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7/8/2017 12:35:47 PM |
A Liberal Double Standard | Page 3 |

Wheat Ridge, CO
51, joined Jan. 2011
Muldoon isn't attacking Christians. He attacks what he sees as ignorance, as do I. I've attacked his ignorance when he refuses to acknowledge that Hillary is a neoliberal corporatist and little better than Trump. He attacks your ignorance, not because of your religious beliefs, but because you use those beliefs as a front for agendas that have nothing to do with Christianity.
At the end of the day Louie I want the same ends as you(I think). A restoration of the middle class to its former glory. However, you are following a false prophet. He's divisive. The American people of all ethnicities must unite to fight the common enemy that seeks to enslave over 90% of us. The enemy is that corporate oligarchy, the ruling class, or what FDR once called the Economic Royalists. Who are they? A good number of them were at Lally Weymouth's party this past 4th of July. I've already made several posts about it. They are comprised of both "liberals" and "conservatives". Two sides of the same coin. This whole liberal vs conservative bullshit is like pro wrestling. When the cameras are on they criticize each other with much bluster. Then they go party together and laugh at all of us for falling for it.
Solution: Vote for liberty democrats or 3rd party. Liberty democrats take no corporate or PAC money. They are beholden to the voters only. And it is a growing movement of ordinary citizens running for office and we are going to primary those g-damned corporate neoliberal incumbent democrats.
Exactly how is the Dem party trying to unite us?
Does the Congressional Black Caucus (a blacks only clique) unite us?
How about Joe Biden speaking to a black crowd, in his best po black share croppa voice saying " they gon put chall in chains" unite us?
How about baseless accusations of racism, homophobia, etc against those who disagree with them does that unite us?
I could go on, but u get my point.
This is why I DESPISE the Dem party.

[Edited 7/8/2017 12:37:39 PM ]
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

7/8/2017 12:40:32 PM |
A Liberal Double Standard | Page 3 |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
online now!
Voting doesn't work. You want to make a real change? Get everyone in the U.S. to stop paying taxes.
7/8/2017 12:54:28 PM |
A Liberal Double Standard | Page 3 |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008
Muldoom, you are your own god, but you are a lying god. Our Lord refers to the Muslim religion as "that cursed religion". And here you are trying to whitewash that religion, while painting Christianity black. Talk about a Liberal double standard.

7/8/2017 1:01:16 PM |
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Loganville, GA
54, joined May. 2010
Voting doesn't work. You want to make a real change? Get everyone in the U.S. to stop paying taxes.
When you get to a point where you say voting doesn't work you are basically calling for revolution. Simply stop paying taxes won't get rid of the oligarchs. All it will do is collapse the entire system and everyone will endure hell for a period of time. I advocate a much less painful method. The battle is really with the information war. We all know now that you cannot trust the MSM corporate media. The more we convince people to get their info online the more we will be informed as to what is really going on. I have found truth on both right wing and left wing sources. From Breitbart to RT news. Youtube has a host of shows that expose much that CNN, Fox, and MSNBC purposefully withhold from the public.
Had people been properly informed Bernie Sanders would be in the White House and liberty democrats would control congress. Winning the information war is the less painful and more peaceful way to get rid of the oligarchy. Simply stop paying taxes without a message and clear demands that all the people agree on serves no constructive purpose.
7/8/2017 1:07:20 PM |
A Liberal Double Standard | Page 3 |


Loganville, GA
54, joined May. 2010
Exactly how is the Dem party trying to unite us?
Does the Congressional Black Caucus (a blacks only clique) unite us?
How about Joe Biden speaking to a black crowd, in his best po black share croppa voice saying " they gon put chall in chains" unite us?
How about baseless accusations of racism, homophobia, etc against those who disagree with them does that unite us?
I could go on, but u get my point.
This is why I DESPISE the Dem party.

Not those neoliberal corporatists that control the DNC. Real democrats need to get rid of them. Joe Biden is dirty as hell and is a corporate shill. He's an example of the corporate democrats that I rail against as is Pelosi, Feinstein, Booker, Perez, Cain, and of course Hillary Clinton.
The real Harry Truman type democrats like Bernie and Tulsi Gabbard are in the minority. However, there is a growing movement of liberty democrats that are going to primary those incumbent corporate democrats in 2018 and 2020. They aren't lawyers, just ordinary citizens. Stay tuned.
7/8/2017 1:10:02 PM |
A Liberal Double Standard | Page 3 |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008
I have a lot of Bernie supporter friends that before
they came Bernie supporters, they were all in there
helping debunk all the Republican fake scandals about
When they became Bernie supporter, they started spreading
all the same fake scandals they were helping to debunk.
I don't have a lot of trust in your typical Bernie supporter
If they're willing to lie like that or even worse, convince
themselves the same lies they worked to debunk suddenly
became true, then there's no integrity there.
For the record, I voted Bernie in the primaries too.
7/8/2017 1:17:43 PM |
A Liberal Double Standard | Page 3 |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
online now!
When you get to a point where you say voting doesn't work you are basically calling for revolution. Simply stop paying taxes won't get rid of the oligarchs. All it will do is collapse the entire system and everyone will endure hell for a period of time.
Which is exactly why nothing is going to change for quite some time. We are comfortable right now, complacent with the lives we have. So long as that's the case, no one is going to want to do what is required to make a real change.
I advocate a much less painful method. The battle is really with the information war. We all know now that you cannot trust the MSM corporate media. The more we convince people to get their info online the more we will be informed as to what is really going on. I have found truth on both right wing and left wing sources. From Breitbart to RT news. Youtube has a host of shows that expose much that CNN, Fox, and MSNBC purposefully withhold from the public.
This won't work for the same reason a real revolution won't happen. The information is out there, but people don't care. We have electronics and air conditioning and cars and video games and readily available food..... We are going to be stuck in a rut of doing nothing until we are forced to do something.
Had people been properly informed Bernie Sanders would be in the White House and liberty democrats would control congress. Winning the information war is the less painful and more peaceful way to get rid of the oligarchy. Simply stop paying taxes without a message and clear demands that all the people agree on serves no constructive purpose.
Bernie never had a chance. Informing the people would have done nothing. Unless you are one of those super delegates, then you aren't changing that Hillary was going to be the choice no matter what.
Not paying taxes is the message. There's no clearer way to say, "I don't trust what you are doing with my money," than to simply not give them any more money. And yes, life would be a lot harder probably for quite some time. But last time there was a revolution, it didn't exactly go without any casualties either. Real change demands sacrifice and I don't think anyone is willing to sacrifice their comfortable life.
7/8/2017 1:29:31 PM |
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Loganville, GA
54, joined May. 2010
People are a lot less comfortable than you think. Donald Trumps election is a sign of that. Study history and how and why Hitler got elected in 1932. Not unlike the same dynamics that got Trump elected.
Luke 12:54-56 And he said also to the people, When you see a cloud rise out of the west, straightway you say, There comes a shower; and so it is. 55 And when you see the south wind blow, you say, There will be heat; and it comes to pass. 56 You hypocrites, you can discern the face of the sky and of the earth; but how is it that you do not discern this time?
7/8/2017 4:15:08 PM |
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Angel Fire, NM
29, joined Jan. 2016
Well an Iowa woman was held accountable for trying to vote for Trump twice. You can sleep easy now, conservatives. Election fraud is being fixed.
7/8/2017 4:20:16 PM |
A Liberal Double Standard | Page 3 |


Falkville, AL
75, joined Nov. 2011
Voting DID work for Trump, but only because the American voters, realizing that if they did not do something, America, their beloved country, would be lost forever, turned out for such a massive vote that is overcame the massive voter fraud of the Democrats. It took them by surprise. And prayer and God were involved in the victory that night. I could tell you stories.
Concerning the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party is no longer the Party it once was. You see, the Communist Party USA, eventually realizing that the American people would never vote it into power under the banner of Communism but that it would under the banners of Liberalism and Progressivism, infiltrated the national leadership of the Democratic Party and took over the Party (the leadership are now card carrying members of the Communist Internationale). The Democratic Party (aka, the New Communist Party USA), now works for Communist Revolution in America. That’s what BLM and ANTIFA are all about.
Concerning third parties, Bill Clinton won only because a third party divided the vote that year. Trump was aware of this, and he was wise not to run as Third Party. The Republican Party tried to get Trump to agree to support the Republican candidate whoever it might be, but they themselves had no intention of doing this, they just wanted to bind Trump. Anyway, with the elite controlling the media, the debates, and all that, it would be difficult for a Third Party to win. I have nothing against third parties, but they cannot win in our current system.
Muldoom, it is revealed by God himself, God the Father, the Creator, the Judeo-Christian God, that “Without God, there is no peace”. Do you have to live through the horror of the Third World War to realize that? And, no, peace will not come from the Muslim god Allah, the ancient “Babylonian god of destruction”. He is not called “the god of destruction” for nothing. I say again, WITHOUT GOD, THERE IS NO PEACE.
Muldoom, by waging war in these threads against the Judeo-Christian God, you are, wittingly or unwittingly, calling for war. “The fool says in his heart, “There is no God”. But “Without God there is no peace”. When America is being invaded during the Third World War, Muldoom, when you are in agony and suffering such as you have never known, you will drop to your knees and pray for it to stop and will envy those who have already died. Only then will you realize the error of your ways. God does not always answer prayers as one might expect, if I were to pray for you to stop waging war against Christianity, he may answer that prayer with you suddenly dropping dead. Is that what you want?
If you do suddenly drop dead, Muldoom, I will pray that God allow you to return to post one last time in these threads warning everyone here about the horrors of Hell, and warning them not to come there. You can tell them: "Don't be a fool like me and say there is no God, for only a fool says in his heart there is no God, turn to God and avoid this place of horror, and dispair, and pain." But don't worry, Muldoom, they won't believe you.
7/8/2017 5:21:26 PM |
A Liberal Double Standard | Page 3 |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008
All things considered, it's not hard to understand
why you're so easily duped.
7/8/2017 5:50:19 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Well an Iowa woman was held accountable for trying to vote for Trump twice. You can sleep easy now, conservatives. Election fraud is being fixed.

this ONE story happened back in late fall.
it ran in every news sector.....
abc cbs huffpo washtimes all locals and then some......
where was this one reported other than locally?
Randall Killian, an unaffiliated voter, pleaded guilty to voting in Douglas County, Colorado and Kansas in the 2012 presidential election. Ron Weems, a registered Democrat, pleaded guilty to voting in Teller County, Colorado and Kansas in both 2012 and 2014. Both men were fined for their offenses.
at least colorado and a few other states are working to correct the problem.
“You’d be surprised how often people double vote,“ said Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach. “Two of the cases are serial double voters. I think people discover they can get away with it and keep doing it.”
Kobach says his office is “aggressively prosecuting” double voting cases because it’s a crime that “can’t be caught ahead of time.”
Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach (credit: CBS)
He says after each election, Colorado and Kansas crosscheck voters to identify double ballots and clean up their databases. But Kobach still believes 10,000 people are registered to vote in both Colorado and Kansas.
“Any one of those 10,000 people could probably succeed in casting two votes,“ Kobach said. “We want to get the word out, ‘Don’t do it, we’ll catch you.’”
Colorado and Kansas are two of 28 states that share voting data as part of the Interstate Crosscheck program. Colorado also shares voter data with 10 other states in a different program, called Electronic Registration Information Center, or ERIC.
7/8/2017 6:17:53 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

7/8/2017 6:51:50 PM |
A Liberal Double Standard | Page 3 |
98, joined Jan. 2017
Just yesterday, President Donald Trump questioned the validity of American intelligence on foreign soil and then questioned whether other countries or actors were involved in the hacking.
This statement was quickly followed by Foreign Minister Lavrov appearing on television to say that President Putin had denied involvement, Trump said reports of meddling were exaggerated and he accepted Putin's denials.
Leading American intelligence agencies, Republicans and Democrats in Congress and many members of his own administration are confident that the Russians intervened in the American election last year. But a simple assurance from President Putin overrides that.
And instead of presenting evidence during his meeting with President Putin and making clear that he would stand with Democrats and Republicans and the leading intelligence agencies, Trump accepted the assurances of Putin all while smiling in front of the cameras. And the Russians have photos -- that they are already expertly spreading around the Internet -- to prove it.
What a fuking tool he is. 
7/8/2017 8:14:22 PM |
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Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012
People should mind their own business
7/8/2017 10:16:05 PM |
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Falkville, AL
75, joined Nov. 2011
Criminal, the Russian meddling and hacking thing was invented by the DNC to throw blame for Hillary’s catastrophic loss off of her and onto Trump, and to divert attention away from her murder of the DNC staffer Seth Rich who was the DNC E-mail leaker, not Russia. But you know all that already, you don’t call yourself “Criminal” for nothing. At least you gave yourself an honest label. You know what they say Criminal, “Birds of a feather flock together”, so it is appropriate for you to defend another Criminal, Hillary Clinton, who has a trail of dead bodied behind her a mile long. But I am sure that her criminal history would put you to shame. Podesta, by the way, is still blocking the investigation of the murder, and is still refusing to turn the DNC server over to investigators. That is all people are talking about in Germany, Trump says.
Talk about a double standard, you think it is OK for Clinton to murder her staffer for leaking her E-mails and then blame the leaks on Russia and Trump, but it is not OK for Putin and Trump to go along with the scam. Truth is something that Liberals and criminals cannot abide. When you turn the light on, the roaches scatter and run.
7/9/2017 11:37:17 AM |
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Bunker Hill, WV
45, joined Jul. 2013
Lying liberals should mind their own business
I agree.
7/9/2017 11:42:46 AM |
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Bunker Hill, WV
45, joined Jul. 2013
So true.
7/9/2017 11:49:20 PM |
A Liberal Double Standard | Page 3 |

Kansas City, MO
39, joined Jun. 2013
Criminal, the Russian meddling and hacking thing was invented by the DNC to throw blame for Hillary’s catastrophic loss off of her and onto Trump, and to divert attention away from her murder of the DNC staffer Seth Rich who was the DNC E-mail leaker, not Russia. But you know all that already, you don’t call yourself “Criminal” for nothing. At least you gave yourself an honest label. You know what they say Criminal, “Birds of a feather flock together”, so it is appropriate for you to defend another Criminal, Hillary Clinton, who has a trail of dead bodied behind her a mile long. But I am sure that her criminal history would put you to shame. Podesta, by the way, is still blocking the investigation of the murder, and is still refusing to turn the DNC server over to investigators. That is all people are talking about in Germany, Trump says.
Talk about a double standard, you think it is OK for Clinton to murder her staffer for leaking her E-mails and then blame the leaks on Russia and Trump, but it is not OK for Putin and Trump to go along with the scam. Truth is something that Liberals and criminals cannot abide. When you turn the light on, the roaches scatter and run.
Trump b*tched throughout the whole campaign about it being rigged! Only because his poll numbers were not favorable to him!! We all know he's about self-admiration and his approval ratings! Maybe it was rigged but to only favor him! 
7/9/2017 11:51:12 PM |
A Liberal Double Standard | Page 3 |

Kansas City, MO
39, joined Jun. 2013
Criminal, the Russian meddling and hacking thing was invented by the DNC to throw blame for Hillary’s catastrophic loss off of her and onto Trump, and to divert attention away from her murder of the DNC staffer Seth Rich who was the DNC E-mail leaker, not Russia. But you know all that already, you don’t call yourself “Criminal” for nothing. At least you gave yourself an honest label. You know what they say Criminal, “Birds of a feather flock together”, so it is appropriate for you to defend another Criminal, Hillary Clinton, who has a trail of dead bodied behind her a mile long. But I am sure that her criminal history would put you to shame. Podesta, by the way, is still blocking the investigation of the murder, and is still refusing to turn the DNC server over to investigators. That is all people are talking about in Germany, Trump says.
Talk about a double standard, you think it is OK for Clinton to murder her staffer for leaking her E-mails and then blame the leaks on Russia and Trump, but it is not OK for Putin and Trump to go along with the scam. Truth is something that Liberals and criminals cannot abide. When you turn the light on, the roaches scatter and run.
Roaches he's speaking of:
Manefort, kuschner, Flynn, sessions
7/10/2017 12:15:13 AM |
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Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
Jesus Christ you morons should feel stupid for falling for that shit! Like Mexico was going to pay for it!
7/10/2017 2:45:44 AM |
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Kansas City, MO
39, joined Jun. 2013
Conservatives will blame the liberals and say that they are obstructing trump from achieving his top agenda (Wealthcare, the wall, tax reform for the wealthy, infastructure etc.)
[Edited 7/10/2017 2:46:42 AM ]
7/10/2017 2:54:10 AM |
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Kansas City, MO
39, joined Jun. 2013
Maybe if some of those republican congressman put country before party they would get more big items thru congress but they are obviously not!
Grow a damn set of balls and a backbone and stand up to this inncompetant n inexperienced prez and get him the hell outta there! They are wasting time with wealthcare. Time to move onto other big items!
Trumps child-like tweeting and going after certain people and institutions is quite distracting and the repubs need to grow a backbone and cut his tweeter off!
7/10/2017 7:38:03 AM |
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Santa Clarita, CA
97, joined Feb. 2013
I am confused when I hear the word ;"Service" used
with these agencies
Internal Revenue 'Service'
U.S. Postal 'Service'
Cable TV 'Service'
Civil 'Service'
State, City, County & Public 'Service'
Customer 'Service'
This is not what I thought 'Service' ;meant.
But today, I overheard two farmers talking, and one of them
said he had hired a bull to 'Service' a few cows.
BAM!!! Then it all came into focus. Now I understand what all
those agencies are doing.
7/10/2017 12:35:54 PM |
A Liberal Double Standard | Page 3 |

Reading, PA
63, joined May. 2013
Criminal, the Russian meddling and hacking thing was invented by the DNC to throw blame for Hillary’s catastrophic loss off of her and onto Trump, and to divert attention away from her murder of the DNC staffer Seth Rich who was the DNC E-mail leaker, not Russia. But you know all that already, you don’t call yourself “Criminal” for nothing. At least you gave yourself an honest label. You know what they say Criminal, “Birds of a feather flock together”, so it is appropriate for you to defend another Criminal, Hillary Clinton, who has a trail of dead bodied behind her a mile long. But I am sure that her criminal history would put you to shame. Podesta, by the way, is still blocking the investigation of the murder, and is still refusing to turn the DNC server over to investigators. That is all people are talking about in Germany, Trump says.
Talk about a double standard, you think it is OK for Clinton to murder her staffer for leaking her E-mails and then blame the leaks on Russia and Trump, but it is not OK for Putin and Trump to go along with the scam. Truth is something that Liberals and criminals cannot abide. When you turn the light on, the roaches scatter and run.
Ya learn something new every day..... no matter how stupid it may be!
7/10/2017 7:40:23 PM |
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Loganville, GA
54, joined May. 2010
I have a lot of Bernie supporter friends that before
they came Bernie supporters, they were all in there
helping debunk all the Republican fake scandals about
When they became Bernie supporter, they started spreading
all the same fake scandals they were helping to debunk.
I don't have a lot of trust in your typical Bernie supporter
If they're willing to lie like that or even worse, convince
themselves the same lies they worked to debunk suddenly
became true, then there's no integrity there.
For the record, I voted Bernie in the primaries too.
When have I brought up her scandals? I don't give a damn about those. Me accusing Hillary of being a globalist neoliberal corporatist fake democrat has nothing to do with her emails or Benghazi or any of that crap. Now, wikileaks proved how the democratic primaries were rigged. That is not up for debate, but I blame the DNC for that more than Hillary.
Hillary was for the TPP before Liz Warren and Bernie embarrassed her on that. She's no different than her husband as far a policy which was very pro Wall Street and very globalist and very anti-middle class. What kind of f**king democrat repeals FDR legislation. There's little difference now between the establishment democrats and the republican party. They're just 2 pigs fighting for a spot at the corporate trough.
Now, true Harry Truman type democrats like Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie are the good guys. They're like night and day from the Hil-bots.
7/10/2017 7:53:43 PM |
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Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008
I'm talking about friends and people I know in real life
as well as friends I only know from the internet.
If something I said made you personally uncomfortable
maybe you should examine that instead.
7/10/2017 8:34:54 PM |
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Ravenswood, WV
58, joined Mar. 2013
Russia Russia Russia..