6/3/2017 7:41:08 PM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
London attacks: Van crash into London Bridge crowd, stabbings nearby …
FOX News · 14 minutes ago
London was gripped by two acts of terror late Saturday -- a van crashing into a crowd at London Bridge and a series of stabbings nearby,
The terrorists, reportedly drove the van at 50mph across the bridge
One woman said she saw three people with what appeared to be their throats cut at London Bridge
Also unconfirmed reports of gunfire on Southwark Street amid the 'utter chaos' of attack on Saturday night
Police are also responding to an incident at Borough Market, Scotland Yard have confirmed
Armed police and a bomb squad are attending the scene and boats are currently searching the Thames
Five jihadi terrorists shouting 'this is for Allah' have reportedly killed seven people after mowing down up to 20 with a white van on London Bridge and stabbing revellers with 12-inch hunting knives.
Business Insider · 1 day ago
US President Donald Trump called a shooting incident in the Philippines on Wednesday a "terrorist attack"
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6/3/2017 7:43:09 PM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
An unknown number of masked gunmen have assaulted a popular casino in Manila, and local reports suggest that it might be an attempt at a terrorist attack by ISIS.
The Philippines’ military is fighting terrorists in Mindinao that have aligned themselves with the so-called caliphate, but this may be the first major action in the capital itself. There are reports of both gunshots and explosions, and some of those fleeing have been seen covered in soot:
6/3/2017 7:46:43 PM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |

Santa Clarita, CA
97, joined Feb. 2013
It's Ramadan .... The attacks are not over !
6/3/2017 7:52:25 PM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
Anna, I tell you, I am staying home more and more. Go early to the park with the pups, stop for groceries and stay home.
6/3/2017 8:18:56 PM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
The mayor of London said get use to it.
6/3/2017 8:25:02 PM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |

Santa Clarita, CA
97, joined Feb. 2013
Anna, I tell you, I am staying home more and more. Go early to the park with the pups, stop for groceries and stay home.
So am I ..... I can't remember the last time I went to the mall . 
So glad I live in the boonies . 
6/3/2017 8:34:29 PM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
The mayor of London said get use to it.
What does he mean by that?
6/3/2017 8:40:36 PM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |

Denton, TX
52, joined Jun. 2014
 What does he mean by that?
He is not going to do any thing about it
6/3/2017 8:42:51 PM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
 What does he mean by that?
He said it's become the norm of urban life.
6/3/2017 8:56:44 PM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |

Santa Clarita, CA
97, joined Feb. 2013
He said it's become the norm of urban life.
While they open their borders and let more in ...... Just as dumb as us . 
6/3/2017 9:12:09 PM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |


Bunker Hill, WV
44, joined Jul. 2013
This is crazy.
It will only continue to get worse.
These individuals are fueled with pure evil and hate and must be eradicated swiftly.
I hope every single one of them dies.
It situations such as this death is the only solution.
They are to brainwashed for any normal rehabilitation of the mind.
No mercy must be given.
Must get them before they can execute any plans of death and destruction on those they consider infidels.
Proactive not reactive.
6/4/2017 12:34:05 AM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
I am watching a special here on Terrorism and they announced that Bin Laden's son, has vowed retaliation for the killing of his father and we are going to pay.
You bleeding hearts liberals that don't want to close these borders, better wise the hell up, you are going to get more innocents killed. Not until you see the blood shed of your loved ones or their throats cut will you understand and it will be too late.
6/4/2017 12:35:02 AM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |

Denver, CO
47, joined Dec. 2016
Police knew of them. 
6/4/2017 2:03:39 AM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |


Vancouver, WA
35, joined May. 2014
It's okay, the UK said they are one of the safest countries still, no need to worry
6/4/2017 4:22:56 AM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |

Mechanicsburg, PA
39, joined Nov. 2013
The people of United Kingdom, gave had to adapt more than ant other nation, in the history of the world. They've been dealing with terror longer than anyone, from the Roman Empire, the Vatican through their own Monarchies and many other examples. I wouldn't want the future, that Islam has in the U.K., if the Muslims don't fix it, it will be exterminated.
6/4/2017 5:40:42 AM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |

Watertown, WI
47, joined Dec. 2011
Nothing to see here, please move along. This was a simple traffic accident and the conservative media is distorting the story. I'm sure that the good young Christian men were on their way to Bible study when the gas pedal got stuck. Then they accidentally stabbed some folks.
6/4/2017 6:44:09 AM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |

Denton, TX
52, joined Jun. 2014
If it is in the name of Allah
It is ok.
6/4/2017 7:15:10 AM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |


Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
Multi culture globalism.
6/4/2017 10:22:31 AM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |


Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

Flashback: Muslim London Mayor Tells Trump To Be Nicer To Muslims Or They’ll Attack America
June 3, 2017
In 2016, London Mayor Sadiq Khan stated that then-candidate Donald Trump’s “ignorant” view of Islam could prompt heightened attacks on the United States.
“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe,” he stated according to The Telegraph. “It risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists.”
“Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”
Khan – London’s first Muslim mayor – made his remarks in light of a call from then-candidate Trump for a hold to be put on Muslim entry into the United States.
When Trump became President and instated a travel ban on a number of Muslim-majority countries, Khan held onto his stance, stating the ban “flies in the face of the values of freedom.”
“The USA has a proud history of welcoming and resettling refugees. The President can’t just turn his back on this global crisis – all countries need to play their part,” he said, according to The Evening Standard.
“While every country has the right to set its own immigration policies, this new policy flies in the face of the values of freedom and tolerance that the USA was built on.”
According to an alleged eyewitness of today’s terror attacks in London, the perpetrators of the incident were shouting, “this is for Allah.”
Witness calls into BBC with London 'attack' account: Suspects "were shouting this is for Allah." pic.twitter.com/PhyvxzFHdq
— Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) June 4, 2017
If accurate, this would make the incidents the latest in a string of Islamic violence that has plagued England for months.
Less than two weeks ago, as The Independent reports, a Muslim with alleged ties to ISIS bombed an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, killing 22 people.
In March, a Muslim convert drove his vehicle into a crowd on Westminster Bridge, killing five.
Now, as The Sun reports, a van drove over pedestrians on London Bridge. Multiple people were subsequently stabbed at a nearby market.
Both incidents, according to Sadiq Khan himself, have been labeled terror-related.
“The Metropolitan Police are responding to the horrific terrorist attack at London Bridge and Borough Market,” a statement from Khan reads in part.
“My thoughts are with everyone affected, and I’d like to thank the brave men and women of our emergency services who were first on the scene and will be working throughout the night.”
Many people have responded to Khan’s statement on Facebook blasting him for his weak stance on Islam in light of yet another deadly attack alleged to be associated with the ideology.
6/4/2017 5:54:40 PM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |


Las Vegas, NV
61, joined Mar. 2011

This is how you emasculate a nation.
6/4/2017 6:28:49 PM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |


Murrysville, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
This is how you emasculate a nation.
How about discharging a few rounds into the actors?
6/4/2017 7:42:07 PM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
Clarity, it is way too late for that. Although they beheaded and slaughter people and we took out a leader named Bin Laden, his son is alive and well, in his 20's now, sworn to retaliate against the United States of "America. That is his goal and yet these nitwits that fight the border restrictions don't get it.
6/4/2017 7:43:35 PM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
London has fallen.
6/4/2017 7:56:52 PM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
London has fallen.
So sad Robot, I saw the offer to help from Trump go out and yet, they wouldn't listen, all who criticized Trump I hope are waking up to this and what will it take? Sleeper cells are here, I am telling you now. be prepared if you live in a big city. I notice how they take out innocent citizens but no politicians, why is that?
6/4/2017 8:02:31 PM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |


Las Vegas, NV
61, joined Mar. 2011
Odd, isn't it, that you never see the men of Europe standing up against it. Flowers and balloons and concerts by little pop twits (really? a week later??)
You would think they would demand the right to carry weapons, at least. Something.
6/4/2017 8:23:41 PM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |
Troy, NY
46, joined Sep. 2014
Odd, isn't it, that you never see the men of Europe standing up against it. Flowers and balloons and concerts by little pop twits (really? a week later??)
You would think they would demand the right to carry weapons, at least. Something.
6/4/2017 8:36:34 PM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |


Las Vegas, NV
61, joined Mar. 2011
Well I think that guy started off fantastic but he lost me at the white supremacy and the Nazi salutes ... but the emotion is right.
And I will be goddamned, look what I found - read the comments from the UK. Hallelujah there may be hope! Makes me proud for them!
6/4/2017 8:41:44 PM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
Good stuff regina.
The Brits could use some more concealed carriers!
Run and hide?
That is all they got.
And it's not just the "RUN AND HIDE" ideology of the "lefty" forces, S. M., who are aggressive fixtures in "earthly" governments, world-wide, but the "WE WILL PROTECT YOU" nonsense spouted (D)irectly AFTER the (D)efenseless carnage. And "lefty" (D), has been trying to (D)isarm America {as in Western Europe - and WAS in North Africa, the Middle-East, etc.}, for the same, "RUN AND HIDE, WE WILL PROTECT YOU" model we keep seeing being played-out and terrorized anywhere there is {radical} Islam. Hummmmmmmmmm. And, no ifs ands or buts, {radical} Islam is ANYWHERE there is Islam. It's the Islamic "COMPLETE SYSTEM of LIFE." It's ONE package, lock-stock and barrel. Accept part, accept all. Hummmm, again. Interesting. "It's ONE 'ILLEGAL'" package in our 21st century monogamous, Western free-market "infidelville!!!" "WE" have laws and orders about arresting the ideology and agenda of the 7th century barbaric Sharia Laws of Islam; slavery, sex-slavery, rape, honor killing, pedophilia, polygamy, harems, Islamic "morality police," whipping, stoning, mutilation, crucifixion, drowning in cages, burning in cages, being thrown off high places, genocide, decapitation; or all of-the-above. Non assimilation, "no-go" zones, themselves, should be deemed against OUR 21st century Western free-market civilization, and should be out-lawed and patrolled as is ANY American neighborhood!!!
6/4/2017 8:48:13 PM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |


New York, NY
64, joined Dec. 2010
So now ISIS is claiming responsibility for the London attacks. So I guess it would be racist or hateful to say anything negative about the religion of Islam? It's my belief that there are peaceful people that practice the Muslim religion. But also radicals in the Islamic religion looking to wage a war of destruction and murder.
I also can not and will not understand anyone, especially those elected to protect and preserve the Constitution of the United States of America, could fault The President or ANY other government agency for attempting to keep these people from coming here to harm our families. What is more important, not offending people or securing our safety?
6/4/2017 8:49:11 PM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
London needs to clean house.
6/4/2017 8:52:14 PM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |


Edmonton, KY
62, joined Apr. 2010
Run and hide!!! Sounds like a Brit.
6/4/2017 8:54:51 PM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
I believe that there are more Europeans in envy of our gutsy President Trump than we know. I watched those French elections and they were praising him and wanted someone similar but alas, not enough of them voted.
6/4/2017 10:00:07 PM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |


Falkville, AL
75, joined Nov. 2011
Yep, Longbobby’s religion of peace has struck yet again, and again…and again….
But, as we now know, it was not "two acts of terror", it was one act of terror carried out in two different places by the same three Muslim terrorists, a van-ramming mass murder on the bridge, and then a mass knife attack on the pups beyond the bridge.
Café, you say: “I believe that there are more Europeans in envy of our gutsy President Trump than we know. I watched those French elections and they were praising him and wanted someone similar but alas, not enough of them voted.”
Café, it’s not that “not enough of them voted”, the election was stolen from le Pen. We have documented evidence of that. And you just cited evidence that supports that. I feel that Trump should have done more to support Le Pen, but to his discredit, he did not do that.Le Pen supported him, but he did not support her.
6/5/2017 7:14:05 AM |
London was gripped by two acts of terror |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
Interesting, now we have the UK encouraging children to write nice letter to ISIS instead of Santa.
Yep, true story.