnt figure in though
Is free will
If that shit soooo important to him
Then hes not the person i ever did love in the first place
Hence it is dead dead dead
And whatever he WIN
Will NEVER include ME
Facts of life for dont let your narc dictate to you 101
4/27/2017 11:02:00 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |

97, joined Dec. 2013
True love can only exist when...the two involved can make love on a roller coaster while it is rollering.
That is a true test of their commitment...
4/27/2017 11:04:08 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |

Seagrove, NC
98, joined Sep. 2015
I believe True Love means staying together until one of you dies.
4/27/2017 11:07:03 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |

39, joined Sep. 2016
True love can only exist when...the two involved can make love on a roller coaster while it is rollering.
That is a true test of their commitment... 
When one dont show up as promised because they choose to trolling dh instead despite being told its not of any importance whatsoever, yet that big noggin cant quite grasp whats priority and whats not... prolly cus it was lying all along
Thats kinda hard to bypass
End result= its dead
4/27/2017 11:10:32 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


Knoxville, TN
55, joined Aug. 2016
Hey Flirty, What are The Four Qualities of Love as Taught by Bubba???

4/27/2017 11:20:33 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |

39, joined Sep. 2016
The difference is i have a family
My family is very good people
And i have two young adult sons and an huge extended family
And im not prepared to ever let some f**king nutbag headcase with a bad temper anywhere in the vicinity of my precious home and family.
Unfortunately at this point, if my family ever caught a whiff of what dumbass there has been done toward me by him... they'd kick the living shit outta him
Which is why he is now wasting his time. Like i said... its dead dead dead
He should have considered his actions before his dire need for internet trolling me for his narc supply.
All actions have consequences. He secured his place in my life by those actions.... in other words.... he made it an impossibility that he would ever be able to be anywhere near me.
Such is life and the choices we make.
Responsibility is more important than so called Love
[Edited 4/27/2017 11:22:45 PM ]
4/27/2017 11:57:00 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |

39, joined Sep. 2016
To add to that
I do hope he will find happiness someday with someone thats right for him
As ive always told him, despite everything hes done, i always wish him only the best.
I could never hold any hate toward him although i damn well tried many times that he deserve.
The end.
I dont wish to discuss this ever again.
4/28/2017 12:09:50 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


Jackson, GA
52, joined Jan. 2017
dear lord..a statue can speak..nope.
4/28/2017 12:25:49 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |

39, joined Sep. 2016

4/28/2017 12:31:32 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


Grand Prairie, TX
100, joined May. 2016
I don't believe true love can exist without these qualities....each person should want all of this and more for each other and not be the cause of their partners pain....anything other than these qualities I don't see it as love...I see it as something else but not love.....so Harley obviously these qualities were lacking on his part...  
4/28/2017 1:16:49 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


United Kingdom
43, joined Mar. 2016
I am not sure if I agree or not with this Flirty. I think I need coffee and to reflect on it.
But as a quickie, I think you need to be able to fully embrace who you are and love that person. Before you can even embrace someone else no matter how deeply flawed you both are.

4/28/2017 1:49:22 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |

39, joined Sep. 2016
One whom lives their entire life solely internet based socialising, cannot comprehend real life mirror
Because all internet based interaction is by example, exactly why you fail and will always fail when trying to "figure me out". Because like i always told you... i have no desire nor any intention ever to play out my real life on a board i only attend after all my day duties is done and is my downtime playing in place of where i used to watch tv.
I live in. City central during weekdays... Right on the nightlife hotspot. Its literally impossible to AVOID people never mind meet them. Duh
This is my city & i love it... nothing ever could compare to my native soil ...
You never had the balls to visit... so you snoozed...you loozed
Dont ever try to lecture me about what love is.... mister hater panties who dont know shit about real love of real family
Or of oneself
Im sure happy bunny in all areas
you are too f**king selfish to even know anything about such
Now stfu
you little pissant.
Quitcher b*tchin
Stick a sock in it
I dont want ANY love from this shithole
Not now
Not ever
Get it?
Drop the fukin mic/
[Edited 4/28/2017 1:52:41 AM ]
4/28/2017 1:52:50 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |

Marshalltown, IA
60, joined Jul. 2011
My 4 "qualities" are different from the Buddha.
I don't believe there is anything scientific about love. It is a feeling, an emotion that comes more from the heart than the brain. You can't demand or command it. Inherently free and sometimes strikes like lightning. Whether it is true love..... well that takes time to find out. Both good and bad times. The bad times though are the true test.
4/28/2017 2:03:05 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |

Tampa, FL
60, joined Feb. 2013
True love is only for our children, our pets, and certain chocolaty foods.
4/28/2017 2:13:57 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |

39, joined Sep. 2016
Mutulal respect is most important
When one has psychotic meltdown because you arguing with his fake profile he normally trolls you and all your friends with, and hes afraid you might notice its him. So he starts the screaming abuse at you in private....its a hell of a shock.. like wtf why wft ?? Never an explanation........ then never stops ever after ..cus since you now know what he really is from that little slip of the mask of his ...he may as well keep the abuse up forver after, until he can figure out how best to f**k you and everyone around you over for his best interest.
Sucks when ya pick a slightly more intelligent version that can read you like a book
Rather than the usual dumb fools he picks for trolls
I remember three of his previous stool pigeons he used to try mess with me before in exact same way for exact same reason.
They didnt last long til he trashed the livin shit out them
[Edited 4/28/2017 2:14:38 AM ]
4/28/2017 2:17:53 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |

39, joined Sep. 2016
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
4/28/2017 2:31:21 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


San Antonio, TX
53, joined Jun. 2012
Only true love..is love of self...
Jmo...Hi love
4/28/2017 2:46:16 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |

39, joined Sep. 2016
Only true love..is love of self...
Jmo...Hi love 
Thats one selfish as hell opinion and complete bollox 
4/28/2017 3:21:40 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |

Marshalltown, IA
60, joined Jul. 2011
Only true love..is love of self...
Jmo...Hi love 
True that Eyes. We first have to love the person we are. How many heartaches and mistakes before most understand that? Not a damn thing selfish about it. The term "true love" never set well with me. Just like the term "soul mates". That is when referring to a relationship between a woman and a man. The Buddha may believe in enlightenment through his 4 steps but mine came when I realized that only I am responsible for my own happiness. That I am far more than just a mother or a wife. I am a woman who has walked through fire and survived some ugly chit from an early age. Looking in the mirror I can honestly say I like that gal looking back at me. And she seems to feel the same. Tough old broads that we are.

4/28/2017 3:22:57 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |

White City, OR
43, joined Oct. 2016
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
4/28/2017 3:36:04 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |
Laurel, MD
62, joined Nov. 2014
honesty attractive respect
4/28/2017 3:38:34 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |

Marshalltown, IA
60, joined Jul. 2011
"Love cares what becomes of you because love knows that we are all interconnected. Love is inherently compassionate and empathic. Love knows that the "other" is also oneself. This is the true nature of love and love itself can not be manipulated or restrained. Love honors the sovereignty of each soul. Love is its own law."
Buddha approved.

4/28/2017 3:49:45 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


Dayton, OH
60, joined Dec. 2012
4/28/2017 4:32:04 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |

New South Wales
90, joined Jun. 2016
What's his is mine
What's mine is mine
What's our's is mine
4/28/2017 4:49:33 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |

Enid, OK
58, joined Feb. 2010
While I do see the possibility, of two people developing true love according to the teaching of Buddha, I have rarely seen it in real life.
The love that Buddha teaches, can and will exist only, if BOTH people believe in it. Far too often that love is one sided.
When you throw in the human equation, one person will almost ALWAYS, try to play the game of only taking and never giving back.
Love, much less true love is nothing more than a fairy tale.
4/28/2017 7:30:29 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


Eugene, OR
61, joined Mar. 2014
love is not complicated.
when you have to break it down into sections like that for clarity the meaning was already lost.
4/28/2017 9:20:39 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


Grand Prairie, TX
100, joined May. 2016
I don't see this as being complicated at all...I see these as inherent things that should already be present....the only reason this interested me is because I guess they put into words what it is that I have always wanted in a relationship....I think you can take all the much needed characteristics of a healthy and loving relationship and fit them all under these categories.....  
Take one or some of them away and what do you have left?....
[Edited 4/28/2017 9:21:52 AM ]
4/28/2017 9:51:27 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


Eugene, OR
61, joined Mar. 2014
love is a simple basic emotion until people complicate it by picking it a part.
when you start picking apart a flower trying to find out why it's so beautiful the flower gets destroyed.
but I'm glad you get something out of the 4 sections of it.
[Edited 4/28/2017 9:51:56 AM ]
4/28/2017 9:52:43 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


Grand Prairie, TX
100, joined May. 2016
Its the qualities I have always looked for but never found.....  
4/28/2017 9:58:06 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


United Kingdom
43, joined Mar. 2016
Do you think those qualites are idealism Flirty rather than the reality? Perhaps your idea of etopia?
4/28/2017 10:01:45 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


Dayton, OH
60, joined Dec. 2012
TRUE love is constant.
I'm blocked yet still Love
4/28/2017 10:08:00 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |
New York, NY
47, joined Jan. 2017
My mom always said you need three things love, trust and respect. If one falls they all fall. I think I agree with that.
4/28/2017 10:09:53 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


Cincinnati, OH
44, joined Dec. 2014
The mass majority of humans are too self evolved for true love. Too much "self love"
They surround their selves in delusion. The majority of ppl can't look inward and identify their insecurities and flaws,nor learn to live with the acceptance of who they truly are...too weak-their psyche can't handle it.
They seek "completion" in another,rather than a shared experience.
"He/she didn't fix me..."
4/28/2017 10:10:53 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |

44, joined Jan. 2017
The mass majority of humans are too self evolved for true love. Too much "self love"
They surround their selves in delusion. The majority of ppl can't look inward and identify their insecurities and flaws,nor learn to live with the acceptance of who they truly are...too weak-their psyche can't handle it.
They seek "completion" in another,rather than a shared experience.
"He/she didn't fix me..."

4/28/2017 10:27:40 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


Eugene, OR
61, joined Mar. 2014
The mass majority of humans are too self evolved for true love. Too much "self love"
They surround their selves in delusion. The majority of ppl can't look inward and identify their insecurities and flaws,nor learn to live with the acceptance of who they truly are...too weak-their psyche can't handle it.
They seek "completion" in another,rather than a shared experience.
"He/she didn't fix me..."
I wouldn't call that true love.
I think they can look inward. they just choose not to.
[Edited 4/28/2017 10:28:05 AM ]
4/28/2017 11:01:08 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


United Kingdom
43, joined Mar. 2016
Anne I think he's saying people are too selfish and self absorbed for true love. That it's about their needs rather than what love is.
4/28/2017 11:01:48 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |

44, joined Jan. 2017
^ yep
4/28/2017 11:03:30 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |

Houston, TX
50, joined Feb. 2017
We hear so much about true love...so what the f**k is false love or average love or 'eh' love.
Love is love you either love or you don't there are no "shades" of it. 
[Edited 4/28/2017 11:03:48 AM ]
4/28/2017 11:04:39 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |

44, joined Jan. 2017
hear hear. Missed you crumpet.
4/28/2017 11:42:28 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


The Rock, GA
98, joined Sep. 2016

4/28/2017 12:54:44 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


Eugene, OR
61, joined Mar. 2014
Anne I think he's saying people are too selfish and self absorbed for true love. That it's about their needs rather than what love is.
lol they can just play by themselves then. marbles would be out of the question. 
4/28/2017 1:37:30 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


United Kingdom
43, joined Mar. 2016
 Anne I think they do. But I am not sure it's marbles 
4/28/2017 1:40:37 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |

44, joined Jan. 2017
fluffy more like
4/28/2017 1:42:09 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


Jackson, GA
52, joined Jan. 2017
hey zee..id never block you..true love means allways havin to say she,ll be sorry.......  
4/28/2017 2:00:23 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


United Kingdom
43, joined Mar. 2016
you meant dice right? 
4/28/2017 5:24:25 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


San Antonio, TX
53, joined Jun. 2012
True that Eyes. We first have to love the person we are. How many heartaches and mistakes before most understand that? Not a damn thing selfish about it. The term "true love" never set well with me. Just like the term "soul mates". That is when referring to a relationship between a woman and a man. The Buddha may believe in enlightenment through his 4 steps but mine came when I realized that only I am responsible for my own happiness. That I am far more than just a mother or a wife. I am a woman who has walked through fire and survived some ugly chit from an early age. Looking in the mirror I can honestly say I like that gal looking back at me. And she seems to feel the same. Tough old broads that we are.

And there ya go....
I loathe the soul mate sht..keeps ppl chasing unicorns..
If one dsnt like or love self..how are they capable of loving another ?
Not in a healthy way..they aren't...they consantly give and are not capable of receiving...
4/28/2017 6:04:10 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


Grand Prairie, TX
100, joined May. 2016
Do you think those qualites are idealism Flirty rather than the reality? Perhaps your idea of etopia?
No...those are important inner qualities for me....I don't see any eutopia in these qualities at all...I mostly see common sense and perhaps what's missing in a lot of relationships and why they don't last....  
4/28/2017 6:07:31 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


Grand Prairie, TX
100, joined May. 2016
The mass majority of humans are too self evolved for true love. Too much "self love"
They surround their selves in delusion. The majority of ppl can't look inward and identify their insecurities and flaws,nor learn to live with the acceptance of who they truly are...too weak-their psyche can't handle it.
They seek "completion" in another,rather than a shared experience.
"He/she didn't fix me..."
Self love is not selfishness...do you think you can loath yourself and really love another person?....the falsity is always doing for others and not yourself...this is why people cant go inward because they are always looking outward at others and their needs while never knowing or subverting their own....
True love is probably the wrong phrase...how about real love vs. love in disguise?.....
[Edited 4/28/2017 6:08:15 PM ]
4/28/2017 6:09:07 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |

Kent, OH
46, joined Sep. 2012
I self love as much as I can. So long as the Jergens lotion holds out 
4/28/2017 6:10:42 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |

New South Wales
90, joined Jun. 2016
The mass majority of humans are too self evolved for true love. Too much "self love"
They surround their selves in delusion. The majority of ppl can't look inward and identify their insecurities and flaws,nor learn to live with the acceptance of who they truly are...too weak-their psyche can't handle it.
They seek "completion" in another,rather than a shared experience.
"He/she didn't fix me..."
You mean they live on here surrounding themselves
with attention they would never receive in the
real world because they're too bloody busy living
in this joint.
I see you some times run around giving receiving attention
yet there is no way in hell you would do that in the
real world.
4/28/2017 6:12:47 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |

44, joined Jan. 2017
I don't think archer meant "self love" in that sense, flirty. I think he was speaking about being all about "me, me, me" thing. At least that's how I read that.
4/28/2017 6:12:54 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


Grand Prairie, TX
100, joined May. 2016
I self love as much as I can. So long as the Jergens lotion holds out 
Better stock up....
4/28/2017 6:13:39 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


Grand Prairie, TX
100, joined May. 2016
I don't think archer meant "self love" in that sense, flirty. I think he was speaking about being all about "me, me, me" thing. At least that's how I read that.
That's not self love...that's selfishness.....  
4/28/2017 6:17:47 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |

44, joined Jan. 2017
Yeah, that's why he used quotation marks for those words. I think he was being ironic about it. But that was my reading. I could be wrong.

[Edited 4/28/2017 6:18:02 PM ]
4/28/2017 6:27:59 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


Grand Prairie, TX
100, joined May. 2016
Gotcha....a lot of people confuse the two...that's why I thought I would clarify....
4/29/2017 1:11:07 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


United Kingdom
43, joined Mar. 2016
I understand it is what you personally look for in others. But if it is a constant where it is void. Is it an idealism of your perfect partner?
Like all religions and manters there are positives. But, are they not just stories or ideals of a more perfect world, perfect relationship for us or even as far as the ideal of other humans?

4/29/2017 5:07:39 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


Dayton, OH
60, joined Dec. 2012
4/29/2017 8:10:57 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


Grand Prairie, TX
100, joined May. 2016
I understand it is what you personally look for in others. But if it is a constant where it is void. Is it an idealism of your perfect partner?
Like all religions and manters there are positives. But, are they not just stories or ideals of a more perfect world, perfect relationship for us or even as far as the ideal of other humans?

No...its really not an ideal....im not looking for perfect...what I do think is when people really love each other...these things come naturally....I want my partner to be happy so im not going to do anything intentionally to make him unhappy and I want the same in return...I will always feel compassion for my partner out of love and I want the same in return....I want to do everything I can to bring joy into my partners life and not strife and I want the same in return...and of course I want my partner to see me as a separate person with wants...needs...desires and opinions that are my own and don't have to be his and I can offer the same...so I don't see how any of this is utopian....I see it as the most natural thing in the world because all these things stem from love.....  
4/29/2017 8:34:47 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... |


Dayton, OH
60, joined Dec. 2012
I love my computer