6/27/2017 11:27:13 AM |
McConnell&Ryan two hypocrites. |

New Hope, PA
77, joined Feb. 2008
Two people currently associated with the health insurance controversy, in Washington, are both beneficiaries of things they would now deny others in America.As a child Mitch McConnell was afflicted with polio and was able to receive treatment at the Warm Springs treatment center made famous by FDR's using it for his polio.The bill for Mitch's treatment was paid for by the charity founded by those in FDR's cabinet known as the March of Dimes.A charity which today Mitch has no problem defunding,he obviously does not believe in do unto others as you would have them do unto you.The same is true of Paul Ryan who collected on his deceased fathers Social Security, while he was still in high school.He would now deny this same benefit to his fellow Americans, as he is constantly trying to cut or eliminate Social Security.Two hypocrites who have lived off tax payers most of their lives, but who have no problem denying to others what they once gladly took,and still do through their taxpayer salary and more than adequate government healthcare and pensions.
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6/27/2017 3:23:21 PM |
McConnell&Ryan two hypocrites. |

New Hope, PA
77, joined Feb. 2008
I guess the truth hurts you right wingers.
6/27/2017 3:27:51 PM |
McConnell&Ryan two hypocrites. |


Lufkin, TX
57, joined Aug. 2010

6/27/2017 4:13:01 PM |
McConnell&Ryan two hypocrites. |

Denton, TX
53, joined Jun. 2014
With some of the top democrats
Coming out and saying publicaly that obama knew the russians were trying to sway the elections and he did nothing about it.
Falcon you are the problem with this country.
Grow a pair and stand up against this
6/27/2017 4:42:42 PM |
McConnell&Ryan two hypocrites. |


Lufkin, TX
57, joined Aug. 2010
With some of the top democrats
Coming out and saying publicaly that obama knew the russians were trying to sway the elections and he did nothing about it.
Falcon you are the problem with this country.
Grow a pair and stand up against this
Minister scrotum will never do that. The scrotum is part of the problem. You notice how (in addition to never posting links), he never identify's the ethnic identity and/or the religion of those he excoriates?
Instead smearing all of them with the pejorative label of "rightwinger"?
Notice he was wahh wahh wahhing about the high salaries of Hospital and insurance company CEOS in his ...The new Returdlicker Wealthcare bill now public ... thread?
Never once identifying them as being ... ... J()()ish.
Wanting people to think they're all WASPS.
That's his shtick. 
6/27/2017 5:40:58 PM |
McConnell&Ryan two hypocrites. |

New Hope, PA
77, joined Feb. 2008
He put sanctions in against the Russians, and now we are trying to strengthen them and the Greedy Old Party House won't go along!!All you are doing is deflecting from the right wingers like McConnell and Lyin Ryan who take from taxpayers, but want to give nothing in return.
6/27/2017 5:53:22 PM |
McConnell&Ryan two hypocrites. |

Ravenswood, WV
59, joined Mar. 2013
He put sanctions in against the Russians, and now we are trying to strengthen them and the Greedy Old Party House won't go along!!All you are doing is deflecting from the right wingers like McConnell and Lyin Ryan who take from taxpayers, but want to give nothing in return.
And Democrap politicians have been drawing the same Cadillac benefits for years...
But only now its an issue for fowlcoon....
Think on this fowlcoon...should piss you off..
Anthony Weiner is still getting his bennys...
Hows that for f**ked up...
[Edited 6/27/2017 5:53:47 PM ]
6/27/2017 6:10:08 PM |
McConnell&Ryan two hypocrites. |

New Hope, PA
77, joined Feb. 2008
Lyin Ryan's one and only employer is the U.S.TAXPAYER, he began as a high schooler and continues to this day sucking off Uncle Sam!!
6/27/2017 6:13:32 PM |
McConnell&Ryan two hypocrites. |

New Hope, PA
77, joined Feb. 2008
Between Ryan and McConnell and his millionaire wife,they have sucked up more tax dollars than a city full of welfare recipients.
6/27/2017 6:16:23 PM |
McConnell&Ryan two hypocrites. |

Ravenswood, WV
59, joined Mar. 2013
Between Ryan and McConnell and his millionaire wife,they have sucked up more tax dollars than a city full of welfare recipients.
How does Barak and Michelle both become millionaires while in the Whitehouse.....
Talk about tax dollar supersuckers....
6/27/2017 6:22:07 PM |
McConnell&Ryan two hypocrites. |


Lufkin, TX
57, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from the ...

Between Ryan and McConnell and his millionaire wife,they have sucked up more tax dollars than a city full of welfare recipients.
Meanwhile Bernie Sanders and his millionaire 900 pound whale of a wife are being investigated by the FBI for BANK FRAUD!
6/27/2017 7:12:08 PM |
McConnell&Ryan two hypocrites. |


Rochester, MI
58, joined Sep. 2012
Two people currently associated with the health insurance controversy, in Washington, are both beneficiaries of things they would now deny others in America.As a child Mitch McConnell was afflicted with polio and was able to receive treatment at the Warm Springs treatment center made famous by FDR's using it for his polio.The bill for Mitch's treatment was paid for by the charity founded by those in FDR's cabinet known as the March of Dimes.A charity which today Mitch has no problem defunding,he obviously does not believe in do unto others as you would have them do unto you.The same is true of Paul Ryan who collected on his deceased fathers Social Security, while he was still in high school.He would now deny this same benefit to his fellow Americans, as he is constantly trying to cut or eliminate Social Security.Two hypocrites who have lived off tax payers most of their lives, but who have no problem denying to others what they once gladly took,and still do through their taxpayer salary and more than adequate government healthcare and pensions.
Ungrateful for the country they live in, forgetful for what they received, unthankful for the opportunities afforded them through charity and social security, and eager for the tax cuts this health care bill will provide them and their friends.
the tax cuts will hardly affect the posters defending them on here, but the health care bill alone will.
6/27/2017 7:19:03 PM |
McConnell&Ryan two hypocrites. |

Ravenswood, WV
59, joined Mar. 2013
Ungrateful for the country they live in, forgetful for what they received, unthankful for the opportunities afforded them through charity and social security, and eager for the tax cuts this health care bill will provide them and their friends.
the tax cuts will hardly affect the posters defending them on here, but the health care bill alone will.
Uhunh your right...Taxpayer dollars straight from your pocket to Big Pharma and Big Medical...
Ever wonder why healthcare has become unaffordable...its because the health industry has priced itself out of business..I recently paid $20k for a 3 day hospital stay..After B/c and B/s got done my bill was still 3k..
Multibillion dollar hospitals with multimillion dollars worth of eauipment...
And now our government thinks taxpayers should foot the bill....
Not a sound financial plan for anyone...
6/27/2017 7:56:02 PM |
McConnell&Ryan two hypocrites. |

New Hope, PA
77, joined Feb. 2008
wvtravellr how much does the hospital administrator of that hospital earn??How much does the CEO of your health insurer earn??
6/27/2017 9:05:52 PM |
McConnell&Ryan two hypocrites. |

Ravenswood, WV
59, joined Mar. 2013
wvtravellr how much does the hospital administrator of that hospital earn??How much does the CEO of your health insurer earn??
And whats that got to do with the price of eggs in china..
Not so much that it justifies taxing an entire population..
But all these new multibillion dollar hospitals all over the country..
All these new wonder pills that will supposedly save humanity from itself...
Your damn right...somebodys gonna pay for that..
6/27/2017 9:06:53 PM |
McConnell&Ryan two hypocrites. |


Roslindale, MA
39, joined Jun. 2014
wvtravellr how much does the hospital administrator of that hospital earn??How much does the CEO of your health insurer earn??
Yes because we should pay mangers of big insurance agencies McDonald wages lol your such a idiot
6/27/2017 9:30:10 PM |
McConnell&Ryan two hypocrites. |

New Hope, PA
77, joined Feb. 2008
We certainly shouldn't be paying them multimillion dollar salaries.
6/27/2017 9:36:52 PM |
McConnell&Ryan two hypocrites. |


Roslindale, MA
39, joined Jun. 2014
We certainly shouldn't be paying them multimillion dollar salaries.
So would you rather them steal? let me guess you're not greedy just everyone else
6/27/2017 9:49:19 PM |
McConnell&Ryan two hypocrites. |

New York, NY
68, joined Jan. 2010
They're Obama care killers. Though they don't shoot straight.
6/28/2017 11:16:42 AM |
McConnell&Ryan two hypocrites. |

New Hope, PA
77, joined Feb. 2008
shitts how much are you collecting in welfare??Clearly you do not work??