4/29/2017 8:39:42 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... | Page 2 |

White City, OR
43, joined Oct. 2016
T is a liar tried to say she hasn't been posting on dh 
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

4/29/2017 8:44:04 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... | Page 2 |


Dayton, OH
60, joined Dec. 2012
S it's her business
4/29/2017 8:47:43 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... | Page 2 |

White City, OR
43, joined Oct. 2016
S it's her business 
What did she want to talk to you about z ?!?
4/29/2017 8:48:34 PM |
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White City, OR
43, joined Oct. 2016
She won't stop texting me now 
4/29/2017 8:49:40 PM |
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Dayton, OH
60, joined Dec. 2012
S I don't know was that really her
Ohhhhhhhhh boy I feel for u
[Edited 4/29/2017 8:50:25 PM ]
4/29/2017 8:51:57 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... | Page 2 |

White City, OR
43, joined Oct. 2016
Yes it was it's funny how she thinks she's playing me lol
She should text someone else like MirrorMirror aka Korbyn.
Just sayin
4/29/2017 8:52:32 PM |
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New York, NY
47, joined Jan. 2017
@silva Idk for someone who wants nothing to do with her cus she's a drunk etc. You certainly mention her a lot.
Is it possible for you and your stupid little group to keep ANYTHING off of public forums? Gawd. People wonder why I won't date from here
4/29/2017 8:54:02 PM |
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Dayton, OH
60, joined Dec. 2012
But ur her main squeeze
U lucky devil u
4/29/2017 8:55:11 PM |
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White City, OR
43, joined Oct. 2016
The internet has made her a crazy person for real I don't get it but I see how DH has changed people. Look at korbyn straight internet wacko.
And Sparks wow she is just mad as f**k all the time .....
Oh and let's not forget the dildo Sideshow Heather 
[Edited 4/29/2017 8:57:21 PM ]
4/29/2017 8:59:45 PM |
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Dayton, OH
60, joined Dec. 2012
Yes the internet will f**k folks up
But some have improved 
4/29/2017 9:01:03 PM |
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White City, OR
43, joined Oct. 2016
Now she's claim someone has stole her identity and is posting as her who in their right mind would do that .
Oh f**k MirrorMirror aka Korbyn would 
4/29/2017 9:02:15 PM |
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White City, OR
43, joined Oct. 2016
Always playing the f**kin victim card
4/29/2017 9:03:27 PM |
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White City, OR
43, joined Oct. 2016
Funny how she deleted that pro huh ....
Wetback wannabe cracka 
4/29/2017 9:04:43 PM |
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Dayton, OH
60, joined Dec. 2012
If her and korbyn were friends it's possible
I still like her good side
4/29/2017 9:08:50 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... | Page 2 |
New York, NY
47, joined Jan. 2017
The internet has made her a crazy person for real I don't get it but I see how DH has changed people. Look at korbyn straight internet wacko.
And Sparks wow she is just mad as f**k all the time .....
Oh and let's not forget the dildo Sideshow Heather 
Hypocrisy in one post, how nice.
"The internet has made her a crazy person for real I don't get it but I see how DH has changed people"
Flashback to 5 years ago...cus of course I haven't posted anything but my boobs since then...
"dildo Sideshow Heather"
I can't believe how pathetic it is...the only thing you have to post about, as I just said to Russ-butt-it, are other posters. Why don't you get your own lame dh fame and stop trying to get it by using other posters names. WE DONT WANT IT, ESPECIALLY IN THIS CESSPOOL OF SILVAS!!! Get off my rain cloud biatch.

4/29/2017 9:11:01 PM |
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White City, OR
43, joined Oct. 2016
Rotten tomato Heather such a waste
4/29/2017 9:11:46 PM |
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Dayton, OH
60, joined Dec. 2012
Ooooooohh H
No comment
4/29/2017 9:30:13 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... | Page 2 |
New York, NY
47, joined Jan. 2017
Sure silva I'm the waste...cus I think you TROLLS have too much time on your hands? Or cus I don't believe in announcing personal information online just because you have no other way to prove a point or because a few supposed men and their female alts are butthurt b*tches? Or because you forum scummers had to literally block people out of your site to single people out, to win an argument? Even then you all had shit a** nothing and had to try and win the stupidity by changing our posts...right?
Korbyn is supposedly EVERYONE...but this is exactly the pattern at forum sauce. All of the sudden Jake is hacked, I don't notice, one of your administrators does notice (obviously) and says because I DIDNT notice, I'm the hacker, right ? Just like now making it appear as though your own profiles have been hijacked just to put it on korbyn?
Oh and Ruby and Nature ....saying that THEY made all that porn in intros that caused the issues on dh. The only ones that fight with memes and gifs of other posters are you a**holes. I have never seen ruby or nature argue in a disgusting personal way like that, only you a**holes do that. What's funny is you guys have even blamed sparks for that and she wasn't even posting then
Yeah jeez so shocking your site is worth zero dollars. You could have actually been worth something but no...what a f**king waste that is...too bad cus it could have been a good site
4/29/2017 9:38:58 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... | Page 2 |


Baton Rouge, LA
36, joined May. 2013
The Bondage Breaker - SelfDefinition.Org
SelfDefinition.Org › hearing-voices › Ne...
by NT Anderson - ?1990 - ?Cited by 151 - ?Related articles
The bondage breaker: overcoming darkness and resolving spiritual conflicts / Neil T. ...... Creator is truly God .
The Spirit of Bondage and of Adoption - Bible Hub
Bible Hub › sermons › auth › spurgeon
For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but you have ... has of its Creator, because of its own insignificance and its Maker's greatness
The Bondage of the Will, the Sovereignty of Grace, and the ...
Desiring God › messages › the-bondage-...
Apr 13, 2016 - He means that wherever it is active in faith and obedience, God is decisively active, creating and .
Understanding modern traditional bondage of Gad/God leadership..
Which came first,, Heaven/shamayam or Earth/Eret???
Parable definition???
Two dimensional subject of platforms objects...
First base entity element of heaven particle illustration,, and then second base chemical compound of carbon parable illustration particle of Earth flesh..

What first dimension of Ba'al/LORD Dom heaven is like????
Traditional bondage of grown virgins consentor multitask painful labour/labor/ETSEV gender becoming equally yoke Mary's Eve's pilegesh ishshah as consented/consentor choice in chosen a Master/husbondi/husbonda in becoming his's consented employee workers definition..
The boundary limit on earth and boundary limit in heaven consented public affair of general employee workers to a man household term in obeying God traditional blueprint BONDAGE policy act of order...
Midnight in (((heaven))..
(((Were))) wise virgins..; - ( pass tense the were.)
Were foolish virgins Mary's Eve's...
When the ((((were)))wise became foolish???
When the (((were )))foolish virgins Mary's Eve's became Wise????

How many equally yoke grown virgin consentor multitask painful labor/labour discipline students gender entitlement of Mary's Eve's Adam have in the garden of Earth???
How many equally yoke grown (((were wise))Mary Eve's (((pilegesh ishshah)) was prepared to leave first dimensional universes of ((shamayam/heaven)) planets life to come too second dimensional universe Earth with adam/ish/man???
God parable illustrations creation of the afterlife universe, of God/Gad eret/earth planets living entities element spiritual soul in the atomic entity chemical creation of carbon base flesh...
What is God boundaries limitation in the business common law consent of polygamy marriage????
how many consentor multitask painful labor/labour gender entitlement a man Right's/Grace's allowed in consenting to a''just''slave discipleship students man of business household???
Participating in obeying God manual instruction policy act of prefix legal allegiance Federal Justice for all genders entitlement of ground standard term are mandatory...

Earth Traditional bondage design is consented carbon chemistry gas of six/6 participating entities created carbon chemicals particle illustration of fleshs DNA genders..
Meaning,,, one atom entity element gender entitlement grown chosen scepter ruler Master man DNA and Five virgins grown consentor multitask painful labour/toil/wail/ETSEV/workers/slave entities electrons elements pilegesh ishshah women DNA..
Carbon chemicals particle of 6/six flesh populated earth genders DNA..
Everybody came from that one DNA man gender..
When you people going to become wise???
Being perfect political correct in the pursuit of following Al Alef Abba Gad/Gawd/God Ba'al Yahu Yaweh life manual instruction in obeying eternal bondage Tanakh justice LAW system is not hard to comprehend...
Can you liberal tyranny of liberty Anti-Christ tautology in illegal converting the mindset of God free form educational testator/will positions term in inheriting eternal life,, resign your false leadership in false bondage position ,and abdicate from God self government policy system of demand orders ???
Abdicate Liberty liberal wayward ill mental organization and resign from your fairytale position as their Liberty tyranny agenda of manizers Molek/Negus/Pharaoh/King sexists definition meaning of liberty liberal converted act of their tyranny pyramid scheme stage character boyfriend becoming an off mindset husband..
Husbonda definition
Husbondi definition meaning I'm a Almighty Lord definition..
Diverted word and definition to defamate traditional character entitlement Right's as a Ba'al...
Strong's Hebrew: 1166. ?????? (baal) -- to marry, rule over
Bible Hub › hebrew
gets a husband (1), high (1), husband)) ( 3), married (4), married* (2), marries (2), marry (1), marrying* (1), (((master))) (1
French word Lord
Husband Definition and Meaning - Bible Dictionary - Bible Study Tools
Bible Study Tools › dictionary › husband
In the Hebrew household the husband and father was the chief personage of an institution ... The wife, or wives, looked up to him as their lord (Genesis 18
Strong's Hebrew: 1167. ??????? (baal) -- owner, lord - Bible Hub
Bible Hub › hebrew
I. ??????166 noun masculine owner, lord (Phoenician ???; Palmyrene id. husband Vog62 compare BaeRel 72 ff
Greek word adon/lesbo definition meaning the original Hebrew word Ba'al..
Liberal cuss..
4/29/2017 9:39:50 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... | Page 2 |


Grand Prairie, TX
100, joined May. 2016
Okay people there are a million threads for this shit...take it to one of those.....
mw...take it to the jesus thread.....
[Edited 4/29/2017 9:40:39 PM ]
4/29/2017 9:41:33 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... | Page 2 |

Seagrove, NC
98, joined Sep. 2015
Sure silva I'm the waste...cus I think you TROLLS have too much time on your hands? Or cus I don't believe in announcing personal information online just because you have no other way to prove a point or because a few supposed men and their female alts are butthurt b*tches? Or because you forum scummers had to literally block people out of your site to single people out, to win an argument? Even then you all had shit a** nothing and had to try and win the stupidity by changing our posts...right?
Korbyn is supposedly EVERYONE...but this is exactly the pattern at forum sauce. All of the sudden Jake is hacked, I don't notice, one of your administrators does notice (obviously) and says because I DIDNT notice, I'm the hacker, right ? Just like now making it appear as though your own profiles have been hijacked just to put it on korbyn?
Oh and Ruby and Nature ....saying that THEY made all that porn in intros that caused the issues on dh. The only ones that fight with memes and gifs of other posters are you a**holes. I have never seen ruby or nature argue in a disgusting personal way like that, only you a**holes do that. What's funny is you guys have even blamed sparks for that and she wasn't even posting then
Yeah jeez so shocking your site is worth zero dollars. You could have actually been worth something but no...what a f**king waste that is...too bad cus it could have been a good site
Myself and Nature made NO porn, it was Balli4, now known as Stopsign, Jake is fake, Kascade, Harley Quinn, Circadian, and many more fake Profiles. If Steve Silvia actually believes all of that bullshit, that shows he is just a stupid f**k. And, he keeps kissing the a** of the above Fake Elaine Parke/ Balli 4 profiles. He is so f**king stupid that he does not even realize all of the hate she spewed about him.
4/29/2017 9:42:30 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... | Page 2 |


Grand Prairie, TX
100, joined May. 2016
Like I said...take this shit elsewhere...you can pick any shit thread...just keep it outta mine....
4/29/2017 9:43:00 PM |
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Baton Rouge, LA
36, joined May. 2013
Would love put love life in harm way when knowing eternal life more important than just a life???
How do we the people inherit eternal life???
By Buddha bab.la Shun/Yuan/Ming
[Edited 4/29/2017 9:43:55 PM ]
4/29/2017 9:45:04 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... | Page 2 |


Grand Prairie, TX
100, joined May. 2016
No...but life is not inherited eternally...it just is...its simply a transformation of energy on a vibrational scale....your vibration depends on you.....
4/29/2017 9:46:34 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... | Page 2 |


Baton Rouge, LA
36, joined May. 2013
What is God legal free educational testator/will term about???
[Edited 4/29/2017 9:47:04 PM ]
4/29/2017 9:48:47 PM |
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Grand Prairie, TX
100, joined May. 2016
God is simply a symbol for everything that is....everything is energy and intermingles to work together...free will is simply choice....
4/29/2017 9:52:58 PM |
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Baton Rouge, LA
36, joined May. 2013
What optimistic position choice God gave individuals???
Life don't have a manual instruction term position???
4/29/2017 9:53:18 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... | Page 2 |

Plano, TX
49, joined Mar. 2017
Okay people there are a million threads for this shit...take it to one of those.....
mw...take it to the jesus thread..... 
But not my jesus thread 
4/29/2017 9:58:02 PM |
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Grand Prairie, TX
100, joined May. 2016
Lessons and choice...its your choice to learn those lessons or not...to evolve or not...and everybody's path is individual so there is no manual needed....we're all going to the same place...our choices here will determine our experience when we get there...
Cheepy....either thread will do.....
I also stole your name for my euchre name.....
[Edited 4/29/2017 9:58:36 PM ]
4/29/2017 10:00:58 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... | Page 2 |

Plano, TX
49, joined Mar. 2017
I want my goddamned Timmy's doughnuts.

4/29/2017 10:02:22 PM |
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Grand Prairie, TX
100, joined May. 2016
Come and get em....
4/29/2017 10:16:56 PM |
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Baton Rouge, LA
36, joined May. 2013
God not a gender position term in true leadership in modern traditional bondage..
What choice God made in prositioning a term through gender entitlement ,,as a man or woman??
[Edited 4/29/2017 10:18:09 PM ]
4/29/2017 10:19:33 PM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... | Page 2 |
New York, NY
47, joined Jan. 2017
Like I said...take this shit elsewhere...you can pick any shit thread...just keep it outta mine.... 
Sorry flirty. Will do
4/29/2017 11:11:13 PM |
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Saint Paul, MN
65, joined Oct. 2009
STRIKE FOUR!!!! Maybe I never was in love after all. I know they were never in love with me.
4/29/2017 11:29:02 PM |
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Ocala, FL
97, joined Feb. 2017
Like I said...take this shit elsewhere...you can pick any shit thread...just keep it outta mine.... 
4/30/2017 1:04:56 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... | Page 2 |


Grand Prairie, TX
100, joined May. 2016
That's a man and woman thing....
Because sparks im sick of the shit threads and I don't want this to be one of them...that's why.....
4/30/2017 1:10:10 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... | Page 2 |


San Antonio, TX
53, joined Jun. 2012
God is simply a symbol for everything that is....everything is energy and intermingles to work together...free will is simply choice.... 
I love this...loveeeee this.
4/30/2017 1:12:57 AM |
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Baton Rouge, LA
36, joined May. 2013
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
4/30/2017 3:00:58 AM |
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Grand Prairie, TX
100, joined May. 2016
wrong...there are people who are unable to have kids....there are people who choose not to have kids....there are people who have kids who should never be parents....so bullshit....
Mornin dusa......  
[Edited 4/30/2017 3:01:16 AM ]
4/30/2017 3:02:36 AM |
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Vale, OR
63, joined Oct. 2013
morning dummy 
4/30/2017 3:05:31 AM |
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Grand Prairie, TX
100, joined May. 2016
Mornin American dunce.....  
4/30/2017 3:07:07 AM |
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United Kingdom
43, joined Mar. 2016
That wasn't my issue with his post. It was the having more than one wife that was Nada
4/30/2017 3:07:56 AM |
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Grand Prairie, TX
100, joined May. 2016
I missed that part....  
4/30/2017 3:10:55 AM |
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United Kingdom
43, joined Mar. 2016
Selective reading huh? I tend to do that on the latter part. My brain just goes meh
4/30/2017 3:11:33 AM |
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Grand Prairie, TX
100, joined May. 2016
4/30/2017 4:06:49 AM |
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Dayton, OH
60, joined Dec. 2012
That's a man and woman thing....
Because sparks im sick of the shit threads and I don't want this to be one of them...that's why.....  OOH RAH  
4/30/2017 4:46:44 AM |
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Walterboro, SC
67, joined Sep. 2011
This it's the VERY BEST ANSWER I have heard in & years on DH. Good Morning GF.have a blessed Sunday. 
4/30/2017 6:16:16 AM |
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Dayton, OH
60, joined Dec. 2012
Chief got insights 
4/30/2017 6:42:08 AM |
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Walterboro, SC
67, joined Sep. 2011
4/30/2017 7:00:51 AM |
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Intercourse, PA
37, joined Nov. 2012

[Edited 4/30/2017 7:01:35 AM ]
4/30/2017 7:04:24 AM |
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Dayton, OH
60, joined Dec. 2012
U too ski 
4/30/2017 7:52:08 AM |
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Simi Valley, CA
52, joined Sep. 2013
flag post | hide posts from this user quote reply
Reading, PA
47, joined Mar. 2013
When I go into my garage and pass it by on the way to work and the return of work I pass it by, wondering if it feels the same as I'm missing the togetherness, filling proud to own one another, and waiting to spend hours and days with one another,holding one another tightly and everyone looking at our love,for one another and feeling it too.Winter and snow separates our love and bond,Dreaming of when I can open my legs widely and plant my feet to stabilize my balance my weight and ride the most powerful sexest machine known to man... My Bob

4/30/2017 9:18:48 AM |
The 4 Qualities of True Love... | Page 2 |

Ocala, FL
97, joined Feb. 2017
That's a man and woman thing....
Because sparks im sick of the shit threads and I don't want this to be one of them...that's why..... 
i think they left to hallow grounds
im being good its sunday
4/30/2017 10:05:16 AM |
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Walterboro, SC
67, joined Sep. 2011
Hey Linda Buddy , it wouldn't hurt you to leave a nice Thread alone and not because it's Sunday,,, Have a great on, very hot already didn't go to Church Doggies acting up in the Hotel Room.. Don't have AC and the Hotel has been our Home the past couple of days,    
4/30/2017 10:07:23 AM |
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Brewster, NY
49, joined Nov. 2016
This is what she lives for..... 
4/30/2017 12:21:42 PM |
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Hollywood, FL
28, joined Mar. 2017
4/30/2017 2:59:09 PM |
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Grand Prairie, TX
100, joined May. 2016
This it's the VERY BEST ANSWER I have heard in & years on DH. Good Morning GF.have a blessed Sunday.  
Thanks g/f....have a great sunday.....  
4/30/2017 3:53:04 PM |
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Montreal, QC
36, joined Mar. 2017
Im not sure i 'get' #4.
4/30/2017 4:00:08 PM |
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Danielsville, GA
52, joined May. 2016
Sleepy, Grumpy, Dopey, and....Bashful?
4/30/2017 4:03:00 PM |
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44, joined Jan. 2017
If I have to pick for me it's 2 and 4.