7/29/2017 4:44:14 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Oxford, AL
58, joined May. 2014
repeal the prescription drug law.
remove all mandatory insurance, from health to auto.
Make hospitals and insurance companies compete for your business.
Free enterprise brings you milk at 2 dollars a gallon, see what it will do for other things as well.
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

7/29/2017 4:50:42 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |

Bat Cave, NC
98, joined Jun. 2013
7/29/2017 4:52:56 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Oxford, AL
58, joined May. 2014
why, are you a communist?
7/29/2017 5:08:19 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
With no health or auto insurance, hospitals won't be competing for your business - you'll be begging them to see you.
Wanna try again?

7/29/2017 5:24:47 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
online now!
repeal the prescription drug law.
remove all mandatory insurance, from health to auto.
Make hospitals and insurance companies compete for your business.
Free enterprise brings you milk at 2 dollars a gallon, see what it will do for other things as well.
Already, a doctor in Tulsa, OK has found a way to provide heart patients a stint install for just $1200 cash! This same procedure is costing patients or their insurance as much as $40,000 for the same operation done in many hospitals across America 1,000's of times every day.
And his patients are getting the word out and giving him a lot of praise and free advertising.
Of course this is only one man- one doctor, but, hopefully it will spark other doctors to create new reduced services.
[Edited 7/29/2017 5:26:28 PM ]
7/29/2017 5:44:10 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Murrysville, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
online now!
make it so that all members of Congress have to have Obamacare coverage!!
7/29/2017 5:47:00 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Bunker Hill, WV
45, joined Jul. 2013
Already, a doctor in Tulsa, OK has found a way to provide heart patients a stint install for just $1200 cash! This same procedure is costing patients or their insurance as much as $40,000 for the same operation done in many hospitals across America 1,000's of times every day.
And his patients are getting the word out and giving him a lot of praise and free advertising.
Of course this is only one man- one doctor, but, hopefully it will spark other doctors to create new reduced services.
That is cool.
7/29/2017 5:47:36 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013

Rural hospitals would fold quickly.
7/29/2017 6:17:21 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Springfield, VA
63, joined Sep. 2009
repeal the prescription drug law.
remove all mandatory insurance, from health to auto.
Make hospitals and insurance companies compete for your business.
Free enterprise brings you milk at 2 dollars a gallon, see what it will do for other things as well.
Weeeeel, you're on a very tiny part of the right track. Medical care IS overpriced in part, because insurance exists.
The biggest thing you have horribly wrong, is the idea that basic capitalist competition will solve everything. The thing is, competition only works for things that people DON'T NEED, or at least have plenty of time to decide about. Also, any time you insist on inserting price competition as an element of ANYTHING, very important things like QUALITY invariably suffer horribly.
Another TREMENDOUSLY IMPORTANT aspect of making a change that you have ignored, is that during the transition, everything will be a huge mess. when it comes to mdical care, that translates to lots and lots of death and suffering.
Finally, you left some very important elements off your list. What makes most insurance imperative isn't a legal requirement to have it. It's the fact that if someone doesn't have it, all surprise expenses are functionally life-ending. With no insurance, unless you institute single-payer help from the government, the simple result of all medical emergencies is either death of the patient, or bankruptcy of the patient and their family. With no malpractice insurance, hospitals and other medical vendors will have to charge enough to pay for the possibility of lawsuits, and prices will RISE. If you try to fix that, by limiting all malpractice payouts, you guarantee that medical vendors will choose the cheapest people that can get, and ignore competence.
In short, there is no SIMPLE solution to this.
7/29/2017 7:36:14 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |

South Bend, IN
61, joined Aug. 2011
No, milk has price support, $16.72 a hundred is minimum.USDA put that in place when dairy farms started losing their asses on milk. Too many farmers would sell out their herds and do something else.
7/29/2017 7:40:07 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Jeannette, PA
59, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
repeal the prescription drug law.
remove all mandatory insurance, from health to auto.
Make hospitals and insurance companies compete for your business.
Free enterprise brings you milk at 2 dollars a gallon, see what it will do for other things as well.
I have a better plan..
On the count of three..
7/29/2017 7:44:44 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Falkville, AL
75, joined Nov. 2011
I agree Neal, we need to return to the free enterprise form of health care that we had 70 years ago. It was Government insurance subsidies and Government meddling that drove the cost of health care through the roof. We need to return to what worked. It was a pretty simple solution, and it worked.
Insurance has driven up the cost of health care. An alternative would the Christian "Medi-Share" insurance system, which shares health care burdens--it is working well, and is reasonably priced.
7/29/2017 7:57:50 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
online now!
The Shriners are out there on the islands in the intersections this weekend!
Give it up people! Help for God's sake!
7/29/2017 8:03:19 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008
There's a simple and obvious solution to everything.
Unfortunately, the simple and obvious solution is usually
the wrong answer.

7/29/2017 8:04:07 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Painesville, OH
98, joined Mar. 2014
How about we take a look at other countries like Canada, the UK, France, or Germany, and create a universal HC system that has similar internal workings? After all, what they all have in common is everyone is entitled to health care, although they do all implement it a bit differently. I think we could sure learn a lot by studying what has been done to make universal healthcare work in those countries, and not ours. Not that we shouldn't focus on greedy insurance companies for starters.
7/29/2017 8:08:59 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
That'll never work!!
7/29/2017 9:24:18 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |
Rochester, MI
58, joined Sep. 2012
How about we take a look at other countries like Canada, the UK, France, or Germany, and create a universal HC system that has similar internal workings? After all, what they all have in common is everyone is entitled to health care, although they do all implement it a bit differently. I think we could sure learn a lot by studying what has been done to make universal healthcare work in those countries, and not ours. Not that we shouldn't focus on greedy insurance companies for starters.
Been thinking this for years. why re-invent the wheel?
I've said before, I'll say it again, Israel has a great solution. People are covered by their choice of 4 health care organizations they can CHOOSE from and the overall system is overseen by a Health Care Minister...NOT an insurance company CEO...novel idea, eh?
There is a "basket" of coverage that provides the basics to all. Funding per payroll is reasonable due to compulsory enrollment but most important (and beneficial) is that it is progressive, (based on income)...3.1-5% per month. Not bad. This would mean no one can say it's a 'free-bee'...
Any electives outside of the essentials and the "basket" of health care and medications offered is add-on insurance that can be purchased, i.e. supplemental.
What's interesting is that private insurance companies can operate in Israel, they continue to operate/exist. IF someone who is wealthy per se' prefers this for some reason over national healthcare, it's available but is seemingly expensive. Have at it!~
Emergency services are covered within the "basket".
Israel ranks 4th...not perfect but I don't believe any of them are.
Their national healthcare is interesting insomuch as those that believe in choice, it's there. And those that believe the insurance companies are raping us, they have been removed from the equation and replaced with professional health care supervision.
They let health care run health care, not the gov. not a business degreed CEO. Decent idea's.
7/29/2017 9:24:21 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
Tragic -
You know why nothing works when government (U.S. government) gets involved?
Because the major corporations who should be trying to find ways to cut costs are spending 100's of billions paying lobbyists to buy politicians.
That & doling out millions in bonuses for their CEO's.
If those things were stopped the price of many things would drop dramatically.
It won't happen. This country revolves around greed. Look who these schmucks voted for. It boggles the mind.
7/29/2017 9:25:17 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Oxford, AL
58, joined May. 2014
what makes anyone entitled to anything? Is food an entitlement? Those with coin eat better than those without. Shelter is necessary for survival. If all one can afford is a tent, that is what he has. To better oneself to gain is noble. To beg or demand something not earned leads to weak bloodlines. Lazy and useless ill bred people working themselves into a slavery which they will wail over "poor me!"
NAY! The strong and self confident will earn their "entitlements". They will pay for them as their due. And be free men, proud and willing to defend their freedom
7/29/2017 9:27:38 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
I'll bet both of my nuts when it's time for you to collect Social Security that you'll cash every F**KIN check though.
7/29/2017 9:28:42 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
Ms. Jeanie -
Well said. I didn't know this about Israel.
That's what I was trying to say. You just put it more eloquently.

7/29/2017 9:28:59 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Bryan, TX
33, joined Apr. 2013
repeal the prescription drug law.
remove all mandatory insurance, from health to auto.
Make hospitals and insurance companies compete for your business.
Free enterprise brings you milk at 2 dollars a gallon, see what it will do for other things as well.
Your plan is moronic.
7/29/2017 9:30:44 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |
Rochester, MI
58, joined Sep. 2012
what makes anyone entitled to anything? Is food an entitlement? Those with coin eat better than those without. Shelter is necessary for survival. If all one can afford is a tent, that is what he has. To better oneself to gain is noble. To beg or demand something not earned leads to weak bloodlines. Lazy and useless ill bred people working themselves into a slavery which they will wail over "poor me!"
NAY! The strong and self confident will earn their "entitlements". They will pay for them as their due. And be free men, proud and willing to defend their freedom
Health care doesn't have to be such a desperate situation.
We can look to other civilized intelligent countries that have maintained a free-enterprise system with the ability to focus on other things considered obtained by ingenuity and work because they no longer worry about a basic such as health-care.
7/29/2017 9:31:19 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
what makes anyone entitled to anything? Is food an entitlement? Those with coin eat better than those without. Shelter is necessary for survival. If all one can afford is a tent, that is what he has. To better oneself to gain is noble. To beg or demand something not earned leads to weak bloodlines. Lazy and useless ill bred people working themselves into a slavery which they will wail over "poor me!"
NAY! The strong and self confident will earn their "entitlements". They will pay for them as their due. And be free men, proud and willing to defend their freedom
Excellent description of republicants!
You just described chumps base!!!
7/29/2017 9:33:48 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |
Rochester, MI
58, joined Sep. 2012
Ms. Jeanie -
Well said. I didn't know this about Israel.
That's what I was trying to say. You just put it more eloquently.

Well thanks ms.cinnamon
I've read up on what is available. I think it's a pretty good system they got there because it covers all the chief complaints we currently have.
The gov. isn't running it per se'...they have an actual Health Care Minister calling the shots, and those demanding choice have that as well.
Outside the basket of what would be considered essentials for life, you want that tummy tuck? pay for it.
sounds good.
7/29/2017 9:45:30 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |
Virginia Beach, VA
27, joined May. 2017
Just reading this thread shows why a Dem/Rep compromise will never work.
7/29/2017 9:56:54 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
Just reading this thread shows why a Dem/Rep compromise will never work.
Yes, mainly because right wing nut jobs were born without a heart & their soul was stripped away by their parents.
Throw in a little moonshine & meth - Voila! You get RED states.
7/29/2017 9:58:20 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Oxford, AL
58, joined May. 2014
Your plan is moronic.
it might be...I think that pharma and ins co.s are in cahoots to run up prices.
starts with the prescription drug law. Best way to jack the price of something up is to make it illegal...So all drugs but a few OTC meds are illegal w/o a prescription.
So many people have been taken in by medico claiming that the average person cannot manage some of their own prescribing. Most understand if a body has an infection, penicillin will answer nicely. And so forth. A doctors visit plus $100 will get you a script for a bottle of pills for say 10 days..that bottle might cost $30.00.
Okay, $130 to get rid of a sinus infection... I know I need penicillin, and I can get a 30 day supply from overseas for $15.00 plus $10 shipping. I save 105 bucks treating my self..
#note, don't buy from Canadian Pharmacy as they get their supplies from Russia, not reliable. India has its own FDA and regulations in place and its chemistry is good..
word of mouth works..
As for pain a little codeine works well for me. But I have to pay a doctors visit ($100) to get a 30 pill refill for $15. Again cheaper to go overseas.
Same chemical, the same quality standards...and using the argument that American made manufacturing is better is a sham! You would be surprised at how much of the good ole USAs drugs come from Ireland and New Zealand...that's pfizer and Johnson and Johnson.
all this are just examples. and true. Any medical mandated insurance is going to drive up costs...Auto insurance went up when it was required, you think medical won't.
Let those who can afford quality healthcare buy it. Or let them buy what they can afford. Let the insurance vie for your business with the best priced coverage for those who want insurance...First step towards affordable health care is getting rid of the prescription drug law..the rest will follow.
7/29/2017 10:00:54 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |

Estevan, SK
55, joined Feb. 2014

Been thinking this for years. why re-invent the wheel?
I've said before, I'll say it again, Israel has a great solution. People are covered by their choice of 4 health care organizations they can CHOOSE from and the overall system is overseen by a Health Care Minister...NOT an insurance company CEO...novel idea, eh?
There is a "basket" of coverage that provides the basics to all. Funding per payroll is reasonable due to compulsory enrollment but most important (and beneficial) is that it is progressive, (based on income)...3.1-5% per month. Not bad. This would mean no one can say it's a 'free-bee'...
Any electives outside of the essentials and the "basket" of health care and medications offered is add-on insurance that can be purchased, i.e. supplemental.
What's interesting is that private insurance companies can operate in Israel, they continue to operate/exist. IF someone who is wealthy per se' prefers this for some reason over national healthcare, it's available but is seemingly expensive. Have at it!~
Emergency services are covered within the "basket".
Israel ranks 4th...not perfect but I don't believe any of them are.
Their national healthcare is interesting insomuch as those that believe in choice, it's there. And those that believe the insurance companies are raping us, they have been removed from the equation and replaced with professional health care supervision.
They let health care run health care, not the gov. not a business degreed CEO. Decent idea's.
I'm a two-tiered system advocate
7/29/2017 10:02:01 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
The insurance lobby, big pharma, all of the big money lobbies the right. They've got all of the minions convinced that nothing else matters. They don't have enough money to be republicans.
Seems as though cheeto jesus wasn't the first to dupe them.
7/29/2017 10:04:07 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Murrysville, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
online now!
Health care doesn't have to be such a desperate situation.
We can look to other civilized intelligent countries that have maintained a free-enterprise system with the ability to focus on other things considered obtained by ingenuity and work because they no longer worry about a basic such as health-care.
States do have their own welfare departments. They do offer free medical care.
so your comment does not have much merit.
7/29/2017 10:05:43 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Oxford, AL
58, joined May. 2014
if the right is DEM the the left is REP
Republicans are all about oil and arms
Democrats are all about drugs and insurance
serious big money either way...hope Trump destroys both...drain the swamp!
7/29/2017 10:08:19 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
Get f**ked.
7/29/2017 10:11:49 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Oxford, AL
58, joined May. 2014
The insurance lobby, big pharma, all of the big money lobbies the right. They've got all of the minions convinced that nothing else matters. They don't have enough money to be republicans.
Seems as though cheeto jesus wasn't the first to dupe them.
burned you!!
so f**k yourself back
7/29/2017 10:15:52 PM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Oxford, AL
58, joined May. 2014
Honestly, I think people who think they are entitled to anything without paying are just lazy...to make everyone pay is just wrong...if you cant afford it you shouldn't have it.
Can't afford a steak, eat hotdogs, that simple.
get the govt out of the insurance business let free enterprise work
Prices will come down
7/30/2017 12:11:49 AM |
My health care fix for the nation |

Estevan, SK
55, joined Feb. 2014
Honestly, I think people who think they are entitled to anything without paying are just lazy...to make everyone pay is just wrong...if you cant afford it you shouldn't have it.
Can't afford a steak, eat hotdogs, that simple.
get the govt out of the insurance business let free enterprise work
Prices will come down
Quote: Get the govt out of the insurance business, let free enterprise work
If government would eliminate Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, Veteran's health, both private and public health care subsidies, and mandatory laws, more than half of the population would be seeking "charitable care.
7/30/2017 12:25:50 AM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Oxford, AL
58, joined May. 2014
so? why don't you sell something of yours so the guy down the street can get a new liver?
I don't care. let em eat hotdogs
As far as VA benes that is a different category... those guys earned their benes
7/30/2017 12:38:36 AM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
online now!
Honestly, I think people who think they are entitled to anything without paying are just lazy...to make everyone pay is just wrong...if you cant afford it you shouldn't have it.
Can't afford a steak, eat hotdogs, that simple.
get the govt out of the insurance business let free enterprise work
Prices will come down
Our senators and House members don't pay for their insurance.
In fact some of them don't last but 4 years, and then end up with a lifetime reward of free healthcare Insurance and Healthcare for them and their families. Talk about your free rides.
Perhaps if we ended that Free ride, maybe they would be more interested in our Healthcare insurance.
7/30/2017 12:40:57 AM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Oxford, AL
58, joined May. 2014
7/30/2017 12:43:48 AM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Oxford, AL
58, joined May. 2014
Yes, mainly because right wing nut jobs were born without a heart & their soul was stripped away by their parents.
Throw in a little moonshine & meth - Voila! You get RED states.
oh!! poor you, nobody will pay your way !!
everybody is just SO heartless..
7/30/2017 1:07:13 AM |
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Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
online now!
Since the Medicare Strike Force was created in 2007, as of May 2017 there have been..
Criminal Actions: 1,791
Indictments: 2,326
Money: $2,516,688,278
So good work. Billions of dollars a year are wasted on Medicare and Medicaid fraud!
But, we should also have a Welfare Strike force created.
Section 8 Strikeforce!
Food Stamp Strike Force!
Social Security Strike force!
These social programs are out of control and are being defrauded at alarming rates!
I understand the need for Social programs, but we must get the fraud out of them!
7/30/2017 1:16:40 AM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Oxford, AL
58, joined May. 2014
where do you draw the line? who gets it and who doesn't? some will give it to all but that will bankrupt the country. NO line, give none. Provide for your own security.
No security for government employees, (as this can create an autocracy). Find your own retirement plan and finance it yourself.
I was told when I was very young this, "the only security a man has is in his ability to perform." I believe this.
You don't like it go to China they'll take care of you, so will Korea
7/30/2017 1:28:13 AM |
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Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
online now!
I love to help others, but I'm not one to be taken advantage of.
And that should be the government's approach as well!
7/30/2017 3:43:55 AM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Roslindale, MA
38, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
How about we take a look at other countries like Canada, the UK, France, or Germany, and create a universal HC system that has similar internal workings? After all, what they all have in common is everyone is entitled to health care, although they do all implement it a bit differently. I think we could sure learn a lot by studying what has been done to make universal healthcare work in those countries, and not ours. Not that we shouldn't focus on greedy insurance companies for starters.
How do they work when people with money come here for health care,, you mooron
7/30/2017 4:37:20 AM |
My health care fix for the nation |
Virginia Beach, VA
27, joined May. 2017
How do they work when people with money come here for health care,, you mooron
They don't. Very few of them anyway.
This idea that hoards of foreigners are coming here for healthcare is a myth.
7/30/2017 6:42:02 AM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Painesville, OH
98, joined Mar. 2014
They don't. Very few of them anyway.
This idea that hoards of foreigners are coming here for healthcare is a myth.
Most of jitbaby's life is a myth, so it only figures his comment would fit that criteria.
7/30/2017 6:53:52 AM |
My health care fix for the nation |

Reading, PA
63, joined May. 2013
How about we take a look at other countries like Canada, the UK, France, or Germany, and create a universal HC system that has similar internal workings? After all, what they all have in common is everyone is entitled to health care, although they do all implement it a bit differently. I think we could sure learn a lot by studying what has been done to make universal healthcare work in those countries, and not ours. Not that we shouldn't focus on greedy insurance companies for starters.
Singapore has the most efficient health care in the world! 4.9% GDP for health care focusing on people, not profits.
7/30/2017 7:33:25 AM |
My health care fix for the nation |
Rochester, MI
58, joined Sep. 2012
States do have their own welfare departments. They do offer free medical care.
so your comment does not have much merit.
I wasn't talking 'welfare' within your scope of it, I was talking about the topic of the thread in response to a comment made to look to other countries for a viable option. Not all view welfare in the same black light as you.
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
I'm already paying into social security and medicare. I wouldn't be opposed to paying more at a fraction of the cost of paying for a private plan, a private plan that 'could' refuse needed care when bean-counters instead of health care professionals are deciding my fate.
Let health care run their own business, and as with any business solid pro-patient regulation actually allowing it to do so.
7/30/2017 7:37:23 AM |
My health care fix for the nation |
Rochester, MI
58, joined Sep. 2012
The constitution of the United States is unique.
It is also a darn near perfect document.
Pray do tell where in the constitution would it indicate that universal health care would be anti-constitutional.
best wishes
7/30/2017 7:44:38 AM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Painesville, OH
98, joined Mar. 2014
I think this article is well worth the read. It spells out how involved our own healthcare system is, and is a clear indicator of why it will likely take awhile before anyone in government comes together a comprehensive healthcare plan. Not that its impossible or anything...
"A Zero B.S. Guide To American Healthcare"
Have a great day!
7/30/2017 8:00:28 AM |
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Roslindale, MA
38, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
They don't. Very few of them anyway.
This idea that hoards of foreigners are coming here for healthcare is a myth.
Where do you live in east bum fcuk? Lol
My neighborhood has been over run with Hatians and Latinos they are all here for free shit we give out...
most urban areas are over run with foreigners taking free shiat liberals have promised to hand out. Why you keep losing elections. Losers
7/30/2017 9:03:29 AM |
My health care fix for the nation |
Virginia Beach, VA
27, joined May. 2017
Where do you live in east bum fcuk? Lol
My neighborhood has been over run with Hatians and Latinos they are all here for free shit we give out...
most urban areas are over run with foreigners taking free shiat liberals have promised to hand out. Why you keep losing elections. Losers
Haitians and Latinos don't come from countries hat have universal healthcare
7/30/2017 9:20:03 AM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Wausau, WI
50, joined Oct. 2009
"Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of the socialist state."
-- Vladimir Lenin
7/30/2017 9:48:51 AM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
Liberals have not LOST the majority vote.
Republicants are just willing to accept the consultation prize.

7/30/2017 9:49:46 AM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Roslindale, MA
38, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Haitians and Latinos don't come from countries hat have universal healthcare
Venezuela doesn't have universal healthcare ? Can you name a Haitian health insurance provider ? Lol
And workig in restaurants at hotels we always had europeans and Canadians here for some type of health procedure .they were on a wait list in their country...
Dude they just had a gov official pull the plug on a baby ... death panel ...
take your head out of the sand... or why continue not to tell the truth about single payer health care? Why the continue lie?
[Edited 7/30/2017 9:51:36 AM ]
7/30/2017 9:50:50 AM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Wausau, WI
50, joined Oct. 2009
Seems to me the libs are not in power in ANY branch of the government.
Care to rephrase your bullshit story, counselor?
7/30/2017 9:55:09 AM |
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Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014

7/30/2017 9:55:56 AM |
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Wausau, WI
50, joined Oct. 2009
Where you'll lose in even GREATER numbers.
7/30/2017 9:58:36 AM |
My health care fix for the nation |


Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
If you're gonna dream, dream big(ly)!
7/30/2017 11:18:54 AM |
My health care fix for the nation |

Estevan, SK
55, joined Feb. 2014
"Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of the socialist state."
-- Vladimir Lenin
Horace schitt,
For your info, U.S. is currently more socialistic than Canada....
Your total net social spending, equates to 28.8% of GDP, second to Socialist France 31% of GDP.
Compared to Canada's total net social spending (20% of GDP)
Here's by how much the U.S. is outspending Canada on social related expenditures
US GDP $19 trillion X 8.8% = $2.4 trillion and/or $7,400 per capita 
And for your info, a two tiered health care system in the U.S., single-payer + private, would reduce your total net social spending by at least $3,000 per capita, and that's a whole lot of money that could be spent on infrastructure.