4/30/2017 12:24:40 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |


Marietta, GA
58, joined Aug. 2011
. M E M O
The left seems to be under the misunderstanding that we elected President Trump in order to please them.
BItch....please. ******Far from it*****
President Trump was elected to undo the damage of the Dummy administration as well as take us in a new direction. Justice Gorsuch is a good example of doing just that - much to the chagrin and anger of the leftist democraps.
Rule of Thumb: the angrier the democraps become - the better President Trump is doing and a mighty fine one.
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

4/30/2017 12:25:29 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |


Bryan, TX
33, joined Apr. 2013
Thanks for the thread. Too bad no one gives a f**k why you elected him. The orange skinned b*tch will be in prison eventually regardless.
4/30/2017 12:32:01 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
New Book Reveals Clinton Campaign Hatched Russia Hysteria To Cover For Losing
4/30/2017 12:36:51 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |


Bryan, TX
33, joined Apr. 2013
The little b*tch was even too scared to go to the correspondence dinner.
4/30/2017 12:55:41 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Tampa, FL
60, joined Feb. 2013
MEMO TO THE 99%: We elected Donald Trump president to please the 1% and "f**k you" to the rest of America!
4/30/2017 1:02:33 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |


Marietta, GA
58, joined Aug. 2011
LB that was a great find! I still say offwithherhead . She's revolting to put it mildly.
Nobody likes her or understands what she is but a few slow ones (retarded) who don't get it here on DH.
A frickin MONSTER.
It wouldn't let me quote your post. Too many quotes...error message. Maybe we've been too active tonight.
4/30/2017 4:25:24 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |


Lexington, KY
63, joined May. 2011
LB that was a great find! I still say offwithherhead  . She's revolting to put it mildly.
Nobody likes her or understands what she is but a few slow ones (retarded) who don't get it here on DH.
A frickin MONSTER.
It wouldn't let me quote your post. Too many quotes...error message. Maybe we've been too active tonight.
THERES no doubt in my mind you have a serious disease as your ATE UP WITH THE DUMBASS..
YOUR angry cause you haven't been grabbed by your p*ssy in years..
YOUR heros quote..I didn't think it would be this hard......APPRENTICE - FOREVER 
4/30/2017 5:20:02 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |


Dallas, TX
57, joined Jul. 2012
We elected him to spite the left
4/30/2017 5:53:07 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Fairmont, NC
42, joined Oct. 2014
Listen to the whiney liberal b*tches in here,still can't get over our historical win. That Hasan Minhaj is nothing but a limp wristed f*g. He wasn't a bit funny.What would be funny,is to watch him visit the middle east.I wonder how long until they threw the gay pedo off of a ,10 story building?
[Edited 4/30/2017 5:54:34 AM ]
4/30/2017 6:02:16 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |


Fort Worth, TX
71, joined Feb. 2009
. M E M O
The left seems to be under the misunderstanding that we elected President Trump in order to please them.
BItch....please. ******Far from it*****
President Trump was elected to undo the damage of the Dummy administration as well as take us in a new direction. Justice Gorsuch is a good example of doing just that - much to the chagrin and anger of the leftist democraps.
Rule of Thumb: the angrier the democraps become - the better President Trump is doing and a mighty fine one.
You are totally right. With all the anger from the left, he must be doing something right! I think the left knows he's right, and are scared.
4/30/2017 6:07:54 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Tampa, FL
60, joined Feb. 2013
he must be doing something right!
He wasn't doing anything right initially. Then the Deep State put his balls in a vice and began tightening. The result:
First Transgender President: Trump Becomes Hillary
By Fred Reed
April 23, 2017

Oh Lord, it’s happening–the remanufacture of Trump by the Establishment. During the campaign, Trump and the Basilisk had nothing in common but their hair dye. Now, almost daily, he looks more like her.
He gets embarrassing. Regarding the alleged gassing in Syria, quote Donald:
“When you kill innocent children, innocent babies — babies, little babies — with a chemical gas … that crosses many, many lines, beyond a red line. … And I will tell you, that attack on children yesterday had a big impact on me … my attitude toward Syria and Assad has changed very much.”
God almighty. Who wrote this–a middle school girl with C’s in English, or the President of the United States? Did he retire to his bedroom for a good cry?
Apparently he ordered his missile strike without bothering to find out what happened. The usual suspects are driving him like a sports car.
The election was a choice between fetor and a lunatic. We chose the lunatic. Whether this was better than the alternative, we will never know, but Trump is going from bad to worse, or as the Mexicans say, de Guatemala a Guatepeor.
Does he believe this stuff? Is he naive enough to think that there was something unusually horrible about the attack? Horrible, yes, but not in the least unusual. Do you know what everyday, boring artillery does to children? Five-hundred-pound bombs? Hellfire rockets? Daily Mr. Trump’s military and his allies daily drop shrapnel-producing explosives on people, cities, towns, adults, children, weddings and goatherds in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen. Good draft-dodger that he was, he probably has never seen any of this. Good psychopath that he may be, he may not care.
This whole gas-attack business smells to high heaven. It looks nicely calculated to force him to attack Assad. Gas was important: Killing babies, little babies with explosives is so routine that no one cares, but we have been programmed to shudder at the thought of Gas!
Actually artillery has killed several orders of magnitude more people, but never mind.
Targeting children was a nice touch. Definitely a PR bonus. So Donald goes into his Poor-widdle-fings weep, while Americans weekly kill more children in three to seven countries, depending on the date.
Is the man consciously a liar? Hasn’t got sense enough to think before operating his mouth? Actually believes what he says when he says it?
Glance at a small part of the record and focus on his changing his tune, not on whether you agree with a particular policy. Erratic, erratic, erratic. He was going to run out the illegals within two years, absurd but he said it. Going to put high tariffs on Mexican goods. Didn’t. On Chinese goods. Isn’t. Tear up the Iran treaty. Didn’t. Declare China a currency-manipulator. Isn’t. Ban Muslims. Hasn’t. Promote good relations with Russia. Isn’t. Get the US out of Syria. Ha. Make NATO pay for itself. Isn’t. The man has the steely determination one associates with bean curd. You cannot trust anything the man says.
Having been reprogrammed as a good neocon, bombing places he promised to get out of, looking for a fight with Russia, he is now butting heads with Fat Thing in North Korea. He his said things closely resembling, “We have run out of strategic patience with the North. If nobody else will take care of it, we will.” Grrrr. Bowwow. Woof.
The problem with growly ultimata made for television is that somebody has to back down–that is, lose face and credibility. If Trump had quietly told Fat Thing, “If you crazy bastards scrap your nuke program, we will drop the sanctions,” it might have worked. But no. Negotiations would imply weakness. Thus an ultimatum.
So now either (a) Fat Thing knuckles under, humiliating himself and possibly endangering his grasp on power or (b) Trump blinks in a humiliating display of the Empire’s impotence, possibly endangering his grasp on power.
Kim Jong Il, or Il Sung Jong, or whatever the the hell the latest one of them is called, shows not the slightest sign of backing down. So does the Donald start an utterly unpredictable war, as usual in somebody else’s country, or does he weasel off, muttering, and hope nobody notices?
Fred’s Third Law of International Relations: Never butt heads with a country that has a missile named the No Dong.
Many of us favored Trump, slightly daft though he was, because he wasn’t yet Hillary, wasn’t yet a neocon robot, and didn’t want war with every country he had heard of, apparently meaning a good half dozen. At least he said he didn’t, not yet having been told that he did. In particular, he didn’t want war with Russia. But when the neocons control the media and Congress, they can convince a naive public of anything and, apparently, the President.
Why is the Hillarification of Trump important? The necessary prior question: What is the greatest threat to the neocons’ American Empire? Answer: The ongoing integration of Eurasia under Chinese hegemony. The key countries in this are China, Iran, and Russia. (Isn’t it curious that, apart from the momentary distraction of North Korea, these countries have been the focus of New York’s hostility?) In particular if Russia and, through it, China develop large and very profitable trade with Europe, there goes NATO and with it the Empire.
Thus the eeeeeeeeeeek! furor about Russia as existential threat and so on. Thus sending a few troops to Baltic countries to “deter” Russia. This was theater. The idea that a thousand garrison troops can stop the Russian army, which hasn’t gone silly as ours has, on its doorstep is loony.
Hillary was on board with the Russia hysteria and the globalization and the immigration and so on. Trump could have screwed the whole pooch by getting along with Russia, so he had to be reconfigured. And was. A work in progress, but going well.
Too much is being asked of him. One man cannot overcome the combined hostility of the media, the political establishment, the neocons, the myriad other special interests that he has threatened. Mass immigration is a done deal. China develops and America, already developed, cannot keep up. The country disintegrates socially. Washington, always depending on war and its threat, faces a new world in which trade is the weapon, and doesn’t know what to do. The culture courses. The world changes.
Yet if only Trump showed some sign of knowing what he is doing, and could remember from day to day, if only he realized that wars are more easily started than predicted, if only he were not becoming an unbalanced Hillary.
Yet, apparently, he is.
4/30/2017 6:08:23 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Fairmont, NC
42, joined Oct. 2014
71% of illegal border crossing down,because these illegals don't dare try to cross now.Ovomit stood with his arms open wide,plus our SCOTUS win.#MAGA
4/30/2017 6:19:52 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Tampa, FL
60, joined Feb. 2013
71% of illegal border crossing down,because these illegals don't dare try to cross now.Ovomit stood with his arms open wide,plus our SCOTUS win.#MAGA 
So, illegal border crossing hasn't been stopped by Trump. It's only been slowed down a tad. I didn't know. The reason that I didn't know is because it's a fake issue designed to rally the most disgusting, despicable Americans behind a self-serving billionaire president. We could deport every single "illegal" in America and nobody would be able to look around and tell that anything at all had happened. Meanwhile, Trump and the billionaires increase their raping of the American people and looting of the public till. Nice job, right-wing morons! You f**king bunch of stupid chumps!
[Edited 4/30/2017 6:20:31 AM ]
4/30/2017 6:21:28 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
THERES no doubt in my mind you have a serious disease as your ATE UP WITH THE DUMBASS..
YOUR angry cause you haven't been grabbed by your p*ssy in years..
YOUR heros quote..I didn't think it would be this hard......APPRENTICE - FOREVER  
Because of our "freedom of speech" you were able to degrade and disgust this poster as a woman.This tells us your treatment of women is no better than Bill clinton's.
If we lived in the liberal world you would be brought up on hate charges.
4/30/2017 6:26:57 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Fairmont, NC
42, joined Oct. 2014
STHU Condor and quit posting your same Marxist bullshit. You could care less about open borders, because you hate this country,so you would love to see the fall of this nation. While your pathetic a** lives off of it. Now move on,you failure, Marxist.
4/30/2017 6:41:14 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Tampa, FL
60, joined Feb. 2013
STHU Condor and quit posting your same Marxist bullshit. You could care less about open borders, because you hate this country,so you would love to see the fall of this nation. While your pathetic a** lives off of it. Now move on,you failure, Marxist.
Aw, you poor little whiny-baby snowflake right-wingers can't take a little truth thrown at you.
It's been proven time and time again that "illegals" are regular people with regular families and regular jobs who CONTRIBUTE to the American economy. Their number is so small that every single one could be deported and nobody would be able to look around and tell that anything at all had happened. Trump knows that. Trump is also a student of Hitler and he knows that if you offer the most disgusting, despicable members of society the blood of some other irrelevant minority, you can get elected president and then use that position to line your own pockets with lots more wealth. And that's exactly what Trump is trying to do and we all can see it.
4/30/2017 6:58:12 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Fairmont, NC
42, joined Oct. 2014
Awee you f*ggot Marxist,go post your back to back garbage that no one reads elsewhere you pathetic b*tch.
4/30/2017 7:03:40 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Tampa, FL
60, joined Feb. 2013
Awee you f*ggot Marxist,go post your back to back garbage that no one reads elsewhere you pathetic b*tch. 
Aw, you poor little whiny-baby snowflake right-wingers can't take a little truth thrown at you.
It's been proven time and time again that "illegals" are regular people with regular families and regular jobs who CONTRIBUTE to the American economy. Their number is so small that every single one could be deported and nobody would be able to look around and tell that anything at all had happened. Trump knows that. Trump is also a student of Hitler and he knows that if you offer the most disgusting, despicable members of society the blood of some other irrelevant minority, you can get elected president and then use that position to line your own pockets with lots more wealth. And that's exactly what Trump is trying to do and we all can see it.
4/30/2017 7:11:26 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Fairmont, NC
42, joined Oct. 2014
Lmdao b*tch.You whiney tramp. Quit posting your bs p*ssyhat,no one reads it,now go play in traffic,you weird ass.Karl Marx what a pathetic failure he was.
[Edited 4/30/2017 7:11:55 AM ]
4/30/2017 7:12:46 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |


Lexington, KY
63, joined May. 2011
Because of our "freedom of speech" you were able to degrade and disgust this poster as a woman.This tells us your treatment of women is no better than Bill clinton's.
If we lived in the liberal world you would be brought up on hate charges.
FUNNY how you mentioned bill Clinton and failed to mention the entire cast of that tabloid news network you watch {fox}.NOW theres some real womanizers...
THEY stole the patent on degrading women and it was your president that boldly stated I'm like a rock star and I grab them by there pussies..
HIS latest statement that I like is.."i never thought it would be this hard ".
4/30/2017 7:19:15 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Tampa, FL
60, joined Feb. 2013
Lmdao b*tch.You whiney tramp. Quit posting your bs p*ssyhat,no one reads it,now go play in traffic,you weird ass.Karl Marx what a pathetic failure he was. 
So, you're going to spend the whole day being a whiny-baby snowflake? Dude, Trump used your stupid, pathetic, disgusting, despicable right-wing a** to gain political power, from where his only real mission is enriching himself and other billionaires. That's a fact you're going to have to learn to deal with. Becoming a snowflake every time someone points it out is a losing position. The reason it's a losing position is because that's the obvious truth. Everyone who spends even 2 seconds to think about it a little immediately realizes that deporting every single "illegal" will have zero impact on their lives. Meanwhile, Trump and his billionaire boys are preparing to rape the f**king shit out of the American people and loot the crap out of the public till for their own self enrichment and that's something that everyone is going to notice and intimately feel.
4/30/2017 7:24:38 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Fairmont, NC
42, joined Oct. 2014
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
[Edited 4/30/2017 7:25:12 AM ]
4/30/2017 7:26:58 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Fairmont, NC
42, joined Oct. 2014
Capitalism rules. Socialism dead.Condork a leech,lives off others. Marxist pig, Condork .
4/30/2017 7:30:28 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Tampa, FL
60, joined Feb. 2013
You have spent your entire life,jealous f*g,jealous of the rich because Condork has nothing. Get a job you nasty gay tramp. Quit living off of others you parasitic marxist.Whaaa capitalism thrives and socialism is dead you mangy dog.  Karl Marx that fat worthless pig,that thrived off living off the poor. 
Perhaps you don't realize it but none of that is a counter-argument. It's all just whiny-baby shit that a snowflake would post who is badly losing an argument. Rather than strengthen your position, it actually serves to reveal how weak it truly is. You've got nothing! You've got no counter-argument at all. The only thing you can do is throw some silly, whiny-baby insults like a poor, upset, little snowflake.
4/30/2017 7:35:56 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Tampa, FL
60, joined Feb. 2013
Capitalism rules. Socialism dead.Condork a leech,lives off others. Marxist pig, Condork . 
Let's hear a few words from the father of Reaganomics on what he has to say about capitalism. Surely, he has nothing but great things to say about the beloved capitalist system that is working so fabulously well for all of humanity.
The Looting Machine Called Capitalism
April 26, 2017
by Paul Craig Roberts
I have come to the conclusion that capitalism is successful primarily because it can impose the majority of the costs associated with its economic activities on outside parties and on the environment. In other words, capitalists make profits because their costs are externalized and born by others. In the US, society and the environment have to pick up the tab produced by capitalist activity.
Now consider the external costs of offshoring the production of goods and services that US corporations, such as Apple and Nike, market to Americans. When production facilities in the US are closed and the jobs are moved to China, for example, the American workers lose their jobs, medical coverage, careers, pension provision, and often their self-respect when they are unable to find comparable employment or any employment. Some fall behind in their mortgage and car payments and lose their homes and cars. The cities, states, and federal governments lose the tax base as personal income and sales taxes decline and as depressed housing and commercial real estate prices in the abandoned communities depress property taxes. Social security and Medicare funding is harmed as payroll tax deposits fall. State and local infrastructure declines. Possibly crime rises. Safety net needs rise, but expenditures are cut as tax revenues decline. Municipal and state workers find their pensions at risk. Education suffers. All of these costs greatly exceed Apple’s and Nike’s profits from substituting cheaper foreign labor for American labor. Contradicting the neoliberal claims, Apple’s and Nike’s prices do not drop despite the collapse in labor costs that the corporations experience.
A country that was intelligently governed would not permit this. As the US is so poorly governed, the executives and shareholders of global corporations are greatly enriched because they can impose the costs associated with their profits on external third parties.
The unambigious fact is that US capitalism is a mechanism for looting the many for the benefit of the few. Neoliberal economics was constructed in order to support this looting. In other words, neoliberal economists are wh*res just like the Western print and TV media.
So far we have barely scratched the surface of the external costs that capitalism imposes. Now consider the polution of the air, soil, waterways, and oceans that result from profit-making activities. Consider the radioactive wastes pouring out of Fukushima since March 2011 into the Pacific Ocean. Consider the dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico from agricultural chemical fertilizer run-off. Consider the destruction of the Apalachicola, Florida, oyster beds from the restricted river water that feeds the bay due to overdevelopment upstream. Examples such as these are endless. The corporations responsible for this destruction bear none of the costs.
If it turns out that global warming and ocean acidification are consequences of capitalism’s carbon-based energy system, the entire world could end up dead from the external costs of capitalism.
Free market advocates love to ridicule economic planning, and Alan Greenspan and Larry Summers actually said that “markets are self-regulating.” There is no sign anywhere of this self-regulation. Instead, there are external costs piled upon external costs.
[Edited 4/30/2017 7:37:21 AM ]
4/30/2017 7:38:41 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Fairmont, NC
42, joined Oct. 2014
Quit whining you filthy jealous Marxist. I just owned you wh*re.What is left to say to an idiot like you that post ridiculous shit over and over.You cry about capitalism constantly.You're a freaking broken record,jealous of the rich,because you have nothing. Case closed f*ggot,now move on. Go cry about capitalism to N Koreans you jealous f*g hag. whaaaaaaa capitalism whaaaaaaaa Trump. He is Your president b*tch,whether you like it or not. Now shewwwww you parasitic Marxist. You're boring me.
[Edited 4/30/2017 7:39:36 AM ]
4/30/2017 7:39:44 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |


Painesville, OH
98, joined Mar. 2014
71% of illegal border crossing down,because these illegals don't dare try to cross now.Ovomit stood with his arms open wide,plus our SCOTUS win.#MAGA 
So your suggesting because YOUR Scotus won suddenly there's a 71% drop in illegal border crossings? Yeah well, nothing like stealing Obama's "Deporter in Chief" title. But that's ok. Most people are well aware Trump would rather take credit for the accomplishments of others than do the actual work himself.
Oh, and try cleaning up your posts as opposed to acting like a snotty 4 year old.
4/30/2017 7:42:17 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |


Springfield, VA
64, joined Sep. 2009
The problem we have had, which is the real reason why the nation has certain problems, is that we keep getting leaders (and followers) who think they are only supposed to see to the concerns of SOME Americans, and not others.
Anyone who declares (as here) that the President of the United States is supposed to be President of only the people who elected him, is more than a fool. They are a traitor to the fundamental principles of the country.
4/30/2017 7:43:30 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Tampa, FL
60, joined Feb. 2013
Quote from 1979OKAY: Quit whining you filthy jealous Marxist. I just owned you wh*re.What is left to say to an idiot like you that post ridiculous shit over and over.You cry about capitalism constantly.You're a freaking broken record,jealous of the rich,because you have nothing. Case closed f*ggot,now move on. Go cry about capitalism to N Koreans you jealous f*g hag. whaaaaaaa capitalism whaaaaaaaa Trump. He is Your president b*tch,whether you like it or not. Now shewwwww you parasitic Marxist. You're boring me.
For future reference, this is what a winning counter-argument looks like, snowflake-dude.
Let's hear a few words from the father of Reaganomics on what he has to say about capitalism. Surely, he has nothing but great things to say about the beloved capitalist system that is working so fabulously well for all of humanity.
The Looting Machine Called Capitalism
April 26, 2017
by Paul Craig Roberts
I have come to the conclusion that capitalism is successful primarily because it can impose the majority of the costs associated with its economic activities on outside parties and on the environment. In other words, capitalists make profits because their costs are externalized and born by others. In the US, society and the environment have to pick up the tab produced by capitalist activity.
Now consider the external costs of offshoring the production of goods and services that US corporations, such as Apple and Nike, market to Americans. When production facilities in the US are closed and the jobs are moved to China, for example, the American workers lose their jobs, medical coverage, careers, pension provision, and often their self-respect when they are unable to find comparable employment or any employment. Some fall behind in their mortgage and car payments and lose their homes and cars. The cities, states, and federal governments lose the tax base as personal income and sales taxes decline and as depressed housing and commercial real estate prices in the abandoned communities depress property taxes. Social security and Medicare funding is harmed as payroll tax deposits fall. State and local infrastructure declines. Possibly crime rises. Safety net needs rise, but expenditures are cut as tax revenues decline. Municipal and state workers find their pensions at risk. Education suffers. All of these costs greatly exceed Apple’s and Nike’s profits from substituting cheaper foreign labor for American labor. Contradicting the neoliberal claims, Apple’s and Nike’s prices do not drop despite the collapse in labor costs that the corporations experience.
A country that was intelligently governed would not permit this. As the US is so poorly governed, the executives and shareholders of global corporations are greatly enriched because they can impose the costs associated with their profits on external third parties.
The unambigious fact is that US capitalism is a mechanism for looting the many for the benefit of the few. Neoliberal economics was constructed in order to support this looting. In other words, neoliberal economists are wh*res just like the Western print and TV media.
So far we have barely scratched the surface of the external costs that capitalism imposes. Now consider the polution of the air, soil, waterways, and oceans that result from profit-making activities. Consider the radioactive wastes pouring out of Fukushima since March 2011 into the Pacific Ocean. Consider the dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico from agricultural chemical fertilizer run-off. Consider the destruction of the Apalachicola, Florida, oyster beds from the restricted river water that feeds the bay due to overdevelopment upstream. Examples such as these are endless. The corporations responsible for this destruction bear none of the costs.
If it turns out that global warming and ocean acidification are consequences of capitalism’s carbon-based energy system, the entire world could end up dead from the external costs of capitalism.
Free market advocates love to ridicule economic planning, and Alan Greenspan and Larry Summers actually said that “markets are self-regulating.” There is no sign anywhere of this self-regulation. Instead, there are external costs piled upon external costs.
[Edited 4/30/2017 7:43:50 AM ]
4/30/2017 7:49:43 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Fairmont, NC
42, joined Oct. 2014
Liberal b*tch get lost,I will post what I please tramp. lol tragic parrot, lol you're a tragic POS alright, that is right.Were talking about 71%. Less trying to cross into America you idiot.Keep up tragic idiot, your comprehension is so poor,that would be impossible. BTW don't try to correct me until you figure out the difference between your and you're,speaking of 4 year olds,even most know the difference you idiot.
4/30/2017 8:04:06 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Fairmont, NC
42, joined Oct. 2014
Quote from 1979OKAY: Quit whining you filthy jealous Marxist. I just owned you wh*re.What is left to say to an idiot like you that post ridiculous shit over and over.You cry about capitalism constantly.You're a freaking broken record,jealous of the rich,because you have nothing. Case closed f*ggot,now move on. Go cry about capitalism to N Koreans you jealous f*g hag.   whaaaaaaa capitalism whaaaaaaaa Trump. He is Your president b*tch,whether you like it or not. Now shewwwww you parasitic Marxist.  You're boring me.
For future reference, this is what a winning counter-argument looks like, snowflake-dude.
Let's hear a few words from the father of Reaganomics on what he has to say about capitalism. Surely, he has nothing but great things to say about the beloved capitalist system that is working so fabulously well for all of humanity.
The Looting Machine Called Capitalism
April 26, 2017
by Paul Craig Roberts
I have come to the conclusion that capitalism is successful primarily because it can impose the majority of the costs associated with its economic activities on outside parties and on the environment. In other words, capitalists make profits because their costs are externalized and born by others. In the US, society and the environment have to pick up the tab produced by capitalist activity.
Now consider the external costs of offshoring the production of goods and services that US corporations, such as Apple and Nike, market to Americans. When production facilities in the US are closed and the jobs are moved to China, for example, the American workers lose their jobs, medical coverage, careers, pension provision, and often their self-respect when they are unable to find comparable employment or any employment. Some fall behind in their mortgage and car payments and lose their homes and cars. The cities, states, and federal governments lose the tax base as personal income and sales taxes decline and as depressed housing and commercial real estate prices in the abandoned communities depress property taxes. Social security and Medicare funding is harmed as payroll tax deposits fall. State and local infrastructure declines. Possibly crime rises. Safety net needs rise, but expenditures are cut as tax revenues decline. Municipal and state workers find their pensions at risk. Education suffers. All of these costs greatly exceed Apple’s and Nike’s profits from substituting cheaper foreign labor for American labor. Contradicting the neoliberal claims, Apple’s and Nike’s prices do not drop despite the collapse in labor costs that the corporations experience.
A country that was intelligently governed would not permit this. As the US is so poorly governed, the executives and shareholders of global corporations are greatly enriched because they can impose the costs associated with their profits on external third parties.
The unambigious fact is that US capitalism is a mechanism for looting the many for the benefit of the few. Neoliberal economics was constructed in order to support this looting. In other words, neoliberal economists are wh*res just like the Western print and TV media.
So far we have barely scratched the surface of the external costs that capitalism imposes. Now consider the polution of the air, soil, waterways, and oceans that result from profit-making activities. Consider the radioactive wastes pouring out of Fukushima since March 2011 into the Pacific Ocean. Consider the dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico from agricultural chemical fertilizer run-off. Consider the destruction of the Apalachicola, Florida, oyster beds from the restricted river water that feeds the bay due to overdevelopment upstream. Examples such as these are endless. The corporations responsible for this destruction bear none of the costs.
If it turns out that global warming and ocean acidification are consequences of capitalism’s carbon-based energy system, the entire world could end up dead from the external costs of capitalism.
Free market advocates love to ridicule economic planning, and Alan Greenspan and Larry Summers actually said that “markets are self-regulating.” There is no sign anywhere of this self-regulation. Instead, there are external costs piled upon external costs.
No you Marxist pig,that lives off the system, this is what back to back bullshit lies look like that you copy and paste like an old broken record.One from an old commie website. No wonder everyone says the same thing about you.Wall to wall bs no one reads lol You filthy communist pig.
4/30/2017 8:04:44 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |


Painesville, OH
98, joined Mar. 2014
Liberal b*tch get lost,I will post what I please tramp. lol tragic parrot, lol you're a tragic POS alright, that is right.Were talking about 71%. Less trying to cross into America you idiot.Keep up tragic idiot, your comprehension is so poor,that would be impossible. BTW don't try to correct me until you figure out the difference between your and you're,speaking of 4 year olds,even most know the difference you idiot. 
Nobody's taken away from your right to post here. I only ask that you try to refrain from only posting nothing but condescending vitriol so as to not keep on embarrassing yourself.
4/30/2017 8:09:38 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Fairmont, NC
42, joined Oct. 2014
Condork the Marxist pig,never has an original thought just back to back copy,paste from his Communist website.whaaaa capitalism whaaaaa Condork the leech that failed in life, so wants everyone to live like a filthy dog like him. Whasaaa capitalism keep crying you f*ggot. 
4/30/2017 8:14:37 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Brockton, MA
53, joined Sep. 2011
We elected him to spite the left
we get the fact that the least popular candidate won the election because conservatives wanted to punish and embarrass the country.
no mystery there
it was never a pro Trump win........even you admit that
4/30/2017 8:19:59 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Fairmont, NC
42, joined Oct. 2014
Blah,blah,you filthy liberal, I have seen you call plenty of conservatives names, don't like it b*tch. Block me, you don't EVER tell me what I can and can't post. People like you, want peace while covering their faces and looting,burning down cities, You're an embarrassement to your mother, anyways bye bye whiney tramp.Another liberal bites the dust. Tragic indeed. @tragic b*tch parroting the same bs.
[Edited 4/30/2017 8:21:57 AM ]
4/30/2017 9:23:25 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |


Murrysville, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
THERES no doubt in my mind you have a serious disease as your ATE UP WITH THE DUMBASS..
YOUR angry cause you haven't been grabbed by your p*ssy in years..
YOUR heros quote..I didn't think it would be this hard......APPRENTICE - FOREVER  
I would just love to see hassel kick you right in your groin area as hard as she could.
4/30/2017 9:56:01 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
FUNNY how you mentioned bill Clinton and failed to mention the entire cast of that tabloid news network you watch {fox}.NOW theres some real womanizers...
THEY stole the patent on degrading women and it was your president that boldly stated I'm like a rock star and I grab them by there pussies..
HIS latest statement that I like is.."i never thought it would be this hard ". 
Bill was proved to lie about his sexual liaisons, the jury is till out on O'Reilly and Hannity and I don't prejudge them. My money is on Hannity. There was no need to degrade Hassle and act like the people you accused of the same. Could you debate without it?
4/30/2017 9:58:01 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
Ha! Doesn't seem as he's pleasing anyone.
Have you seen his f**kin poll numbers? Historically low.
Hey! I just dawned on me, the attention who're wants to be remembered for something. ..he got it.
4/30/2017 10:04:48 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |


Marietta, GA
58, joined Aug. 2011
I would just love to see hassel kick you right in your groin area as hard as she could.
SIlly, that's funny! The guy is just a mere angry, ignorant rube. I don't waste time even reading what his/her thoughts are.
4/30/2017 10:12:39 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |


Painesville, OH
98, joined Mar. 2014
This just in... Donald Trump blames constitution for chaos of his first 100 days.
"In an interview with Fox News to mark the 100-day mark, he declared himself "disappointed" with congressional Republicans, despite his many “great relationships" with them. He blamed the constitutional checks and balances built in to US governance. "It’s a very rough system," he said. "It’s an archaic system … It’s really a bad thing for the country."

Poor Donny. Probably couldn't get it up so he's taking it out on the Constitution.
4/30/2017 10:22:54 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |


Virginia Beach, VA
19, joined Feb. 2015
We know why you elected him.
1. Because you are stupid as he is
2, You hate America and you wanted to cheer him on as he destroys it.
4/30/2017 10:25:18 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |


Marietta, GA
58, joined Aug. 2011
Many blue collar democrats voted for him. They wanted a change after dummy sat on his a** for 8 years not doing a damn thing.
4/30/2017 10:28:57 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Reading, PA
63, joined May. 2013
. M E M O
The left seems to be under the misunderstanding that we elected President Trump in order to please them.
BItch....please. ******Far from it*****
President Trump was elected to undo the damage of the Dummy administration as well as take us in a new direction. Justice Gorsuch is a good example of doing just that - much to the chagrin and anger of the leftist democraps.
Rule of Thumb: the angrier the democraps become - the better President Trump is doing and a mighty fine one.
As a black man, Obama, pissed of the right starting by being black and getting great legislation through. Banks got impeded from lying to customers in his first 100 days and got republicans to see the economic disaster they caused to vote for a stimulus package that saved the economy.
4/30/2017 10:31:21 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Reading, PA
63, joined May. 2013
You are totally right. With all the anger from the left, he must be doing something right! I think the left knows he's right, and are scared.
4/30/2017 10:33:17 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Reading, PA
63, joined May. 2013
The problem we have had, which is the real reason why the nation has certain problems, is that we keep getting leaders (and followers) who think they are only supposed to see to the concerns of SOME Americans, and not others.
Anyone who declares (as here) that the President of the United States is supposed to be President of only the people who elected him, is more than a fool. They are a traitor to the fundamental principles of the country.
4/30/2017 10:35:02 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Reading, PA
63, joined May. 2013
SIlly, that's funny! The guy is just a mere angry, ignorant rube. I don't waste time even reading what his/her thoughts are.
Obviously the cons condone violence!
4/30/2017 10:39:20 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Reading, PA
63, joined May. 2013
Many blue collar democrats voted for him. They wanted a change after dummy sat on his a** for 8 years not doing a damn thing.
Then they found out they elected a guy that wants to cut their wages and take their healthcare away and keep their women barefooted, pregnant, and chained to a stove.
4/30/2017 10:44:08 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |


Marietta, GA
58, joined Aug. 2011
Then they found out they elected a guy that wants to cut their wages and take their healthcare away and keep their women barefooted, pregnant, and chained to a stove.
There you go twisting words again. nice try, but you don't get a bone.
4/30/2017 10:56:58 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
There you go twisting words again. nice try, but you don't get a bone.
Quote from drwookie:
Then they found out they elected a guy that wants to cut their wages and take their healthcare away and keep their women barefooted, pregnant, and chained to a stove.
Hasle, who the hell is he talking about? His papa?
4/30/2017 10:57:33 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Brockton, MA
53, joined Sep. 2011
Many blue collar democrats voted for him. They wanted a change after dummy sat on his a** for 8 years not doing a damn thing.
have you ever seen the side by side caparisons with other countries over the last 8 years after the global recession???
now imagine if Obama did nothing?
it's not that Obama did nothing........it's the fact you cons will never acknowledge it
matter of fact Obama did such a horrible job that Trump has continued the majority of his policies
4/30/2017 10:57:52 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
New Book Reveals Clinton Campaign Hatched Russia Hysteria To Cover For Losing
4/30/2017 11:02:46 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |


Marietta, GA
58, joined Aug. 2011
Quote from drwookie:
Then they found out they elected a guy that wants to cut their wages and take their healthcare away and keep their women barefooted, pregnant, and chained to a stove.
Hasle, who the hell is he talking about? His papa?
IDK who he's talking about. 
The way they can take words and twist them like a pretzel is pretty desperate.
4/30/2017 11:05:19 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Santa Clarita, CA
97, joined Feb. 2013
Quote from haslefree:
Many blue collar democrats voted for him. They wanted a change after dummy sat on his a** for 8 years not doing a damn thing.
have you ever seen the side by side caparisons with other countries over the last 8 years after the global recession???
now imagine if Obama did nothing?
it's not that Obama did nothing........it's the fact you cons will never acknowledge it
matter of fact Obama did such a horrible job that Trump has continued the majority of his policies
What planet do you live on ? Trump has reversed almost all of Obama's policies . 
[Edited 4/30/2017 11:06:06 AM ]
4/30/2017 11:06:01 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Mexico and Canada called Please Mr. Trump...NEGOTIATE!
Face the Nation - 8 am Sunday - 4-30-2017
4/30/2017 11:08:22 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP:You know, it's very funny when the fake media goes out, you know, which we call the mainstream media which sometimes, I must say, is you.
JOHN D*CKERSON: You mean me personally or?
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Well, your show. I love your show. I call it Deface the Nation. But, you know, your show is sometimes not exactly correct.
4/30/2017 11:17:12 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
You didn't elect a president either.
You elected a huckster that sold you a Sham-Wow
on a late night TV infomercial.

4/30/2017 11:19:42 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
have you ever seen the side by side caparisons with other countries over the last 8 years after the global recession???
now imagine if Obama did nothing?
it's not that Obama did nothing........it's the fact you cons will never acknowledge it
matter of fact Obama did such a horrible job that Trump has continued the majority of his policies
Dis ho ain't seen shit. All she knows is she's supposed to cheer on any with an R behind HIS name. Even if he's a clueless c*nt.
4/30/2017 11:24:42 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |


Marietta, GA
58, joined Aug. 2011
Dis ho ain't seen shit. All she knows is she's supposed to cheer on any with an R behind HIS name. Even if he's a clueless c*nt.
Oh that's fresh coming from you. The nerve you have calling anyone a clueless c*nt is comical, at best.
Now run along and start looking at help wanted ads. I'm tired of supporting you while you sit on the forum acting like a bully 24/7.
4/30/2017 11:28:55 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
Ho, the only thing you're supporting is an oversized a** and saggy tits.
I calls em like I sees em. That orange f**kball is the opitamy of a c*nt.
4/30/2017 11:30:00 AM |
Memo to the Left: we didn't elect Mr. Trump President to Please You. |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Oh that's fresh coming from you. The nerve you have calling anyone a clueless c*nt is comical, at best.
Now run along and start looking at help wanted ads. I'm tired of supporting you while you sit on the forum acting like a bully 24/7.
I don't know why you don't block that troll. Back when it first showed up, I read 3 or 4 of it's posts in peoples threads, and then added it to my block list.