6/11/2017 12:09:08 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |
Rochester, MI
58, joined Sep. 2012
I'm not too sure anymore either.
What IS the current message other than resist and obstruct, you know, priorities that made the party stand with the position social justice is not a bad word, that stood for the working class and darn near owned the middle class blue collar worker?
After 8 years of our prior President what didn't we get accomplished and what needs to be?
What is the message?
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

6/11/2017 12:10:22 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
Who cares what the message is. People need to stop voting for the two parties that have only be consistent in failing to represent the will of the people.
6/11/2017 12:25:48 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


San Diego, CA
59, joined Jul. 2009
Black Lives Matter
6/11/2017 12:29:05 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Roslindale, MA
38, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Democrats we out fighting against the rape of woman, killing of homosexuality lol
Should be a easy win in 2020 esp if trump shuts down immigration.
6/11/2017 1:11:16 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Bunker Hill, WV
45, joined Jul. 2013
Push whitey down.
Keep murdering babies .
Keep people in bondage by creating an environment of dependency .
Allow Islamic doctrine to creep in ever so, in our school systems and laws.
Try to push out the True Living God from all facets in our society.
Extend our problems not extinguish.
Promote that which is right is wrong and teach that which is wrong is right.
Tolerate that which is harmful and damaging and denounce everything that is remotely right and Godly.
God has no place in the Democratic Party.
Babies have NO RIGHTS in the Democratic Party.
You have limited rights according to the Democratic Party.
If you are a white, God believing, conservative, gun owning American, you are the enemy of the evil Democratic Party which from hence forth will be known under the very gay title as "The Resistance".
By the way, Obamanation hasn't went anywhere. He has to continue the "transformation of America ".
With the help of his "friends" of course.
Bottom line, we are NOT capable collectively to get "it" right.
A complete futile attempt.
But it is better to try to strive for that which is right along the way. At the very least there will be some blessings to encourage one to continue to move forward.
Only Christ can fixed the mess we collectively created, hence His return.
But much must take place and be fulfilled before His return which is unfolding before our very eyes.
Unfortunately much pain and suffering will incur along the way.
As for me , I am on Jesus Christ side.
My loyalty and victory resides with Him.
I am not ashamed of Jesus Christ nor the gospel .
To be Godless , is to be DEFEATED physically and spiritually.
A Godless nation WILL ALWAYS FALL.
So by all means liberal Democrats continue to push God out of everything and allow darkness to creep in.
Darkness does NOT comprehend light.
Light drives darkness out.
6/11/2017 1:41:42 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |

Grosse Pointe, MI
57, joined Mar. 2012
The Democrat party is the party of Satan....
6/11/2017 1:43:46 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |

Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012

6/11/2017 1:45:46 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
f**kin morons
6/11/2017 1:49:34 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |

Virginia Beach, VA
58, joined May. 2017
Well we sure know what the teabaggers message is
give all the money to the 2%
ass rape the environment
take away peoples healthcare
kiss Putin's ass
6/11/2017 1:51:41 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Springfield, VA
64, joined Sep. 2009
I'm not too sure anymore either.
What IS the current message other than resist and obstruct, you know, priorities that made the party stand with the position social justice is not a bad word, that stood for the working class and darn near owned the middle class blue collar worker?
After 8 years of our prior President what didn't we get accomplished and what needs to be?
What is the message?
This reads like a description of the openly declared goals that the Republicans published after each time Obama was elected.
There has been no such open declaration from the Democrats.
There has been no UNIFIED message from either party for as long as I've been here, and that's almost 64 years now. We could look at whatever happens to be on each party's website, their current "platform," but that's never been all that useful. Most platforms are purposely vague and positive sounding, but short on specifics.
Most politicians say essentially the same BASIC thing: "I'm going to do what's best for my constituents." Exactly HOW they try to do that, is often wildly at odds with either the original vague statement, or is damaging to other legally equal citizens. And it's sometimes damaging to the very people who they thought they were going to help.
6/11/2017 2:07:37 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
The Democratic Party message is defined by their actions. As such, their message is that they will do whatever it takes to rescue the richest capitalists and the capitalist system, including insuring trillions of dollars in bailout funds, the police-state crushing of protest movements such as Occupy Wall Street, the trashing of the public school system in favor of privatization, the implementing of Gingrichcare, the suppressing of workers' wages, the waging of imperialist wars, the protecting of the crimes of the Deep State, including the Deep State's spying on the American people and the Deep States attempts to overthrow presidents they don't like, the protecting of the Republicans from their own self-destruction after such incidents as the 9/11 false-flag attack, lying America into a costly war in Iraq, the savings and loan scandal, Iran-contra, the Franklin sex scandal, the theft of the presidential election in 2000 and 2004, etc.
In the effort to rally some type of popular support for such a widely-hated, far-right-wing, class-warfare agenda, the Democrats employ identity politics.
[Edited 6/11/2017 2:09:51 PM ]
6/11/2017 2:52:39 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Painesville, OH
98, joined Mar. 2014
Push whitey down.
Keep murdering babies .
Keep people in bondage by creating an environment of dependency .
If you are a white, God believing, conservative, gun owning American, you are the enemy of the evil Democratic Party which from hence forth will be known under the very gay title as "The Resistance".
By the way, Obamanation hasn't went anywhere. He has to continue the "transformation of America ".
With the help of his "friends" of course.
And yet another hate Obama, Democrats, and anyone else who's not a Christian post by none other than Mr Christian Values himself. You know, its funny how the Old Testament tells you that life begins when God breathed life into a man and hence he became a living being. Wait, what? Then goes on to proclaim you have no right to judge others, or you yourself will be judged. Kinda awkward you feel that you have the right to impose your will on everyone else, don't ya think blake? And that because its mostly Dems who believe that a woman has the right to make her own decisions, that Dems are suddenly all evil doers in favor of abortion. .. What f**king hogwash. .. Why not just simply state who you really are? A f'n pro-birth alt-right religious fanatic who not only has issues when it comes down to following in Christian values, but wouldn't give a rats a** about any life that came after birth.
Mr white, God believing conservative conspiracy pushing Obama's still out to get our guns hypocrite that you are.
6/11/2017 3:48:02 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |

Alpharetta, GA
52, joined Jun. 2015
If you against the GOOD in AMERICA vote Democrat.. We can change it..
6/11/2017 4:23:33 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Painesville, OH
98, joined Mar. 2014
If you against the GOOD in AMERICA vote Democrat.. We can change it..
Obviously you have a distorted view of what it means to be Good in American.
Case in point > Trump
6/11/2017 4:31:55 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Falkville, AL
75, joined Nov. 2011
So Tragic, "the Democratic message is" what? Don’t worry, I won’t hold my breath for your answer.
6/11/2017 4:47:24 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Bunker Hill, WV
45, joined Jul. 2013
And yet another hate Obama, Democrats, and anyone else who's not a Christian post by none other than Mr Christian Values himself. You know, its funny how the Old Testament tells you that life begins when God breathed life into a man and hence he became a living being. Wait, what? Then goes on to proclaim you have no right to judge others, or you yourself will be judged. Kinda awkward you feel that you have the right to impose your will on everyone else, don't ya think blake? And that because its mostly Dems who believe that a woman has the right to make her own decisions, that Dems are suddenly all evil doers in favor of abortion. .. What f**king hogwash. .. Why not just simply state who you really are? A f'n pro-birth alt-right religious fanatic who not only has issues when it comes down to following in Christian values, but wouldn't give a rats a** about any life that came after birth.
Mr white, God believing conservative conspiracy pushing Obama's still out to get our guns hypocrite that you are.
Can you be anymore generic?
Show me where I have been a hypocrite.
Anyone who promotes God in anyway is a hypocrite to liberals.
Anyone who doesn't like Obama is a racist.
Anyone who doesn't like Hillary is a sexist.
Anyone who doesn't like radical Jihadists or Sharia Law is a Islamophobe.
On and on and on.
You and others misuse the words so much that they mean nothing coming from you.
How am I imposing "my will" as you say onto others?
What is "my will" tragic?
Or are you just rambling meaningless drivel out of your rear AGAIN as USUAL.
You sure seem mad. That's tragic.
You are a parrot spewing forth regurgitated nonsense, that is tragic.
You say majority of the Democrats are for women's right to choose.
You mean the right to murder.
Call it for what it is .
How come the babies don't have rights?
Explain that to me..
I don't have to state who I am because I don't hide who I am.
I know who I am and what I believe and my past and present actions proves that
But you wouldn't know because you do not know me.
you just pretend to know me.
If you knew me you definitely wouldn't say the BS that you say especially your last ignorant unfounded sentence.
I never said anyone was out to get any guns, but you already knew that didn't you oh so tragic .
So go pull your panties out of the wedge they are in go get some fresh air ,maybe a juice box .
Stop being presumptuous, stop acting like you know anything about The Word of God or what I have or haven't done for what I believe.
You will not know because it is not any of your business.
But don't post false salacious slanderous lies about me .
Now , show me where I have been a hypocrite.
If you could you already would but you didn't because you can't.
So move along parrot move along.
6/11/2017 4:51:37 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
You desperate attempts at being relevant are hilarious.
You state something and contradict it shortly thereafter.
6/11/2017 4:57:40 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Bunker Hill, WV
45, joined Jul. 2013
If you could of showed me you would but you can't because I didn't contradict myself.
6/11/2017 5:00:12 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Painesville, OH
98, joined Mar. 2014
So Tragic, "the Democratic message is" what? Don’t worry, I won’t hold my breath for your answer.
Pretty sure its nearly the same as what many Republicans or other parties might claim. That their out to make the US a far better country than what it was during the previous administration. Not the answer your looking for? Try holding your breath till you pass out.
6/11/2017 5:12:10 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
If you could of showed me you would but you can't because I didn't contradict myself.
wood eye? Hmmmm, maybe, maybe not.
6/11/2017 5:17:59 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
I had no idea that blake6972 blocked me until reading this thread. What a right-wing p*ssy! Although, come to think of it, is there any other kind of right-winger?
"Waaaaaaaaaaa! A socialist keeps winning political arguments against me. Waaaaaaaaaa!" -- Right-wing Snowflakes
6/11/2017 5:21:31 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
Hey c*nt
I had no idea that blake6972 blocked me until reading this thread. What a right-wing p*ssy! Although, come to think of it, is there any other kind of right-winger?
"Waaaaaaaaaaa! A socialist keeps winning political arguments against me. Waaaaaaaaaa!" -- Right-wing Snowflakes
you a p*ssy when you get shown where the bear shits in the woods?
6/11/2017 6:01:14 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |

Alpharetta, GA
52, joined Jun. 2015
Obviously you have a distorted view of what it means to be Good in American.
Case in point > Trump
And the Democratic party had Hillary and Bernie.. OMG. now that's distorted..
What is your definition of Good, if my (which I haven't said) opinion of Good is wrong or immoral.
6/11/2017 6:06:27 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Roslindale, MA
38, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Democrat ( I hate trump )
Me (why) ?
Dem ( he's like so bad, and mean, and just embarrassing)
Me ( what about all the jobs he creating, national security, getting health care passed the 1st stage in 5 months!. Deporting low wage illegals out to raise the pay for poor)?
Dem ( no that's not true, CNN says he's embarrassing)
Me (lol)
6/11/2017 6:12:29 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Painesville, OH
98, joined Mar. 2014
Can you be anymore generic?
Show me where I have been a hypocrite.
Anyone who promotes God in anyway is a hypocrite to liberals.
Wrong. Try telling that to a liberal Christian.
Anyone who doesn't like Obama is a racist.
News to me. But i'm betting its only because of the ACA, and has nothing to do with internal race relations. Or would you prefer to blame that nonsense on him instead?
Anyone who doesn't like Hillary is a sexist.
Seriously? Of course she does support womens rights. Might that be the real issue here?
Anyone who doesn't like radical Jihadists or Sharia Law is a Islamophobe.
You may be right here, after all, I can think of no other reason to worry about someone else's religion taking over all of our countries establishments than someone who's an actual Islamophobe.
On and on and on.
You mean the right to murder.
Call it for what it is .
How come the babies don't have rights?
Explain that to me..
And really, talk about being presumptuous. As for how come babies don't have rights, the "fetus" (for some pompous reason you'd just as soon it be a word that didn't exist) is dependent on the mother's body. She can choose to remove that dependency, as her right to her own body exceeds your right to not allow her that choice. Note that this argument does not depend on what was killed was "human" yet, "viable", or any of that other religious stuff. Might I add, only until the courts describe a clinical abortion procedure as being a "violent federal crime", you can take your mix of politics and religion, and shove them right up you backside.
6/11/2017 6:27:14 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Bunker Hill, WV
45, joined Jul. 2013
And really, talk about being presumptuous. As for how come babies don't have rights, the "fetus" (for some pompous reason you'd just as soon it be a word that didn't exist) is dependent on the mother's body. She can choose to remove that dependency, as her right to her own body exceeds your right to not allow her that choice. Note that this argument does not depend on what was killed was "human" yet, "viable", or any of that other religious stuff. Might I add, only until the courts describe a clinical abortion procedure as being a "violent federal crime", you can take your mix of politics and religion, and shove them right up you backside.
Ooooooooo, so mad, so tragic.
Anyway, I don't adhere to religion thank you very much.
Also I never said "fetus" wasn't a word, I said it was a word that shouldn't exist be a use there is no need for it.
Please do try to keep up tragic.
Also I see you couldn't provide any proof of me being a hypocrite.
Gee I wonder why...
So like the good little uneducated liberal that you are you just spew forth lies that you cannot back up.
As usual .
Life is at conception .
That life has rights under the Constitution. The Constitution supersedes any laws that contradict it or should.
Murder is a crime.
Murdering an unborn baby is a crime.
You liberals love to destroy life that cannot defend itself.
You are morally wrong tragicparrot.
Shame on you.
You take your secularism and false conditioning and shove email where the sun don't shine.
Oh, and please do calm down.
6/11/2017 6:32:18 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Bunker Hill, WV
45, joined Jul. 2013
Them, not email.
6/11/2017 6:35:55 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
Democrat ( I hate trump )
Me (why) ?
Dem ( he's like so bad, and mean, and just embarrassing)
Me ( what about all the jobs he creating, national security, getting health care passed the 1st stage in 5 months!. Deporting low wage illegals out to raise the pay for poor)?
Dem ( no that's not true, CNN says he's embarrassing)
Me (lol)
CONDOR: I hate Trump!
CONDOR: Because his entire agenda is to enrich the super-rich, gangster-capitalist one-percenters such as himself and that comes at the expense of the majority of the American people, the working-class. Any idiot can see the proof of that in his attempt to make Obamacare much worse for the American people in exchange for a trillion dollars in tax cuts for the super-rich one-percenters and his slashing of government spending beneficial to the underclass in exchange for more big tax cuts for the super-rich one-percenters. That the Deep State doesn't absolutely love him and his class-warfare agenda (the Nasdaq has surged 20% since Trump won the White House) is only due to the fact that he has refused so far to launch World War III against Russia as Hitlery had promised the Deep State she would do.
JITS: Uhhhhhhhhhh . . . I'll get back to you. But don't wait up.
6/11/2017 6:42:41 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Painesville, OH
98, joined Mar. 2014
Ooooooooo, so mad, so tragic.
Anyway, I don't adhere to religion thank you very much.
Please do try to keep up tragic.
Not mad at all. And I have no problem with keeping up either. I do however think you proved my point in that you are in fact a hypocrite.
6/11/2017 6:51:07 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Roslindale, MA
38, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
CONDOR: I hate Trump!
CONDOR: Because his entire agenda is to enrich the super-rich, gangster-capitalist one-percenters such as himself and that comes at the expense of the majority of the American people, the working-class. Any idiot can see the proof of that in his attempt to make Obamacare much worse for the American people in exchange for a trillion dollars in tax cuts for the super-rich one-percenters and his slashing of government spending beneficial to the underclass in exchange for more big tax cuts for the super-rich one-percenters. That the Deep State doesn't absolutely love him and his class-warfare agenda (the Nasdaq has surged 20% since Trump won the White House) is only due to the fact that he has refused so far to launch World War III against Russia as Hitlery had promised the Deep State she would do.
JITS: Uhhhhhhhhhh . . . I'll get back to you. But don't wait up.
You spread the wealth by breaking democrat regulations on the poor
6/11/2017 6:56:31 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
Which regulations would those be, jizzbaby?
6/11/2017 7:05:31 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
You spread the wealth by breaking democrat regulations on the poor
Indeed, there's nothing that billionaire capitalists like Trump love more than spreading the wealth -- from the working-class who create it to the super-rich, parasitic, billionaire, capitalist one-percenters like himself and his billionaire cabinet.
6/11/2017 7:06:16 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Roslindale, MA
38, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Which regulations would those be, jizzbaby?
Jobs, jobs and jobs
6/11/2017 7:08:47 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
Which regulations would those be, jizzbaby?
You know, minimum wage laws, public schools, unemployment insurance, food stamps, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, etc. All those evil regulations that are keeping poor people, unemployed people, and elderly people from becoming rich. Because once we cut workers wages, force unemployed people out in the streets to starve and remove any ability for retired people to sustain themselves, why those people will all have no choice but to become rich.
6/11/2017 7:09:26 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
Jobs, jobs and jobs
When did jobs become regulations?
6/11/2017 7:10:52 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Roslindale, MA
38, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
When did jobs become regulations?
Regulations on jobs
6/11/2017 7:13:30 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
Regulations on jobs
Because once you remove all regulations and let capitalists pay workers 30 cents per hour and force them to work 18 hour days, 7 days per week, in dangerous working conditions, why those workers will become rich, and America will finally be a capitalist paradise the equal of Haiti and Honduras. Woo hoo Trump!
[Edited 6/11/2017 7:15:23 PM ]
6/11/2017 7:26:01 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Roslindale, MA
38, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Because once you remove all regulations and let capitalists pay workers 30 cents per hour and force them to work 18 hour days, 7 days per week, in dangerous working conditions, why those workers will become rich, and America will finally be a capitalist paradise the equal of Haiti and Honduras. Woo hoo Trump!
Or you democrats remove regulations on poor people that opens up resources, spreads the wealth you won't have to work for no money.
6/11/2017 7:29:00 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
Or you democrats remove regulations on poor people that opens up resources, spreads the wealth you won't have to work for no money.
Billionaire capitalists don't become billionaires by "spreading the wealth." They become billionaires by sucking up all of society's great wealth in to their own coffers. That's why they are always plotting how to cut wages and government benefits for the working-class while dishing out huge tax cuts and funneling the resulting higher corporate profits to themselves.
And as you know, I'm not a Democrat, and the Democrats are themselves a far-far-right-wing political party.
[Edited 6/11/2017 7:30:02 PM ]
6/11/2017 7:31:21 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
This Is the Second Time Trump Has Screwed Over Dying Children by Diverting Charitable Donations
Because why give money when you can make money?
By Kali Holloway
June 8, 2017
According to Forbes, Donald Trump redirected more than $1 million in charitable donations intended for kids with cancer to the Trump Organization, making himself and his cronies richer. Turns out, that’s not the first story proving even terminally ill children are no match for Trump's greed and cruelty.
Earlier this year, Michael Skolnik appeared on the Politically Re-Active podcast, where he relayed a similar story about then-citizen Trump (it starts at about 28:20). Skolnik is a longtime business partner of Def Jam founder and billionaire Russell Simmons, who had a high-profile falling out with Trump during the presidential campaign:
“I sat next to Donald at a dinner one time at the Waldorf-Astoria for a charity event,” Skolnik recounted. “This is three or four years ago. It was for a very rare children’s disease. The guy whose table it was, who was a friend of Donald and a friend of Russell’s, got onstage and pledged a million dollars to this charity and said to the audience in the Waldorf, ‘Who’s going to match me?’ And—I’ll go under oath, [swear on] my grandfather’s grave, may my grandfather rest in peace—Trump was sitting right next to me and he raised his hand. He was like, ‘A million bucks. I’m in!'” And the whole place exploded in craziness. Here was $2 million raised in 15 seconds for this amazing charity. And David Fahrenthold from the Washington Post saw a picture of me at the event and called me during the election and said, ‘Do you remember what happened?’ I said, 'Yeah, Donald pledged a million bucks, check it out.' And he went and looked at it and Donald gave nothing. Literally zero dollars.”
In the case examined by Forbes, Trump overcharged his son’s charity for use of his golf club and other amenities in order to turn a profit. Eric Trump’s foundation held its inaugural golf tournament in 2007. The Trump scion assured donors—who paid anywhere “from $3,000 for a single all-day ticket to $100,000 for a pair of VIP foursome”—they didn’t have to worry about funds being misused, since the facilities and services were free, gifted by his father. Forbes found that wasn’t exactly true, but in the early years, costs were at least on par with standard expenditures for charity events, at about $46,000 each year. That figure reportedly jumped threefold once the elder Trump realized his son’s charity was getting a major discount from his club, meaning the Trump Organization wasn’t profiting off the cancer-stricken kids it was meant to benefit. From Forbes:
In 2011, things took a turn. Costs for Eric Trump's tournament jumped from $46,000 to $142,000, according to the foundation's IRS filings. Why would the price of the tournament suddenly triple in one year? "In the early years, they weren't being billed [for the club]—the bills would just disappear," says Ian Gillule, who served as membership and marketing director at Trump National Westchester during two stints from 2006 to 2015 and witnessed how Donald Trump reacted to the tournament's economics. "Mr. Trump had a cow. He flipped. He was like, 'We're donating all of this stuff, and there's no paper trail? No credit?' And he went nuts. He said, 'I don't care if it's my son or not—everybody gets billed.'"
The Forbes investigation also turned up evidence that the Donald J. Trump Foundation used Eric’s charity to create an appearance of giving while profiting. According to the article, the DJT Foundation “donated $100,000 to the Eric Trump Foundation—a gift explicitly made, according to Gillule, to offset the increased budget.” That money ultimately “passed through the Eric Trump Foundation—and wound up in the coffers of Donald Trump's private businesses.” Forbes compares the deceptiveness of the whole operation as being on par with “a drug cartel's money-laundering operation.”
Forbes attempted to make mathematical sense of the sky-high costs Eric Trump’s charity was billed by his father’s company in recent years. IRS records indicate those charges rose to $230,000 in 2013, and continued climbing, hitting $322,000 in 2015. The outlet talked to Eric Trump himself, who stuck with his story that nearly every good and service, from drinks to appearances by entertainers to the rental of the golf course itself, had been donated free of charge. When Forbes asked for an itemized budget that might explain the costs the club imposed, the Eric Trump Foundation “declined to respond.”
From Forbes:
Thus it's hard to figure out what happened to the money. All the listed costs are direct expenses: Items like overhead and salaries appear elsewhere in its IRS filings. Even if the Eric Trump Foundation had to pay the full rate for literally everything, Forbes couldn't come up with a plausible path to $322,000 given the parameters of the annual event (a golf outing for about 200 and dinner for perhaps 400 more). Neither could golf tournament experts or the former head golf professional at Trump National Westchester. "If you gave me that much money to run a tournament, I couldn't imagine what we could do," says Patrick Langan, who worked at the club from 2006 to 2015. "It certainly wasn't done that way."
Forbes points to a shift in board membership at the Eric Trump Foundation as a possible starting point for when the fuzzy accounting began. The magazine notes that a group that was previously comprised of friends of Eric suddenly became filled with employees of the senior Trump’s business. Langan, the golf club employee, told Forbes that the charity and Trump’s bottom line became so entwined that the two causes essentially became one.
6/11/2017 8:13:53 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Falkville, AL
75, joined Nov. 2011
Because of Obama, we now have the highest Federal tax in American history. Don’t believe me? Here’s a link:
Federal tax revenues hit a record $1.48 trillion for the first half of fiscal year 2016, but the federal government still ran a $461 billion deficit.
Obama’s goal, you know, the American hating, Kenyan born illegal alien Illuminati post turtle, following his Marxist upbringing, was to bring American down from within with massive Federal regulations and Federal taxes, and to bankrupt her with massive record Federal debt, you know, just as Liberal Blacks have bankrupted all the large cities in America they have gained political power over, reducing the cities to crime ridden, rat infested, ruins.
As Vladimir Lenin once said: “The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation”, and Obama was carrying that out.
Lenin also said: “You destroy the family, you destroy the country” And Obama was carrying that out with the homosexual marriage thing.
Lenin, also said: “A system of licensing and registration is the perfect device to deny gun ownership to the bourgeoisie.” And Obama was carrying that out.
Lenin also said: “The surest way to destroy a nation is to debauch its currency.” That had already been done under previous Presidents, and Obama was completing that by printing a massive an oversupply of fiat paper money backed by nothing.
Lenin also said: “Only an armed people can be the real bulwark of popular liberty.” So Obama was trying his best to outlaw the private ownership of guns.
Lenin also said: “We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us.” Sound familiar? The Liberal trolls posting in social forums such as this are part of that strategy.
Lenin also said: “The bourgeoisie is many times stronger than we. To give it the weapon of freedom of the press is to ease the enemy’s cause, to help the class enemy. We do not desire to end in suicide, SO WE WILL NOT DO THIS.”
Lenin also said: ”Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of the socialist state.”. Sound familiar? That is why the state must socialize medicine.
Lenin also said: “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” Sound familiar? So schools, both Universities and then public schools became an instrument for spreading socialism and Marxism.
Lenin also said: “One of the basic conditions for the victory of socialism is the arming of the Communists and the disarming of the bourgeoisie (the middle class).” Sound familiar? Obama created ANTIFA, a communist revolutionary army, and is using them to fight President Trump and to start a Communist Revolution in the US. At the same time he was trying his best to disarm the American people.
I could go on, but you get the point.
President Trump is trying to make America great again, he is trying to reverse all that, but Congress is fighting toe nail and tooth to stop that. As President Trump said, President Obama left the country in "a real mess", a mess that he now has to clean up.
6/12/2017 4:11:09 AM |
The Democratic Message Is: |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
Because of Obama, we now have the highest Federal tax in American history. Don’t believe me? Here’s a link:
Federal tax revenues hit a record $1.48 trillion for the first half of fiscal year 2016, but the federal government still ran a $461 billion deficit.
Obama’s goal, you know, the American hating, Kenyan born illegal alien Illuminati post turtle, following his Marxist upbringing, was to bring American down from within with massive Federal regulations and Federal taxes, and to bankrupt her with massive record Federal debt, you know, just as Liberal Blacks have bankrupted all the large cities in America they have gained political power over, reducing the cities to crime ridden, rat infested, ruins.
As Vladimir Lenin once said: “The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation”, and Obama was carrying that out.
Lenin also said: “You destroy the family, you destroy the country” And Obama was carrying that out with the homosexual marriage thing.
Lenin, also said: “A system of licensing and registration is the perfect device to deny gun ownership to the bourgeoisie.” And Obama was carrying that out.
Lenin also said: “The surest way to destroy a nation is to debauch its currency.” That had already been done under previous Presidents, and Obama was completing that by printing a massive an oversupply of fiat paper money backed by nothing.
Lenin also said: “Only an armed people can be the real bulwark of popular liberty.” So Obama was trying his best to outlaw the private ownership of guns.
Lenin also said: “We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us.” Sound familiar? The Liberal trolls posting in social forums such as this are part of that strategy.
Lenin also said: “The bourgeoisie is many times stronger than we. To give it the weapon of freedom of the press is to ease the enemy’s cause, to help the class enemy. We do not desire to end in suicide, SO WE WILL NOT DO THIS.”
Lenin also said: ”Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of the socialist state.”. Sound familiar? That is why the state must socialize medicine.
Lenin also said: “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” Sound familiar? So schools, both Universities and then public schools became an instrument for spreading socialism and Marxism.
Lenin also said: “One of the basic conditions for the victory of socialism is the arming of the Communists and the disarming of the bourgeoisie (the middle class).” Sound familiar? Obama created ANTIFA, a communist revolutionary army, and is using them to fight President Trump and to start a Communist Revolution in the US. At the same time he was trying his best to disarm the American people.
I could go on, but you get the point.
President Trump is trying to make America great again, he is trying to reverse all that, but Congress is fighting toe nail and tooth to stop that. As President Trump said, President Obama left the country in "a real mess", a mess that he now has to clean up.
And then Lenin dished out trillions of dollars in bailout funds to the richest capitalists to save the capitalist system he hated from utter collapse (just like Obama did). Lenin was subsequently rewarded by those rich capitalists with hundreds of millions of dollars in speaking fees (just like Obama was).
6/12/2017 9:50:03 AM |
The Democratic Message Is: |
Rochester, MI
58, joined Sep. 2012
thanks for the fun.
@ condor
I think a great message would be you can be happier by living with less. Tiny houses would offer a lot of opportunity even in the way of jobs, advanced technology for harnessing energy that's essentially a 'free' gift from God (the spiritual folks should like that, right?), back yards that aren't as focused on a manicure but are alive with vegetables, new ways of thinking about food that's discarded by stores, and fetus's can grow to babies and from babies to adults that were welcomed, protected, educated and have a lot to offer the future because simple 'existence' is supported by rationale unselfish love.

I'm awake now.
6/12/2017 9:51:08 AM |
The Democratic Message Is: |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Hey, Cuds used to say that!
6/12/2017 9:54:16 AM |
The Democratic Message Is: |
Rochester, MI
58, joined Sep. 2012
AND, free coffee for everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
6/12/2017 7:00:59 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Bunker Hill, WV
45, joined Jul. 2013
thanks for the fun.
@ condor
I think a great message would be you can be happier by living with less. Tiny houses would offer a lot of opportunity even in the way of jobs, advanced technology for harnessing energy that's essentially a 'free' gift from God (the spiritual folks should like that, right?), back yards that aren't as focused on a manicure but are alive with vegetables, new ways of thinking about food that's discarded by stores, and fetus's can grow to babies and from babies to adults that were welcomed, protected, educated and have a lot to offer the future because simple 'existence' is supported by rationale unselfish love.
I'm awake now.
Babies are babies. From the time of conception until they are born or murdered .
Fetus didn't even really see any usage until around the 60s, gee I wonder why...
6/12/2017 7:28:22 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |

Santa Clarita, CA
97, joined Feb. 2013
The Democratic message .... Do as I say ... Not as I do !
Hypocrites at their best .... And completely oblivious to it ! 
6/12/2017 7:30:17 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
The current message is- Unite or lose the next election too! 
[Edited 6/12/2017 7:30:47 PM ]
6/12/2017 7:33:19 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |

Santa Clarita, CA
97, joined Feb. 2013
The current message is- Unite or lose the next election too! 
Problem is ... All talk , no action . 
6/12/2017 7:49:41 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Bunker Hill, WV
45, joined Jul. 2013
6/12/2017 10:06:18 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
The current message is- Unite or lose the next election too! 
Democrats tried hard to unite . . . behind Bernie Sanders, but Hitlery and the DNC would have none of it. When Seth Rich spilled the beans on the right-wing conspiracy of Hitlery and the DNC they had the Deep State execute him. That's not really "uniting," dude.
[Edited 6/12/2017 10:07:08 PM ]
6/12/2017 11:29:29 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
Democrats tried hard to unite . . . behind Bernie Sanders, but Hitlery and the DNC would have none of it. When Seth Rich spilled the beans on the right-wing conspiracy of Hitlery and the DNC they had the Deep State execute him. That's not really "uniting," dude.
Bernie Sanders would be the first one to tell people like you- "F**k Off and Die"! 
6/12/2017 11:37:26 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Richmond, VA
39, joined May. 2014
The message is intolerance and hate.
[Edited 6/12/2017 11:38:12 PM ]
6/12/2017 11:59:00 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Bunker Hill, WV
45, joined Jul. 2013
No doubt.
6/13/2017 12:50:09 AM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
You Hillary and Obama haters should get a mirror!  
6/13/2017 1:10:16 AM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Richmond, VA
39, joined May. 2014
You Hillary and Obama haters should get a mirror!  
The mirror reflects back the same way when you hate on Trump.
It is similar to a fun house mirror with the reflection being distorted.
As it goes with anyone having a biased desision.
6/13/2017 7:21:32 AM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
The mirror reflects back the same way when you hate on Trump.
It is similar to a fun house mirror with the reflection being distorted.
As it goes with anyone having a biased desision.
Politics has gone tribal after the last 8 years of listening to the Obama and Hillary haters run their mouths.
For 8 years you Obama and Hillary haters ran your mouths and said a lot of horrible things, made up a bunch of hateful crap, and exagerrated everything to a point, that no one will ever forget now.
It went over the top! You lowered the bar so low!
We know how that negativity about us and the people we elected worked out for you, so, we will just take our chances, and see how that works out for us now by playing "your" game.
You guys didn't play with any rules, so we just assume there are no rules. Two can play this game.
What's funny, is all we have to do is just tell it like it is. Because that is bad enough!
We tried to warn you about Donald Trump being a liar, that he was actually the crooked one in the race, and he was unfit to be the president. Now we are content on letting Donald Trump prove it to you every day now.
And we are here to also remind you and attempt to keep you honest!
6/14/2017 1:04:40 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |


Falkville, AL
75, joined Nov. 2011
The Democrats have already lost the next election by waging continual war on President Trump and the majority of the American people who voted for him (and, yes, it was a majority, it was such a large turn out that it dwarfed the massive voter fraud of the Hillary Democrats).
The war against Trump and his supporters is now beginning to turn into a violent Communist Revolution with Obama’s ANTIFA and all.
See the links:
The Trump assassination play has now inspired a real life attack against GOP congressmen, GOP Congressman Scalise hit but in stable condition, Capatal hill police prevent a massacre: see the links:
Washington in shock after heroic cops stop massacre attempt on GOP lawmakers: http://www.wnd.com/2017/06/nobody-would-have-survived-without-the-capitol-hill-police/
Gunman at GOP ballgame: are you Democrats or Republicans?: Congressman among six other shot in deliberate attack by white male: http://www.wnd.com/2017/06/gop-rep-steve-scalise-others-shot-by-gunman/
Donald Trump Jr. on Wednesday appeared to link the shooting at a congressional baseball practice that injured at least five to the controversial production of “Julius Caesar”. https://www.prisonplanet.com/trump-jr-appears-to-link-lawmaker-shooting-to-controversial-julius-caesar-production.html
Senator was at the baseball practice and credits police with saving his and many other lives. Attacker deliberately targeted Republicans: https://www.prisonplanet.com/rand-paul-armed-capitol-police-prevented-a-massacre.html
Police have rushed to the scene and there are reports of gun fire from the car park in Del Ray, America. https://www.prisonplanet.com/leftist-gunman-shoots-republican-congressman-in-media-inspired-terror-attack.html
Scalise in stable condition: http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/congressman-steve-scalise-shot-alexandria-virginia-park-n772111
Gunman: kill as many Republicans as possible: http://theweek.com/speedreads/705653/rep-mark-walker-says-gunman-targeted-congressional-baseball-practice-kill-many-republican-members-possible
Shooter dead, belonged to anti-GOP groups: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/buster/james-t-hodgkinson/congressional-baseball-shooter-729035
Left wing Twitter celebrates: https://news.grabien.com/story-left-wing-twitter-celebrates-shooting-rep-scalise
Democratic ANTIFA resistance movement to President Trump threaten the United States: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jun/14/resist-movement-violence-threaten-united-states/
The Democratic message at this point is: "we are going to kill President Trump and all his supporters".
6/14/2017 5:09:53 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |

Reading, PA
63, joined May. 2013
Louie forgot the Examiner and mad magazine in support of his tastes in lying media sources.
This proves Louie is the anti-Christ! Waiting to have his meeting with the trump to deliver Armageddon on the world.
Get ready for zombie dinasores!
6/14/2017 6:07:54 PM |
The Democratic Message Is: |
Rochester, MI
58, joined Sep. 2012
@ Louie,
have you ever seriously considered writing for Breitbart or another right wing, illuminati, new world order, conspiracy, FOX type magazine??
You have a gift of writing that can draw someone in.
Like a well written spy novel, you have the capability to take a space cadet to the moon and back.
Dope smokers wouldn't need a joint to be mesmerized, take a trip and never leave the farm.
Seriously. You do write well. 